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Congress 1. The framers of the Constitution conceived of the __________ as the center of policymaking in America. a. President b. bureaucracy c.

Presidents cabinet d. Supreme Court e. Congress 2. Committees in Congress are controlled by the a. Committee on Committees. b. the party which gains the most seats on a committee, based on seniority. c. majority caucus d. whips e. the president pro tempore 3. Powers of Congress that are explicitly stated in the Constitution are called a. implied powers b. informal norms c. enumerated powers d. common law e. inherent powers The President 4. The Presidents authority over the military comes from a. treaty powers b. being Commander in Chief c. Congress d. all of the above e. none of the above 5. Agreements that the President enters into with foreign nations that do not require the advice and consent of the Senate, are called a. executive orders b. executive agreements c. treaties d. covenants e. executive memoranda

6. A Presidential veto of legislation passed by Congress a. can be overturned by a majority vote of both the House and the Senate to override the veto. b. can be overturned by a two-thirds vote of either the House or the Senate to override the veto. c. can be overturned by a two-thirds vote of both the House and the Senate to override the veto. d. cannot be overturned. e. can be overturned only by a majority vote of the Supreme Court. Domestic Policy 7. To count the poor, the U.S. Bureau of the Census has established the _______, which takes into account what a family would need to spend to maintain an austere standard of living. a. poverty line b. urban underclass c. relative deprivation index d. culture of poverty e. individual income tax 8. Several factors contributed to the increase in social regulation, including a. members of Congress saw an opportunity to enhance their reelection prospects by supporting such causes. b. public awareness of hazards associated with modern products. c. grassroots and group-based activism. d. a general concern about the environment. e. all of the above. Foreign Policy 9. The head of the foreign policy arm of the federal government who traditionally advises the President is the a. Secretary of Defense b. Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff c. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations d. National Security Assistant e. Secretary of State 10. Congresss passage of the War Powers Act was a a. reaction to presidential leadership in the Vietnam War b. vote of confidence in presidential foreign policymaking c. rise of judicial power d. retreat from cooperative internationalism e. reprint of The Articles of War

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