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August 2012 Feb-

State Rep. Debbie Phillips

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February Legislative Update

An overview of bills before the House
In an effort to keep you more connected to your government and whats happening at your Statehouse, I have compiled a list of recently introduced bills. I started with bills I have introduced, then added some from colleagues on both sides of the aisle. The list is not comprehensive, and simply introducing legislation does not guarantee it will move through the legislative process. But, whether right or wrong here is whats on some of your elected officials minds. As always, dont hesitate to contact me with ideas for legislation or ways of bettering our community. I value and respect your input. Rep. Debbie Phillips (D-Athens) HB 347 To create a generally uniform definition of employee for specified labor laws and to create a uniform standard to determine whether an individual performing services for an employer is an employee of that employer. Rep. Debbie Phillips (D-Athens) HB 389 To designate a portion of United States Route 33 known as the Nelsonville Bypass in Hocking County and Athens County the Governor Ted Strickland Highway. Rep. Lou Tehrar (R-Cincinnati) HB 373 To designate a portion of State Route 264 within the city of Cincinnati as the Elder High School Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway. Rep. Debbie Phillips (D-Athens) HB 370 To make a board of education of a school district subject to the Prevailing Wage Law for public improvement contracts. Rep. John Becker (R-Union Township) HB 351 To prohibit insurers from offering coverage for abortion services. Rep. Denise Driehaus (D-Clifton) & Rep. Terry Blair (R Washington Township) HB 355 To increase the penalty for assault when the victim is an employee of an Ohio transit system whom the offender knows or has reasonable cause to know is such an employee engaged in the performance of the victims duties; to permit the court to impose a fine of up to $5,000 and a prohibition from riding an Ohio transit system. Rep. Nick Barborak (D-Lisbon) HB 345 To require the Director of Development Services to estimate the revenue that would be foregone by the state as a result of each tax incentive proposed to the Tax Credit Authority and publish that estimate on the web site of the Development Services Agency.

Engaging Your Legislature and The Committee Process

The formal votes during House sessions may give the impression that every vote has been decided in advance. This is indeed the case because in-depth examination of legislation takes place in committee hearings. Following a bill's introduction, it is assigned to one of the Houses 17 standing committees. During committee meetings, bills are debated and amended and members of the general public are given the opportunity to contribute testimonies. Witnesses are not under oath, as in a courtroom, but they must register with the committee chairperson at the beginning of the hearing. State Representatives want to hear the views of Ohioans as they consider legislation. Weekly committee schedules are posted on the web at committee/standing-committees and in the House Clerk's office. The House Speaker determines the membership and number of House standing committees. Appointments for committee chairs, vice chairs, and ranking minority members are made at the beginning of each new General Assembly, but changes and substitutions can always be made at the House Speakers discretion. You should know that, as an Ohioan, you have the right and opportunity to present testimony on a bill you favor or oppose. If you should decide to visit the Statehouse to offer your views on a particular bill, be sure to contact me so that I can assist in making your time here as enjoyable and productive as possible. For more information about legislation from the past or bills currently pending before the House, visit the Ohio General Assembly's website at or call the legislative toll-free hotline at 1-800-282-0253.

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