1) DR Jekyll

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In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert

Louis Stevenson, one moral value I have learnt is the
importance of kindness and compassion, as seen in Mr.
Richard Enfield. Although it is 2 a.m. on a cold wintry
morning, he goes out of his way to bring ‘the filthy
brute’ who trampled on the little girl to the scene of
his crime to explained himself.
Enfield confronts Hyde and insists that he
apologizes to the girl. Besides comforting the child,
Enfield also insists that Hyde pays some
compensation to the child’s parents.
Although it is late and Mr. Hyde looks hateful and
cruel, Enfield makes it a point to follow Hyde to his
house and to Coutts Bank later that morning. This is
to ensure that Hyde pays the promised sum of one
hundred pounds to the girl’s parents. Although
Enfield is a minor character in the novel, he stands
out because of his positive moral values.

i) courage
The theme of courage is clear in the novel Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Richard Enfield has the courage to challenge Hyde
about his attack on the little girl, Eddie even though
Hyde looks ugly and evil. He even manages to get
Hyde to get Hyde pay compensation to Edie’s parents.
Mr. Utterson also shows courage when he persists
in speaking to Dr. Jekyll about his will and about Mr.
Hyde. This is done out of concern for Dr. Jekyll, even
though it is clear that Dr. Jekyll would rather not
talk about it.
Just before the end, Mr. Utterson and Poole are
courageous enough to break down Dr. Jekyll
laboratory door even though they know it is
dangerous and that they will be confronting a
murderer. Even Dr. Jekyll shows courage when he
decides to test his experimental drug on himself,
even though he knows that he might die from it.
Courage is indeed demonstrated throughout the

ii) Responsibility.
The novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis
Stevenson has many characters that are responsible
and trustworthy. Mr. Richard Enfield is a good
example. When Mr. Hyde tramples on Edie, Enfield is
responsible enough to ensure that justice is done and
compensation paid to Edie’s parents.
Mr. Utterson and Dr. Lanyon are both
responsible, loyal and trustworthy men who keep
their clients’ and friends’ secrets due to their
professional code of honour. Mr. Utterson does not
open the letter which Dr. Lanyon sent him, though he
is very curious about it. Poole is also responsible
employee, as he seeks Utterson’s help when he
suspects that something is wrong in Dr. Jekyll’s
However, in this novel, Dr. Jekyll shows that he
is not a responsible person. He wants to enjoy his
wicked pleasures as Edward Hyde without taking
responsibility for his actions, so that he can still
enjoy the respect that others give Dr. Jekyll. Sadly,
in the end, Dr. Jekyll loses the fight against his evil
side and dies as Mr. Hyde.

iii) Good against Evil.

The theme of good against evil is very clear in
the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This constant
struggle between good and evil is seen in the person
of Dr. Jekyll. All men are a balance between good and
evil and Dr. Jekyll is no different. One part of Dr.
Jekyll is kind and generous while the other part (Mr.
Hyde) enjoys sinful pleasures and wickedness.
At first, Dr. Jekyll is in control of Mr. Hyde.
However, as Dr. Jekyll secretly indulges himself more
and more in the wicked pleasures he gets as Mr.
Hyde, he discovers that his evil is overcoming his
good side. He changes to Mr. Hyde even without
taking the drug. Dr. Jekyll realizes that if he lets his
evil side out more often, the balance of his nature
would be upset and Dr. Jekyll would remain as Mr.
Hyde forever.
After the murder of Sir Danvers Carew, the
horrified Dr. Jekyll tries to give up his evil ways and
tries very hard to make up for the terrible deeds of
Mr. Hyde. However in the end, Dr. Jekyll is unable to
control his evil nature and he takes his own life.
Unfortunately for Dr. Jekyll, good does not always
win over evil.

iv) Honesty
Dr. Lanyon in the novel Dr, Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is
an honest man. He is a good and honourable doctor,
and he disagrees with Dr. Jekyll’s idea about
scientific exploration, he is honest enough to tell him
so. However he is still remains Dr. Jekyll’s friend.
Dr. Jekyll himself, however, is not an honest man.
He is not honest enough to admit to his friends and
to society that he takes pleasure in sinful things and
wickedness. Instead he wants to have society’s
respect as well to continue enjoying his secret wicked
In facts, Dr. Jekyll very much enjoys his time as
Mr. Hyde. Dr. Jekyll sees this as a wonderful way to
enjoy his shameful, wicked pleasures as the blame will
be Mr. Hyde’s, not Dr. Jekyll’s. Furthermore, in the
character of Mr. Hyde no one will ever be suspicious
of Dr. Jekyll and he can continue to do what he likes.
Even when Dr. Jekyll resolves to stop becoming Mr.
Hyde, he is not completely honest about it. He does
not give up the house in Soho, nor destroy the
clothes of Edward Hyde. If he was truly honest with
himself, he should have done both. In a way, Edward
Hyde is more honest than Dr. Jekyll, because Hyde
does not pretend to be what he is not whereas Dr.
Jekyll tries to appear wholly respectable while
indulging in wickedness.
vi) Honour.
In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the theme
of honour is demonstrated in Mr. Utterson’s
character. He is a man of honour and integrity. He
keeps professional code of hanour and does not
reveal his clients’ secret even though he suspects
there is something wrong about Dr. Jekyll will.
When he thinks that Dr. Jekyll may be a victim of
blackmail, he risks his friendship and business
interest by warning him about Hyde. Although Mr.
Utterson very curious abaut the contents of the
letter upon the death of Dr. Lanyon, his honour and
faith in his frienddoes not allow him to open the
When Poole comes to see him and tells him about
what has been going on in Dr. Jekyll laboratory, Mr.
Utterson feels honour-bound to break down the door
and discover the truth about what has happened to
Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Utterson is definitely an honourable

3) Incident that changes the life of

In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll’s
life changes when he finally succeeds in producing the
drug which can separate the good and the evil sides
of his nature. On the night that he decides to test
the experimental drug, he drinks it and is
transformed into Mr. Hyde. This gives him a chance
to be irresponsible and thus experience secret,
wicked pleasures without losing the respect that is so
important to him as Dr. Jekyll.
However, this only lands Dr. Jekyll into more
trouble. As Mr. Hyde, he eventually murders Sir
Danvers Carew. In the end, Dr. Jekyll’s evil side
becomes more powerful and takes over his life. He
begins to transform into Mr. Hyde even without
taking the drug. Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde now is forced
to hide from all and lives in fear of punishment for
his crime.
In the end, Dr. Jekyll commits suicide and dies as
Mr. Hyde. If Dr. Jekyll did not produce the drug, he
would probably have lived and died as respected
doctor, instead of wanted criminal.

4) Character that can influence another

character’s action.
In the novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr Jekyll
certainly influences the action of Dr. Lanyon. One
night Dr. Lanyon receives a letter from a desperate
Dr. Jekyll requesting him to get some chemical from
his house. He responds immediately and returns with
the drawer to his hoe in Cavendish Square. He waits
for a man who would say he is from Dr. Jekyll. When
the man arrives, the man mixes the chemical and
drinks it. In front of the terrified Dr. Lanyon, the
man changes into Dr. Jekyll. Lanyon discovers the
awful secret behind the mystery of Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde. After this horrifying experience Lanyon
loses the will to live and he eventually dies.

5) Lesson
The novel Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has many
valuable lessons. The lesson that I have learnt from
this novel is that we should not disturb the balance
of nature. Dr. Jekyll tries to do that. He conducts
scientific experiments to separate the good side
from the evil side of person.
He eventually succeeds, but with serious
consequences for the innocent people with whom he
comes in the contact as Mr. Hyde. He tramples on the
little girl, Edie, and murders Sir Danvers Carew. He
also indirectly causes the death of Dr. Lanyon.
In the end, Dr. Jekyll’s evil side takes over his life
and he finds it harder and harder to remain as Dr.
Jekyll. Finally, Dr. Jekyll dies as Mr. Hyde. We learnt
that if we tamper with the balance of nature, there
will be serious consequences that will cause pain and
suffering not only for ourselves but others as well.

6) Dislike character.
The novel that I have chosen is Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde and the character I dislike most in the
novel none other than Dr. Jekyll. Firstly, Dr. Jekyll is
a hypocrite since he only wants the glitz and glamour
of being a famous doctor in London with good
reputation but deep inside him, he wants to be as evil
as he could yet not wanting people know about it.
Therefore, he hides his weaknesses from the public
and lets Mr. Hyde takes the blame.
Next, Dr. Jekyll is using his ability as a
scientist to create and manipulated the technology to
create the two sides of him which gives birth to Mr.
Hyde. In Hyde he sees the chance to fulfill his
wicked desires.
Other than that, Dr. Jekyll is a selfish person
who does not want to admit that what Mr. Hyde was
done is actually something done by himself, in his
moments as Hyde. He only holds Hyde responsible for
all the bad deeds and thinks of himself as innocent.
This shows that he is an egocentric man. Based on the
reason above, it is clear that why I dislike Dr. Jekyll’s

7) Favourite character.
The novel that I have chosen is Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde. My favourite character in the novel is Mr.
Utterson. I admire him because firstly, he is a
peacemaker. He tried to make Dr. Jekyll and Dr.
Lanyon eye to eye with each other.
Secondly, Mr. Utterson was helpful and often
offered assistance to Dr. Jekyll. For example, he was
quite sure that Hyde was blackmailing Dr. Jekyll.
Therefore, he thought of exposing Hyde’s own
secrets, thus stopping the blackmailing.
Besides, Mr. Utterson was also a concerned
friend who cared for Dr. Jekyll’s well-being. He
feared for Dr. Jekyll’s life, thinking that Hyde would
kill the doctor because of the will. Finally, Mr.
Utterson was also rational, ‘a man of sense and
authority’. Hence, it is no wonder that many for
example Poole, the police and Dr. Lanyon turned to
him for help, advice and coorperation.

8) compare 2 characters in the novel.

The two main characters in the novel ‘Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde’ are Dr. Jekyll and Edward Hyde.
Although they are not alike, they are, in fact, the
same person. Dr. Jekyll is a respectable doctor who is
well-liked by people. Edward Hyde , however, is a
despicable, hideous-looking person. When Utterson
meets Hyde, Utterson is filled with dislike and fear.
He thinks that Hyde is a monster.
Dr. Jekyll is clever and very interested in
science. He is involved in charity work and enjoys the
reputation of being courteous person. He often holds
small dinners for his friends. Edward Hyde is violent
and cruel. He hurts people and does not care about
the consequences of his actions. Richard Enfield is
horrified when he sees Hyde trample over a fallen
child. A maid looking out of her bedroom windows
sees Hyde striking an old man with his heavy walking
9) most interesting scene.
An interesting scene in the novel, ‘Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde’ is when Utterson, a good friend of Dr.
Jekyll, is asked by the latter to prepare a will. The
will provides that if Dr. Jekyll dies, then all his
possession will be inherited by Edward Hyde.
Utterson is shocked because he has heard about
Edward Hyde. He thinks that Edward Hyde is
blackmailing Dr. Jekyll and that is why he is asked to
prepare the will. Utterson wants to help his friend,
Dr. Jekyll. So he decides that he will find out if
Edward Hyde has done something worse than what
Dr. Jekyll may have done. Poor Utterson does realize
the Dr. Jekyll and Edward Hyde are the same person.

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