Coalition of Tea Party Leaders Defend Dan Patrick

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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Fiiuay, Febiuaiy 21, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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B00ST0N - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi, anu authentic conseivative canuiuate
foi Lieutenant uoveinoi, was the beneficiaiy of a cavaliy chaige mounteu by 1S of
the state's top Tea Paity anu giassioots leaueis.

"I have been savagely attackeu this week by opponents intent on uestioying me
iathei than engaging in a seiious public policy uiscussion. Touay the cavaliy
aiiiveu," saiu Ban Patiick.

The gioup sent a statement blisteiing those who seek to smeai Patiick, anu
thiowing uown the gauntlet, waining the attacks against Patiick will only seive to
stiengthen theii iesolve anu ially conseivative voteis to his siue.

A copy of statement by the Tea Paity anu giassioots leaueis is available foi
uownloau heie.

"It makes the fight easiei when you aie suiiounueu by battle testeu veteians like
these," Patiick concluueu.


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