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Ex. 4:11

. 0 And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant !ut I am slo" of aspeech, and of a !slo" ton#ue. $$ And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man%s mouth& or "ho amaketh the dum!, or deaf, or the seein#, or the !lind& have not I the Lord& $' (o" therefore #o, and I "ill !e "ith thy amouth, and !teach thee "hat thou shalt csay. $) And he said, O my Lord, send, I pray thee, a!y the hand of him whom thou "ilt send. $* And the aan#er of the Lord "as kindled a#ainst Moses, and he said, Is not Aaron the Levite thy !rother& I kno" that he can speak "ell. And also, !ehold, he cometh forth to meet thee and "hen he seeth thee, he "ill !e #lad in his heart. $+ And thou shalt speak unto him, and put "ords in his mouth and I "ill !e "ith thy amouth, and "ith his mouth, and "ill !teach you "hat ye shall do. ,ther $' '. And "hen I had said this, the Lord spake unto me, sayin# a/ools!mock, !ut they shall mourn0 and my #race is sufficient for the meek, that they shall take no advanta#e of your "eakness0 '- And if men come unto me I "ill sho" unto them their a"eakness. I !#ive unto men "eakness that they may !e hum!le0 and my c#raceis sufficient for all men that dhum!le themselves !efore me0 for if they hum!le themselves !efore me, and have faith in me, then "ill I make e"eak thin#s !ecome stron# unto them. '1 2ehold, I "ill sho" unto the 3entiles their "eakness, and I "ill sho" unto them that afaith, hope and charity !rin#eth unto me4the fountain of all !ri#hteousness. 1 Ne. 14:1 $ And it shall come to pass, that if the3entiles shall hearken unto the Lam! of 3od in that day that he shall manifest himself unto them in "ord, and also in po"er, in very deed, unto the takin# a"ay of theirstum!lin# !locks4 Luke 9:48 (4648) *. 5hen there arose a reasonin# amon# them, "hich of them should !e #reatest. *- And 6esus, perceivin# the thou#ht of their heart, took a child, and set him !y him, *1 And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me and "hosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me for he that is least amon# you all, the same shall !e#reat. Matt. 18:1 (15) $ At the same time came the disciples unto 6esus, sayin#, Who is the #reatest in the kin#dom of heaven& ' And 6esus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

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) And said, 7erily I say unto you, ,8cept ye !e converted, and !ecome as littlechildren, ye shall not enter into the kin#dom of heaven. * Whosoever therefore shall hum!lehimself as this little child, the same is #reatest in the kin#dom of heaven. + And "hoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

1 Cor. 1:27 (2631) '. /or ye see your callin#, !rethren, ho" that not many "ise men after theflesh, not many mi#hty, not many no!le,are called: '- 2ut 3od hath chosen the foolishthin#s of the "orld to confound the "ise0 and 3od hath chosen the "eak thin#s of the "orld to confound the thin#s "hich are mi#hty0 '1 And !ase thin#s of the "orld, and thin#s "hich are despised, hath 3od chosen, yea, and thin#s "hich are not, to !rin# to nou#ht thin#s that are '9 5hat no flesh should #lory in his presence. )0 2ut of him are ye in :hrist 6esus, "ho of 3od is made unto us "isdom, and ri#hteousness, and sanctification, and redemption )$ 5hat, accordin# as it is "ritten, ;e that #lorieth, let him #lory in the Lord. D&C 1:23 (1820, 23) $1 And also #ave commandments to others, that they should proclaim these thin#s unto the "orld0 and all this that it mi#ht !e fulfilled, "hich "as "ritten !y the prophets4 $9 5he "eak thin#s of the "orld shall come forth and !reak do"n the mi#hty and stron# ones, that man should notcounsel his fello" man, neither trust in the arm of flesh4 '0 2ut that every man mi#ht speak in the name of 3od the Lord, even the <avior of the "orld0 ') 5hat the fulness of my #ospel mi#ht !e proclaimed !y the "eak and the simple unto the ends of the "orld, and !efore kin#s and rulers. '+ 2ecause the afoolishness of 3od is "iser than men0 and the "eakness of 3od is stron#er than men. '. /or ye see your callin#, !rethren, ho" that not many "ise men after the aflesh, not many mi#hty, not many no!le, are bcalled: '- 2ut 3od hath chosen the afoolish thin#s of the "orld to!confound the "ise0 and 3od hath chosen the c"eak thin#s of the "orld to confound the thin#s "hich are mi#hty0 '1 And !ase thin#s of the "orld, and thin#s "hich are despised, hath 3od chosen, yea, and thin#s "hich are not, to !rin# to nou#ht thin#s that are '9 5hat no flesh should #lory in his presence. )0 2ut of him are ye in :hrist 6esus, "ho of 3od is made unto us "isdom, and ri#hteousness, and asanctification, and redemption )$ 5hat, accordin# as it is "ritten, ;e that #lorieth, let him a#lory in the Lord.

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