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Republic of Yemen Hodeidah University Faculty of Education-Zabid Department of English English Master of Education Program Date: 15/01/2014

In the name of Allah Final 4th Semester Exam (Regulars)

Level & Course: II Year M.Ed. English, 4th Semester Subject: Optional Subject Time: 3 hours Total marks: 100 Teacher: Dr. Abdullah Shaghi

Answer all questions from I V I .Read the following statements. Guess if 1 to 10 below are true (T) or false (F): (1 x 15 = 15 marks) 1. Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis is a branch of Contrastive Linguistics. 2. Research Question/Problems Statement is one of the four subsections of Chapter I Introduction. 3. Writing a research proposal is the first step in conducting and publishing research. 4. The scope of Research Methods is wider than that of Research Methodology. 5. We have possibility of Self-correction in Mistakes as random slips in performance. 6. Research Methods are understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. 7. Research methodology is understood as all those methods that are used for conduction of research. 8. In general, all research reports begin with the information provided in its proposal. 9. The aim of EA is to find the errors speakers of Arabic commit when they learn English. 10.The aim of CA is to find the differences and similarities between two languages: Arabic & English. 11. We miss possibility of Self-correction in Errors as a deviation from the norm caused by competence. 12. "Desire to get a research degree" is generally one of the Motivations in Research. 13. MLA or APA format can be used to cite references within the Research Proposal/ Research Paper. 14. Page Layout is one of the Style, Layout and Page Formatting of Research Proposal. 15. Outline of chapters and sections is one of the Guidelines for Writing a Research Proposal.


II. Use these 10 terms or phrases: ((i) Anatomy of a Research Proposal, (ii) Outline of chapters and sections, (iii) Chapter I Introduction, (iv) Background, (v) Chapter III Research Methodology, (vi) Research Method, (vii) Page layout, (viii) Simplification, (ix) Interference, and (x) Addition ) to complete the following statements appropriately. (2 x10=20 marks) 1. ____________ is one of the Style, Layout and Page Formatting of Research Proposal . 2. ____________ is one of the Interlingual Error as in *I student. 3. ____________ is one of the Intralingual Error as in *I studied English for two year. 4. ____________ is one of the subsections of the Chapter III Research Methodology. 5. ____________ is one of the surface classifications of errors as in *She does not likes chocolate.. 6. ____________is one of the Guidelines for Writing a Research Proposal. 7. ____________is one of the Outline of chapters and sections in Research Proposal. 8. ____________is one of Guidelines for Writing a Research Proposal. 9. ____________is one of the four subsections of Chapter I Introduction. 10. ___________ is one of the Outline of chapters and sections in Research Proposal. III. Define briefly any five of the following topics . 1.Title of Research Proposal 2. Literature Review 4. Error Analysis (EA) 5. Interlingual Errors 7. Research Method 8. Title page 10. Mistakes 11. L1 and L2 (5 x 5 = 25 marks) 3. Intralingual Errors 6. Data Collection Instrument and Technique 9. Research Methodology 12.Contrastive Analysis (CA) (4 x 10 = 40 marks)

IV. Write short notes with examples on any four of the following topics: 1. Research Hypothesis in Writing a Research Proposal 3.Title as Outline of chapters and sections of Research Proposal 5. Error Analysis (EA) 7. Style, Layout and Page Formatting of Research Proposal

2. Anatomy of a Research Proposal 4. Introduction of a Research Proposal 6. Contrastive Analysis (CA) 8. Research Methodology

Teacher & Examiner: Dr. Abdullah Shaghi, : II Year MA/MEd English, Optional Subject, Final 4th Semester Exam (Regulars), 15/01/2014

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