Cohabitation Laws in Qatar Cause Confusion For Hotel Guests

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Cohabitation laws in Qatar cause confusion for hotel guests

In Qatar, men outnumber women 3:1, and the population is comprised of people hailing from many different religions, cultures and classes. Meanwhile, the country is governed by conservative Islamic principles. This week, we are exploring how men and women interact with each other in this unique environment in a four-part series, titled Gender Imbalance.
Inconsistent rules on whether couples staying at Dohas hotels are required to produce proof of marriage have apparently been causing embarrassment and inconvenience for some potential guests here. In Qatar, it is illegal for unmarried men and women to live together or share a hotel room because of the Islamic prohibition of sex outside of marriage. But

inquiries at a cross section of Dohas hotels suggest that this law is unevenly applied.

Of the 10 establishments contacted by Doha News, which include a mix of three, four and five-star hotels, only three Liberty Suites, Ezdan Hotel and Suites and Century Hotel said they required proof of marriage for guests of all nationalities. Staff at the remaining seven the W Doha, the Four Seasons, The Torch, K108, the Radisson Blu, the Kempinski and the Kingsgate Hotel said that they only ask Qataris to prove that they are married before allowing them to share a room with a member of the opposite gender. When it comes to enforcement, there appears to be a correlation with price and star rating. None of the five-star hotels contacted required proof of marriage from non-Qatari guests, whereas the three that did all had-lower star ratings. No proof Inconsistent enforcement recently flummoxed June (not her real name), an American woman who was not permitted to enter her husbands home in Doha. The woman apparently flew to Doha from the US to visit him at Ezdan Hotel and Suites, unaware that

she needed to bring her marriage certificate with her.

In an email to Doha News, she describes the situation, which she said made her feel disrespected and like a prostitute.
I got (to Ezdan) after a long flight from New York, and they rejected me at the door. They called their night security manager, and he rudely told me that unless I am family I cannot proceed. I told him my husband and I do not share the same last name because he is Muslim and I am Christian. Nor do we commonly carry around a marriage certificate.

June called her husband, who was driving home from work. She waited for him outside the hotel, watched by Ezdan security. She said that she met another woman outside who had also been turned away at the door:
I begin walking around the towers to avoid feeling like a prostitute while waiting. I found a woman also standing on the side of the road. She said she was trying to visit a co-worker of hers to complete a task for work the next day, laptop in hand. She said her co-worker was also unaware of a no-female rule in the hotel.

Junes husband arrived, picked her up and tried to drive through the parking lot to enter the building, but was also stopped by security and asked to prove his married status. The couple were forced to seek alternative accommodation in the city, at their own cost.

When asked to clarify their policy, an Ezdan spokesman told Doha News that only Qataris and other Arabs are required to produce a marriage certificate at the hotel. All other nationalities can simply register their guest on the hotels system to gain access, they said. However, an employee at the hotels reception desk said that although the hotel had stricter rules for Arab guests, it was advisable for guests of all nationalities to bring their marriage certificate with them if they wished to share a room with a member of the opposite sex. June said cohabitation policies should be made clear from the beginning:
In a hotel that has a mixed gym, mixed pool facilities, why are female visitors not allowed? It is nowhere written or told at the hotel. I understand respecting the Islamic rules but the rude treatment and the harassment is too far.

Ezdan Hotel and Suites has said that its head of security would contact Doha News to explain the hotels full policy. We will update the story with any new information when we receive it. Have you been affected by cohabitation rules? Thoughts?

3 days ago

o o

Might cause a few problems when the fans start turning up for the WC in 2022!!
o o o o o o

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Guest8 SparkyfaeDalry
3 days ago

Or a new business opportunity for document forgers?




Abdulrahman SparkyfaeDalry
3 days ago

They'll relax the rules for the duration of the event.



Kingpin Abdulrahman
3 days ago

Whaaaaat, surely society and public order in Qatar will collapse into the ground under the weight of all that pre marital sex going on?




desertCard Kingpin
3 days ago

And some gay at that. Oh the horror




Abdulrahman Kingpin
2 days ago

What "society and public order" :p



3 days ago

o o

"only Qataris and other Arabs are required to produce a marriage certificate at the hotel" See, there are some privileges non-Arab expats (especially if they're White) have which Qataris don't. I think that's a cause for celebration :D
o o o o o o




MIMH Abdulrahman
3 days ago

Made me laugh. Qatari men rent their own special apartments for night time engagements... They don't use the hotels... Too public

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Abdulrahman MIMH
2 days ago

True, but it's the principle that matters here! Do you have no principles? :p



Susan MIMH
3 days ago

Indeed -- I used to live next to one local man's 'party flat' and the number of 'sharmootas' going in and out there made my head spin!

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Kingpin Susan
3 days ago

Do as I say, not as I do



fullmoon07 Susan
2 days ago




fullmoon07 MIMH
2 days ago

or they go to the desert where they get the Qatari girls......



Qatari fullmoon07
2 days ago

you mean yemeni, and iraqi girls :) if theres a will theres a way.. so whoever wants to do these bad things they'll find a way and we try to prevent it from happening... in the past couple of years the scenario that you're talking about dropped significantly because of the baladiya patrolling most of those areas. just because these things happen doesnt mean we are ok with it... we try to stop it.

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fullmoon07 Qatari
a day ago

nope according to my Qatari source! Some young girls are local. That's why some Qataris have change location where they put their tents, because they don't like to get close to those brothel....



Kingpin Qatari
2 days ago

Yes I also enjoy nothing more than stopping people's fun and interfering in their business. It makes me feel a real big man



Qatari Kingpin
2 days ago

thats not the point... stopping peoples fun really?! that shows how you degrade being in a relationship just for fun... and then you call muslims low... you just reached a new level of low.. we respect our woman to be more than just fun.. and its not interfering in their buisness if its the law.. no one is above the law dont you westerns say that?? and that shows how you're a "real big man". save yourself by practicing something that dosent degrade women or talk about them as a form of entertainment will ya?

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DickDePilot Qatari
20 hours ago

You may respect 'your women' but from what I have seen western and asian women are fair game and given little or no respect!



Kingpin Qatari
2 days ago

First I have never called Muslims low, and also most Muslim countries allow you to hold hands and hug in public and share a unmarried hotel room, so this in not a Muslim issue. Secondly, it's not just about Muslim women. It is about foreigners coming to your country to stay in a hotel, and Qatar foisting its medieval, antiquated and frankly ridiculous laws on other people, whilst having bars in Doha full of prostitutes being used by Qatari men as a form of entertainment. How does that tie in with your respect of women?

You also seem to imply that having sex is only enjoyable for the man, another antiquated thought. And as for being in a relationship just for fun, what are you in one for, misery? If you don't like sex, don't have it, 99% of the rest of the world realised 50 years ago that people shouldn't interfere in other people's personal lives, and your views just exhibit your infantile behaviour towards the most natural of human functions.

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Qatari Kingpin
2 days ago

ya and look what happened to the world... std's, aids, herpes you name it is everywhere now..

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Kingpin Qatari
2 days ago

Now you are confusing sex and unprotected sex. All of the above can be stopped with a condom. Are you claiming that the laws are there as a public health initiative? We also have cancer - should we ban cars cigarettes and burnt meat? Particularly with Qatars lax smoking regulations (in restaurants where children are present). I think you will find more people die of that than all the STDs added together. It is not a Muslim rule -go to Turkey, Indonesia, Bosnia or Egypt if you think it is. It is not a religious rule - it affects non Muslims, and I don't think that hotel rooms where around when the Quran was written. Why not admit the law is there to try and control peoples private lives, no other reason. If Qatar wants to become a tourist destination, as it claims it does, this rule will need to be changed
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Guest8 Abdulrahman
3 days ago

Arabs are always getting racially profiled! It happens at airports, and now at hotels. Where next?



desertCard Guest8
3 days ago

And I guess you don't understand the airport being...suspicious?

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3 days ago

o o

In the majority world, existing in the 21st century, people can check into hotels free of this kind of medieval scrutiny about who they may or may not be sleeping with. Their societies have not imploded. Qatar has many, many more things to worry about than who is spending a night in a hotel room. You'd think it was the first step on the road to social armageddon. Is it a result of the petty demands of dogmatic faith, or is it a futile attempt to stop the trend for using hotels for affairs?
o o o o o o

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Kingpin Anon
3 days ago

It also makes quite an offensive statement, that a man and a woman cannot stay in the same house or hotel room together without feeling the urge that they have to rut like dogs. I lived with lots of women as a university student and was able to be around them without having sex every minute of the day. Perhaps more of an indicator of the moral compass of those making the rules, than the willpower of those who follow the rules?

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Turbohampster Kingpin
2 days ago

I know thats one thing I never understood about Arab culture, why is EVERYTHING about sex! I mean I can't even cuddle my Mum in public when she arrives at the airport. I mean how is that in any way sexual or offensive?




Qatari Turbohampster
2 days ago

you clearly have a misconception... we can hold hands with our wives/husband in public hug our parents (kiss them too really) its just the girlfriend/boyfriend part thats unacceptable because come on do you just cuddle your significant other??



Turbohampster Qatari
2 days ago

Thankyou for your reply! But this is the bit I don't understand! You say you can cuddle or hold hands with your wife/husband/mother etc then why not your girlfriend/boyfriend or friend of the opposite sex? Im pretty sure Wives and Husbands do more than cuddle! Although some might disagree :-) And how in public do you people know the difference? Also if its just a cuddle and not a full on sexual display then whats the problem, this is what has always puzzled me! But admit this is cultural and probably coz of background!

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Qatari Turbohampster

2 days ago

I'll tell you some of the reasons: a) because you cant touch the opposite gender in that way (because its too close) and cannot engage in sexual activity in the country unless the significant other and yourself are legally married. b) yes they are married its legal and religiously acceptable. c) we dont but usually its evident especially with pda couples... d) because thats how people start their sexual activity... starts with holding hands then hugs then kisses then then then... no? yes it is somewhat cultural more so religious.

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Turbohampster Qatari
2 days ago

Thanks again for trying to explain it to me! But I still don't really get it Basically I can understand that passionately kissing someone in public is obviously going to be unacceptable in this region. And that is perfectly understandable....

But your explanation brings me back to my original point why is everything about sex? People are perfectly capable of giving each other a hug and a innocent kiss on the cheek without it leading to full on sex! If I can kiss my Mum and give her a cuddle, then why not a female friend? I conservatively estimate I've probably hugged and given a completely innocent kiss on the cheek to around a 1000 girls in my lifetime without wanting to/ or having sex with them! If people want to have sex then stopping people from holding hands in public is in no way going to stop them! Or discourage it....



DickDePilot Turbohampster
2 days ago

I greet my friends wives and also single female friends with a kiss on the cheek and a small hug and see nothing sexual, provocative or indecent about it. When I first arrived I was shocked at the nose rubbing thing between men but accepted it as the natural custom and way males greet here between people of the same culture. I agree, everything seems to be put down to sex. Sorry to shock people but in Western Society we can keep our pants fully secure whilst in the company of women. The complaints I here from a lot of women is that it is the arabic males who appear to have an obsession with sex. Maybe it is because they are denied through custom

or religion from being allowed to mix with females in a way that their Western counterparts do? Just a thought



Abdulrahman Turbohampster
2 days ago

"why is everything about sex" Paranoia? The problem with this question is that, every answer I could give will raise some 3-5 more questions, and it'll just go on from there. Maybe a good way for you to start is to look back at how it used to be 50100-200 years ago in the U.S. and U.K. Try to look the history of swim suits for both men and women; why is it perfectly fine to wear tiny 2 piece bikinis today, while about 100 years ago even showing your arms (for women at least) could get you arrested. Sorry, wish I could give a better answer, but this is topic best left for when you can sit face to face with someone :)



Expat08 Abdulrahman
2 days ago

That is the main point really. We need to put on our 1700's goggles and then it all makes sense again.
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Kingpin Expat08
2 days ago

o o

I don't know about 1700s. I have a pair of 1434 glasses

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Abdulrahman Expat08
2 days ago

o o

If it were as simple as just saying it, we wouldn't have problems in the world ;)
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Kingpin Abdulrahman
2 days ago

Are you basically saying things will change, given time?

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Qatari Turbohampster
2 days ago

I dont know whether your looking at the idea with a closed mind or because you are too liberal... I cant really reply with anything that will make you see the bigger picture.. as long as you respect the rules its fine... do what you want in the end but not in our community. Thank you.



Kingpin Qatari
2 days ago

Ha, closed mind! You couldnt make this up

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Ivan Brendieswski Qatari

2 days ago

Hmmm, generally I find sexual activity starts with a haggle over price and then an exchange of currency, but perhaps I'm doing something wrong?



desertCard Qatari
2 days ago

But you had just said we COULD hold hands and I know from experience every time I hold hands I need sex right then. lol. Although rubbing noses is what really gets me going. All that pent up emotions is dangerous.

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Qatari desertCard
2 days ago

its not rocket science if she is your wife/sister/daughter/mother/grandmother it is acceptable GIRLFRIEND NOOO NEIN KEIN NE.. (im not shouting wala just to make it more clear incase you cant read :P)

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fullmoon07 Qatari
2 days ago

hum, what about cousins??? you haven't explained cousins......

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fullmoon07 Qatari
2 days ago

if I don't greet my Spanish people with a kiss on the cheek when I am introduced to someone new I would be considered snobbish and distant person, basically if I don't do it, they would look at me not in a nice way....and this is when you're it 's the same when you guys rob each other nose, for us is the cheek....not because this might lead to sex!
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Qatari fullmoon07
2 days ago

o o

ya sure do it in spain.. not here.

o o o o o o

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fullmoon07 Qatari
a day ago

if a kiss on a cheek is haram for you, you gotta some problem with your bad thinking! I think people like you are the ones who do excatly the opposite of what they preach.

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Jimjam Qatari
2 days ago

In public, yes. Do you think because I give my other half a hug in a mall we are suddenly going to start going at it?

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desertCard Jimjam
2 days ago

What was it another guy posted..."rut like a dog"?



Qatari Jimjam
2 days ago

hahaha I hope not I don't know about you.... but seriously you should respect the culture and the religion its unacceptable especially if its like one of those long hugs instead of the "hello" hug get it?? and if its your wife or daughter its more acceptable than a girlfriend or mistress ;))

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desertCard Qatari
2 days ago

So is there a time limit? Should I set the timer on my IPhone to go off after a certain "hug time"? If it's my wife is the time longer than for my mistress?

what if I hug my wife and they THINK she's my mistress can I get the charge dismissed? Because surely the time involved hugging my wife versus my mistress is longer and we were victims of wife/mistress discrimination. Yes and we all have mistresses. You crack me up with your explanations.

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Qatari desertCard
2 days ago

dude dont complicate this.. we all know whats an awkward hug...



desertCard Qatari
2 days ago

I've never had an awkward hug. Me like hugs.

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ann desertCard
2 days ago

hahaha! this really tickled me



DickDePilot Qatari
2 days ago

Providing there is no grinding of hips or meeting of lips, what is wrong with a long hug? Sorry but, when I used to return from 6 month operational tours in the military I hugged my mum, dad, sisters, brothers like I didn't want to let them go. Absolutely nothing wrong with a long hug, it gives a

feeling of warmth, bonding and togetherness. Unless, of course, you have a dirty mind



fullmoon07 DickDePilot
2 days ago

when u hug a friend count to 1, 2 and that's it! You will be fine ahahaha



Kingpin Turbohampster
2 days ago

I will repeat;

"Perhaps more of an indicator of the moral compass of those making the rules, than the willpower of those who follow the rules?"



Abdulrahman Turbohampster
2 days ago

It's not just Arab culture, but the overall middle eastern culture and that of the followers of the 3 Abrahamic faiths. But seriously, you couldn't kiss your mum in public? Reminds of when I was in the U.S. and tried to hug my uncle at the airport; he felt very uncomfortable about it becasue such public displays of affection between males are frowned upon by people in the U.S., or so he believed ;)



Turbohampster Abdulrahman

2 days ago

Yes I agree with you it seems to be the middle eastern culture, although to be fair you will prob know a'lot more than me! Well when my Mum first came to visit I naively gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek out of habit in the airport. And was quickly descended on by 3 security guards and evil eyes galore from the general public :-0 Exactly as your uncle believed, just spend a small amount of time in the arrivals hall of any western airport and observe the hugs & kisses galore! It just seems very strange to me that you can't express your love for someone in a completely innocent and non-sexual way in public.



DickDePilot Abdulrahman
2 days ago

A complete misconception I would imagine. Americans are in to hugging big time!



desertCard Abdulrahman
2 days ago

A total misconception. And untrue.



KK Turbohampster
2 days ago

Obviously, we draw a line whereas other do not (or do not know how to deal with it). Giving your friend a kiss at the airport seems to have a whole different meaning than kissing your mum, I guess.



Doc Kingpin
3 days ago

"Rut like Dogs" That is my saying of the day!




3 days ago

o o

So how do the hookers at the Sheraton get around this then? It's not libel if it's true, go check out waterhole bar.
o o o o o o



fullmoon07 MIMH
2 days ago

not only at the Sheraton, check the ones at the Intercon.....she's waiting in the hall while her client checks in for her or both........



Ivan Brendieswski fullmoon07

2 days ago

Hmmm, in my day we used to wonder how the Qatari hookers at the Sharq dealt with their rooms. Whether they had weekly deals or what?



Mr Haydar
3 days ago

Not alarming at all, you'll just have to pay more from now on. "When it comes to enforcement, there appears to be a correlation with price and star rating." For some time now, haram activities were allowed at the top hotels only. Now, we have an announcement explaining the rules for wine-dine69.
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Angelika Lancsak
3 days ago

o o

If you go to an Islamic country - respect their rules. Period! Nothing to complain about or stay away. If you share a room - share it with your husband or wife or don't share. That's it.
o o o o o o

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Kingpin Angelika Lancsak

3 days ago

Thats not very "original thinking"




Angelika Lancsak Kingpin

3 days ago

A provocation a day keeps the boredom away:-))

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Anon Angelika Lancsak

3 days ago

Good people disobey bad rules. You sound like a stooge.

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3 days ago

o o

I find it ridiculous that a couple must produce a marriage license to share a hotel room. In many countries around the world people don't feel like they have to get married but stay together and raise a family. IMO they are being very prejudice to other cultures. How can we respect the Islamic culture if they can't respect others?
o o o o o o

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KJD ann
3 days ago

All over the world when people travel they are expected to abide by the laws of the country they are visiting. Just because a person may not agree with

the law does not give them the right to break the law. In all honesty, this woman's husband since he is obviously living in Doha should have known that there is a possibility she would be asked to show her marriage certificate.



ann KJD
3 days ago

yes, but what I'm saying is what about those who are not married? are they expected to wed just so they can go on holidays? even if it is against their own belief system (what ever that may be) tolerance must come from both sides

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KJD ann

3 days ago

No they are not expected to wed. They could a) go to countries which have no problem with them shacking up, or b) get two hotel rooms.

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Kingpin KJD
3 days ago

Aaaaah, maybe those tourism adverts with the PSG players should be more specfic; "Qatar Tourism Partners in Dreams (married, hetrosexual dreams)"




dubious Kingpin
3 days ago

With this policy it seems they're actively discriminating against hetro couples in favour of homo ones. So, which one is worse, Qatar Ministry of Meddling in People's Private Lives, a bit of extra-marital coitus, or some same sex nookie? I think we should know.



Kingpin dubious
3 days ago

ha, i didnt think of it that way. I cannot stay in a hotel with my girlfriend, but two moustachioed ,buff "best" friends can share a room and play hide the salami all night to their hearts content.




Kingpin Kingpin

3 days ago

oh my mistake, I forgot that the gayness test will have caught them at the airport.




fullmoon07 KJD
2 days ago

there are couple de facto that are not married but they have been together for decades and....?



2 days ago

o o

I find all of this idiotic. Honestly, do you think we go around with marriage certificate, I have the ring on my finger for that. What if you tourists on a stop-over night in Doha (going with QA to other destination) cannot register at an hotel, even if they have been couple for a decade? Good that there are hotels that don't ask for it. In Europe a couple is considered a couple de facto (at all effects) even if they are not married and they have children together. This over control is counterproductive, plus it seems like the Big Brother spying on you. Plus, if you want to deal with tourists you have to be flexible otherwise don't make an effort to bring people here. Evey action taken contradicts with a new one. However all of this is super hypocritical. Do you want to know where prostitutes go? Check the desert on the winter months where portal-cabins are placed. And there are not only prostitutes, there are also local girls who go there for their own pleasure.
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DickDePilot fullmoon07
2 days ago

I don't wear a ring but I do have a thumb print firmly impressed into my skull ;-)



desertCard DickDePilot
a day ago

It's that ball and chain trailing behind you thats the dead giveaway.



Kingpin DickDePilot
2 days ago

hahaha me too



2 days ago

o o

I believe that the women mentioned in the article should have taken onus to familiarize themselves with the rules here before coming to see their husbands and made sure to have the required documents with them upon arrival. I *can* personally justify the implementation of the marriage certificate rule in regard to hotel visits - if *everyone* was being asked to provide proof of marriage. And they should be. It's a good deterrent against infidelity... but at the same time, this country also immigrates a majority that come from countries where marriage is not a requirement for cohabitation or having kids, so it's a catch 22. I had a similar situation - but at Hamad Hospital when I went to emergency for treatment due to pregnancy problems.... they asked that we provide proof of marriage. Of course we're married and had no issue with giving them a copy of our marriage certificate to keep on file for future reference, but it made me wonder if I would have received treatment had we not been married. If that would have been the case and I had been unwed and refused treatment - to me, that would have been an infringement on my basic human right to look out for the safety of myself and my unborn child. I believe that some expats have come here for better job opportunities and have already conceived children out of wedlock prior to arrival. So in this instance, would they be expected to get married in order to be able to see a doctor? I understand that if you visit another country, you should ideally respect it's rules but in this case I'd be inclined to think that this country

needs to bend it's rules a little bit for expats because we're the ones that primarily stimulate their economy and we don't live by the same standard that they do. We already embrace and respect that Muslims don't drink alcohol or eat pork here and we respectfully observe their fasting routine during Ramadan by eating in private, along with other religious and governed implementations that go with living here. The reality of it all is that if you have foreigners coming to work, they do come with differing living situations and shouldn't be denied certain rights just because they're not married.
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3 days ago

o o

its good you are airing this again...... Qatar need to review its policies generally.
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2 days ago

o o

I like this thread. Has to be the first time that such a large response hasn't descended into name calling etc. Well done people, maybe we have all grown up and learned to love each other (in a purely platonic and non sexual way you understand!) lol
o o o o o o



desertCard DickDePilot
12 hours ago

Kiss me you fool.



Kingpin desertCard
11 hours ago

You two go get a room!!!!!! Oh wait...... actually you can't.



DickDePilot Kingpin
10 hours ago

That would depend on which sex desert card is :-)




2 days ago

o o

just follow the rules... its as simple as that... and the fact that her husband didn't have documents or proof of marriage is surprising since it is known throughout the region that they need one.
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Guest8 Qatari
2 days ago

Maybe he's not from the region.



Qatari Guest8
2 days ago

you dont have to be from the region to know about it but the fact that he was living here and didnt know about it is surprising.



Guest8 Qatari
2 days ago

You would think, but he might not have been here long and if other couples in his building haven't been asked the same, he might really not have thought this rule would be enforced.

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3 days ago

o o

Why was she not allowed to stay at the home of her husband if they are indeed married?
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20 hours ago

o o

Just a thought. Alcohol is made available through QDC to non Muslims (as is Pork) for consumption in their private place of residence. It is also acceptable for alcohol to be served and consumed by non Muslims within licensed hotel establishments. What is the difference with that and allowing non Muslims to co-habit (in Private) or obtain a hotel room?
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Guest8 DickDePilot
6 hours ago

That's a very good point actually.



Ivan Brendieswski
2 days ago

o o

Bah, it is straight forward, those are the laws of the land, they are no violation of any rights, and as such should be obeyed. The problem is the lack of publicity associated with those laws - that needs to be done much better, as well as how they are applied to various ethnicities and nationalities, which I have never seen done with anything approaching consistency anywhere in that region. The lack of skills of the enforcers is an issue also. In the past I have stayed with my wife in cheaper hotels in Dubai, which caused great problems as my wife is Filipino and I am a white guy, which immediately caused problems/suspicions when dealing with the South Asian clerks. Jumping to conclusions seemed to be part of the job description. Having been warned of the Dubai state of affairs, we had a copy of our marriage certificate, which of course the clerks were unable to read or determine the legitimacy of. Without evidence they decided that not only

was my wife a prostitute, but also a forger. Would they have accused an Arab or caucasian woman of such things? I think not. That being said, I can't think of any of the randy Arab men I know getting caught in such a situation, they know which hotels to take their lady to. I assume that the rules are more for show than reality.
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2 days ago

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how about males kissing in public?

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Abdulrahman Ano
2 days ago

Depends; are we talking simple kiss on the cheek, or lips locking? Any tongue action and how much? Where are their hands for the duration? Hard to rate, but anything above a 9 is great :p



Ivan Brendieswski Abdulrahman

2 days ago

Gak, tea, keyboard again. Ha!



Ivan Brendieswski Abdulrahman

2 days ago

Sadly, I've found that as I get older anything over about a 4 is great. My 9 years are well past...sniff.



2 days ago

o o

I am just wandering what is the purpose of this article and all those comments below? - To jeopardize the little freedom expats for once have in the 5 star establishments by making a big deal out of it? As ridiculous as it is, it's a well known fact that cohabitation between genders is only allowed here when a couple is married. Same goes for the public display of affection (and here I dont include a friendly kiss on the cheek as everybody does it and nobody is in jail for that) . It is understandably difficult for Western people, especially those who are new to the region to digest it as it is very different from their culture. However these are the rules of the country whether we like it or not and as long as we live in here we have to respect them.
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desertCard Guest
a day ago

While it happened in Dubai a friendly couple were arrested and deported for a friendly european style kiss at a restaurant there.



Ungal Nanban
2 days ago

o o

Ezdan is a Military base!! It's not a compound/Accommodation. I stay in Ezdan 29 and personally i feel it is a jail not a accommodation,because my family is around in doha and sometimes they wanted to visit me but this (Ezdan Security) rude fellows do not allow them to come in. even in a real jail visitors are allowed but not in Ezdan.. it is so embarrassing..We are getting a very poor service at Ezdan... feeling so bad :(
o o o o o o



3 days ago

o o

Clearly the rules (laws?) only apply to those of a certain socio-economic and racial background. If you can afford to stay in a 4 or 5 star hotel, and if you're white, then anything goes.
o o o o o o



Kingpin Susan
3 days ago

Also if you are Muslim you can have all three of your wives in a hotel room engaging in a Mongolian Clusterf$@k, just as long as you have a marriage certificate!!!!!

33 4



Susan Kingpin
3 days ago

I almost snorted tea out of my nose, reading this -- thanks for the laugh!




Kingpin Susan
3 days ago

I aim to please :)



Anon Kingpin
3 days ago

you disgust me...all in one room? Never...three adjoining suites maybe and some sneaky corridor-creeping for the husband.



Kingpin Anon
3 days ago

A bit like a Carry on Film? Or an episode of Terry and June? Eeeks the Vicar is coming to tea

2 1



Qatari Kingpin
2 days ago

wow you clearly have a bad idea of this... just to be clear its haram.



Kingpin Qatari
2 days ago

What is? Sex, three wives, being married or hotel rooms? Or just fun in general?



Qatari Kingpin
2 days ago

extramarital affairs, and the wives engaging in sexual activity all together.

1 1



Kingpin Qatari
2 days ago

Really? That really takes the fun out of polygamous marriages. No gangbangs and three times the nagging!!!!

10 1



Ivan Brendieswski Qatari

2 days ago

What if there is only 1 wife 'engaged', one runs the video camera, and the other is on a KFC run?

2 2



desertCard Ivan Brendieswski

2 days ago

LOL really hard. No my son that is what I call Heaven. and could you make a run to the QDC on the way back?



desertCard Qatari
2 days ago

To you what isn't?

1 1



Qatari desertCard
a day ago

I feel so sorry for people who have a misconception of islam.. its such a shame.. you my friend are missing out on an amazing life. god bless



desertCard Qatari
a day ago

So ONLY muslims have an amazing life? OBL lived in a cave for years. Amazing.



desertCard Susan
3 days ago

Just like the malls on "family day"



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