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LG Flexible OLED TV is worth checking out

Consumer electronics giant LG did reveal at the recently concluded CES 2014 a new kind of TV that will certainly blow your minds away I am referring to the flexible OLED TV here, of course. LG claims that this is the first of its kind in the world, where the TV will not only arrive as a curved device, but you, the viewer, are able to control the angle of the curvature itself in order to enjoy the ultimate viewing experience where it would not have been thought of to be possible just a couple of decades ago. Hyun-hwoi Ha President and CEO of LGs Home Entertainment Company, shared, LGs Flexible OLED TV is a product that has to be seen to be believed because it defies description. What curved is to flat, flexible is to curved. LG continues to lead the evolution of televisions into the next generation. Basically, with this flexible OLED TV, you will be able to use the included TV remote to alter the curvature of the display in order to suit your viewing experience. As for the range of the curvature itself, it is determined by taking into account key factors which will affect the viewing experience, where among them include screen size as well as viewing distance. Not only that, you might think that this TV, being a prototype to begin with, is going to be small just for testing purposes. I thought so, and I was sorely mistaken, since this bad boy happens to be a 77 flexible OLED TV, where it has been subjected to tens of thousands of hours of tests in order to ensure the reliability and durability of its unique display. Talk about a grand slam of firsts when it comes to the OLED TV universe being flat, curved and now, flexible. Needless to say, pricing details and availability have yet to be divulged, but it sure as heck aint gonna come cheap!

Electrnica de consumo gigante LG revel en el CES 2014 que acaba de concluir un nuevo tipo de televisin que sin duda volar tu mente lejos - me refiero a la TV OLED flexibles aqu, por supuesto. LG afirma que esta es la primera de su tipo en el mundo, donde la televisin no slo llegar como un dispositivo de curvado, pero usted, el espectador, se logra controlar el ngulo de la curvatura en s con el fin de disfrutar de la mxima experiencia visual en el que no hubiera sido pensado para ser posible hace apenas un par de dcadas. Hyun-Ja Hwoi Presidente y CEO de Home Entertainment Company de LG, compartida, "TV OLED flexible de LG es un producto que tiene que ser visto para ser credo, ya que desafa toda descripcin. Lo curva es plana, flexible, es curvo.LG contina liderando la evolucin de la televisin en la prxima generacin. Bsicamente, con este televisor OLED flexibles, usted ser capaz de utilizar el mando a distancia de TV incluido para modificar la curvatura de la pantalla con el fin de adaptarse a su experiencia de visualizacin. En cuanto a la gama de la propia curvatura, se determina teniendo en cuenta los factores clave que afectan a la experiencia de visualizacin, donde entre ellos incluyen tamao de la pantalla, as como la distancia de visualizacin. No slo eso, se podra pensar que este televisor, al ser un prototipo para empezar, va a ser pequea slo para propsitos de prueba. Me lo imaginaba, y yo estaba muy equivocado, ya que este chico malo pasa a ser un "flexibles OLED TV de 77 aos, donde ha sido sometido a decenas de miles de horas de pruebas con el fin de garantizar la fiabilidad y la durabilidad de su pantalla nica. Hablar de un "grand slam" de primeras veces cuando se trata de el universo TV OLED - ser plana, curvada y ahora, flexible. Huelga decir que los detalles de precios y disponibilidad an no se han divulgado, pero seguro que como diablos no va a venir barato!

Alexis: In my opinion the main advantage of LG FLEXIBLE OLED TV, is unique tv in the

world but It is the first one in his type.

Dayes: I dont think so, the disadvantage about the LG FLEXIBLE OLED TV, is very fragile

because of only move with remote control. Alexis: I think another advantage of flexible TV is, the experience visual and graphics, They are only in the world, is the first TV with flexible screen, as a result It is an unforgettable experience. Dayes: I dont agree, another disadvantage is very, very High price, for this reason no buy LG TV FLEXIBLE, secondly made only twelve LG FLEXIBLE TV in the world. Alexis: From my point of view LG TV FLEXIBLE is great idea, the main advantage is very large screen however they are tests only. Dayes: in my opinion the first tests always have faults , moreover need years of experience. Alexis: I agree, I wait and it is a success, LG FLEXIBLE TV

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