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English Language Lesson Plan for the Primary School Date Time Class Theme Topic Learning outcomes

: : : : : : 20 May 2010 8.30 9.30 am (double-period) 4 Bakawali (30 pupils) World of Personal Relationship Looking good about taking care of oneself 1.2 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words. 1.3 Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context. 2.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.3 Express thought and feeling and give opinions on things read, seen, viewed and heard in simple language. 3.4 Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress, intonation and sentence rhythm. 4.3 Complete texts with the missing words, phrase or sentence. Language skills focus : Educational emphasis: Moral values Aim : : Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Multiple intelligences linguistic, kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal Independent and teamwork To know how to take care of oneself. By the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to: a) b) c) d) Teaching aids Word list : : identify and pronounce the word/phrase accurately. match the word/phrase to the types of teeth and its functions. speak simple sentences or dialogue with simple present tense. share their thought or opinions with simple sentence.

Behavioural objectives:

Pictures/photographs, word/phrase cards, pictures of teeth, tooth brush, toothpaste, worksheets, video clip. Incisor, canine, premolar, molar, tear, grind, bristle, floss, enamel, cavities.

Sentence pattern

How many teeth do you have? I brush my teeth everyday. Mei Ling brushes her teeth everyday. He bathes every morning. Simple present tense Pupils have learnt about personal hygiene.

Grammar Pupils previous knowledge

: :

English Language Lesson Plan for the Primary School Teaching aids / Comments Video of a kid who bathes, brushes his teeth, combs Video clip his hair, and wears uniform is shown. Pupils identify and name the activities. Teacher puts up picture cards of types of teeth on To introduce new the board. vocabulary Pupils identify the types of teeth. Incisor Teacher puts up the word/phrase cards on the Canine board. Premolar Pupils pronounce the word/phrase with the help of Molar teacher. Tear Teacher explains the functions of different types of Grind teeth and how to take care of their teeth. Bristle Floss Enamel Cavities Teachers / Pupils activities Teacher introduces the sentence pattern and drills pupils on them. Pupils are given a guided dialogue to practice a conversation with a dentist. Pupils play a scene in a dentist clinic. Teacher checks and corrects the pronunciation of the pupils. Teacher highlights the importance to keep personal hygiene, brushing our teeth according to the dentist advice. To give pupils practice conversation with the professional. Listening and speaking skills practice dialogue/meaningful drill.

Step / Time Set induction (7 mins) Presentation (15 mins)

Content, EE, Values M.I. : Linguistic and spatial Values : Teamwork

Word/phrase and pictures card activities: types of teeth and taking care of teeth. M.I. : Kinesthetic

Practice (15 mins)

Role play M.I. : Interpersonal Suggested sentence pattern: How many teeth do you have? I have 20 teeth. How many types of teeth do you have? I have four types of teeth. Have you brush your teeth everyday? Yes, I brush my teeth everyday.

Production (20 mins)

Worksheet M.I. : Intrapersonal, spatial, linguistic

Pupils are given a worksheet. Worksheet Pupils have to finish the worksheet in ten minutes. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils. Teacher put some mouth diseases pictures on the Mouth diseases board. pictures.

English Language Lesson Plan for the Primary School Closure (3 mins) Pupils express their thought and opinions orally based on the pictures shown. Other pupils listen and express their thought as well. Lesson review. Consolidation Teacher highlights the moral values seen in the activities such as independence in taking care of personal hygiene and teamwork in making things successful.

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