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ON MY MIND........

INTRODUCTION Hello fellas! I have been so stressful and nice at the same time. However, I really dont care about those things! Since I was urging and complaining about myself that just made bad impact for me. As a plan, I wanted to write something down but I have no fucking idea what I would like to write. I had been completely stayed with these shits words which came from my damn mind. So, I just wanna make a positive outlook within myself. Take a look to these amazing words that I made. Dont you dare ever say BREAK UP if you still in LOVE and Dont u dare to say LOVE if ure alreadyBROKE UP If u wanted to leave me, THATS OK. But I am gonna stay with u. One of reasons why people are still single : Theyre smart enough to spend their Love for those people who are uncertainly their spouse. Sometimes men always remembered their exgirlfriend than his sins. When am I going to make my country proud? Really wanna be in right track ! Sometimes rumors spread faster than flash light! Looking for Problems? U better work bitch so u could be Rich bitch, Perhaps! DIRTY mind is happened when looking something CLEAN Smile from mom is the most romantic thing that ive ever felt! WORLD FACT : A single man never cheated! Theres one place without rocks building. Something within yourself which cant be reached and touched by anybody. And its All yours. Somethings called Hope Janjiimi do na huingat ito hasian jala hatami do na sai mian di rohakku Didok hok tu au tung na so jadi sirang so sinirang ni hamatean Didok ho tu au tung na so jadi sirang so sinirang hamatean. The Problem isnt I love you, but the problem is that u dont feel the same. Electric is just like a love. Cant be seen but be able to feel. Thats why I got electric shock! Mom had carried me for 9 months while u have been pending my love for 9 months. I am not singer, but I am fond of singing. If I were Lannister, I could slay greedy Kings. Wise man is someone who could carry problem into solution. Life is a gift! Why does the sun still go on shining? I couldnt make my point a view about somebody..

ON MY MIND........

Dont keep in your mind the doctrines which come from Israely. Bruno Mars said, just the way you are . That must be stopped! I completely agree if someone who is playing both side should be cut off! What to expect when youre expecting Just because I hate everybody doesnt mean they hate me too ( my fav quote from Santana ) If u met bitch with good attitude, u must be nice to her .

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