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Talent management has become one of the most sought after subject in the Corporate World.

It has come a long way from Labour Welfare to Personnel Department to Human esource Department to Talent !anagement. From Labour Welfare function to Personnel Management: Phase - 1: Welfare Department: Prior to "#$%s& 'rganisations used to ha(e a sub)department to ta*e care of labour welfare in the manufacturing facilities. It progressed to ta*ing care of few more functions of wor*ers& inclding attendance& o(er time& wages calculations and there by statutory compliance. It transpired itself into Personnel !anagement. Phase - 2: Personnel Department: In "#$%s to "#+%s& the Department which was responsible for people called the ,Personnel Department,. ole of this Department is to recruit people& process their attendance& lea(es and salaries apart from ensuring the necessary welfare measures. It has transpired into a contributi(e business function.

E volution of the H Function

' alent Management

+trategic H

,usiness -ntegration 'alent (c)uisition# Management# Development# Engagement an* 'alent etention

Personnel Department Welfare Department

,usiness Function

,usiness Partner

L! D# $rg Design# Fle%i &ompensation# e-leaning

+upport Function

ecruitment ! Pa"roll

+taff Welfare

Phase-.: +trategic H : Post "#+%s& 'rganisations started realising the importance of personnel management and it has come out of reacti(e approach to proacti(e approach. -tarted treating employees as Human esources and by "##%s& the H has ta*en greater shape by its increased contributions in recruiting& training & de(eloping& managing and retaining critical human resources of the organisation and appropriate placed as -trategic H function. The .P)H s ha(e ta*en up -trategic manpower planning& H Costing& managing global H & using job portals& designing inno(ati(e compensation models including /-'Ps& etention 0onus& & H systems consolidation with -1P H li*e global models& apart from ma*ing Companies as Learning 'rganisations by gi(ing due importance to training and de(elopment. 2inally& business houses started treating H more than a business function as business partners. Phase - /: 'alent Management: Though -trategic H continues to play a major role& corporate started loo*ing at this function as Talent management function& than*s to fluctuating global business scenarios. ecruitment has become ,competency based, with social networ* dri(en processes& de(eloping managers as leaders and heads of -03s& focus on e)learning and multiple models of communication channels& 2le4ible compensation systems& introduction of deli(ery based wor*ing from home concepts& (ariety of performance measurement techni5ues& including 67%8 feedbac*& strategies for succession planning etc.& In nutshell& H function has become integrated real time business function. Companies that are following this model are Capgemini& Delloitte& Infosys& -eagate& -teelcase& 9imberly)Clar* etc.& Hence& this research is a modest attempt to study the Dynamics of Talent !anagement in Healthcare Industry ) with specific reference to Care Hospitals& Hyderabad.

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