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Issue 80, September and October 2013

() &*+, *-.,-/ *0 12,
3*.454-+46 2,4-768
*6 9

9) &*+, *-.,-/ *0 12,
3*.454-+46 2,4-768
*6 >

=) ?7/@A//7*6/ 76 12,
#417*64B 3-,,6
$-7;A64B -,B41,. 1* 12,
.,+4-@417*6 *0
.,,+,. 0*-,/1 B46. 76

Beai Fiienus,

We aie happy to biing you Issue 8u of the Foiest Case 0puate,
which has oiueis of the matteis heaiu in the Supieme Couit
(SC) in Septembei 2u1S anu few othei inteiesting
uevelopments ielateu to the foiest case. Nost of the SC cases
aie ielateu to use of foiest lanu oi lanu in wilulife sanctuaiies
foi laying of tiansmission lines. It has been stateu in these
oiueis, baseu on eailiei expeit committee iecommenuations
that the uiveision of foiest lanu neeus to appioveu (subject to
legal foimalities) because theie is no alteinative ioute

Anothei impoitant case heaiu was that ielateu to the specific
uiiection in the Lafaige mining uecision, which ielates to the
setting up of a new enviionment iegulatoi by the Ninistiy of
Enviionment anu Foiests (NoEF).

This issue of the 0puate also highlights key oiueis of a case
being heaiu in the National uieen Tiibunal (NuT), which
ielates to the uemaication of ueemeu foiest lanu in
0ttaiakhanu as a follow up to the 12.12.1996 oiuei in the
uouavaiman Case. Inteiesting uevelopments in this case have
been biought out by uecisions ielateu to the heaiings healu in
Septembei anu 0ctobei, 2u1S.

As always, we hope you finu this issue of the Foiest Case
0puate useful anu we look foiwaiu to youi feeuback.

!"#$%& !(%)& "#* +&,-&$. /0,,"


EF #"&) (>G<H(>G(I9JKG E# (>G<H(>G( F#? ==9> E# 9JKGI &LMN #"&)
(OG(P "Q 9<(( F#? =(KOJR9<(9 !"#$%&'()$ +, -.%/0()$ ,1 234 56
7'%(8.& 9()#&%: /; "%<%/+0%)=
In these inteilocutoiy applications, Ns. 0uaipui Nineials Bevelopment
Synuicate Piivate Limiteu has piayeu foi quashing the uemanu of Net Piesent
value |NPvj maue by the Beputy Conseivatoi of Foiests by his oiuei uateu 1Sth
Becembei, 2uu6. By the oiuei uateu 1Sth Becembei, 2uu6, the Beputy
Conseivatoi of Foiests, }aipui, Rajasthan has maue the uemanu of Net Piesent
value |NPvj foi an aiea of 641.86 hectaies at the iate of ` 9.2u lakhs pei hectaie
totaling to an amount of ` S9uS.112 lakhs.
The Cential Empoweieu Committee |CECj in its Repoit uateu 17th Septembei,
2uu9 has taken the view that the uemanu maue by the Rajasthan Foiest
Bepaitment foi Net Piesent value |NPvj at 9.2u lakhs pei hectaie is not justifieu
as this Couit's oiuei uateu 28th Febiuaiy, 2uu8 has piesciibeu the Net Piesent
value |NPvj payable foi foiest aiea falling in uiffeient eco-classes anu uiffeient
foiest uensity classes anu the iate of `9.2 lakh pei hectaie is not in accoiuance
with the oiuei uateu 28
Febiuaiy, 2uu8 of this Couit.
We, theiefoie, uiiect that the State of Rajasthan will make the ieviseu uemanu in
accoiuance with this Couit's oiuei uateu 28th Febiuaiy, 2uu8 uepenuing upon
the classification of the foiest aiea.
Ni. uanguli, leaineu senioi counsel appeaiing foi the applicantpetitionei
vehemently submitteu that out of an aiea of 641.86 hectaies, 281.4u1 hectaie
was bioken up piioi to the enactment of the Foiest Conseivation Act, 198u anu
hence the Net Piesent value |NPvj shoulu have been uemanueu only foi foiest
aiea of S6u.4S9 hectaies.
The Cential Empoweieu Committee in its Repoit has, howevei, taken a view that
the applicant-Company has sought ienewal foi soap stone mining foi 641.86
hectaies of foiest aiea anu the applicant-Company was, theiefoie, at libeity to
suiienuei unbioken foiest lanu to the Foiest Bepaitment anu a ieuuceu aiea foi
the mining lease unuei the Nines anu Nineials (Bevelopment anu Regulation)
Act, 19S7 is obtaineu anu only then the Net Piesent value |NPvj will be payable
foi the foiest aiea incluueu in the ieuuceu mining aiea. We finu foice in the
submission of the Cential Empoweieu Committee. We, theiefoie, ieject the
submission of Ni. uanguli that the applicant shoulu be liable foi Net Piesent
value only foi the ieuuceu bioken aiea.
With the afoiesaiu uiiection anu obseivations, the inteilocutoiy applications
stanu uisposeu of. Special Leave Petitions stanu uisposeu of in view of the oiueis
passeu in the above applications.

&*+, "-.,-/ *0 12, 3*.454-+46 S,4-768 *6 9
&,:1,+;,- 9<(=

EF #") (JOG 76 ((O<R9<<J 76 (<(<R9<<=76 PK<R9<<(I9>O(R9<(< 76
(JOG >"#$%&'()$ ?()()$ () @.'&#?.A0; @%&)%+%A%=
The Cential Empoweieu Committee |CECj will piepaie a Repoit with iegaiu to
the winuing up of the activities of the Kuuiemukh Iion 0ie Company Limiteu.
The Repoit shall be submitteu within a peiiou of foui months.
List the application theieaftei.
E$%T #") =<> EF #") 9(JJ >"#B,??#)'%+(,)/ ,1 +0# CDC ()
E88:(B%+(,) FFG '#%:()$ H(+0 B,)/+&.B+(,) ,1 +H, 5&('$#/ () I(?%B0%:
A copy of the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee |CECj iecommenuing
constiuction of the two biiuges subject to ceitain conuitions has been fuinisheu
to the leaineu counsel appeaiing foi the State of Bimachal Piauesh.
List this mattei aftei foui weeks.
Leaineu counsel appeaiing foi the State will obtain instiuctions in the
EF #") 9P(>H9P9( >"#$%&'()$ '#),+(1(B%+(,) ,1 1,&#/+ :%)' () J#+.:;
9%'06% 3&%'#/0=
A piayei has been maue in these applications to ueclaie the aiea uenotifieu by
uazette Notification uateu Sth }anuaiy, 1968 issueu by the uoveinment of
Nauhya Piauesh incluuing compaitment Nos. S8S-S86 on which the
constiuction activity is being unueitaken as not pait of foiest lanu foi the
puiposes of Foiest Act anu the Foiest (Conseivation) Act.
The Cential Empoweieu Committee in its Repoit uateu 17th Febiuaiy, 2u1u has
iecommenueu that as the aiea has been ue- notifieu unuei Section 2 of the Foiest
(Conseivation) Act by the State of Nauhya Piauesh anu as the State of Nauhya
Piauesh as well as the Ninistiy of Enviionment anu Foiests, 0nion of Inuia have
taken a stanu that the piovisions of Foiest (Conseivation) Act aie not applicable
to the saiu aiea of 1u.19u hectaies in compaitment Nos. S8S-S86 (ie-numbeieu
as S42-S4S) in Bistiict Betul we ueclaie that the afoiesaiu ue-notifieu aiea be
tieateu as non-foiest foi the puipose of Foiest Conseivation Act, 198u.
The Inteilocutoiy Applications aie alloweu to the extent of the afoiesaiu aiea as
iecommenueu by the Cential Empoweieu Committee |CECj.
Applications stanu uisposeu of.

EF #"&) (JG<H(JG9 >"#$%&'()$ +&%)/?(//(,) :()#/ () C0%?5%:
K0%&(6%: L%)B+.%&6=
In these applications, a piayei has been maue to peimit the applicant - Powei
uiiu Coipoiation of Inuia to eiect two single ciicuit tiansmission lines of 76S Kv
within the Chambal uhaiiyal Sanctuaiy (Rajasthan-Nauhya Piauesh-0ttai
Piauesh) anu to implement Kalgaon Stage III Phase 2 Scheme.
The Cential Empoweieu Committee |CECj in its Repoit uateu Suth }uly, 2u1S has
stateu that since the Powei uiiu Coipoiation of Inuia has alieauy uepositeu S pei
cent of the Pioject cost, ietaineu to the poition of tiansmission lines passing
thiough the Sanctuaiy anu hence this Couit's uiiection with iegaiu to conuitions
subject to which peimission was gianteu has been complieu with.
In view of the above, applications stanu uisposeu of.
EF #"&) >>(I (<<JI ((GOI (9K=I (9G<I (9>JI (JJ=I (P((I 9<(GU 9<K=I
9(KOI 9=OK VE$S EF #") >K> E# EF JJ=I (9<JI (9JOI (=OKI U 9((<I
9(J(I 9P9KH9K9G >"#$%&'()$ &#B,??#)'%+(,)/ ,1 +0# CDC &#:%+#' +,
(::#$%: ?()()$ () C0,./(: "#/#&M# N,&#/+ () O%:(+8.&; 7++%& 3&%'#/0=
These applications be listeu aftei foui weeks on the top of the Boaiu.
A copy of the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee uateu Siu Febiuaiy,
2u1u be fuinisheu to the leaineu counsel appeaiing foi the State of 0ttai
Piauesh in IA No. 9792uuS in 44S1998.
0bjections to the iepoit of CEC be fileu in the meanwhile.
EF #") =PP< WX,84-.768 -,:*-1 *0 12, !%! 76 F::B7@417*6 #*) (=OO
-,B41,. 1* 12, B4Y768 *0 4 1-46/+7//7*6/ B76, 12-*A82 V7B. F//
&46@1A4-Y 76 ZA1@2I 3A[4-41\
We have peiuseu the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee. Paia S of the
Repoit is extiacteu heiein below:-
"S. Aftei consiueiing that the pioject is in public inteiest, no viable alteinative is
feasible,the minimum possible lanu within the Sanctuaiy is sought to be useu, no
tiee felling is involveu, the auveise impact of the pioject on the Sanctuaiy is
containable with appiopiiate mitigative measuies anu that the pioject has been
cleaieu by the Stanuing Committee of National Boaiu foi Wilulife it is
iecommenueu that this Bon'ble Couit may consiuei peimitting the use of 21.7S6
hectaie of lanu falling within the Wilu Ass Sanctuaiy foi laying 4uu Kv Bouble
Ciicuit Nunuia Kansaii (Zeiua) Tiansmission Line No. II subject to the following
i) Foi use of foiest lanu appioval unuei the Foiest (Conseivation) Act, will be

ii) S% of the pioject cost foi the poition of the tiansmission line passing thiough
the Sanctuaiy will be uepositeu in the Compensatoiy Affoiestation Funu foi
unueitaking conseivation anu piotection measuies in the Sanctuaiy;
iii) No tiee felling will be peimissible.
iv) The othei conuitions on which the foiest has been cleaieu by the Stanuing
Committee of the National Boaiu foi Wilulife will be stiictly complieu with; anu
v) Any othei conuition stipulateu by the Chief Wilulife Waiuen, uujaiat Foiest
Bepaitment will be stiictly complieu with."
Peimission to the uujaiat Eneigy Tiansmission Coipoiation Limiteu foi
constiuction of the 4uu Kv uouble ciicuit Nunuia-Kansaii (ZERBA) Powei
Tiansmission Line No. II passing thiough the Wilu ASS Sanctuaiy, Bhaianguhaia,
in Bistiict Patan anu Kutch, uujaiat is gianteu subject to the conuitions
mentioneu in paia S of the Repoit extiacteu above.
EF #") =PP( W"#$%&'()$ &#8,&+ ,1 +0# CDC () E88:(B%+(,) 2,PQRST
&#:%+#' +, :%6()$ ,1 +&%)/?(//(,) :()# +0&,.$0 @.+B0 U#/#&+ V(:' O(1#
We have peiuseu the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee. Paia S of the
Repoit is extiacteu heiein below:-
"S. Aftei consiueiing that the pioject is in public inteiest anu is piimaiily being
unueitaken to avoiu collision of Flamingos with the existing ovei-heau
tiansmission line anu to pievent the ueath of Flamingos fiom electiocution to
the existing ovei heau tiansmission line, no viable alteinative is feasible, no
felling is involveu, the pioject will have positive impact on the conseivation anu
piotection of wilulife anu that the pioject has been cleaieu by the Stanuing
Committee of the National Boaiu foi Wilulife, it is iecommenueu that this
Bon'ble Couit may consiuei peimitting the use of u.6u2 hectaie of foiest lanu
falling in the Kachch Beseit Wilulife Sanctuaiy foi ieplacing the existing ovei-
heau towei line by unueigiounu cable line between Location No. 112 to 66 Kv
Amaipai Sub-station by Ns uujaiat Eneigy Tiansmission Coipoiation Limiteu
subject to the following conuitions:
i. Foi use of foiest lanu appioval unuei the Foiest (Conseivation) Act will be
ii. The conuitions on which the pioject has been cleaieu by the Stanuing
Committee of National Boaiu foi Wilulife will be stiictly complieu with."
We, giant peimission to the uujaiat Eneigy Tiansmission Coipoiation Limiteu
foi ieplacement of the ovei heau towei line by unueigiounu cableline fiom
location No. 112 to 66 Kv Amaipui Substation subject to the conuitions
mentioneu in paia S of the Repoit extiacteu above.


&C"T"$CH EF #") 9K=K *0 9<<> 76 VM]!N #") 9<9R(>>O >"#$%&'()$
#W#?8+(,) 1&,? 8%6?#)+ ,1 234 ,) 5#0%:1 ,1 L+%+# ,1 I(?%B0%:
When this application was listeu on 26th August, 2u1S, this application was
uiiecteu to be listeu along with IA N0. S626 of 2u1S to set asiue the uemanu of
NPv iaiseu by the BF0 foi Balanua 0CP anu foi iestiaining the BF0 fiom taking
any action foi initiating ciiminal pioceeuings which has been uiiecteu to be
listeu aftei six weeks along with the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu
Committee (CEC).
0n a peiusal of the application anu the office note it was uetecteu that this
mattei has been wiongly uiiecteu to be listeu with IA N0. S626 of 2u1S. Insteau,
it is uiiecteu to be listeu along with IA N0. 267S of 2uu9 anu IA N0. 2Su6 of 2uu9
ielating to giant of exemption of iuial ioaus constiucteu unuei the 'Piauhan
Nantii uiam Sauak Yojana' fiom payment of NPv aftei the iesponse is fileu in
the saiu application.

EF #*/) (GPGI 9<>(I 999OH999KI 9=G<I 9OPG 46. 9>=K >OENE"KD
9EXXD"Y "#$%&'()$ '(&#B+(,)/ () +0# <.'$?#)+ '%+#' TPGPZ[QQ &#:%+#'
+, /#++()$ .8 ,1 %) #)M(&,)?#)+ &#$.:%+,&=
We have heaiu Ni. Baiish N. Salve,the leaineu Amicus Cuiiae. Be submitteu that
as pei the uiiections of this Couit in Lafaige 0miam Nining Piivate Limiteu v.
0nion of Inuia (2u11) 7 SCC SS8, the Regulatoi shoulu have been put in place
unuei Section S(S) of the Enviionment (Piotection) Act, 1986. Ni. Nohan
Paiasaian, the leaineu Solicitoi ueneial, piayeu foi foui weeks' time to obtain
instiuctions anu appiise this Couit as to when the uiiection of this Couit will be
complieu with.
List these applications on 21st 0ctobei, 2u1S.
IA No. S676 in WP(C) No. 2u2199S 1+23"4*&#3 425(4, (6 ,%2 787 &#
955)&$",&(# :(;<=>> 42)",2* ,( *&?24@&(# (6 )"#* &# !0AB%")3"4% -&)* )&62
@"#$,0"4CD +"E"@,%"# 6(4 " 425"&4 (6 " *"AF
The Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee has been ieceiveu anu Paia 7
of this Repoit is extiacteu heiein below:

&*+, "-.,-/ *0 12, 3*.454-+46 S,4-768 *6 >
&,:1,+;,- 9<(=

"Aftei consiueiing that the woik ielating to stiengthening anu iepaii of the
existing Bam at Lataua is in public inteiest, that the eaily iepaii of the Bam is
essential, that theie is no uiveision of any sanctuaiy lanu anu that the Stanuing
Committee of the National Boaiu of wilulife has iecommenueu the pioposal, it is
iecommenueu that this Bon'ble couit may consiuei peimitting the stiengthening
anu iepaii of the existing Bam at Lataua situateu at the bounuaiy of Foiest Block
Sauii of Kumbhalgaih Wilulife Sanctuaiy, Bistiict Pali subject to the following
(i) S% o the estimateu pioject cost will be uepositeu in the Compensatoiy
Affoiestation Funu foi conseivation anu piotection of the Kumbhalgaih Wilulife
(ii) 1umfct watei will be ieseiveu as live stoiage foi wilulife habitat;
(iii) othei conuitions on which the Stanuing Committee of the National Boaiu of
Wilulife has cleaieu the pioposal will be stiictly complieu with; anu
(iv) any othei conuition stipulateu by the Chief Wilulife Waiuen, State of
Rajasthan will be stiictly complieu with."
We, theiefoie, uispose of this application peimitting the applicant to stiengthen
anu iepaii the existing uam at Lataua situateu at the bounuaiy of the foiest block
Sauii of Kumbhalgaih wilulife Sanctuaiy, Bistiict Pali, Rajasthan subject to the
conuitions (I) to (iv) mentioneu in paia 7 of the Repoit of the Cential
Empoweieu Committee extiacteu above. Repoit is accepteu anu application
stanus uisposeu of.
EF #*) =PKG 76 VM]!N 9<9R(>>O WX,84-.768 -,:*-1 *0 12, !%! -,B41,.
1* F::B7@417*6 #*) (=PK -,B41,. 1* -,@4-:,11768 *0 4 -*4. 76
&^47+*.2*:A-I X4[4/1246\
Paia S of the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee is extiacteu heiein
"Aftei consiueiing that the pioject is in public inteiest, the auveise impact of the
pioject is containable with appiopiiate mitigative measuies anu that the pioject
has been cleaieu by the Stanuing Committee o the NBWL, it is iecommenueu that
this Bon'ble Couit may consiuei peimitting the iepaii anu iecaipetting of the S
kms long anu 6.7 meties in wiuth existing B.T. Roau fiom NBR-111 (Baioni
Shiwai SWN Shyampuia Bhuii Pahaii Kuigaon) to Ranthambhoie Foit in
Bistiict Swaimauhopui, Rajasthan subject to the following conuitions:-
(i) extension in the wiuth of the existing ioau anuoi felling of tiees will not be
(ii) othei conuitions on which the Stanuing Committee of the NBWL has cleaieu
the pioposal will be stiictly complieu with; anu


(iii) any othei conuition stipulateu by the Chief wilulife Waiuen of the State of
Rajasthan will be stiictly complieu with."
We, theiefoie peimit the existing iepaii anu iecaipetting of S kms. Long anu 6.7
meties wiuth of the existing BT Roau fiom NBR III (Baioni Shiwai SWN
Shyampuia Bhuii Pahaii Kuigaon) to Ranthambhoie Foit in Bistiict
Swaimauhopui, Rajasthan subject to conuitions mentioneu in sub paias (i), (ii)
anu(iii) of paia S quoteu above.
Repoit is accepteu anu application stanus uisposeu of.
EF #*) 9P>O >"#$%&'()$ ./# ,1 1,&#/+ :%)' () U#/#&+ 2%+(,)%: 3%&A;
"%<%/+0%) 1,& :%6()$ ,1 $&%M#: &,%'/=
Paia S of the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee is extiacteu heiein
"Aftei consiueiing that the constiuction of the above saiu five giavel ioaus is in
public inteiest, no felling of tiees is involveu, no viable alteinative is feasible anu
that these piojects have been cleaieu by the Stanuing Committee of the National
Boaiu foi Wilulife, it is iecommenueu that this Bon'ble Couit may consiuei
peimitting the use of the foiest lanu falling in the Beseit National paik,
Rajasthan foi the constiuction of the five giavel ioaus subject to the following
(i) foi use of foiest lanu appioval unuei the Foiest (Conseivation) Act, 198u will
be obtaineu;
(ii) the conuitions, stipulateu by the Chief Wilulife Waiuen, Rajasthan Foiest
Bepaitment will be complieu with; anu
(iii) the NPv at the applicable iates foi the use of the foiest lanu falling in the
National paik will be uepositeu in the Compensatoiy Affoiestation Funu."
Peimission is gianteu to the applicant to use the foiest lanu falling in the Beseit
National Paik in the }aisalmei Bistiict of Rajasthan foi the constiuction of five
giavel ioaus subject to the conuitions in sub paias (i), (ii) anu (iii) of Paia S of
the Cential Empoweieu Committee's Repoit extiacteu heieinabove.
EF #*/) =P99H=P9= 46. =PK> 46. =PG9 76 EF #*/) =P99H=P9=
>"#$%&'()$ :%6()$ ,1 +&%)/?(//(,) :()#/ () K&#%+ \)'(%) J./+%&'
L%)B+.%&6; 9%0%&%/0+&%=
Paias 4 anu S of the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee aie extiacteu
heiein below:-

"4. The Pioject was consiueieu by the Stanuing Committee of the National Boaiu
foi Wilulife in its meeting helu on 12th Becembei, 2u12 anu has been
iecommenueu foi appioval subject to the following conuitions:
(i) minimum movement of the staff anu vehicles of the usei agency will be
alloweu to move in the Sanctuaiy aiea:
(ii) no uamage shoulu be causeu to floia anu fauna of the saiu aiea by usei
agency anu its establishment;
(iii) the agency anu oi contiactoi will not use the aiea of the Sanctuaiy which is
not incluueu in this pioposal foi the movement tianspoitation anu any othei
puipose of the constiuction anu maintenance of the tiansmission line;
(iv) the lanu will not be liable to sale, tiansfei of the iights anu piivileges to any
othei agency;
(v) the agency anuoi contiact will stiictly follow the piovisions unuei the
Wilulife(Piotection) Act;
(vi) S% of the cost of the cable line, which is passing thiough Wilulife Sanctuaiy,
shoulu be spent foi wilulife conseivation in the Wilulife Sanctuaiy aiea;
(vii) the usei agency shoulu take full caie anu piecaution foi the constiuction of
cable line so that no uamage is causeu to wilulife in the aiea; anu
(viii) the agency will put a mechanism in place wheieby the powei will tiip in
case theie is bieakage in tiansmission so that animals uo not get electiocuteu.
S. Aftei consiueiing that the pioject is in public inteiest no viable alteinative is
feasible, the auveise impact of the pioject on the Wilulife Sanctuaiy is minimum
anu that the pioject has been cleaieu by the Stanuing Committee of the National
Boaiu foi Wilulife it is iecommenueu that this Bon'ble Couit may consiuei
peimitting use of 6S.248S hectaie of non- foiest lanu falling in the uieat Inuian
Bustaiu Wilulife Sanctuaiy in Bistiict Solapui, Nahaiashtia foi laying 22u Kv
Lamboti (Solapui)-Tuljapui uouble ciicuit Tiansmission Line by Nahaiashtia
State Electiicity Tiansmission Co. Ltu. Subject to the following conuitions:
(I) use of foiest lanu anuoi felling of tiees within the Sanctuaiy will not be
(ii) the amount payable foi use of non-foiest lanu falling within the Sanctuaiy, as
pei this Bon'ble Couit's oiuei uateu 28.S.2uu8 in NPv mattei will be uepositeu
in the Compensatoiy Affoiestation Funu;
(iii) S% of the estimateu pioject cost foi the poition of the Tiansmission Line
passing thiough the Sanctuaiy i.e. Rs. u.SS4 Cioie will be uepositeu in the
Compensatoiy Affoiestation Funu;

(iv) the othei conuitions on which the pioject has been cleaieu by the Stanuing
Committee of the National Boaiu foi Wilulife will be complieu with; anu
(v) any othei conuitions stipulateu by the Chief Wilulife Waiuen will be complieu
The Nahaiashtia State Electiicity Tiansmission Company, applicant heiein, is
peimitteu to unueitake the laying of the tiansmission lines 22u KvBC Tuljapui-
Solapui-Lamboti electiicity tiansmission line passing thiough the uieat Inuian
Bustaiu Sanctuaiy, Nahaiashtia subject to the conuitions mentioneu in paias 4
anu S of the Repoit of the Cential Empoweieu Committee extiacteu above.

Original Application No. 19/2012
Sub7- T4-7* !2*^076 _R/ C67*6 *0 E6.74 U "-/)
E6 12, @*A-/, *0 12, 4-8A+,61/ 76 127/ @4/, 71 ^4/ ;-*A821 1* B7821 1241 12,
/141, *0 C114-4D246. 24. 6*1 A6.,-14D,6 12, :-*@,// *0 7.,61707@417*6 *0
.,,+,. 0*-,/1/ 76 @*+:B746@, ^712 12, (9)(9)(>>P *-.,- *0 12, &A:-,+,
!*A-1 76 12, $)#)3*.454-+46 @4/,) F::B7@417*6 #*)(>R9<(9 -,B41,/ 1*
.A+:768 *0 ^4/1, 46. @*6/1-A@17*6 +41,-74B 76 0*-,/1 B46. *0 M4A-7
324-^4BI C114-4D246. 4/ ^,BB 4/ 0,BB768 *0 1-,,/) $2, *-.,-/ +,617*6,.
;,B*^ 2782B7821 ^241 24/ 1-46/:7-,. 76 127/ @4/, 76 12, +*612/ *0
&,:1,+;,-H"@1*;,- 9<(= 76.7@41768 12, :-*8-,// *0 /,11768 A: *0 46 ,`:,-1
@*++711,, 1* A6.,-14D, 12, 7.,61707@417*6 *0 .,,+,. 0*-,/1/ 76 12, /141,.
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As pei the eailiei oiuei of this Tiibunal uateu 6
August, 2u1S, it is seen that the
iepoit of the Committee constituteu by the State is not piouuceu. It is now founu
that the State of 0ttaiakhanu has not constituteu a sepaiate Expeit Committee
foi the puipose of iuentifying the foiest aiea as pei the uiiections of the Bon'ble
Apex Couit. The Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the State unueitakes to finu out
the coiiect position anu piouuce the iecoius in that iegaiu befoie this Tiibunal
on the next uate of heaiing.
Relating to the copy of the Suivey of Inuia Nap, Ni. Ritwick Butta, Leaineu
Counsel appeaiing foi the Applicant has piouuceu the saiu Nap befoie this
Tiibunal touay. Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi Responuents No. 2 to 7 has also
ciiculateu a lettei to the effect that uue to peisonal inconvenience he is unable to
attenu this Tiibunal touay. Bowevei, he has been iepiesenteu by anotheiCounsel
seeking aujouinment.
?7/@A//7*6/ 76 12, #417*64B 3-,,6 $-7;A64B -,B41,. 1* 12, .,+4-@417*6 *0
.,,+,. 0*-,/1 B46. 76 C114-4D246.

Stanu ovei to 11
Septembei, 2u1S.
"-.,- .41,. ((
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Beaiu Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the Applicant, Leaineu Counsel appeaiing
foi the Responuent No. 1 (NoEF), Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the
Responuents No. 2 to 7 anu Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the Responuent No. 8
(0ttaiakhanu State Pollution Contiol Boaiu).
The aiea unuei uispute is 76S acies of lanu which falls within the excess lanu of
the ceiling aiea of the joint owneiship anu the question is whethei the teim
"foiest" unuei the Foiest (Conseivation) Act, 198u can be applieu to the saiu
When this case was taken up on u6.u8.2u1S, it was stateu by Leaineu Counsel foi
the Applicant that the iepoit of the Expeit Committee as uiiecteu by the Bon'ble
Apex Couit hau not been piepaieu. Be sought time to file on iecoiu a copy of the
Suivey of Inuia Nap. Leaineu Counsel foi the State of 0ttaiakhanu also sought
time to take infoimation whethei the uuly constituteu Committee has conuucteu
the suivey in accoiuance with the uiiections of the Apex Couit in the case of "G;:;
H(*"?"4A"# G%&40A0)5"* I@; J#&(# (6 K#*&" L M4@."
0n the next uate i.e. on Su.u8.2u1S, when this mattei again was heaiu, it was
founu that "the State of 0ttaiakhanu hau not constituteu a sepaiate Expeit
Committee foi the puipose of iuentifying the foiest aiea as pei the uiiections of
the Bon'ble Apex Couit. The Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the State unueitook
to finu out the coiiect position anu piouuce the iecoius in that iegaiu befoie this
Tiibunal on the next uate of heaiing".
As the mattei stanus touay, theie is no iepoit with iespect to the afoiesaiu aiea
unuei uispute in this case. In the saiu ciicumstances, it is agieeu between the
paities that a sepaiate Expeit Committee shoulu be constituteu by the State
uoveinment with a iepiesentative of the NoEF as Nembei theieof foi the
puipose of fielu veiification anu foi establishing whethei the aiea unuei uispute
qualifies to be 'foiest' foi the puipose of the Foiest (Conseivation) Act, 198u. If
the Expeit Committee so uesiies, oppoitunity may be given to listen the
giievance of the local people iesiuing in the saiu aiea, in question.
In couise of aiguments, Leaineu Counsel foi the Applicant has iaiseu a point that
in the aiea in question, 'non-foiestiy' activities aie being caiiieu out with the
help of }CB Nachines, etc. Leaineu Counsel foi the State of 0ttaiakhanu submits
that he is not awaie of the saiu fact anu he has to take instiuctions in that iegaiu.
The Expeit Committee, so appointeu, shall specifically consiuei the afoiesaiu
aspect of the mattei also.
If any act is being uone in violation of the eailiei oiuei of this Tiibunal, the
Collectoi of the Bistiict shoulu consiuei it as a veiy seiious mattei anu take
appiopiiate steps in accoiuance with law. Stanu ovei to 2Siu Septembei, 2u1S.

"-.,- .41,. 9=
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As pei the eailiei oiuei of this Tiibunal uateu 11.u9.2u1S, the Leaineu Counsel
appeaiing foi the State of 0ttaiakhanu has piouuceu befoie us an 0ffice
Nemoianuum uateu 2u.u9.2u1S nominating the Expeit Committee consisting of
1. Beputy Conseivatoi of Foiest of the Regional 0ffice of theNoEF
2.Bistiict Nagistiate, Pauii, uaiwal.
S.Bivisional Foiest 0fficei, Kalagaih.
4.Bistiict Foiest 0fficei, uaiwal, Pauii.
S.Woiking Plan 0fficei, Lansuowne of Foiest Bepaitment, Lansuowne
It is stateu by the Leaineu Counsel that the list has been sent to the NoEF foi the
puipose of its appioval as it is mentioneu in the 0ffice Nemoianuum itself.
Theie is no iepiesentation on behalf of the Responuent No. 1 (NoEF). It is
unfoitunate that the NoEF, who is the necessaiy paity, has not been piesent. We
make it cleai that if theie is no iepiesentation on behalf of the NoEF on the next
uate of heaiing, this Tiibunal may be constiaineu to take coeicive steps.
The NoEF is uiiecteu to take eaily uecision on the nomination of the fiist peison
in the list, namely, Ns. Piachi uangwai, Beputy Conseivatoi of Foiest as a
Nembei of the Expeit Committee.
The State uoveinment in the meantime shall nominate one among the five
peisons of the Expeit Committee to act as Chaiipeison, anu senu to the NoEF
We also make it cleai that the NoEF while gianting appioval in the event of
conuucting spot inspection shall make public heaiing anu in any event give
oppoitunity to the Applicant also to paiticipate in the same.
Stanu ovei to 11
0ctobei, 2u1S
"-.,- .41,. ((
"@1*;,- 9<(=
Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the Responuents No. 2 to 7 woulu submit that the
names of the Committee Nembei which have been selecteu by the State have
been sent to the NoEF anu is penuing with the NoEF. A iepiesentative fiom the
NoEF woulu submit that it is penuing foi consiueiing with the uoveinment anu
the uoveinment will take uecision expeuitiously.

We uiiect the NoEF to take uecision in this iegaiu within a peiiou of one (1)
week so as to enable the Committee to pioceeu with the function. Stanu ovei to
0ctobei, 2u1S
|2,+#Y No substantial piogiess was maue on 21.1u.2u1S, hence the oiuei of
2S.1u.2u1S is iepiouuceu belowj
"-.,- .41,. 9=
"@1*;,- 9<(=
Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the NoEF on instiuction has stateu that the
Ninistiy has appioveu name of the iepiesentative of NoEF in the Committee
constituteu by the State uoveinment. Copy of the pioceeuings has been hanueu
ovei by the Counsel foi the NoEF to the Counsel appeaiing foi State of
0ttaiakhanu. Leaineu Counsel appeaiing foi the State seeks time foi the puipose
of convening the meeting of the Committee anu infoim the same befoie this
Stanu ovei to 26
Novembei, 2u1S

!"#$%&'( kanchl kohll and 8lLwlck uuLLa

lor furLher lnformaLlon and clarlflcaLlons please wrlLe Lo foresLcase[

)%%&"#*+$#*, +""&.''.': L-180, CreaLer kallash 2, new uelhl-110048 and
n-71, Lower Cround lloor, CreaLer kallash-1, new uelhl-110048

vlslL Lhe loresL Case updaLe WebslLe for pasL lssues and accesslng Lhe orders of Lhe Supreme
CourL and CenLral Lmpowered CommlLLee:

We would llke Lo acknowledge Lhe supporL of 1he uuleep MaLLhal naLure ConservaLlon 1rusL and
loundaLlon for Lcologlcal SecurlLy for Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe loresL Case updaLe.

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