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In the Name of God, Most Gracious Most Merciful

Dear Brothers & Sisters – Assalamu Alaikum

In this manuscript I am going to discuss a serious danger that is going to engulf the Muslim community of Kerala,
and day-by-day this is increasing.

A Mother’s Agony

One day a women came to my house, while she was talking to my mother, her eyes fell on me
I was a youth with a lush long beard, kept in conformity with the tradition of the Final Messenger of God (peace be
upon him) and my trousers ending above the ankles.
On seeing me the women asked "Are you NDF"
With a smile I asked her "What prompted you to ask like that"
She told "When I saw your long beard, I felt asking like that"
I said to her in a kind voice, I am a Salafi, who follow the religion strictly as thought by the messengers of God
Who worship only the Creator and abstain from worshipping all created beings

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him (Holy Quran 112:1-4)

and strive hard to follow the only religion acceptable to God as revealed to the Final Messenger of God and as
understood by his rightly guided Companions
And involve myself in preaching the religion to the best of my abilities.

Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways
that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth, best who have strayed from His Path, and
who receive guidance. (Holy Quran 16:125)

and as there is no place for extremism or terrorism in the religion of God

I am strictly against it and do my best to educate the Muslim masses of the dangers of the deviations that is being
created in the name of defense or whatever justification they give for their unislamic activities.

The lady retorted,

I do have a son like you, the same age as you or a little less
and, I am very much worried about him
I asked her, what was the problem,
She said, my son is involved with NDF, and I am very much anxious about his safety.
The lady continued...
I don't know how he got into it, but everything happened all of a sudden.
It was secret meetings at first,
then meeting after meetings...
then the periodical and the newspaper...Thejus
and with the coming of the periodical and the newspaper
everything changed
till then everything was secret,
from then everything turned public.

I listened everything in silence

and the lady continued,
As it is everywhere throughout our state
My house is situated in an area where Hindus and Muslims live in a mixed setup, where both the community are
interdependent for their day-to-day needs and activities.
and as the majority of the people in both the community possess a mind set of religious tolerance and co-existence,
there has prevailed an atmosphere of communal harmony and peace from the time I remember.
she continued...
the periodical and the newspaper of NDF started coming and coming...
day by day it started to get noticed,
our house and the male members of the household including my son came under the scrutiny of all types of people
most of them Hindus, secular and good neighbors and
some of them racialist
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days followed days
and those people around started treating us with a suspicious attitudes
things never seemed to be like the good old times
when neighbors whether Hindu or Muslim
while adhering strictly to their religion
had had a peaceful co-existence,
it was hatred, hatred and hatred.
the newspaper...Tejus
continued coming and coming
and the good and bad men and women among the secularist, communalists and the politicians increased in their
scrutiny and hatred.

I just listened and thought in my mind

My good lady, you have left out one important lot,
and who is it,
and it is none other than our Police force...
they also have a very good record of all these activists and their activities

I kept my calm and the women continued,

she said, soon it got to my mind
The newspaper, The real culprit,

it was with its ceremonial arrival that everything started

so I decided to get rid of the nuisance,
I told my son to inform the guys not to fire the newspaper into our house
and distance himself away from them.

convinced of the dangers, the guys he left.

told them not to put the newspaper into our house.
they told him, your subscription is not yet over
so we will continue to shoot our newspaper into your house

the women said, I told my son,

get lost with the subscription, tell them to stop
there is enough trouble already in this house,
So my son told them we don't care for the subscription,
and humbly requested them to stop
I also told the newspaper activist several times to stop
but the newspaper started coming and coming...
one day I got hold of the newspaper when the newspaper activist threw it into our yard
and hurled it back at him
and it came back with double speed rocketing towards me
what can I do... A Poor Women
against these dangerous warrior guys
I hope and pray to God that the nuisance will stop once the subscription is over.
I consoled her and told her,
I also hope it will end with the end of subscription.
And I wondered, how many more moms and dads are there worrying day-by-day about their beloved sons

Newspaper or Nuisance

Most readers would say

what this Hue and Cry
about a newspaper, it is just like any other newspaper

you may say

The news is somewhat same as the other newspapers
I agree with you on that
with the exception that,
maybe on some days a bit hot while reporting some of their favorite issues

but dear readers, let us keep on asking each other some more questions???
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why are activists involved in supplying the newspapers
It is usually the paid newspaper boys who does the job.

why is there a strong coercion on the part of the newspaper activists

as if their paradise and salvation depended on running and propagating this script like a holy book...

why is there a well targeted effort in gulf countries to popularize and get the maximum subscribers to their
newspaper back home in Kerala, without any consideration for the readers, their living environment or the objection
of the residential inmates back home in Kerala

why are the newspaper activists reluctant to let go the subscribers who are not interested in the newspaper

why are free copies of this newspaper appearing in Salafi Conferences after a good speech by a Salafi Scholar
against the NDF.

No group with a rational mindset would gift the section with free copies of Newspapers for speeches delivered
against them, I don’t think they are garlanding the Salafis for their speech, in fact they are shooting at them, as
they do not have anything Islamic to debate the issue out with them in an open stage.

why was a great Jihad conducted with cricket stumps against a good Muslim traveler, his wife and children traveling
to Saudi Arabia in the name of the newspaper. on the notion that he will hinder the approval for the newspaper
getting launched in Saudi Arabia.

The answer is simple, This newspaper or periodical...Thejus

is not only a newspaper or periodical
but a well planned and executed trap to engulf and brand the peace loving and pious Muslim masses of Kerala as
terrorists and extremists or
at the least sympathizers and supporters of these unislamic lot

You may ask

who gave you the right to brand this so called saviors of the Muslim community as unislamic
dear reader, it is not me
the whole of the Islamic Organizations in Kerala including the Salafis have already branded this NDF of an
organization as unislamic
you may refer to the great conference that was held at Muthalakulam Maidani at Calicut in the year 2007
where all the major Islamic organizations of Kerala including the Salafis met and declared the NDF and their
activities as unislamic

you may be getting and bit hot, or switch your platform and cry out
what unislamic, what is there to worry about Islam
the NDF do not say we stand for Islam,
they just stand for defense...

And I would humbly say that the leader of the youth wing of the major Muslim Political party in Kerala... Shaji K
Wynad of the Muslim Youth league has the answer for you...
You may refer to his speech... Terrorism is not defense ...delivered at the Salafi Conference of 2008 for more
information and determine what they are doing is defense or offense in the name of Islam

So dear reader, It is time to part

but you may say
wait a moment,
Islam and Muslims are being targeted all around the globe, what solution do you have for that?

Dear reader, know ye

the solution had been prescribed fourteen hundred years back,
just ye open the holy book and read...

By (the Token of) time (through the Ages),

Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of
Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (Holy Quran 103:1-3)
From A Humble Servant of God, and
A well wisher of all those innocent youths entrapped in NDF

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