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Cell Cycle and Mitosis Note

A cell must move through stages in a cell cycle to reach a point where it can successfully divide. Cycle-a repeating series of events Divide- to separate Duplicate- identical copy Copy- a reproduction of an original Cells double their DNA in order to divide and create two identical duplicates-copies-daughters and then the parent dies. Cell Size- Limits to growth Volume- the amount of space in a three dimensional object urface Area- the total amount of area on the surface of an object !he upper limit of cell si"e depends on its surface area-to-volume ratio !he surface area-to-volume ratio is the si"e of the surface area compared to the si"e of the volume. DNA-di-o#y-ribo- nucleic acid- a double stranded macro molecule that stores the genetic material $blueprint% in ALL living organisms &ach continuous double-stranded DNA molecule ma'es one chromosome Chromosomes- one long piece of DNA () in human beings stretched out it would measure *+ feet. DNA wraps around proteins called histones, forming chromatin Chromatin coils into tight little spirals !hese spirals condense to form Chromosomes - which are gathered in the middle by a centromere. Cell Division -++ types of cells .+ -*++ trillion cells in the human body cells in body /inary 0ission-simply splits in two- &#act replica /acteria-pro'aryotes Ase#ual- single parent- +egg-+sperm 1itosis- All cells e#cept se# cells- egg and sperm 1eiosis- only se# cells-egg and sperm &u'aryotes-all plants and animals Cancer- out of control division latin-cyclus-circle

Chromosomes info 2umans- -3 pairs of chromosomes -- somatic- body design * gamete-se# chromosomes4egg and sperm determine gender -- 5*6 -3 - sets of -3 6 () chromosomes- -35-35() se# chromosomes x +y- male x+x female Cell Cycle -a regular pattern that each cell goes through during its life, growth, DNA duplication and cell division Interphase 7*-gap*-growth*-organelles divide and normal growth - DNA is copied 7--more growth and DNA growth Mitosis-nuclear division in ( stages 8ropase 1etaphase Anaphase !elophase Cytokinesis-cytoplasm division Cancer 9ncontrolled cell growth-continued division !umor- disorgani"ed clump /enign- clustered together 1alignant- brea's away 1etasti"ed- carried away in the blood :hy bad; in lungs- no <--Co- e#change /rain- no nerve transmission =egular needs but no wor' Reg altion-Controls >nternal-inside-uses en"ymes and proteins &#ternal-outside-growth factors stimulate cell division Apoptosis-programmed cell death-orderly process

Cell Differentiation All cells have the same DNA, but they use different genes from the DNA that ma'e them different 9nspeciali"ed become speciali"ed Stem CellA type of body cell that can develop into a different type of cell. Adult- found all over the body 1ay or may not be able to ma'e different types of cells &#ample? bone marrow @ umbilical cord &mbryonic- found in fertili"ed embryos in a lab. Completely undifferentiated Can form any type of body cell !evels of "rganization >n multicellular organisms many different type of cells communicate and wor' together to form larger, more comple# structures

Latin Greek word origins

>nter-between 8ro-before 1eta-after Ana-bac' !elo-end 8hase-appearance 1ere-part-segment Centro-center oma-body Chromo-color

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