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Hi everyone, my name is Fernando Osorio and im going to talk about a subject that is closely linked to each and every one of us. For...tell me, who among us has not felt identified by the lyrics of a song? Who has not entered any part of a song in the table class, on Facebook or in your notebook? Who has not played a song only for what the letter says liking it even more than the music? Or simply dedicate a song that accurately says what we feel? There are songs that reflect us, through their words make us identify or meet with our feelings and thoughts. This is when the poetry is present in the music. When the message of the song not only fits in the realm of music and literature enters. And in the history of art music and literature have never been separated. That's why then I will talk about poets who were musicians by chance but his lyrics have marked the history and literature of music. This time I will talk about two, Jim Morrison and Pete Doherty. For this I have divided my presentation into two parts, one for each artist. And each of these two parts has three points: a brief biography, the relationship they have with poetry, and the legacy left in the literature. I going to start with Jim Morrison. He was born in the U.S. in 1943. He died in France in 1971. He is known worldwide for being the influential composer and vocalist of rock group The Doors. Besides being considered by Rolling Stone among the top 50 vocalists of all time. He was known for his performances in that caused permanent drunken exhibitionist and will pay scandal cost several arrests and cancellation proceedings. He was arrested for assault on police and on one occasion, to try to masturbate in public. He died at age 27, apparently of a heart attack caused by a drug overdose when the LA Woman album was published. On top of his musical career. Her relationship with poetry we see from an early age: In its early years, due to the work of his father who was a soldier, must constantly move from home and live in various military bases. At 14 years old I had lived in 7 different houses. According to this kind of life is believed without attachment to places and people, stalled deep in his nature. He had a black sense of humor, began writing poetry at age 9, he painted a little and read voraciously. From a young age he was fascinated by literature and poetry. In the classroom he was seen reading Rimbaud, Nietzsche, Allen Ginsberg, Kerouac, a situation that did get along with several of his teachers. At 19 years old leaves home and studied literature. Studies who left to study film. Where titled achieve but never went to get his papers because he lost all interest in the film and in the industry. So he decided to focus on what has always considered his true vocation, poetry. With this intention he went to Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California, living in the roof of a building or in the homes of some women. That was how he wrote his three books of poetry: The new creatures (1968), The Lords (1969) and An American Prayer (1970), books that initially were criticized because nothing is understood. As in the

lyrics, the message seemed to be very abstract. Jim believed that the poet is a seer by a long, rational impairment of the senses, all forms of love, suffering and madness. Wanted himself in an immense torture that needs all his faith, all his superhuman strength, where he becomes among all men the great patient, but also in the scholar because only he attains the unknown. So was the trance into his own poetics. Where the subject of death haunted him. For his poetic contribution to American letters, overshadowed by its figure of musical star, Jim Morrison was one of the precursors of a kind of literature, as the country was still waking up. The idea that perception can be modified and expanded thoroughly was a fundamental principle of the Beat generation. The idea of the poet-seer. And so poetry that inadvertently marked a period of American history: concise, profound in terms of clarity of expression and tone; plagued images simple, emotional verses, a pessimistic and melancholy poetry, resigned to reality that illustrate played. ***** Pete Doherty was born in England in 1979. It is globally known for being a singer, composer and leader of The Libertines. One of the bands most important and influential British rock history. He also became a controversial figure for his relationship with supermodel Kate Moss and Amy Winehouse, his constant trouble with the law and drugs. Doherty was hailed as one of the most promising musicians emerged from the British music scene in the last decade, but it all came to overshadow when rob the house of his bandmate Carl Barat to buy drugs. What would make him expelled in 2004 from the band. And then he would be expelled from the rehab clinic bad influence. He is currently the singer, songwriter and leader of the band Babyshambles with whom he has had great success. Her relationship with poetry also began very young. He was also the son of military situation did live in different countries in Europe. This makes fails fit into social groups, which have many difficulties to be accepted. As he began to seek refuge in writing and even at age 16 won a poetry contest that took him across Russia. Shortly after he moved to his grandmother and to work digging graves in the cemetery, although most of the time he spent writing or reading the headstones. He entered the university to study English literature, but left after the first year to form the band The Libertines. Throughout his whole life he was writing in his diaries published poems with the prestigious publishing house Orion Books 2007. Poems in some cases, wrote with his own blood. In his poetry bohemia, the street and darkness is reflected. The symbolism of his influences as Rimbaud and Verlaine readings. Doherty admitted in an interview with The Guardian newspaper that prefer to write rather than sing in a concert.

His legacy is not yet know well and who has just published a book, and is at the peak of his career. But the letters made in both The Libertines and Babyshambles have become popular phrases and choirs in England. Thanks.

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