Cell Structure Location Descript ION Function

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Cell Wall


Plant, Fungi, & Bacteria, but not animal cells

Outer layer Rigid & strong Made of cellulose

Support (grow tall) Protection allows !O, O!, "O! to diffuse in & out of cell Support Protection "ontrols mo(ement of materials in)out of cell Barrier between cell and its en(ironme nt Maintains &omeostasi s "ontrols cell acti(ities "ontains t&e &ereditary material of t&e cell

Cell Membrane

#ll cells

Plant $ inside cell wall #nimal $ outer layer% c&olesterol 'ouble layer of p&osp&olip ids wit& proteins Selecti(ely permeable ,arge, o(al May contain or more nucleoli olds '.#


#ll cells e*cept pro+aryotes

#ll cells e*cept pro+aryotes

Surrounds nucleus 'ouble membrane Selecti(ely permeable

"ontrols mo(ement of materials in)out of nucleus

Nuclear membrane #ll cells


"lear, t&ic+, /ellyli+e material (cytosol) Organelles found inside cell membrane "ontains t&e cytos+elet on fibers .etwor+ of tubes or membrane s Smoot& w)o ribosomes Roug& wit& embedded ribosomes "onnects to nuclear en(elope & cell membrane

Supports and protects cell organelles

En oplasm!c ret!culum "ER#

#ll cells e*cept pro+aryotes

"arries materials t&roug& cell #ids in ma+ing proteins


#ll cells

Small bodies free or attac&ed to 0R

Synt&esi1e s proteins

M!toc$on r!on

#ll cells e*cept pro+aryotes

Made of rR.# & protein Peanut s&aped 'ouble membrane Outer membrane smoot& 2nner membrane folded into cristae Fluid$ filled sacs ,argest organelle in plant cells

Brea+s down sugar (glucose) molecules to release energy Site of aerobic cellular respiration Store food, water, metabolic & to*ic wastes Store large amounts of food or sugars in plants Brea+s down larger food molecules into smaller molecules 'igests old cell parts


Plant cells &a(e a single, large (acuole #nimal cells &a(e small (acuoles


Plant $ uncommon #nimal $ common

Small and round wit& a single membrane


Plants and algae

3reen, o(al containing c&lorop&yl l (green pigment) 'ouble membrane wit& inner membrane modified into sacs called t&yla+oids Stac+s of t&yla+oids called grana & interconne cted 3el li+e innermost substance called stroma Found inside t&e cell5s nucleus May &a(e more t&an one 'isappear during cell di(ision Stac+s of flattened sacs

4ses energy from sun to ma+e food (glucose) for t&e plant Process called p&otosynt& esis Release o*ygen


#ll cells e*cept pro+aryotes

Ma+e ribosomes

&ol'! Apparatus

#ll cells e*cept pro+aryotes

a(e a cis & trans face Modify proteins made by t&e cells

Pac+age & e*port proteins


#nimal cells, Proto1oans

a(e a 6$! arrangeme nt of microtubul es S&ort, but numerous a(e a 6$! arrangeme nt of microtubul es ,ong, but few in number Paired structures near t&e nucleus Made of a cylinder of microtubul e pairs



Bacterial cells & Proto1oans



#nimal cells

Separate c&romoso me pairs during mitosis

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