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LUZERNE COUNTY: New dumping ground for the Fossil Fuel Industry?

Presented by Dory Hippauf, 2/19/2014

MynameisDoryHippauf.Iamnotanexpert,nordoIhaveexperienceinthefossilfuel industry.IamheadoftheResearchCommitteefortheGasDrillingAwarenessCoalition,a SteeringCommitteememberfortheShaleJusticeCoalition,andI blog aboutthefossilfuel industryatNoFracking YoumayhavenoticedImentionedthefossilfuelindustryandnotthenaturalgasindustry. Thisisbecausetheenergysectorasawholearenotonlydrillingandfracking fornatural gas,butalsofornaturalgasliquidsandoil.Sotoencompassitall,Irefertothisasthe fossilfuelindustry. LatelastweekwelearnedofaproposedFrack WaterRecycleplanttobebuiltinLake Township.Inthispresentation,IwilltellyouwhatIhavelearnedaboutrecyclingfrack waterandwhatwedontknow.Thereareradioandtv adsproducedbytheAmerican NaturalGasAssociation,alsoknownasANGA,whichisafrontgroupforthegasandoil corporations.Inthead,ANGAasksustothinkaboutit.I amgoingtoaskyoutothink aboutittoo,andthenthinkaboutitagain.

Article I, Section 27, of Pennsylvanias state constitution, referred to by the Court as the Environmental Rights Amendment, was approved by Pennsylvania voters in 1971 and provides that: The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. Pennsylvanias public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come. As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people.

Per Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille, Pennsylvania Supreme Court: By any responsible account, the exploitation of the Marcellus Shale Formation will produce a detrimental effect on the environment, on the people, their children, and future generations, and potentially on the public purse, perhaps rivaling the environmental effects of coal extraction.

ThisisArticle1,Section27ofthePennsylvaniastateconstitution.Itsbeenoftencitedby manygroupsconcernedaboutthefossilfuelindustrysactivitiesinPennsylvania. NextisaquotefromChiefJusticeRonaldCastille ofthePennsylvaniaSupremeCourtinthe decisionupholdinglocalcommunitiespowertocontroltheirownzoning,whichACT13 attemptedtostrip.

Per Citizens Voice Article dated Feb. 14, 2014:

Luzerne County Planning Commission Acting Director Nancy Snee said the facility is slated for the 4-P Realty property off Meeker Outlet Road. Waveco Energy plans to build the plant on land leased from the 605-acre 4-P Realty property, which county records show is owned by the partnership of Michael A. Patrician, Rodney J. Passeri, Joseph J. Passeri Jr. and John Passeri. Snee said there wouldn't be any gas drilling-related activity on the 4-P Realty property. "There's no drilling going on there," she said. "Just bring the water in; a couple days later, take the water out." According to documents filed with the county: Waveco plans to have up to 30 settling and storage tanks to hold the used fracking water until it can be returned to drilling sites for reuse. They will be 45 feet by 10 feet with a capacity of 20,000 gallons each. These tanks will be cleaned out periodically, and sediment and other such matter "will be handled and removed according to all applicable state and federal environmental requirements." The fenced-in site would take up less than an acre and have controlled access points with security monitoring. Trucks would be registered and undergo a radiation inspection before unloading. Trained personnel would be on site during hours of operation, which would be between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m., and the company anticipates fewer than 25 truck trips per week in the initial phases of the operation. Snee said there would not be a physical building to house the facility. The only structure would be a caretaker's shack, she said.

TheseareexcerptsfromtheCitizensVoicearticledatedFeb14.Illbegoingthrough theseaspartofthepresentation.

According to Snee: "Just bring the water in; a couple days later, take the water out."

Just WATER? If its JUST WATER why does it need to be treated?

LuzerneCountyPlanningCommissionActingDirectorNancySnee callsitjustwater.If itsjustwater whydoesitneedtobetreated?WithallduerespecttoActing Director Snee,shedoesntknowfrack aboutfrack water.

Waveco siteplansubmittedtotheLuzerneCountyZoningBoard.Thisplanshows28 storagetanks.CitizensVoicearticlereported30storagetanks.Weareunableto confirm,butwevebeentoldtheversionsubmittedtoDEPcallsfor50tanks.


Thisisaphotoofaholdingpondforfrack wateratadrillsite.Accordingtospokespeople fortheMarcellusShaleCoalitionandrelatedfossilfuelfrontgroups,theseholdingponds dontexist,becausetheindustryisrecycling100%oftheirfrack water.Howmuchare theyreallyrecycling?Numbersrangefromlessthan20%to60%, dependsonwhos reportingthenumbers.

TYPES OF just water: FRACK WATER: Initial mix of chemicals, sand and water used for fracking.

FLOWBACK WATER: Frack Water which returns immediately following the fracking of a well. (approx 20%-30%)

PRODUCED WATER: Frack Water which has been in the ground and mixed with naturally occurring materials such as arsenic, lead, radium, barium, strontium and sodium (salts) etc. and continues to return to the surface for the life of the well.

BRINE: What the industry calls PRODUCED WATER to make it seem less scary

LetslookatSnees JUSTWATER FRACKWATER:Initialmixofchemicals,sandandwaterusedforfracking.

FLOWBACKWATER:Frack Waterwhichreturnsimmediatelyfollowingthefracking ofawell

PRODUCEDWATER:Frack Waterwhichhasbeeninthegroundandmixedwithnaturally occurringmaterialssuchasarsenic,lead,radium,barium,strontiumandsodium(salts)etc.

BRINE:WhattheindustrycallsPRODUCEDWATERtomakeitseemlessscary.Soundlike somethingyourgrandmawouldusetomakepickle. ProducedwaterorBrinealsocontains57timesmoresaltthanseawater. IsthisJUSTWATER?Dontthinkso.

The fenced-in site would take up less than an acre and have controlled access points with security monitoring. Trucks would be registered and undergo a radiation inspection before unloading.

PER US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA): How are drilling wastes produced? The briney solution contained in reservoirs of oil and gas is known as "formation water." During drilling, a mixture of oil, gas, and formation water is pumped to the surface. The water is separated from the oil and gas into tanks or pits, where it is referred to as "produced water." As the oil and gas in the reservoir are removed, more of what is pumped to the surface is formation water. Consequently, declining oil fields generate more produced water. While uranium and thorium are not soluble in water, their radioactive decay product, radium, and some of its decay products are somewhat soluble. Radium and its decay products may dissolve in the brine. They may remain in solution or settle out to form sludges, which accumulate in tanks and pits, or mineral scales, which form inside pipes and drilling equipment.

Snees JustWaterwillneedtoundergoradiationinspection.Why?AccordingtotheEPA, frack waterisradioactive.

The fenced-in site would take up less than an acre and have controlled access points with security monitoring. Trucks would be registered and undergo a radiation inspection before unloading.

QUESTION: What is the acceptable level of radiation? What happens to the trucks and load when they DO NOT pass RADIATION INSPECTION?

In an article first published in ProPublica and then in the Albany Times Union on November 9, 2009, Abrahm Lustgarten reported that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation analyzed 13 samples of wastewater brought up thousands of feet to the surface from drilling and found that they contained levels of radium-226, a derivative of uranium, as high as 267 times the limit safe for discharge into the environment and thousands of times the limit safe for people to drink.

NewYork,whichcurrentlyhasamoratoriumonfossilfueldrilling,foundradium226at267 timesthesafedischargelevel.

It was reported in April of 2013, trucks carrying shale drill cuttings were setting off radiation alarms at a Pennsylvania landfill. The EPAs standard for air pollution is 10,000 microrem per year (also known as 10 millirem/year). Pennsylvania measures radiation in hourly emissions and EPAs standard in terms of yearly emissions. The radiation level in the truck is roughly 84 times higher than EPAs standard. Trucks carrying rejected loads of drill cuttings were refused. Where did they go? John Poister, a spokesperson for DEP, stated DEP DOESNT KNOW.

Notonlyisthefrack waterradioactive,thedrillcuttingsarealsoradioactive.Drillcuttings aredirt,rock,mudremovedbydrilling.Snee wouldprobablycallitjustdirt.Butitismore thanjustdirt. Thispastfall,DEPapprovepermitsfordrillcuttingdumpingin aHazletonLandfill. Drillcuttingloadsthatarerefused,presumablybecausetheysetofftheradiationalarms, endupwhere?DEPdoesntknow.


QUESTION: If DEP does NOT have a registry of rejected drill cuttings, does that mean there isnt one for rejected frack water? What happens to rejected frack water loads?



Geochemists have found dangerous levels of radioactivity and salinity at a fracking disposal site near Blacklick Creek, which feeds into water sources for Pittsburgh and other western Pennsylvania cities. The Duke scientists spent two years, from 2010 to 2012, taking soil samples upstream and downstream from the Josephine Brine Treatment Facility in Indiana County, PA.

Even after waste water was treated at the plant to remove dangerous chemicals, radiation was detected far above regulated levels.
The treated water had Radium levels 200 times greater than control water from the area, said Avner Vengosh, professor of geochemistry and water quality at Duke Universitys Nicholas School of the Environment and one of the primary authors of the study.

Thisisfromastudydoneonfrack wateratafrack watertreatmentplant.Noteitscall brine treatment,andevenaftertreatment,radiationlevelswereat200timesgreater thanthecontrolwatersamples..


Randy Moyer, trucked brine from wells to treatment plants and back to wells, now suffers from dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, difficulty breathing, swollen lips and appendages, and a fiery red rash that covered about 50 percent of his body. He believes he is sick from the chemicals in fracking fluid and from radiation exposure. He cites unsafe and unregulated working conditions on well sites, no oversight about safety clothing, breathing masks, or chemical suits. The sites are treated like any other construction site, all that's needed is a hardhat and goggles. But when working with radiation and toxic chemicals from deep underground, adverse health effects are never far behind. ( )

Thisisabouta3minutevideo.RandyMoyerworkedintheindustryforafewmonthsasa truckdriver,untilhebecamesick.Hehauledfrack waterfromdrillsitestoinjectionwells inOhioaswellascleaningouttrucks,frack watertanksthatwereonadrillsite.


These tanks will be cleaned out periodically, and sediment and other such matter "will be handled and removed according to all applicable state and federal environmental requirements." QUESTIONS: What is done with the SEDIMENT and OTHER SUCH MATERIAL? What is IN the SEDIMENT and OTHER SUCH MATERIAL? Are state and federal requirements sufficient to ensure our safety? Who enforces these state and federal requirements? What exemptions exist in the state and federal requirements? 03/high-levels-of-radiation-found-in-creek-neardrilling-wastewater-site-in-western-pa/

WAVECOs proposalincludessettlingtanks.Thisiswhereheaviermaterialswillsinktothe bottom.AswasstatedintheCitizensVoicearticle,sedimentandothersuchmaterialwill needtobecleanedout.Wherewillitgo?ProbablyHazleton. Asasidenote Pennsylvaniaiscurrently#3forthestateswiththemostSuperfundsites. Wehave93activesuperfundsites.OneisinHazletonatValmontIndustries.An undergroundtanksandconnectingpipesleakedchemicalsintothe groundwater.Ground watercontaminationwasdiscoveredinOctober1987.In2001,theEPAproposedadding thesitetothesuperfundlist.EPAbeganapilotstudy in2009tofigureoutadelivery systemtocovertthecontaminantsintoharmlesssubstances.EPA isstillworkingonit. Approximately3040homeslosttheirwater.Wearelookingat27years,andtheareais stillnotclean. WiththeincreaseoffossilfuelindustrializationinPennsylvania,wemaymakeittothe#1 spot.


Per EXPLORE Flowback may be treated through a variety of methods. Diluted with fresh water and used for another well. Treated on site and used for another well. Hauled off site for treatment and/or disposal in permitted deep injection wells.

QUESTION: Doesnt adding fresh water to the treated frack water imply that the treated frack water is still too contaminated to use for fracking?

Thinkaboutit.Tofrack usingtherecycledwaterrequiresdilution,inotherwordsadd freshwatertoit.Doesntthatimplythatevenafterbeingtreated,thatfrack waterisstill toocontaminatedtouseatfullstrength?




Drill Cutting Dumpsite

Alargerviewshowingthesurroundingcommunitieswithestimated population.Including LakeTownship,wehaveapopulationof22,250inLuzernecounty alone.Ididnteven lookatthoseinWyomingCountythatabutthisarea.Wherewill thetrucksbecoming from?LycomingCounty,lotsofdrillinggoingonthere,Bradford,Susquehanna,Sullivan, Tiogaetc.Currentlythefossilfuelindustrytrucksthemajorityoffrack watertoOhioto beputdowninjectionwells.YoumayhaveheardabouttheearthquakesinYoungstown Ohiothatwerelinkedtotheinjectionwells.ThatsPAfrack watergoingdownthoseholes. NoteveryoneinLuzerneCountyhasprivatewaterwells,therearealsomunicipalwater companieslikePennsylvaniaAmericaWater.


AMERICAN WATER is the largest, investor-owned water and wastewater utility company in the United States. Our regulated businesses currently provide water and wastewater services in 20 U.S. states. Our regulated subsidiaries are subject to economic regulation by state PUCs in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. That means that in each state we operate, water quality and service rates are subject to extensive regulation by state PUCs, as well as environmental, health and safety and water quality regulations by federal, state and local governments. Our vast network of treatment plants, pumping stations, storage facilities, and approximately 45,000 miles of main and collection pipe, are all put to work each day to provide our customers with the highest-quality service. Our 19 states subsidiaries are: Arizona American Water California American Water Hawaii American Water Illinois American Water Indiana American Water Iowa American Water Kentucky American Water Long Island American Water Maryland American Water Michigan American Water Missouri American Water New Jersey American Water New Mexico American Water Ohio American Water Pennsylvania American Water Tennessee American Water Texas American Water Virginia American Water West Virginia American Water

PennsylvaniaAmericaWaterisadivisionofAmericanWater.It provideswatertomany communitiesinLuzerneCounty.YoumayhavenoticedTVcommercialsforAmerican WateronlocalTVstations.Wonderwhy?


10,000 gallon chemical spill in West Virginia left over 300,000 people without water. Thats about 26% of the state.

West Virginia American Water does not have the facilities to detect or remove the chemicals.

ThisisamapofWestVirginia.Theareainyellowarethe9countieswhichhadnowater duetoachemicalspillforanumberofdays.Therearereports,thatdespitetheokto drinkthewater announcement,thewaterisstillnotOKtodrink.Thisspillhappened January9th ofthisyear.ThewatersuppliertothesecountiesisWestVirginiaAmerican Water,theonlywaytheyknewtherewasaproblemwiththeirwaterwassomeone contactedthemandtoldthem.Theyhadnosystemsorfacilities todetectthechemicals, andtheyonlywaytheyknowhowtoremoveitistoflushitout, senditdownstreamand hopedilutionworks. IknowWAVECOandtheirsupportersaredoingtodownplaythelikelihoodofaspillorleak andtellusitisnothingtoworryabout.Well,FreedomIndustries,whichownedand operatedthechemicaltanksthatleakedintotheElkRiverandleft26%ofthestate withoutwateralsosaidtheiroperationsweresafe.


Waveco plans to have up to 30 settling and storage tanks to hold the used fracking water until it can be returned to drilling sites for reuse. They will be 45 feet by 10 feet with a capacity of 20,000 gallons each. DO THE MATH: 30 Tanks (initially) x 20,000 gallons each = 600,000 gallons Company anticipates fewer than 25 truck trips per week in the initial phases of the operation. DO THE MATH: Each truck holds 4,730 gallons x 25 INITIAL TRIPS per week = 118,250 Gallons QUESTION: Does Pennsylvania American Water have the ability to detect and remove frack water contaminates should a spill or leak occur which may effect drinking water to local communities?



Fewthingsabouttrucksweneedtobeconcernedwith.Certainly truckaccidentsisoneof them.Wevereadaboutanumberofthemwherepeoplewereinjuredorkilled.There havealsobeenaccidentswherethefluidtankshaveleaked.Keepinmindthestandard sizetruckmostcommonlyusedhasthecapacitytocarry4,730gallons.Twoofthose truckscancarryasmuchcontaminatedfluidsaswasreportedleakedintotheElkRiverin WestVirginia.


Company anticipates fewer than 25 truck trips per week in the initial phases of the operation.

.hours of operation, which would be between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Water trucks idling in Asylum Township, Bradford County, PA

KeywordhereisINITIALPHASES.Onceinitialphasesarecompletehowmanytrucks? Remembertherewillbe30tankscapableofholdingupto600,000 gallons.HOWMANY TRUCKSREALLY? Alsonote operationhours6am7pm.Atotalof13hours.Mostlydaytimehours,right? Anyonehereevercampoutataticketkioskoroutlettogetticketstoaconcertorshow? Everseelinesforminghoursbeforetheticketsgoonsale?Thinkaboutthat,thentellme thesetruckswontbelinedup2or3ormorehoursbeforethegatesareopentoletthem in? ThisphotoshowstrucksatawaterwithdrawalstationinBradfordCounty.Youcantseeit inthisphoto,butthelineextendsaroundthecornerintothattreeline.


Water Trucks at water withdrawal station in West Virginia

ThisisinWestVirginia.Sothinkaboutthis.Itssummer,youhaveawindowopenand insteadofhearingtheusuallycountrynighttimesoundsyouhearalineoftrucksidling theirdieselengines.Insteadofperhapssmellingagentlescentofpine,yousmelldiesel. Andifyouresmellingit,youarebreathingit.


Abitabouttrucksigns.Truckscarryingfrack watershouldbemarkedaswastewater, residualwasteorproducedwater.Why?Becausetheyarenotcarryingjustwater.They arecarryinghazardouscontaminatedwater.


Per Insurance policies, trucks marked as FRESH WATER can only contain FRESH WATER and may not be used to transport or store any other type of water or fluid. DEP office for our region 2 Public Square Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0790 Phone: 570-826-2511

TrucksmarkedasFRESHWATERshouldnotbepartoftheconvoylinegoinginandoutof theplant.Willyouseethesetrucksintheconvoylines?Ifyoudo,getthelicensenumber, thecompanynameandphonenumberifpossible.Notethetime,dateandlocation.Use yourcameraphoneandsnapapicture. ReportittotheDEPofficeforourregionaswellasanyotherproblemsyoumayfind.



Whatwillafrack waterplantdotomyhome.Asidefromthepotentialdamagesdueto leaks,spillsorotheraccidents,andtheconvoyofdieseltrucks,yourpropertyvaluemay decrease.


Christopher Timmins, a Duke University economics professor, and Lucija Muehlenbachs, a fellow at think tank Resources for the Future - found shale gas drilling within a kilometer (0.6 mile) of a home can decrease property values by an average of 16.7% Other studies have found property values have dropped by 25% just with a lease and no active production, and drops of a further 25% once production starts. Real estate brokers say they see more signs of prospective home buyers worrying about the health and environmental effects of living close to a well. "For the most part, it renders those houses unsellable," said Phyllis Wolper, a Denton, Texas, realtor who has several clients who live near oil and gas wells and have been unable to sell their homes. A University of Denver study found that a majority of 550 people surveyed would decline to buy a home near natural gas drilling. The study, to be published in the Journal of Real Estate Literature, also found up to a 25 percent reduction in bid value for homes located near these "fracking scenarios."
U.S. Drilling And Fracking Boom Leaves Some Homeowners In A Big Hole | Huffington Post

Weknowthatpropertieswithfossilfuelwells,andthosenearby doseeadropintheir propertyvalue.Livingonornearanindustrialareaisnotsomethingthatrealtorswould callcurbappeal. Theproposedfrack waterplantisanindustrialoperation.Thoseintheimmediatearea, expecta1625%dropofyourpropertyvaluesrightoffthebat.Addinthe trucktraffic, andpossibleexpansionofthefrack waterplantandyourpropertyvaluewilldropeven more.Ifyouexperiencecontaminationofyourwater,yourpropertywillbeworthnothing.


In northeastern states like Pennsylvania, fracking worries have prompted lenders to begin rejecting mortgage applications due to gas drilling on neighboring property. In Colorado, real estate brokers describe keeping a long list of sellers in heavily fracked areas, but a paucity of buyers. Under the terms mortgage buyers like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require, "you cannot cause or permit any hazardous materials to be on your property and it specifically references oil and gas," Greg May, vice president of residential mortgage lending at Tompkins Bank, told American Banker in an interview published Nov. 12. "That alone would make it a problem."

Banks Reluctant to Lend in Shale Plays as Evidence Mounts on Harm to Property Values Near Fracking |

Althoughthisreferstofracking operations,afrack waterplantwouldcertainlybecausefor concernbymortgagelenders.Therearealsoreportswherehomeownersareunableto refinanceduetothefossilfueloperationonornearby.


The standard homeowners insurance policy has a pollution exclusion for property.
Insurance agents are trying to make themselves as aware as possible of the situation, because obviously if someones signing a contract with one of the energy companies to permit a drill site on their property, then theres going to have to be a response from an insurance standpoint as far as trying to find the coverage if the current carrier is not willing to provide it, according to the insurance education organization Sparks Club.

Standardhomeownersinsurancedoesnotcoverpollutiondamage,period.Willyour homeownerspolicybecanceledbecauseoftheproximityofthefrack waterplant? Probablynot,however,ifandwhenthereisaspill,leakoraccidentfromthefrack water plantandyourpropertyisdamaged,yourhomeownerspolicywontcoverit.Youwill eitherhavetohopeWAVECOwillcoverthedamagesorbeprepared totakethemtocourt.


QUESTIONS: Does WAVECO have sufficient insurance to cover damages? What type of insurance does WAVECO have? According to current DEP and EPA regulations, what exemptions apply to a frack water treatment plant?



Briefly,ifitwasntmentionedatthemeetinglastnight,itwillsurelybebrought upasa talkingpoint.Italwaysis.Jobsjobs jobs In2010,Pennsylvaniawasamongthetop10statesforjobcreation.Thisis2yearsafter thebigwallstreetcrashandbailout.Todaywerankbetween45th and49th.Ifthefossil fuelindustryiscreatingallthesejobsthatCorbettandtheindustrystates,wherearethey?


Trained personnel would be on site during hours of operation, which would be between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m., and the company anticipates fewer than 25 truck trips per week in the initial phases of the operation. Snee said there would not be a physical building to house the facility. The only structure would be a caretaker's shack, she said. JOBS JOBS JOBS TALKING POINT Fountain Quail Water Management, Roanoke Texas Number of Employees: Plants in Operation: 40 9

DO THE MATH: 40 employees / 9 plants = 4.4 employees per plant

Specifictothefrack waterplant.Iranasearchoncorporationsoperatingfrack water plants.Usingonecompanyasanexample,theyhave40employees,andoperate9frack waterplants.Doingthemath,thats4.4employeesperplant,andthisparticularcompany runtheirplants24/7. Well,whatabouttruckerjobs?Truckersaretypicallyeitherworkingforafossilfuel companyorareworkingforasubcontractor.Truckershaulingfrack watergofromadrill sitetoOhio.Ittakeabout3 hoursfromWilliamsporttoYoungstownOhio,figure anotherhourattheinjectionwellinYoungstowntounload,then driveback.Thatsan8 hoursdrivefor1load. Samedriver,WilliamsporttoLakeTownship,about1hourdrive,anhourtounload,hour back.3hours,timeenoughtodoa2nd trip,perhapsevena3rd. Soyouhave1driverabletodomoreloadsthanhepreviouslydid.Hiremoredrivers?No, morelikelylaysomeofthemoff.


Trained personnel would be on site during hours of operation, which would be between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.,

Per Waveco Energy Services website: Waveco Energy Services provides a wide range of support to energy companies involved in the Marcellus and Utica Shale operations in Pennsylvania and Ohio. Waveco Energy is a local company with extensive industry expertise in water withdrawal, fuel services and transportation. QUESTIONS: Does Waveco have experience in operating a frack water recycle plant? Where will WAVECO find trained personnel?

TheCitizensVoicearticlementionsTRAINEDpersonnel.AccordingtoWavecos website, thereisnomentionofanyexperienceortrainingrelatedtofrack waterrecycling.They haveextensiveexpertiseinwaterwithdrawal,fuelservicesandtransportation.Nothing aboutwastewatertreatmentorfrack watertreatment.


Trained personnel would be on site during hours of operation, which would be between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m.

QUESTIONS: Who will be monitoring the facility during non-operational hours? In the event of an accident during non-operational hours, how long will it take for Waveco to respond? Is there an emergency response plan for local residents and First Responders? Who is responsible to pay for clean-up, road repair. etc?


Heresaquickoverviewoffrack waterrecycling.Therearemanydifferentmethodsof recyclingfrack water


Eachoftheseofferstheirmethodofrecyclingfrack water,eachhasitsprosandcons. NONEREMOVERADIOACTIVITY. WhichoneisWaveco using?


Frack Water is treated JUST ENOUGH so it can be used again.

Analysis: Fracking water's dirty little secret Recycling | Reuters | July 2013

Getreadyforphotosliketheseshowingdirtynastyfrack waterandthenhowcleanitis afterbeingrecycled.Itlooksclean,butasReutersreporteditscleanedjustenoughtobe usedagainforfracking.Itisnotpotablewater.Iftheseprocesseswerecapableof turning contaminatedfrack waterintopotablewater,thentheseprocessescouldbeapplied to homeswithcontaminatedwater.


30 tanks: 45 feet by 10 feet with a capacity of 20,000 gallons each

600,000 gallons of FRACK WATER

So30tanksfilledwith600,000gallonsoffracking water,runbyacompanywithno experience.Whatcouldgowrong?


MANY QUESTIONS ASKED, MORE NEEDS TO BE ASKED What YOU can do: Ask questions. Educate yourself on the issue. Show up at town and county meetings. Support a county charter amendment for the right to CLEAN AIR, CLEAN WATER AND A HEALTHY COMMUNITY. Take responsibility for YOUR government.




I CHOOSE A CLEAN WORLD: Website: Facebook:




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