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118, 1st Floor, Hall Mark, L.B.S. Marg, Mulund (West), Mumbai 400 080 !

one" #$%010&& '#$((1$(# Fa)" 00%1*##*#$(( %+ 1# Website" ,,,.sge) /*mail" sales0sge) QUOTATION S1'&4'#01+*14 2ate" ##'11'#01+

Mr. Amol Khatate Sharda Engineers & Constructions Nashik, Maharashtra, India Mobile:- !"#$-""%%"%&&%'

Price List For Wire Nail making Machines Model Capacity of nail Wire Guage Production per minute pieces ,- to . $WG ( to & /mm ((0 to (/0 HP ! "e#d Price in "s


() to *)mm +' to &'

& ! ,--) (1&*1)))2% ! & nos3 "s 4% /1,-1)))2%

T5e accessories re#uired for plant4 , Polis5ing 6rum4 3!e -olis!ing drum is used 4or sour5ing and -olis!ing t!e ,ire nails. 6t re7ol7es at 10 to 4$ 8. .M !a7ing 5a-a5it9 #00 :gs. -er !our. 6t re;uire # H. . ele5tri5 motor. Price of single 7arrel polis5ing drum is "s //1)))2% ( Grinding Mac5ine 3!e grinding ma5!ine is s-e5iall9 design to s!ar-ner and grinding t!e dies and 5utters o4 t!e ma5!ine. 6t is 4itted ,it! 4our grinding ,!eels o4 di44erent s!a-es and s-e5ial atta5!ments. <ne H. . ) #800 8. .M motor is 4itted in it. Price of grinding mac5ine is "s -/1())2% 3!e abo7e -ri5es are e) 4a5tor9 and in5luding t!e 5ost o4 ele5tri5 motor, starter = sea ,ort!9 -a5king.

Terms 8 Conditions of $ales4%

86>/S 3@A/S, " ri5es ;uoted are net, /)*our ?,orks.

" Will be 5!argeable e)tra at t!e time o4 dis-at5! as -er 1o7t. rules. 1#.$B <8 #B @gainst 4orm C>C.

@DM/E3 " (0B o4 t!e order 7alue as ad7an5e along ,it! 9our 4irm order Balan5e against. er4orma in7oi5e be4ore deli7er9 at our ,orks. 2/L6F/8D" 2eli7er9 o4 t!e ma5!ines 5an be made ,it!in ('8 ,eeks or earliest t!e date o4 re5ei-t o4 9our 5on4irmed order at our end along ,it! re;uisite ad7an5e ,it! 5lear dis-at5! = billing instru5tions. 3!e deli7er9 -eriod is also subGe5t to 4or5e maGor 5lause = 4a5tors be9ond our 5ontrol. 6n 5ase o4 order 5an5ellation, ad7an5e -aid i4 an9 ,ill be 4or4eited. 6ES />36<E" 6ns-e5tion is o44ered at our 4a5tor9 -rior to dis-at5!, 5ommissioning o4 t!e ma5!ines ,ill beH 5arried out b9. 6ES3@LL@36<E our 4a5tor9 trained te5!ni5ian, i4 re;uired, on -ro7iding !is to = 4ro tra7el e)-enses = 7isit 4ee 8s.800'* -er da9 in5luding tra7eling da9s in ad7an5e. 1I@8@E3//" @ll ma5!ines are guaranteed 4or a -eriod o4 1# mont!s 4rom t!e date o4 su--l9 against an9 manu4a5turing de4e5ts to t!e 4irst bu9er guarantee dose not 5o7er an9 ele5tri5 motor, Starter, bearing ,!i5! are market items .

@F3/8 S@L/S" @4ter sales ser7i5e t!roug! 4a5tor9 trained te5!ni5ian during t!e Ser7i5e guarantee -eriod @3 E< /A38@ ><S3. Ho,e7er, !is to = For tra7el e)-enses, boarding = loading = ot!er in5idental /)-enses = 8s. 800 -er da9 to 9our a55ount. @nd t!e terms and 5onditions mutuall9 agreed u-on. F@L6263D" 3!is ;uotation ,ill remain 7alid 4or -eriod o4 +0 da9s onl9 4rom 3!e date !ereo4, 3!erea4ter, subGe5ts to our 5on4irmation in ,riting. Inder an9 5ir5umstan5e' 5onditions ,ill 5an5elled t!e order a4ter 5om-leting t!e ma5!ine b9 us ,ad7an5e -aid s!all be 4or4eited

Sales 2e-t.,

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