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Some lessons look at additional aspects, and most of them finish with a quiz to check your understanding.

Present Tense I do do, I do Present Continuous Tense I am doing, I am doing tomorrow Present Perfect Tense I have done Present Perfect Continuous Tense I have een doing Past Tense I did do, I did Past Continuous Tense I was doing Past Perfect Tense I had done Past Perfect Continuous Tense I had een doing !uture Tense I will do !uture Continuous Tense I will e doing !uture Perfect Tense I will have done !uture Perfect Continuous Tense I will have een doing

Simple Present Tense

I sing
How do we make the Simple Present Tense?

su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver do ase There are three important exceptions% &. !or positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.

'. !or the (rd person singular )he, she, it*, we add s to the main ver or es to the au$iliary. (. !or the ver to be, we do not use an au$iliary, even for questions and negatives. +ook at these e$amples with the main ver like% subject # I, you, we, they ,e, she, it I, you, we, they ,e, she, it . /o /oes do does I, you, we, they he, she, it not not auxiliary verb main verb like likes like like like like coffee. coffee. coffee. coffee. coffee. coffee.

+ook at these e$amples with the main ver be. 0otice that there is no au$iliary% subject # I 1ou, we, they ,e, she, it I 1ou, we, they ,e, she, it . 2m 2re Is main verb am are is am are is I you, we, they he, she, it not not not !rench. !rench. !rench. old. old. old. late. late. late.

How do we use the Simple Present Tense?

3e use the simple present tense when%

the action is general the action happens all the time, or ha itually, in the past, present and future the action is not only happening now the statement is always true 4ohn drives a ta$i. past present future

It is 4ohn5s "o to drive a ta$i. ,e does it every day. Past, present and future. +ook at these e$amples%

I live in 0ew 1ork. The 6oon goes round the 7arth. 4ohn drives a ta$i. ,e does not drive a us. 3e do not work at night. /o you play foot all.

0ote that with the ver to be, we can also use the simple present tense for situations that are not general. 3e can use the simple present tense to talk a out now. +ook at these e$amples of the ver 8to e8 in the simple present tense - some of them are general, some of them are now% 2m I right. Tara is not at home. 1ou are happy. past present future

The situation is now.

I am not fat. 3hy are you so eautiful. 9am is tall. past present future

The situation is general. Past, present and future.

How do we make the Present Continuous Tense?

The structure of the present continuous tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver e ase # ing +ook at these e$amples% subject # # . . I 1ou She 3e Is 2re auxiliary verb am are is are he they not not main verb speaking reading staying playing watching waiting to you. this. in +ondon. foot all. T:. for 4ohn.

How do we use the Present Continuous Tense?

3e use the present continuous tense to talk a out%

action happening now action in the future

Present continuous tense for action happening now

a* for action happening exactly now I am eating my lunch. past present future

The action is happening now. +ook at these e$amples. 9ight now you are looking at this screen and at the same time...

...the pages are turning.

...the candle is urning.

...the num ers are spinning.

* for action happening around now The action may not e happening e$actly now, ut it is happening "ust efore and "ust after now, and it is not permanent or ha itual. 4ohn is going out with 6ary. past present future

The action is happening around now. +ook at these e$amples%

6uriel is learning to drive. I am living with my sister until I find an apartment.

Present continuous tense for the future

3e can also use the present continuous tense to talk a out the future - if we add a future word;; 3e must add )or understand from the conte$t* a future word. 8!uture words8 include, for e$ample, tomorrow, next year, in June, at Christmas etc. 3e only use the present continuous tense to talk a out the future when we have planned to do something efore we speak. 3e have already made a decision and a plan efore speaking. I am taking my e$am ne$t month.


present ;;; 2 firm plan or programme e$ists now.


The action is in the future.

+ook at these e$amples%

3e're eating in a restaurant tonight. 3e5ve already ooked the ta le.. They can play tennis with you tomorrow. They're not working. 3hen are you starting your new "o .

In these e$amples, we have a firm plan or programme before speaking. The decision and plan were made before speaking.

How do we spell the Present Continuous Tense?

3e make the present continuous tense y adding -ing to the ase ver . 0ormally it5s simple - we "ust add -ing. <ut sometimes we have to change the word a little. Perhaps we dou le the last letter, or we drop a letter. ,ere are the rules to help you know how to spell the present continuous tense. Basic rule work play assist see e xception ! 4ust add -ing to the ase ver % = = = = = working playing assisting seeing eing

If the ase ver ends in consonant " stressed vowel " consonant, dou le the last letter% s t o p consonant stressed consonant vowel

)vowels > a, e, i, o, u* stop run egin = = = stopping running eginning

Note that this exception does not apply when the last syllable of the base verb is not stressed: open xception # lie die xception $ = opening

If the ase ver ends in ie, change the ie to y% = = lying dying

If the ase ver ends in vowel " consonant " e, omit the e% come mistake = = coming mistaking

Present Continuous Tense Quiz

& ' ( 6a$well

they coming over for dinner. not sleeping on our sofa. at our house this week.

6y mother-in-law is

? @ A I

I 6y sister

my dinner right now. Spanish. at the hair salon until Septem er.


at a fancy restaurant tonight. 4ason decided this yesterday. your new art class. a new record shop downtown. down on her ed.

C D & E

3hen do you They are 6elissa is

Present Perfect Tense

I have sung The present perfect tense is a rather important tense in 7nglish, ut it gives speakers of some languages a difficult time. That is ecause it uses concepts or ideas that do not e$ist in those languages. In fact, the structure of the present perfect tense is very simple. The pro lems come with the use of the tense. In addition, there are some differences in usage etween <ritish and 2merican 7nglish. In this lesson we look at the structure and use of the present perfect, followed y a quiz to check your understanding%

Structure% how to make the present perfect tense Fse% when and why to use the present perfect tense !or and Since with the present perfect tense. 3hat5s the difference. Present Perfect Guiz

The present perfect tense is really a very interesting tense, and a very useful one. Try not to translate the present perfect tense into your language. 4ust try to accept the concepts of this tense and learn to 8think8 present perfect; 1ou will soon learn to like the present perfect tense;

How do we make the Present Perfect Tense?

The structure of the present perfect tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver


past participle

,ere are some e$amples of the present perfect tense% subject # # . . I 1ou She 3e ,ave ,ave auxiliary verb have have has have you they not not main verb seen eaten een played finished. done it. %e's or he's... <e careful; The 's contraction is used for the au$iliary ver s have and be. !or e$ample, 8It5s eaten8 can mean% It has eaten. Hpresent perfect tense, active voiceI It is eaten. Hpresent tense, passive voiceI It is usually clear from the conte$t. 7T. mine. to 9ome. foot all.

Contractions with the present perfect tense

3hen we use the present perfect tense in speaking, we usually contract the su "ect and au$iliary ver . 3e also sometimes do this when we write.

I have 1ou have ,e has She has It has 4ohn has

I5ve 1ou5ve ,e5s She5s It5s 4ohn5s

The car has 3e have They have

The car5s 3e5ve They5ve

,ere are some e$amples%

I5ve finished my work. 4ohn5s seen 7T. They5ve gone home.

How do we use the Present Perfect Tense?

This tense is called the present perfect tense. There is always a connection with the past and with the present. There are asically three uses for the present perfect tense% &. e$perience '. change (. continuing situation
1. Present perfect tense for experience

3e often use the present perfect tense to talk a out experience from the past. 3e are not interested in when you did something. 3e only want to know if you did it% I have seen 7T. ,e has lived in <angkok. ,ave you een there. 3e have never eaten caviar. past present ;;; The action or state was in the past. In my head, I have a memory now. future

Connection with past& the event was in the past. Connection with present& in my head, now, I have a memory of the eventJ I know something a out the eventJ I have experience of it.
. Present perfect tense for change

3e also use the present perfect tense to talk a out a change or new information% I have ought a car. past +ast week I didn5t have a car. present # 0ow I have a car. future

4ohn has roken his leg. past # 1esterday 4ohn had a good leg. present 0ow he has a ad leg. future

,as the price gone up. past # 3as the price K&.@E yesterday. present Is the price K&.BE today. future

The police have arrested the killer. past 1esterday the killer was free. present # 0ow he is in prison. future

Connection with past& the past is the opposite of the present. Connection with present& the present is the opposite of the past.

2mericans do not use the present perfect tense so much as <ritish speakers. 2mericans often use the past tense instead. 2n 2merican might say 8/id you have lunch.8, where a <ritish person would say 8,ave you had lunch.8

!. Present perfect tense for continuing situation

3e often use the present perfect tense to talk a out a continuing situation. This is a state that started in the past and continues in the present )and will pro a ly continue into the future*. This is a state )not an action*. 3e usually use for or since with this structure. I have worked here since 4une. ,e has een ill for ' days. ,ow long have you known Tara. past present future

The situation started in the past.

It continues up to now.

)It will pro a ly continue into the future.*

Connection with past& the situation started in the past. Connection with present& the situation continues in the present.

"or # Since with Present Perfect Tense

3e often use for and since with the present perfect tense.

3e use for to talk a out a period of time - @ minutes, ' weeks, A years. 3e use since to talk a out a point in past time - D o5clock, &st 4anuary, 6onday. for since a point in past time x------------

a period of time

'E minutes three days A months ? years ' centuries a long time ever etc ,ere are some e$amples%

A.&@pm 6onday 4anuary &DD? &CEE I left school the eginning of time etc

I have een here for 'E minutes. I have een here since D o5clock. 4ohn hasn5t called for A months. 4ohn hasn5t called since !e ruary. ,e has worked in 0ew 1ork for a long time. ,e has worked in 0ew 1ork since he left school.

'or can e used with all tenses. (ince is usually used with perfect tenses only.

0ow check your understanding L

Present Perfect Tense Quiz

& ' ( ?


not een to !rance. you finished your homework.


gone to a rock concert. you een to 4apan.

@ A B C D & E

3e 2ndrea has

never eaten 6e$ican food. her um rella. the sun come up.

The children ,ow long have you I haven5t worked

the lost puppy. a vegetarian. last /ecem er.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

I have been singing

How do we make the Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

The structure of the present perfect continuous tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver # au$iliary ver # main ver have een ase # ing has ,ere are some e$amples of the present perfect continuous tense% subject # # . I 1ou It 3e ,ave auxiliary verb have have has have you not not auxiliary verb een een een een een main verb waiting talking raining. playing seeing foot all. her. for one hour. too much.





their homework.

3hen we use the present perfect continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the su "ect and the first au$iliary. 3e also sometimes do this in informal writing. I have een 1ou have een ,e has een She has een It has een 4ohn has een The car has een 3e have een They have een I5ve een 1ou5ve een ,e5s een She5s een It5s een 4ohn5s een The car5s een 3e5ve een They5ve een

,ere are some e$amples%

I5ve een reading. The car5s een giving trou le. 3e5ve een playing tennis for two hours.

How do we use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

This tense is called the present perfect continuous tense. There is usually a connection with the present or now. There are asically two uses for the present perfect continuous tense%

1. An action that has just stopped or recently stopped

3e use the present perfect continuous tense to talk a out an action that started in the past and stopped recently. There is usually a result now. I5m tired ecause I5ve een running. past present ;;; future

9ecent action.

9esult now.

I5m tired HnowI ecause I've been running. 3hy is the grass wet HnowI. %as it been raining. 1ou don5t understand HnowI ecause you haven5t been listening.

2. An action continuing up to now

3e use the present perfect continuous tense to talk a out an action that started in the past and is continuing now. This is often used with for or since. I have een reading for ' hours. past present future

2ction started in past.

2ction is continuing now.

I have been reading for ' hours. HI am still reading now.I 3e've been studying since D o5clock. H3e5re still studying now.I ,ow long have you been learning 7nglish. H1ou are still learning now.I 3e have not been smoking. H2nd we are not smoking now.I

"or and Since with Present Perfect Continuous Tense

3e often use for and since with the present perfect tense.

3e use for to talk a out a period of time - @ minutes, ' weeks, A years. 3e use since to talk a out a point in past time - D o5clock, &st 4anuary, 6onday. for since a point in past time $

a period of time

'E minutes three days

A.&@pm 6onday

A months ? years ' centuries a long time ever etc ,ere are some e$amples%

4anuary &DD? &CEE I left school the eginning of time etc

I have een studying for ( hours. I have een watching T: since Bpm. Tara hasn5t een feeling well for ' weeks. Tara hasn5t een visiting us since 6arch. ,e has een playing foot all for a long time. ,e has een living in <angkok since he left school.

'or can e used with all tenses. (ince is usually used with perfect tenses only.

0ow check your understanding L

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Quiz

& ' ( ? @

It has

snowing a lot this week.

your rother and sister een getting along. 9ick een studying hard this semester. een working out. living in Italy since 6ay.

I5m tired ecause I 4ulie

A B C D & E

,ow long have you een 3e have een watching T: 1ou have ,as it

Merman. ( hours. too hard today.

raining since you arrived. he finished

6y rother has een travelling school.


How do we make the Simple Past Tense?

To make the simple past tense, we use%

past form only or au$iliary did " base form

,ere you can see e$amples of the past form and base form for irregular ver s and regular ver s% )! base regular ver irregular ver work explode like go see sing )# past worked exploded liked went saw sang )$ past participle worked e$ploded liked gone seen sung 1ou do not need the past participle form to make the simple past tense. It is shown here for completeness only. The past form for all regular ver s ends in -ed. The past form for irregular ver s is varia le. 1ou need to learn it y heart.

The structure for positive sentences in the simple past tense is% su "ect # main ver past The structure for negative sentences in the simple past tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver # not # main ver did ase The structure for *uestion sentences in the simple past tense is% au$iliary ver # su "ect # main ver did ase The au$iliary ver did is not con"ugated. It is the same for all persons )I did, you did, he did etc*. 2nd the ase form and past form do not change. +ook at these e$amples with the main ver s go and work% subject # I 1ou She 3e . /id /id did did you they not not auxiliary verb main verb went worked go work go work to school. very hard. with me. yesterday. to +ondon. at home.

xception+ The ver to be is different. 3e con"ugate the ver to e )I was, you were, heNsheNit was, we were, they were*J and we do not use an au$iliary for negative and question sentences. To make a question, we e$change the su "ect and ver . +ook at these e$amples% subject # I, heNsheNit 1ou, we, they main verb was were here. in +ondon.

I, heNsheNit 1ou, we, they

was were I, heNsheNit you, we, they

not not

there. happy. right. late.

3as 3ere

How do we use the Simple Past Tense?

3e use the simple past tense to talk a out an action or a situation - an event - in the past. The event can e short or long. ,ere are some short events with the simple past tense% The car e$ploded at D.(Eam yesterday. She went to the door. 3e did not hear the telephone. /id you see that car. past present future

The action is in the past. ,ere are some long events with the simple past tense% I lived in <angkok for &E years. The 4urassic period lasted a out A' million years. 3e did not sing at the concert. /id you watch T: last night. past present future

The action is in the past. 0otice that it does not matter how long ago the event is% it can e a few minutes or seconds in the past, or millions of years in the past. 2lso it does not matter how long the

event is. It can e a few milliseconds )car e$plosion* or millions of years )4urassic period*. 3e use the simple past tense when%

the event is in the past the event is completely finished we say )or understand* the time andNor place of the event

In general, if we say the time or place of the event, we must use the simple past tenseJ we cannot use the present perfect.

,ere are some more e$amples%

I lived in that house when I was young. ,e didn5t like the movie. 3hat did you eat for dinner. 4ohn drove to +ondon on 6onday. 6ary did not go to work yesterday. ,id you play tennis last week. I was at work yesterday. 3e were not late )for the train*. -ere you angry.

0ote that when we tell a story, we usually use the simple past tense. 3e may use the past continuous tense to 8set the scene8, ut we almost always use the simple past tense for the action. +ook at this e$ample of the eginning of a story% 8The wind was howling around the hotel and the rain was pouring down. It was cold. The door opened and 4ames <ond entered. ,e took off his coat, which was very wet, and ordered a drink at the ar. ,e sat down in the corner of the lounge and quietly drank his...8 This page shows the use of the simple past tense to talk a out past events. <ut note that there are some other uses for the simple past tense, for e$ample in conditional or if sentences.

0ow check your understanding L

Simple Past Tense Quiz

& ' ( ? @ A B C D & E 3e

I 6y rother

to the mall after school. a ear an hour ago.

6ike visit his grandmother last night. 2le$ did not last weekend.

4udy and +iz at last month5s meeting. not happy after the sad ending. you see 4ody5s new dog yesterday. Sorry, I I 3hat hear you at the door. 7nglish for two years. you eat for lunch yesterday.

How do we make the Past Continuous Tense?

The structure of the past continuous tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver <7 con"ugated in simple past tense was were # main ver present participle base " ing

!or negative sentences in the past continuous tense, we insert not etween the au$iliary ver and main ver . !or question sentences, we e$change the subject and auxiliary verb. +ook at these e$ample sentences with the past continuous tense% subject auxiliary verb main verb

# # . .

I 1ou ,e, she, it 3e 3ere 3ere

was were was were you they not not

watching working helping "oking. eing playing

T:. hard. 6ary.

silly. foot all.

,ow do we use the past continuous tense. L The spelling rules for adding ing to make the past continuous tense are the same as for the present continuous tense.

How do we use the Past Continuous Tense?

The past continuous tense e$presses action at a particular moment in the past. The action started efore that moment ut has not finished at that moment. !or e$ample, yesterday I watched a film on T:. The film started at Bpm and finished at Dpm. 2t Cpm yesterday, I was watching T:. past Cpm 2t Cpm, I was in the middle of watching T:. 3hen we use the past continuous tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking a out. +ook at these e$amples%



I was working at &Epm last night. They were not playing foot all at Dam this morning. 3hat were you doing at &Epm last night. 3hat were you doing when he arrived. She was cooking when I telephoned her. 3e were having dinner when it started to rain.

9am went home early ecause it was snowing. Some ver s cannot e used in continuousNprogressive tenses.

3e often use the past continuous tense to 8set the scene8 in stories. 3e use it to descri e the ackground situation at the moment when the action egins. Often, the story starts with the past continuous tense and then moves into the simple past tense. ,ere is an e$ample% 8 4ames <ond was driving through town. It was raining. The wind was blowing hard. 0o ody was walking in the streets. Suddenly, <ond saw the killer in a telephone o$...8
Past Continuous Tense $ Simple Past Tense

3e often use the past continuous tense with the simple past tense. 3e use the past continuous tense to e$press a long action. 2nd we use the simple past tense to e$press a short action that happens in the middle of the long action. 3e can "oin the two ideas with when or while. In the following e$ample, we have two actions% &. long action )watching T:*, e$pressed with past continuous tense '. short action )telephoned*, e$pressed with simple past tense past +ong action. I was watching T: at Cpm. Cpm 1ou telephoned at Cpm. Short action. 3e can "oin these two actions with when%



I was watching T: when you telephoned.

)0otice that 8when you telephoned8 is also a way of defining the time HCpmI.*

3e use%

when # short action )simple past tense* while # long action )past continuous tense*

There are four asic com inations% I was walking past the car -hen the car e$ploded The car e$ploded -hile I was walking past the car while when it e$ploded. I was walking past it. I was walking past it. it e$ploded.

0otice that the long action and short action are relative.

83atching T:8 took a few hours. 8Telephoned8 took a few seconds. 83alking past the car8 took a few seconds. 87$ploded8 took a few milliseconds.

0ow check your understanding of the past continuous tense L

Past Continuous Tense Quiz

Fse the past continuous tense or simple past tense as appropriate. & 6y rother and sister playing tennis at &&am yesterday. you still working at Bpm last night. 2t C.(Eam today I driving to work. 3e 3hy sleeping at &&pm. he having lunch at ?pm. )meet* 4ohn in town


? @

yesterday. ,e B 6ary when I C when I D I

)shop*. )wait* for me )arrive*.

)heNhave* a shower )call*. )notNknow* what to say he asked that.

& E

The telephone rang )watch* T:.


How do we make the Past Perfect Tense?

The structure of the past perfect tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver ,2:7 con"ugated in simple past tense had # main ver past participle )$

!or negative sentences in the past perfect tense, we insert not etween the au$iliary ver and main ver . !or question sentences, we e$change the subject and auxiliary verb. +ook at these e$ample sentences with the past perfect tense% subject # # I 1ou She 3e auxiliary verb had had had had not not main verb finished stopped gone left. my work. efore me. to school.

. .

,ad ,ad

you they

arrived. eaten dinner.

3hen speaking with the past perfect tense, we often contract the su "ect and au$iliary ver % I had you had he had she had it had we had they had I5d you5d he5d she5d it5d we5d they5d

The 'd contraction is also used for the au$iliary ver would. !or e$ample, we'd can mean% 3e had or 3e would <ut usually the main ver is in a different form, for e$ample% 3e had arrived )past participle* 3e would arrive ) ase* It is always clear from the conte$t.

,ow do we use the past perfect tense. L

How do we use the Past Perfect Tense?

The past perfect tense e$presses action in the past efore another action in the past. This is the past in the past. !or e$ample%

The train left at Dam. 3e arrived at D.&@am. 3hen we arrived, the train had left.

The train had left when we arrived. past Train leaves in past at Dam. D D.& @ 3e arrive in past at D.&@am. +ook at some more e$amples%



I wasn5t hungry. I had "ust eaten. They were hungry. They had not eaten for five hours. I didn5t know who he was. I had never seen him efore. 86ary wasn5t at home when I arrived.8 89eally. 3here had she gone.8

1ou can sometimes think of the past perfect tense like the present perfect tense, ut instead of the time eing now the time is past. past perfect tense had P done P =P past now future present perfect tense have P done P =P past now future

!or e$ample, imagine that you arrive at the station at D.&@am. The stationmaster says to you%

81ou are too late. The train has left.8

+ater, you tell your friends%

83e were too late. The train had left.8

3e often use the past perfect tense in reported speech after ver s like said. told. asked. thought. wondered% +ook at these e$amples%

,e told us that the train had left. I thought I had met her efore, ut I was wrong. ,e e$plained that he had closed the window ecause of the rain. I wondered if I had been there efore. I asked them why they had not finished.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

I had been singing

How do we make the Past Perfect Continuous Tense?

The structure of the past perfect continuous tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver ,2:7 con"ugated in simple past tense had # au$iliary ver <7 past participle been # main ver present participle base " ing

!or negative sentences in the past perfect continuous tense, we insert not after the first au$iliary ver . !or question sentences, we e$change the subject and first auxiliary verb. +ook at these e$ample sentences with the past perfect continuous tense% subject # # . . I 1ou It 3e ,ad ,ad auxiliary verb had had had had you they not not auxiliary verb een een een een een een main verb working. playing working e$pecting drinking. waiting long. tennis. well. her.

3hen speaking with the past perfect continuous tense, we often contract the su "ect and first au$iliary ver %

I had een you had een he had she had een it had een we had een they had een

I5d een you5d een he5d een she5d een it5d een we5d een they5d een

How do we use the Past Perfect Continuous Tense?

The past perfect continuous tense is like the past perfect tense, ut it e$presses longer actions in the past efore another action in the past. !or e$ample%

9am started waiting at Dam. I arrived at &&am. 3hen I arrived, 9am had been waiting for two hours. 9am had been waiting for two hours when I arrived. past present future

9am starts waiting in past at Dam. D && I arrive in past at &&am. ,ere are some more e$amples%

4ohn was very tired. ,e had been running. I could smell cigarettes. Some ody had been smoking. Suddenly, my car roke down. I was not surprised. It had not been running well for a long time. %ad the pilot been drinking efore the crash.

1ou can sometimes think of the past perfect continuous tense like the present perfect continuous tense, ut instead of the time eing now the time is past. past perfect continuous tense present perfect continuous tense

had P een P doing P ==== P past

P P P P now future

P P P P past

have P een P doing P ==== P now future

!or e$ample, imagine that you meet 9am at &&am. 9am says to you%

8I am angry. I have been waiting for two hours.8

+ater, you tell your friends%

89am was angry. ,e had been waiting for two hours.8

Simple "uture Tense

I will sing The simple future tense is often called will, ecause we make the simple future tense with the modal au$iliary will.
How do we make the Simple "uture Tense?

The structure of the simple future tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver 3I++ invaria le will # main ver ase )!

!or negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not etween the au$iliary ver and main ver . !or question sentences, we e$change the subject and auxiliary verb. +ook at these e$ample sentences with the simple future tense% subject # # I 1ou She auxiliary verb will will will not main verb open finish e the door. efore me. at school tomorrow.

. .

3e 3ill 3ill

will you they


leave arrive want

yet. on time. dinner.

3hen we use the simple future tense in speaking, we often contract the su "ect and au$iliary ver % I will you will he will she will it will we will they will I5ll you5ll he5ll she5ll it5ll we5ll they5ll

!or negative sentences in the simple future tense, we contract with won't, like this% I will not you will not he will not she will not it will not we will not they will not I won5t you won5t he won5t she won5t it won5t we won5t they won5t

How do we use the Simple "uture Tense?

No Plan
3e use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something efore we speak. 3e make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. +ook at these e$amples%

,old on. I'll get a pen. 3e will see what we can do to help you. 6ay e we'll stay in and watch television tonight.

In these e$amples, we had no firm plan efore speaking. The decision is made at the time of speaking. 3e often use the simple future tense with the ver to think efore it%

I think I5ll go to the gym tomorrow. I think I will have a holiday ne$t year. I don5t think I5ll uy that car.

3e often use the simple future tense to make a prediction a out the future. 2gain, there is no firm plan. 3e are saying what we think will happen. ,ere are some e$amples%

It will rain tomorrow. People won't go to 4upiter efore the ''nd century. 3ho do you think will get the "o .

3hen the main ver is be, we can use the simple future tense even if we have a firm plan or decision efore speaking. 7$amples%

I'll be in +ondon tomorrow. I5m going shopping. I won't be very long. -ill you be at work tomorrow.

0ote that when we have a plan or intention to do something in the future, we usually use other tenses or e$pressions, such as the present continuous tense or going to.

"uture Continuous Tense

I will be singing
How do we make the "uture Continuous Tense?

The structure of the future continuous tense is%

su "ect

au$iliary ver 3I++ invaria le will

au$iliary ver <7 invaria le be

main ver present participle base " ing

!or negative sentences in the future continuous tense, we insert not etween will and be. !or question sentences, we e$change the subject and will. +ook at these e$ample sentences with the future continuous tense% subject # # . . I 1ou She 3e 3ill 3ill auxiliary verb will will will will you they not not auxiliary verb e e e e e e main verb working lying using having playing watching at &Eam. on a each tomorrow. the car. dinner at home. foot all. T:.

3hen we use the future continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the su "ect and will% I will you will he will she will it will we will they will I5ll you5ll he5ll she5ll it5ll we5ll they5ll

!or spoken negative sentences in the future continuous tense, we contract with won't, like this%

I will not you will not he will not she will not it will not we will not they will not

I won5t you won5t he won5t she won5t it won5t we won5t they won5t

3e sometimes use shall instead of will, especially for I and we.

How do we use the "uture Continuous Tense?

The future continuous tense e$presses action at a particular moment in the future. The action will start efore that moment ut it will not have finished at that moment. !or e$ample, tomorrow I will start work at 'pm and stop work at Apm% 2t ?pm tomorrow, I will e working. past present future ?pm 2t ?pm, I will e in the middle of working. 3hen we use the future continuous tense, our listener usually knows or understands what time we are talking a out. +ook at these e$amples%

I will be playing tennis at &Eam tomorrow. They won't be watching T: at Dpm tonight. 3hat will you be doing at &Epm tonight. 3hat will you be doing when I arrive. She will not be sleeping when you telephone her. 3e 'll be having dinner when the film starts. Take your um rella. It will be raining when you return.

"uture Perfect Tense

I will have sung The future perfect tense is quite an easy tense to understand and use. The future perfect tense talks a out the past in the future.
How do we make the "uture Perfect Tense?

The structure of the future perfect tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver 3I++ invaria le will # au$iliary ver ,2:7 invaria le have # main ver past participle )$

+ook at these e$ample sentences in the future perfect tense% subject # # . . I 1ou She 3e 3ill 3ill auxiliary verb will will will will you they not not auxiliary verb have have have have have have main verb finished forgotten gone left. arrived. received it. y &Eam. me y then. to school.

In speaking with the future perfect tense, we often contract the subject and will. Sometimes, we contract the subject, will and have all together% I will have you will have he will have she will have it will have I5ll have you5ll have he5ll have she5ll have it5ll have I5ll5ve you5ll5ve he5ll5ve she5ll5ve it5ll5ve

we will have they will have

we5ll have they5ll have

we5ll5ve they5ll5ve

3e sometimes use shall instead of will, especially for I and we.

How do we use the "uture Perfect Tense?

The future perfect tense e$presses action in the future before another action in the future. This is the past in the future. !or e$ample%

The train will leave the station at Dam. 1ou will arrive at the station at D.&@am. 3hen you arrive, the train will have left. The train will have left when you arrive. past present future Train leaves in future at Dam. D D.& @

1ou arrive in future at D.&@am. +ook at some more e$amples%

1ou can call me at work at Cam. I will have arrived at the office y C. They will e tired when they arrive. They will not have slept for a long time. 86ary won5t e at home when you arrive.8 89eally. 3here will she have gone.8

1ou can sometimes think of the future perfect tense like the present perfect tense, ut instead of your viewpoint eing in the present, it is in the future% present perfect tense P future perfect tense will P

have P done P =P past now future past now

have P done P =P future

"uture Perfect Continuous Tense

I will have been singing

How do we make the "uture Perfect Continuous Tense?

The structure of the future perfect continuous tense is% su "ect # au$iliary ver 3I++ invaria le will # au$iliary ver ,2:7 invaria le have # au$iliary ver <7 past participle been # main ver present participle base " ing

!or negative sentences in the future perfect continuous tense, we insert not etween will and have. !or question sentences, we e$change the subject and will. +ook at these e$ample sentences with the future perfect continuous tense% subject # # . . I 1ou She 3e 3ill 3ill auxiliary verb will will will will you they not not auxiliary verb have have have have have have auxiliary verb een een een een een een main verb working travelling using waiting playing watching for four hours. for two days. the car. long. foot all. T:.

3hen we use the future perfect continuous tense in speaking, we often contract the su "ect and au$iliary ver % I will you will he will she will it will we will they will I5ll you5ll he5ll she5ll it5ll we5ll they5ll

!or negative sentences in the future perfect continuous tense, we contract with won't, like this% I will not you will not he will not she will not it will not we will not they will not I won5t you won5t he won5t she won5t it won5t we won5t they won5t

How do we use the "uture Perfect Continuous Tense?

3e use the future perfect continuous tense to talk a out a long action efore some point in the future. +ook at these e$amples%

I will have been working here for ten years ne$t week. ,e will e tired when he arrives. ,e will have been travelling for '? hours.

Tense # Time

It is important not to confuse the name of a ver tense with the way we use it to talk a out time.

!or e$ample, a present tense does not always refer to present time%

I hope it rains tomorrow. 8rains8 is present simple, ut it refers here to future time )tomorrow*

Or a past tense does not always refer to past time%

If I had some money now, I could uy it. 8had8 is past simple ut it refers here to present time )now*

The following e$amples show how different tenses can e used to talk a out different times. T70S7 past /resent Simple She /resent Continuous They /resent Perfect Simple /resent Perfect Continuous I have seen 7T. I have been playing tennis. 3e have been working for four hours. /ast Simple I finished one hour ago. I was working at 'am this morning. I had not eaten for '? hours. If she loved you now, she would marry you. If you came tomorrow, you would see her. are TI67 present I want a coffee. likes I am having dinner. living I have finished. future I leave tomorrow. coffee. I am taking my e$am ne$t month. in +ondon.

/ast Continuous /ast Perfect Simple

/ast Perfect Continuous

3e had been working for ( hours.

If I had been working now, I would have missed you. ,old on. I'll do it now.

If I had been working tomorrow, I could not have agreed. I'll see you tomorrow. I will be working at Dpm tonight. I will have finished y Dpm tonight.

'uture Simple 'uture Continuous 'uture Perfect Simple

3e will have been married for ten years ne$t month. 'uture Perfect Continuous They may e tired when you arrive ecause they will have been working. In (E minutes, we will have been working for four hours
%asic Tenses

!or past and present, there are ' simple tenses # A comple$ tenses )using au$iliary ver s*. To these, we can add ? 8modal tenses8 for the future )using modal au$iliary ver s willNshall*. This makes a total of &' tenses in the active voice. 2nother &' tenses are availa le in the passive voice. So now we have '? tenses. #0 1enses 2C1I) simple tenses comple$ tenses formed with au$iliary ver s past past past perfect past continuous past perfect continuous /2((I) past present present present perfect present continuous present perfect continuous present futureQ future future perfect future continuous future perfect continuous future

past perfect past continuous past perfect continuous

present perfect present continuous present perfect continuous

future perfect future continuous future perfect continuous

Some grammar ooks use the word progressive instead of continuous. They are e$actly the same.

The use of tenses in 7nglish may e quite complicated, ut the structure of 7nglish tenses is actually very simple. The asic structure for a positive sentence is% su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver 2n au$iliary ver is used in all tenses. )In the simple present and simple past tenses, the au$iliary ver is usually suppressed for the affirmative, ut it does e$ist for intensification.* The following ta le shows the !# tenses for the ver to work in the active voice. structure au$iliary simple normal intensive perfect continuous do have e ase past participle present participle -ing present participle -ing main ver I worked I did work I had worked I was working I had een working I work I do work I have worked I am working I have een working I will have worked I will e working I will have een working I will work past present future3

continuous perfect

have een

Q Technically, there are no future tenses in 7nglish. The word will is a modal au$iliary ver and future tenses are sometimes called 8modal tenses8. The e$amples are included here for convenience and comparison. 9egular :er s L
%asic Tenses& 'egular (er)

9egular ver s list This page shows the asic tenses with the regular ver work. It includes the affirmative or positive form )#*, the negative form )-* and the interrogative or question form ).*. The asic structure is%
positive% " question% 4 su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver au$iliary ver # su "ect # main ver

negative% - su "ect # au$iliary ver # not # main ver

These are the forms of the main ver that we use to construct the tenses% ase ver work past worked past participle worked present participle -ing working

past SI6P+7 do # base verb )e$cept future% will # base verb5


present I do work I work I do not work /o I work. I have worked I have not worked ,ave I worked. I am working I am not working

future I will work I will not work 3ill I work. I will have worked I will not have worked 3ill I have worked. I will e working I will not e

I did work I worked I did not work /id I work. I had worked I had not worked ,ad I worked. I was working I was not

SI6P+7 P79!7CT " have # past participle


CO0TI0FOFS e # ing

" -


working 2m I working. I have een working I have not een working ,ave I een working. 3ill I e working. I will have een working I will not have een working 3ill I have een working.

3as I working. I had een working I had not een working ,ad I een working.

CO0TI0FOFS P79!7CT have een # ing


Irregular :er s L 9egular ver s list

%asic Tenses& *rregular (er)

Irregular ver s list This page shows the asic tenses with the irregular ver sing. It includes the affirmative or positive form )#*, the negative form )-* and the interrogative or question form ).*. The asic structure is%
positive% " question% 4 su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver au$iliary ver # su "ect # main ver

negative% - su "ect # au$iliary ver # not # main ver

These are the forms of the main ver that we use to construct the tenses% ase ver sing past sang past participle sung present participle -ing singing

past SI6P+7 do # base verb )e$cept future%


present I do sing I sing I do not sing

future I will sing I will not sing

I did sing I sang I did not sing

/id I sing. I had sung I had not sung ,ad I sung. I was singing I was not singing 3as I singing. I had een singing I had not een singing ,ad I een singing.

/o I sing. I have sung I have not sung ,ave I sung. I am singing I am not singing 2m I singing. I have een singing I have not een singing ,ave I een singing.

3ill I sing. I will have sung I will not have sung 3ill I have sung. I will e singing I will not e singing 3ill I e singing. I will have een singing I will not have een singing 3ill I have een singing.

will # base verb5 SI6P+7 P79!7CT have # past participle

" 4

CO0TI0FOFS e # -ing

" 4

CO0TI0FOFS P79!7CT have een # -ing


The asic structure of tenses for regular ver s and irregular ver s is e$actly the same )e$cept to e*. The only difference is that with regular ver s the past and past participle are always the same )worked, worked*, while with irregular ver s the past and past participle are not always the same )sang, sung*. <ut the structure is the same; It will help you a great deal to really understand that.

<e L Irregular ver s list

%asic Tenses& %e

This page shows the asic tenses with the ver be. It includes the affirmative or positive form )#*, the negative form )-* and the interrogative or question form ).*.

The asic structure is%

su "ect # au$iliary ver # main ver # negative% - su "ect # au$iliary ver # not # main ver question% . au$iliary ver # su "ect # main ver positive%

<ut for simple past and simple present tenses, the structure is not the same. In fact, it5s even easier. There is no au$iliary ver . ,ere is the structure%
su "ect # main ver # negative% - su "ect # main ver # not question% . main ver # su "ect positive%

These are the forms of the main ver be that we use to construct the tenses% ase be past simple was. were past participle been present participle being present simple am. are. is

past SI6P+7 present simple or past simple )e$cept future% will # be* SI6P+7 P79!7CT have # been # . # . CO0TI0FOFS e # being # . CO0TI0FOFS P79!7CT have een # being # I was I was not -as I. I had been I had not been ,ad I been. I was being I was not being 3as I being. I had een being I had not een

present I am I am not 2m I. I have been I have not been ,ave I been. I am being I am not being 2m I being. I have een being I have not een

future I will be I will not be 3ill I be. I will have been I will not have been 3ill I have een. I will e being I will not e being 3ill I e being. I will have een being I will not have een

being . ,ad I een being.

being ,ave I een being.

being 3ill I have een being.

In the following ta le, we see be con"ugated for &' asic tenses. SI6P+7 singular I you heNsheNit plural we you they P79!7CT singular I you heNsheNit plural we you they CO0TI0FOFS singular I you heNsheNit plural we past was were was were were were past had een had een had een had een had een had een past was eing were eing was eing were eing present am are is are are are present have een have een has een have een have een have een present am eing are eing is eing are eing future will e will e will e will e will e will e future will have een will have een will have een will have een will have een will have een future will e eing will e eing will e eing will e eing

you they CO0TI0FOFS P79!7CT singular I you heNsheNit plural we you they

were eing were eing past had een eing had een eing had een eing had een eing had een eing had een eing

are eing are eing present have een eing have een eing has een eing have een eing have een eing have een eing

will e eing will e eing future will have een eing will have een eing will have een eing will have een eing will have een eing will have een eing

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