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Universe Parameters Definition

Name: Description: eFashion eFashion retail Data Ware house dated 14 Oct 2007. 89,000+ row fact table. V ersion 13 efashion-webi


General information
Created: Modified: Comments: 6/25/1998 by 8/16/2011 by Administrator eFashion Data Warehouse D emo created by G.Bowman October 1998. Copyright B usiness Objects 1998. DB details: 89,00 0 line fact table, 10 line promotions 2nd fact table, dual article lookup table s for performance, 2 isola ted aggregate tables for d emo purposes Updated by Glynn Naughton March 2002 to reflect upd ates to the database (som e columns added, others r enamed). 6 Classes 41 Objects 10 Tables 0 Aliases 9 Joins 2 Contexts 3 Hierarchies 12 Conditions


Join strategy: Table strategy: Object strategy: Edit Manually (none) (Built-in) Standard (Built-in) Standard Renaming

Limit size of result set to: Limit size of long text objects to: Limit execution time to: 90000 rows unchecked 5 minutes



Warn if cost estimate exceeds:


SQL parameters
Query Allow use of subqueries: Allow use of union, intersect and minus operators: Allow complex conditions in Query Panel: Cartesian products: Multiple paths Generate several SQL statements for each context: Generate several SQL statements for each measure: Allow selection of multiple contexts: yes yes yes warn yes yes no

No links for this universe

Object List
Time period
Year Fiscal Period Quarter Month Month Name Week Year/week Holiday (y/n)

State City Store name Zip Code Address

Store details
Long opening hours Name of manager Opening date Owned (y/n) Sales floor size group Sales floor size sqFt Extended sales floor size

Lines Category SKU number Label SKU desc Color Color number Unit Price MSRP



Extended price Sold at (unit price)

Promotion (y/n) Print Radio Television Direct mail Duration Promotion Cost USD

Sales revenue Quantity sold Margin Discount

Condition List
Time period
Last year This year Christmas period Holiday period

Sales floor size? Owned stores Stores with long opening hours

Store details Product

Prompt for a line item? Which category? Which product?

Promotions Measures
Sales present Sales not present

Hierarchies List
No Hierarchies

Tables List
Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr Article_Color_Lookup Article_Lookup_Criteria Article_lookup



Calendar_year_lookup Outlet_Lookup Shop_facts product_promotion_facts promotion_lookup

Join List
Join0: Join1: Join2: Join3: Join4: Join5: Join6: promotion_lookup.Promotion_id=product_promotion_facts.Promotion_id product_promotion_facts.Week_id=Calendar_year_lookup.Week_id Outlet_Lookup.Shop_id=Shop_facts.Shop_id Article_Lookup_Criteria.Article_id=Article_lookup.Article_id Article_lookup.Article_id=Shop_facts.Article_id Article_lookup.Article_id=product_promotion_facts.Article_id Article_Color_Lookup.Article_id=Sh op_facts.Article_id and Article_Co lor_Lookup.Color_code=Shop_facts. Color_code Shop_facts.Week_id=Calendar_year_lookup.Week_id product_promotion_facts.Article_id=Shop_facts.Article_id

Join7: Join8:

Context List
Shop facts Promotions



Outlet_Lookup Shop_id Shop_name Address_1 Manager Date_open Long_opening_hours_flag Owned_outright_flag Floor_space Zip_code City State

Article_Lookup_Criteria Article_lookup_criteria_id Article_id Criteria Criteria_type Criteria_type_label Criteria_label

Article_Color_Lookup Article_color_lookup_id Article_id Color_code Article_label Color_label Category Sale_price Family_name Family_code

Shop_facts Shop_facts_id Article_id Color_code Week_id Shop_id Margin Amount_sold Quantity_sold

Article_lookup Article_id Article_label Category Sale_price Family_name Family_code

product_promotion_facts Calendar_year_lookup Week_id Week_In_Year Yr Fiscal_Period Year_Week Qtr Month_Name Mth Holiday_Flag Product_promotion_facts_id Article_id Week_id Duration Promotion_id Promotion_cost

promotion_lookup Promotion_id Promotion_flag Print_flag Radio_flag Television_flag Direct_mail_flag

Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn agg1_id Yr Qtr Mth Month_name Wk City Store_name Sales_revenue Quantity_sold Margin

Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr agg2_id Yr Qtr State Line Category Sales_revenue




cts_id d ode d

_sold _sold



r h onth_name k ty ore_name ales_revenue uantity_sold argin

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