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Mathematics 216

Carrousel 2: Itinerary 4

The sequence and content to be covered in this itinerary have been significantly
altered to respect the priorities of the MEQ program. According to the program,
‘Learning activities should not focus on the manipulation of given algebraic
expressions. Instead, the students should be given real-life problems whose solution
involves generating and manipulating first degree equations.’ More time has been
allotted to Itinerary 5 which covers the objective more closely. Of the 18% of the year
allocated for Objective 1.2, 5% is allotted to Itinerary 4 and 13% to Itinerary 5.

Objectives Covered in Itineraries 4 & 5:

These itineraries cover Objective 1.2: To solve problems that can be expressed as a
first-degree equation. Note that the word ‘expressed’ should be replaced by the word
‘translated’ which implies using all the rigour of the rules of the language. Students
should learn to appreciate the power and usefulness in using algebra to solve
problems. They should be able to generate and manipulate a first-dgree equation of the
form ax + b = cx + d to solve a problem. It is important to refer to the MEQ
Curriculum document for more details on the objectives of the program (pp. 18 -

Time 5% of the year. (18% for Itineraries 4 & 5 which together cover Objective 1.2)

1. Some of the material at the beginning of Itinerary 4 which has been omitted is a
review of the Math 116 program. Other parts are to be integrated throughout the
2. The questions from the Mental Pit Stop and Marketplace as well as other
activities (See the note at the bottom of the priority chart) could be divided up and
used as daily 5-minute class warm-ups.
3. Correct terminology (e.g. domain of the variable, set notation and terminology,
etc.) should be intoduced gradually to make sure that the students understand
their meaning. These should not be evaluated.
4. It is important to both prevent and correct students’ misconceptions about the
use of variables in algebra. To acquaint you with some of the research in this
area,, an article entitled Some Common Areas of Difficulty is included.
5. Test questions in the Teacher's Guide should be edited to reflect what is
pertinent to the objectives of the program and thus what is valued.

Please send any comments or suggested changes regarding this document to Carolyn
Gould at tel: 514-672-4010, extension 4705; fax: 514-465-8809;
or e-mail:

This document has been prepared by Françoise Boulanger and Carolyn Gould, Resource Persons for MAPCO.
Mathematics 216: Carrousel 2: Itinerary 4
Topic Time Priority 1 Optional Omit
Class Homework

1. Operations on 5% 150 mins. Activity: 1 & p. 201 h,i,j Activity: 3 a-g pp. 168-193 except
Algebraic Activity: 2 (play as a for items listed in
Expressions game first) Club Math: 17 the note below.
(pp. 194 - 219)
Workout: Do approx. Flash Problem
half of the following: 1-
5, 7-13, 16, 17, 19-24, At Logic Central
26-29, 31, 32, 35-40, 42-

2. Passport 0.5% √
(p. 220)


Activities such as the following are important and should be spread throughout the year:

1) Activity 3a A Little Test, p. 178

2) Activity 4a, b, c, Algebraic Translation, p. 179
3) Activity 1a-n, pp. 181-183
4) Mental Pit Stop pp. 202-203
5) A Mixed Bag p. 215
6) Marketplace p. 217

In this manner, the concepts are kept continually current for the students.

This document has been prepared by Françoise Boulanger and Carolyn Gould, Resource Persons for MAPCO.

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