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Yoga Bhangas and Dhuryogas and Avayogas: Yogas for misfortune.

--------------------------------------Results - Extreme penury, no wealth, hostile, wrathful, mental distress, being d isagreeable, reviling god and others, subject to jibes and taunts. Note: Relief can be provided by Lagna lord, Jupiter or Mercury aspecting Lagna. Lagna lord in trine gives luck. Lagna lord in kendra provides grit and persevera nce for success (while Lagna lord in triksthana drains the energy of the chart). All yogas for misfortune are increased by aspect of malefics and reduced by aspe ct of benefics. Strength of Lagna lord too reduces misfortunes. Strength of Jupi ter reduces Daridra yogas. Yogas for misfortune 1. Daridra Yogas 2. Kemadruma Yogas 3. Rekha Yogas 4. Preshya Yogas 5. Rajayogabhanga yogas Poverty1. Sun exalted in rasi and debilitated in amsa (or Venus in exalted rasi and de bilitated amsa) and aspected by a malefic. 2. Saturn in kendra or Lagna unaspected by benefics. 3. 9th lord in 12th, 12th lord in 2nd and malefics in 3rd. 4. Saturn, Jupiter and Venus debilitated in amsa. 5. Lagna lord has no strength is aspected by 8th lord and Jupiter combust. 6. 4th lord aspected by 6th lord. 7. 8th lord in 5th and Lagna lord in debility. 9. Malefics in kendras/konas, benefics in triksthanas(6,8,12) and 11th lord pow erless. 10. Mars or Saturn aspecting Lagna as malefics. Daridra Yogas - Unlucky,Sloth,Low-minded. 1. 11th lord in trika and afflicted. 2. Moon and Kethu together and lagna lord in 8th. 3. Moon and Kethu to gether in Lagna. 4. Lord of Lagna and lord of Navamsa Lagna in 6,8,12 associated with functional malefics. 5. Lord of Lagna/5th/Navamsa Lagna/Navamsa Moon connected to trika aspected by functional malefics. 6. Lord of Lagna and lord of 12th in Parivartana and aspected by functional mal efics. 7. Lord of Lagna and lord of 6th in Parivartana and Moon aspected by functional malefics. 8. Jupiter as lord of 8th house stronger than lord of 9th house and lord of 11 not in kendra and combust. 9. Jupiter,Mars,Saturn debilitated combust and Mercury in 5/6/8/11/12. 10. Mercury with Sun in Lagna in Meena Navamsa and Saturn in 9th aspected by mal efics. 11. Lord of 12 weakened by Sun is stronger than Lagna lord and Jupiter,Mercury,V enus,Saturn,Mars occupy 5/6/8/10/12. 12. Debilitated Moon,Mars,Jupiter,Venus in 1,6,7,8,10,11. 13. Debilitated Moon,Mars,Jupiter and Venus debilitated in Lagna. 14. Lagna a moveable sign and Navamsa Lagna aspected by Saturn and by Jupiter wh

o is debilitated or in trika not his own. 15. Lagna a fixed sign malefics in kendra and trines in strength and no benefics in kendras. 16. Night born in a moveable Lagna,kendras and konas occupied by weak benefics a nd no malefics in kendras. 17. Moon in a moveable sign in malefic amsa aspected by inimical planet and unas pected by Jupiter. 18. Night born waning Moon in debility or a malefic associated with 8th from it . 19. Moon in 1/7 or conjunct Sun/Rahu/Kethu in inimical or neecha amsa aspected b y malefic or a planet defeated in war. 20. Moon in Libra/kendra/kona in inimical or neecha amsa aspected by defeated/ma lefic planet or with Jupiter in 6/8/12 to the Moon. 21. Sun,Moon,Saturn(Mars) together in kendra/9/12 while the other planets are we ak(Jala Yoga). 22. Sun and Moon together in Rasi and in Parivartan in navamsa.(The native sudde nly loses his wealth). 23. Lagna lord in 12,malefic in 10 and Moon is with Mars.(Abhiyoga). 24. Moon in Makara/Kumba,Saturn in Kendra and Jupiter in 12. 25. Jupiter/Saturn/Mars/Mercury deblitated and combust in 5/6/8/11/12. 26. Saturn in 9 aspected by malefic, Mercury with Sun in Lagna in Kanya Navamsa. 27. Lord of 12 in debility and combust is stronger than Lgna lord and Jupiter,Me rcury,Venus,Saturn,Mars occupy houses 5,6,8,10,12. 28. Venus in Lagna,Moon in 3,Jupiter in 5,Mars in 11 all in debilty. 29. Venus,Jupiter,Moon,Mars all in debilty and occupy any 4 houses among 1,5,7,9 ,10,11. 30. Lagna being moveable in rasi and amsa aspected by Saturn and Jupiter who is debilitated or in 6/12 not being his own sign. 31. Lagna being fixed,benefics not in kendras,Malefics in kendra/kona. 32. Night born,moveable Lagna,malefics not in kendras,benefics weak in kendras/k onas. 33. Venus vargottama in debility. 34. Birth in kalahora of Mars,Saturn in Kendra unaspected by benefic. 35. Saturn,Sun,Moon in kendra. 36. Moon in Lagna,Saturn in Kendra,Jupiter in 12. 37. Lord of 9 in 12,malefic in kendra. 38. Lagna lord in 12,Mars with Moon in 10 in a malefic sign. Kemadruma Yoga - (Poor,dirty,dependent,sorrowful,sinner) Note : If Moon is aspected by a benefic or Venus in a Kendra aspected by Jupiter cancells the yoga. Vasumati yoga from Moon,i.e benefics in 3,6,10,11 from Moon cancells the yoga. 1. No planet other than Sun on either side of the Moon. (Cancelled if any plane t in kendra from Moon) 2. Equal number of malefics in 2 and 8 from Karakamsha. 3. Venus and Saturn together/aspecting each other in vargas of debilitated or i nimical planets. 4. 9th lord in 12th, 12th lord in 2nd and malefics in 3rd. 5. Jupiter,Saturn,Moon together in Kendra or Mars and Saturn together in 5/8/12 . 6. Lagna occupied by Mars and Saturn,Lagna lord with Moon in 2/8,Mercury and Ve nus in Kendra. 7. Sun in 12,Mars in 8 and Moon,Saturn,Venus in Kendras.

Rekha Yogas - Extreme penury, no wealth, hostile, wrathful, mental distress, bei ng disagreeable, reviling god and others, subject to jibes and taunts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. Jupiter in 4th, Moon in 8th and Saturn in 12th.(Destroys Raja Yogas) Sun aspected by lord of 12 and navamsa lord of 4th lord is combust. Weak Lagna lord aspected by 8th lord and Jupiter Combust. Navamsa lord of 4th lord combust and aspected by lord of 12. Lord of 4 aspected by lord of 6. Lord of 9 and lord of 8 together in 5th, and Lagna lord in debility. Malefics in kendras/konas, benefics in trika and 11th lord powerless. Lord of 9 combust and lords of Lagna and 2nd in debility. Lord of Lagna in trika and 3 planets in debility or combust.

Preshya Yogas- (Servitude,ignoble) 1. Lagna a moveable sign,Jupiter in 2,Mars in 3,Saturn in 4,Moon in 7,Sun in 10 especially for a night born. 2. Lagna a fixed sign,Jupiter owns the 1/2,Moon in 7,Mars in 8,Venus in 9. 3. Jupiter in sandhi of 4th, Mars in sandhi of 6th,Sun in sandhi of 10th bhavas . 4. Moon in benefic sign and malefic amsa. 5. Moon in 4 and Jupiter in debility in trika. 6. Night born moveable Lagna lord in sandhi and malefic in kendra. 7. Night born fixed Lagna Saturn,Moon,Jupiter,Venus in kendra/kona/sandhi. 8. Night born in krishna paksha Venus in Lagna,Jupiter strong in 9 of dasavarga and in sandhi,Moon strong in 3 of dasavarga and not in kendra. 9. Malefic in 10th without benefic aspect. 10. Navamsa Lagna lord being Sun/Moon/Jupiter in debility and in inimical/debili tation navamsa. 11. Venus in debility/navamsa of Saturn,in 6/8/12 aspected by Saturn, and Sun wi th Moon in 7. Rajayogabhanga Yogas - (Loss of fortune and social position) 1. Sun in debilitation in 10th degree of Thula (Look for other Arishta yogas to o). 2. Simha being Lagna, Saturn must be exalted in rasi and debilitated in amsa(or aspected by a benefic?). 3. Exalted planets debilitated in amsa. 4. Lords of Lagna,9,10 and 11 debilitated without cancellation in Rasi/Amsa. 5. Lagna,Moon and Sun weak. 6. Venus in debility in Rasi and in Vrishaba/Simha/Thula Navamsa. 7. If two or more among Sun,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn in debilty and Moon also in deb ilty or Sun/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn in Lagna. 8. Moon weak and unaspected in 1st navamsa of common sign/8th navamsa of fixed sign/9th navamsa of moveable sign. 9. Benefics in trika,Malefics in kendras weak and unaspected by benefics. 10. Kumba being Lagna and 3 planets in debility (Jupiter combust/Sun in debility makes it worse). 11. No benefic in kendra,Moon debilitated and 4 planets weak(debility/combust/in imical sign). 12. Moon weak aspected only by malefic and Sun in Simha Navamsa.(Native relinqui shes power). 13. Rahu in Lagna aspected by Moon and Sun,Mars,Saturn in 3,6,7 while benefics n ot in kendra or combust. 14. 5 planets weak(debility/combust/inimical sign). 15. Rajayoga karaka defeated in planetary war.

16. Moon in debilitation in 3rd degree of Vrischika. 17. Jupiter in debility in Lagna and Moon not aspecting. 18. 3 or more planets in debility. 19. Moon or Lagna unaspected. 20. All benefics weak. 21. Moon in 1/7 unaspected by Jupiter. 22. Equal number of malefics in Lagna and 7th unaspected by Jupiter. 23. Birth in the yoga Vyatipata. 24. Sun and Moon together in Rasi and in Parivartan in navamsa. 25. Moon debilitated and out of Mars,Saturn,Jupiter,Sun atleast 2 are in debilit y and atleast 1 of them in Lagna. 26. Lagna vargottama but unaspected.(Rajayoga will be lost). 27. 4 planets weak,no planet in kendra/with Moon. 28. Moon combust aspected by malefic and Sun in Simha navamsa.(Rajayoga will be lost). 29. Lagna unoccupied, Moon in end of moveable sign/beginning of a fixed sign/mid dle of a dual sign without strength. 30. Planets in malefic and debilitation/inimical Shashtiamsas. 31. Malefics in kendra in debilitaion/inimical sign aspected by benefics from 6/ 8/12. 32. Lagna lord/yoga causing planets lacking shadbala strength. Marred Horoscopes 1. Jupiter with Rahu/Ketu aspected by malefic - Person does base acts. 2. Debilitated Jupiter aspected by planet in debility - Person does wicked crim es. 3. Lagna lord,Moon and Sun in kendra aspected by Saturn - Person is slothfull. 4. All planets weak and none in 10th - Ill tempered,lacking in intelligence,lea rning,wife,children. 5. 9th lord in 12,Lagna lord and Chandra Lagna lord not with benefics or are co mbust - Loses wife,children,brings family to extinction. 6. Benefics,malefics in kendra and Moon aspected by Lagna lord is in navamsa of Saturn(Kulapamsana yoga) - Person brings his race to an end,lose everything including wife and children,foresaken by his people and land,suffers blemishes galore. 7. From Chandra Lagna Mercury and Venus in 7,Jupiter in 5,a malefic in 4 and a malefic in 8 - Persons race dies with him. 8. A malefic planet in 9,Jupiter in 7,Moon in 10 all malefically disposed - Per son becomes ruiner of his family. 9. Rahu in lagna and Moon,Mercury,Venus in kendras - Person loses sense of duty and lives a base life. 10. Jupiter/Sun in debility in a kendra with malefic - Person commits infanticid e. 11. Jupiter in 8,malefic in kendra without benefic aspect - Person slaughters an imals. 12. Moon,Mercury with malefic in 10,aspected by malefic,and both of them in debi ltated navamsa - Person hunts birds. 13. Sun in 10,malefic in 8,and Lagna lord in 2/5 from Moon - Dirty profession. 14. Venus,Jupiter,Saturn in inimical/debilitation navamsas - Bereft of wife and children,unhappy,suffers afflictions and lives in pain. 15. Sun,Moon,Saturn in kendras unaspected by benefics - Person is a drunkard. 16. Sun,Moon,Saturn in kendras unaspected by benefics and in debiltated/inimical Shashtiamsas - Person is wicked,commits adultery with another's wife. 17. Venus in debility with a malefic in 9,aspected by a malefic - Person hunts b irds.

18. Venus in 12 in a benefic sign in Saturn navamsa - Person is addicted to serv ant maids. 19. Gulika in Lagna,Lagna lord debilitated in rasi and amsa,malefics in 7 and 8 - Family ends with him and not descend any further. 20. Birth in kalahora of Saturn/Mars,Sun and Moon in trikona,Jupiter in kendra o r 3rd - Person becomes mad. 21. Moon and Mercury in kendra not associated with any other planet.(Pisacha yog a) - Person becomes mad. 22. Moon and Venus in kendra,malefics in 5/8.(Maha Gada yoga) - Person becomes m ad. 23. Saturn,Mars in Lagna,Lagna lord in 2/8 with Moon,Mercury and Venus in kendra - Person lives a base life. 24. Rahu in Lagna,benefics in 6/12,Saturn and Mars in kendra.(Chandala yoga) - P erson loses sense of duty and lives a base life. 25. Rahu in Lagna and Venus,Mercury,Moon in kendra.(Chandala yoga) - Person comm its mean acts. 26. Lord of 9 with Sun in 2/5 unaspected by benefics,malefics in 3,6 - Mean prof ession or acts. 27. Saturn in Lagna,benefics in debitated/inimical rasi/amsa or in 8 - suffers b ecause of blemishes of parents or ancestors,loses wife,sons. 28. Saturn in Lagna,Mars in 5/7/9,Moon weak in pakshabala or Sun in 12th from Mo on - Person becomes mad. 29. Weak Venus in papakartari and in inimical/debilitated navamsa - Death of wif e by fire,poison,confinement. 30. Venus not associated with benefics and malefics in 4th and 8th from Venus Death of wife by fire,poison,confinement. 31. Planets in 1 and 7,Venus with Sun is weak in a trine - Disabled wife and nat ive addicted to others's wives. 32. Saturn in Lagna,Venus and Moon in 7 - Barren wife. 33. Moon in 5,malefics in 1,8,12 - no children. 34. Malefics in 1,5,8 and 12 - family is destroyed. 35. Mercury and Venus in 7,malefic in 4, anothet malefic in 8th from Moon - Dyna sty destroyed. 36. 5th Lord weak,Lord of 8 in 5,Moon in 4,malefic in Lagna - no descendants. 37. Moon near midpoint of 10th house,Mars in 7,Saturn in 2nd from Sun - person h as disablity,Removed from his cast,changes religion. 38. Moon in 12 with Rahu and another malefic - Person irritable,quarrelsome,beco mes mad. 39. Mars,Sun,Jupiter,Saturn combine in 2/3/6/8/11/12 - Person instrumental in di struction of dynasty,no wife,sons,money. 40. Saturn in 10 strong and aspecting Moon who in benefic rasi/amsa - becomes sa nyasi,unhappy. 41. Lagna not aspected by benefic,Venus in debilitated/inimical rasi and amsa Person gives up domestic responsiblities. 42. Lord of 9 in 12,Lagna lord and chandra Lagna lord combust or not associated with benefics - Person loses wife and chldren,brings family to extinction.

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