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Dam Water Volume Calculator

prepared by Martyn Keen and Paul Raper

The volume of water stored in a dam can be determined using this series of worksheets. These worksheets calculate w for gully, circular, rectangular and square dam shapes. Each worksheet can calculate for full or part full dams. m3 ForkL circular, rectangular and square dams, the formulae uses a default inside wall side slope of 3:1 ML length to width is usually 3:2, however the formula will calculated volumes based on any length to width ratio of dam variations in side slope are encountered, please contact Martyn Keen on 9780 6269 at the Department of Agriculture Bunbury. If you have problems operating the spreadsheet, e.g. macros won't run, contact Paul Raper on

Warning: With all dams, the closer the dam is to full, the more accurately volumes can be determined by the m here. As water levels diminish, it is more difficult to accurately determine stored water volumes. In this case, s volumes are often over estimated. If calculated stored water is close to budgeted requirements, it is advisable t volume confirmed by accurate survey.

On this worksheet and all that follow, cells are colour coded: Green cells denote a required input. Violet cells require you to select an input from a drop-down menu Gold cells display an intermediate result. Yellow cells display the calculated volume of stored water.

You may also see warning or error messages in a grey rectangle: Warning messages are blue. Error messages are red. First choose the units for reporting dam volume m3

One cubic metre (m3) equals one kilolitre (kL) One thousand kilolitres (kL) equals one megalitre (ML). Therefore, one thousand cubic metres (m 3) equals one megalitre (ML).

Worksheet operation

1. Choose dam shape from drop down list then proceed to the appropriate worksheet 2. After you have calculated the stored volume of water you can estimate evaporation losses on the Dam Evaporation worksheet - yellow tab. Results for the chosen dam shape will be reported on the Summary page for printing 3. The Reporting page can be printed for your records or faxed to DAFWA if you have problems. The worksheets with pale blue tabs contain information used in other sheets & are locked.
Copyright Western Australian Agriculture Authority, 2011. The Chief Executive Officer of the Department Gully of Agriculture and Food and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by reason of Circular negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this information or any part of it.

Rectangular Square



worksheets. These worksheets calculate water volume alculate for full or part full dams.

wall side slope of 3:1. For rectangular dams, the ratio olumes based on any length to width ratio. If at the Department of Agriculture and Food, run, contact Paul Raper on 9780 6295.

ly volumes can be determined by the methods used ne stored water volumes. In this case, stored water udgeted requirements, it is advisable to have the


A if you have problems. other sheets & are locked.

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Volumes (V) of circular excavated tanks (3:1 side slopes)

Formula used for determining a constructed dams storage capacity:

V ( R 2 Rr r 2 )

d 3

For calculating the underwater floor dimension (r ):

r R 3d
where: d = depth of water(m) R = radius of water surface (m) = Pi or 227 or 3.14159 r = radius of floor (m) Potential ERROR; dimensions inconsistent. Combination of water depth & radius produce an improbable floor radius 0 0.0



Volumes (V) of rectangular excavated tanks (3:1 side slopes)

Formula used for determining a constructed dams storage capacity:

V [( L W ) (l w) [( L l ) (W w)]] d 6

For calculating the underwater floor dimensions (l and w ):

l L 6d
w W 6d
where: d = depth of water (m) L = length of water surface (m) l = length of floor (m) W = width of water surface (m) w = width of floor (m) Potential ERROR; dimensions inconsistent. Combination of water surface dimensions & depth produce an improbable floor width. 0 0.0

0 0.00



Volumes (V) of square excavated tanks (3:1 side slopes)

Formula used for determining a constructed dams storage capacity: where:

V [ L2 ( L l ) l 2 ]

d 3

d = depth of water (m) L = top length of water surface (m) l = floor length (m) For calculating the underwater floor dimension (l ):

l L (6 d )
Potential ERROR; dimensions inconsistent. Combination of water surface dimensions & depth produce an improbable floor width.


0 0.0


Gully Dams
If the fill used to construct the embankment was excavated from the gully floor upstream of the embankment, there may be an a dditional capacity available below the gully floor. Y capacity can be determined by calculating the volume of the embankment. This volume is added to the volume of the dam already determined to indicate total This additional volume. N

Is gully wall constructed from material excavated from gully floor upstream of the embankment?

Volume (V) of gully dams in m3

Volume (V) of gully dam wall in m3

Gully dam wall Gully dam Shape coefficients for gully floor 0.5 0.8 1 1.2 1.6 Choose the appropriate coefficient (k ) from the drop down list based on the gully cross section as shown at left.

Gully dam wall cross-section

Wall volume of gully embankment (V )

(3 C 2 H Z ) ( E G ) H V 2 (C H Z H 2 ) G 3 4
where: Volume impounded by gully embankment (V ) C = crest width (m) E = length of embankment (m) G = width of gully stream (m) Note: G may be ZERO if gully sides form a triangle at the gully floor H = height of wall (m) Z = slope of wall, average of both upstream and downstream slopes Enter Z or calculate from upstream & downstream wall slope lengths? Enter Z If calculating Z , measure slope length of upstream and downstream slopes and enter below Upstream wall slope length (m) Volume V1 0 Total Volume 0 m3 0 0.00 m3 Downstream wall slope length (m) Calculated Z 0.00 enter 0

enter calculate

V 0.22 k W d L
where: d = depth of water (m) k = gully cross section coefficient L = length (reach) of water surface upstream (m) W = width of water surface across gully (m)

0 1

Warning: G omitted, please enter zero or measured length

Gully wall is NOT constructed from material excavated from gully floor upstream of the embankment. Volume V2 =
3 0.00 m

Evaporation Estimation
Volume of water stored in your Gully dam. Choose the closest site for evaporation data: click button for appropriate map to see enlargement 0 m3

Select site from alphabetical drop down list Choose closest date to day dam water measured. Estimate date for break of next season. #N/A

Check #N/A #N/A

Day 0 0

Estimated evaporation for the period (depth): #N/A mm Estimated evaporation from dam (volume): #N/A m3 Estimated volume of water or deficiency (-). #N/A m3 Note: estimated evaporation assumes no water drawn from the dam over the period. 1. Determine gully shape coefficient where water is stored. End date must be after start date 2. As water depth diminishes in a gully dam, reconfirm gully shape coefficient and adjust if necessary If you haven't done a farm water budget, or want access to other dry season resources, use the link below,


Dam Water Volume Calculator - Summary

Name: Phone: Fax: email: Locality: Date:

Inputs for calculating the water stored in a Gully dam d R L W C E G H Z k 0 Not a required input 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.0

Calculated dimensions & error messages

r l w

Not a calculated output Not a calculated output Not a calculated output

Warning: G omitted, please enter zero or measured length

Stored Volume: Site: Period: Evaporation for period: Available water: For queries:

0 0 00-Jan to 00-Jan #N/A #N/A


mm m3

Telephone Martyn Keen: 9780 6269 Fax: 9780 6136

Note: only sites marked with maroon squares are available, choose a site with similar evaporation (orange contours), not necessarily the closest.

Note: only sites marked with maroon squares are available, choose a site with similar evaporation (orange contours), not necessarily the closest.

Note: only sites marked with maroon squares are available, choose a site with similar evaporation (orange contours), not necessarily the closest.

Note: only sites marked with maroon squares are available, choose a site with similar evaporation (orange contours), not necessarily the closest.

Note: only sites marked with maroon squares are available, choose a site with similar evaporation (orange contours), not necessarily the closest.

Note: only sites marked with maroon squares are available, choose a site with similar evaporation (orange contours), not necessarily the closest.

similar evaporation

similar evaporation

similar evaporation

similar evaporation

similar evaporation

similar evaporation

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