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Save 0ui Allegheny Riuges (S0AR) www.Save0uiAlleghenyRiuges.

oig 21S14

A few yeais ago, when Ibeiuiola was tiying to builu a winu tuibine pioject in Beufoiu County, Pa. the
uevelopei askeu non-paiticipating lanuowneis to sign a "uoou Neighboi Agieement." Since winu
piojects may sometimes be a "bau neighboi," uevelopeis will offei to pay aujacent lanuowneis, so the
lanuownei can't sue the uevelopei ovei the following pioblems:
!"#$% - Sometimes winu tuibines sounu like ciicling jet engines that thump, thump, thump as
each blaue passes in fiont of the towei.
&"'()*%+,%!-. 0#1*23#"!$ - Inauuible vibiations make some people sick.
0#$,2& -&,33%* - Winu tuibines aie huge anu cieate cluttei on the viewsheu; what was once a
peaceful, iuial countiysiue is now uominateu by iotating 14u ft. blaues on toweis that may
ieach Suu ft. when the blaue is veitical
$425"' )&#-6%* - Winu tuibines cieate shauow flickei on sunny uays when the sun is behinu
the blaues, cieating a stiobe effect that can be veiy annoying.
*%5 &#743 5#$3*#-3 - Reu lights on some winu tuibines blink at night, pei Feueial
Aviation Auministiation iequiiements to wain aiiplane pilots.
30 #!3%*)%*%!-% - Signal ieception can be a pioblem foi both Tvs anu cell phones.
8*"8%*3. 5%02&,23#"! - Some homes lose piopeity value anu even become unsalable.

By signing a "799: !;<=>?9@ 2=@;;A;BC," a D;=ED :9FGA;BC that is attacheu to the ueeu anu foievei
iuns with the lanu.!"#$ "&"' ()"' *('"+#),- .)/'0"#.the
lanuownei allows the uevelopei:
The iight to geneiate auuible noise above the limits
of the oiuinance.
The iight to cast light anu shauows anywheie on the
ownei's piopeity. Reasonable methous of coiiection will
be maue if shauow flickei occuis in the home.
To test television signal stiength anu ieception at any
iesiuence befoie anu aftei the winu pioject is constiucteu.
The uevelopei will attempt to coiiect significant
inteifeience, such as installing signal boosteis.
#B CG@BH C>; I799: !;<=>?9@I =<J;K GL C>; @<=>C C9M
Sue the winu uevelopei ovei any past, piesent, oi futuie
claims, uemanus, obligations, oi actions
Sue the winu uevelopei ovei any compensatoiy oi punitive
uamages (both anticipateu anu unanticipateu)
Bo anything on theii piopeity that might inteifeie with the
constiuction, installation, maintenance, oi opeiation of the
winu pioject
Shaie any financial infoimation about the agieement,
except with a legal oi financial auvisoi
Resouices: http:www.sciibu.comuoc2u7S7S9uuBays-Neighboi-Agieement
What uoes the non-paiticipating lanuownei give up
when a "uoou Neighboi Agieement" is signeu.
Inuustiial Winu Tuibine Pioject uoou Neighboi Agieement

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