MikhailDPoloskin Resume

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Mikhail D.

Poloskin Resum
Artist * Graphic Designer * Illustrator * Fabricator * An Experience 268 E Broadway A!8"# $anhattan %& !"""2 'i(hail)polos(in*g'ail)co' +2!2, -."/#2-!

Work Experience
Dark Porch Theatre - "TUTOR" - 2011; "Eleanor" - 2011; "Comedy Ballet" - 2010 - SF C! 0Illustrator /1riginal illustrations 2or the plays3 i'agery /4ired as an artist to paint bac(drop 2or 56o'edy Ballet5 0Graphic Designer /4ired to 'a(e all ad7ertising8pro'otional 'aterial including posters 2liers and / progra's Flane"r Fo"ndry !rt# $o"rnal %##"e %% - "#lee& &rn'r&hr" - 2010 - Ch(ca'o %) 0Freelance Graphic Designer /Designed 9ournal3s interior layouts /:repared 9ournal 2or printing "Po#(t(*e+,e'at(*e" -a'a.(ne - )(m(ted Ed(t(on - 200/ - Roche#ter ,0 0Art Director /;uper7ised the creation o2 'aga<ine 2ro' concepts o2 spreds to production and print /:ro9ect in7ol7ed !8 Graphic Designers !. :hotographers 2 Design = > :hoto Directors and a :roduction ?ea'

In/depth @nowledge o2 Adobe Illustrator8:hotoshop8InDesign $; Aord8::?8EB6EC :ro2icient in Adobe Flash +Design Illustration Fra'e Ani'ation Basic A;> 6oding, :ro2icient in Adobe Drea'wea7er +Design Basic 4?$C with 6;; 6oding, Experienced in Building $oc(ups 2or >d Displays ;(illed in Illustration and :ainting ;(illed in Aoodwor(ing and $etal Fabrication Experience Directing :hotographers to Achie7e Desired 6o' position 2or Further Design Cayout ;trong @nowledge o2 both $A6 and :6 En7iron'ents 4a7e @nowledge o2 :rinting and :re/:ress :rocess Able to Follow Directions and ?a(e Cead Aor( Aell Independently and in ?ea' Great Attention ?o Detail Aor( Fast and Diligently as well as Always :lan Ahead in order to $eet Deadlines on ?i'e Cegible 4andwriting Good %ote ?a(ing and 1rgani<ational ;(ills Fluent in Dussian and EnglishE Basic @nowledge o2 Ger'an

- year DeanFs Cist Enlistee G DI? G Dochester %& 2""#/2""H Foreign ;tudent Exchange :rogra' %o'inee G Dochester %& 2""8 Art Director o2 !""pgs8!""copies I:ositi7e8%egati7e5 $aga<ine G Dochester %& 2""H Dochester Ad7ertising Foundation Caddy Award Ainner G Dochester %& 2""H Illustration Featured in 5In :reparation5 Arts Journal / 6hicago IC 2""H :ainting Archi7ed in Ka9 Ada' $u<eu' G Ka9a 4ungary 2"!!

Roche#ter %n#t(t"te o1 Technolo'y2 2003-200/ Bachelors Degree o2 Fine Arts 2ro' ;chool o2 Graphic Design Entrepreneurship $inor 2ro' ;chool o2 Business

$otorcycles 6ars :ainting Doodling ;(etching Cearning %ew ?rades $eeting %ew :eople Building ?hings 1pposed to Buying ?he'

$arty ;chwar< / Director / Dar( :orch ?heatre / ! +-!#, 26#/..28 ;tephen ;cherer / Kisiting :ro2essor / DI? / ! +#8#, .>H/6>26 Jenni2er Aol2e / Graphic Design ;pecialist / DI? / ! +#8#, 8"2/H6-# Corrie Frear / Assistant :ro2essor o2 Graphic Design / DI? / ! +#8#, 22H/----

ypical work activities

A graphic designer's job may involve managing more than one design brief at a time and allocating the relevant amount of time according to the value of the job. Typical activities include: meeting clients or account managers to discuss the business objectives and requirements of the job; interpreting the client's business needs and developing a concept to suit their purpose; estimating the time required to complete the work and providing quotes for clients; developing design briefs by gathering information and data through research; thinking creatively to produce new ideas and concepts; using innovation to redefine a design brief within the constraints of cost and time; presenting finalised ideas and concepts to clients or account managers; working with a wide range of media including photography and computer!aided design "#A$%; proofreading to produce accurate and high!quality work; contributing ideas and design artwork to the overall brief; demonstrating illustrative skills with rough sketches; working on layouts and artworking pages ready for print; keeping abreast of emerging technologies in new media particularly design programs such as &uark'(ress )ree*and +llustrator (hotoshop ,ds -a. Acrobat $irector $reamweaver and )lash; developing interactive design;

commissioning illustrators and photographers; working as part of a team with printers copywriters photographers stylists illustrators

other designers account e.ecutives web developers and marketing specialists. /hether they are self!employed working freelance or employed within a business graphic designers often have to be proactive in presenting or 'pitching' their ideas and designs to the agency director and0or prospective clients.

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