1248 Mainframe As 400 Interview Questions Part 13

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Mainframe AS-400 Interview Questions Part 13

Q.Which Function key should be pressed to define hidden field while you are working with SDA? A.F4 Q.Which function key should be pressed to watch all strings defined on the SDA screen? A.F20 Q.While designing the screen using SDA, which function key should be pressed to get the field from the field reference file? A.F10 Q.From work with member using PDM screen you have to modify existing member using SDA, which option do you select? A.17 Q.While designing the screen, F3 function key is kept common for all record formats. On which level should it be defined? A.File Level Q.While designing the screen user wants to add file level keywords, then which function key should be pressed? A.F14. Q.While designing the report using RLU, user wants to add record level keyword then which function key should be pressed? A.F18. Q.If user wants to add one field on the report then which function key should be pressed? A.F11. Q.If user wants to center the company name on his report then which line command will be used? A.CF. Q.If user wants to change the length of the numeric field defined in report then which combination of keys will be used? A.F23 & F10. Q.RLU: If user wants to define new numeric field on record format then which line command will be used? A.VF. Q.Maximum report length is 132, if user is designing a report using RLU? A.FALSE (378 Max). Q.To change constant field defined on RLU screen which field level keyword should be used?


Mainframe AS-400 Interview Questions Part 13

A.DFT Q.RLU: Which field level keyword should be used to change any numeric field of length 8 to 99.99.9999 format? A.EDTWRD ( . . ) Q.What is the difference between normal UPDDTA to PF and updating using DFU program? A.Both are same only difference is DFU allows you to add or change selected fields. Q.What is Library? A.A library is a system object that serves as a directory to other objects or collection of object Q.What is Library List? A.A jobs library list defines the path of libraries that the job follows when trying to locate programs, files or other As/400 objects. Q.Difference between Source Physical File & Physical File? A.Source Physical File contains members who contain source statements & Physical File contains members, which contain data. Q.Types of Libraries on As/400? A.There are 3 types of libraries on As/400 they are System (*sys), User (*test) & Product (*prod). Q.Type of Source File & Physical File? A.Source File: - *PF/SRC Physical File: - *PF/DTA Q.Whats the use of STRPDM? A.To work with Libraries, Objects, Members & User Options. Q.In which Specs can PF be made internally? A.In I Specs. Q.What is the format of As/400 Commands? A.Verb Object Qualifier Verb: - action Object: - on which action is performed Qualifier: identifies your job Q.What is externally described file? A.A file, which is created externally & described in the program, is called as external described file. Q.What is Qualified & Unqualified path? A.Qualified path means mentioning object name along with library name while Unqualified path means directly writing the object name. Q.Which path a good programmer should use?


Mainframe AS-400 Interview Questions Part 13

A.Unqualified path. Q.How many types of files are available on As/400? A.There are 2 types of files on As/400 they are Databases files & Device files. Q.How can you specify no duplicate key? A.By defining the unique key. Q.What is the command to know how many LF are related to a PF? A.ASPDBR (Display Database Relationship) Q.What is the command to know key fields of file? A.DSPFD (F4) *ACCPTH(Access Path). Q.Can a Join Logical File be updated? A.No. Q.What is the object type of PF, LF, Printer file & Display file? A.*File Q.For, which purpose is H Specs used? A.Writing header information, date separator, currency symbol etc. Q.What is the size of the filename in RPG? A.8 Characters (Max.) Q.Which are the different File Types in RPG? A.I (Input), O (Output), U (Update) & C (Combine). Q.What are the different File Designation Types in RPG? A.P (Primary) & F (Fully Procedural) Q.What is the use of UNIQUE keyword and what level it is defined? A.It will avoid to enter duplicate key values. We have to define it in a file level. Q.At what level S,O are defined and what they will do? A.S, O are to defined at key field level. The purpose Select/Omit logic is depends on the criteria (condition) given at the key field level (At function entry) it selects and omits the records. The S/O is allowed in Logical file only. Q.What is the difference between Packed decimal and Zoned decimal? A. 1.Packed decimal : One digit occupies 1 byte. 2.Zoned decimal : One digit occupies 2 bytes.


Mainframe AS-400 Interview Questions Part 13

Q.What is default data type (if you define decimals '0') in Physical file? A.Packed decimal Q.What is default data type for the fields(sub fields) defined in data structures in RPG? A.Zoned decimal Q.What is the use of JDFTVAL in join logical file? A.If you specify JDFTVAL at file level, even the primary file record does not match with secondary file record, the join takes place. Q.Is it possible to create a physical file without DDS? A.Yes. With the help of CRTPF we can achieve this. But we have to give record length. Q.What is a Keyed physical file? A.Defining a field as a key in physical file. Hence we can access records through the key field. Q.What is a composite key? A.Defining more than one key as a key field in physical file. Q.What is arrival sequence? A.The records will be accessed the way in which records are added to physical file. Q.What is the maximum number of key fields allowed defining in a physical file? A.s120 Q.What is acronym of RPG? A.Report Program Generator


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