Articles Social Issues

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Component A: 1. Collect three articles of at least 1000 words, each related to one of the following themes: i. ii. iii.

Social Issues Travel / Tourism / Leisure Natural World / Environment

Article Social Issues Social Issues Are Not Going Away in 2012 As America hurtles toward an economic cliff, concerned citizens are -understandably -- thinking about the financial crisis: the debt, deficit, lack of jobs, out-of-control spending, unsustainable government expansion, and outrageous new regulations choking business development. On a more personal level, we all have friends and relatives who are facing bankruptcy and/or home foreclosure; all of us have seen our retirement funds and investments diminish precipitously and our home values plummet. These are very uncertain economic times, and the future seems very bleak if things continue as they are. Frankly, how the government spends taxpayer money comes down to moral issues. Many Americans see Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other entitlements as essentially moral issues that revolve around the question of how best to address poverty and take care of the most vulnerable of the nation's citizens. Also, government waste and corruption are essentially matters involving the character and integrity of politicians, who conveniently forget that they're public servants shortly after being elected. Every poll that puts economic issues at the top of the nation's worries also notes that the vast majority (77 percent) of Americans believe that the nation is on the "wrong track." Most Americans are also deeply concerned about the moral disintegration and family breakdown that are equally threatening to the nation's well-being. As Allan Bloom and Gertrude Himmelfarb pithily summed up,

America's "sturdy virtues are being diluted into shallow values." In short, for many Americans, our values deficit is as troubling as our financial deficit. The liberal media and many politicians appear to have no comprehension of how passionately the general public feels about defending traditional morality and understands that Judeo-Christian virtues nurtured American exceptionalism and are the foundation for Western civilization. Regardless of the surface issues that dominate the conversations of the chattering class, I doubt that the deeply held worldviews of the general public have changed significantly in the decade since the Washington Post reported that 88 percent of voters made their voting decisions based on their "moral values." At that time, the Post noted that most voters were "dissatisfied with the moral values" prevalent across the nation and that most of those voters (74 percent) viewed government policies as contributing to the problem. Further, many of those voters (64 percent) cited religion as "the most important thing" or an "extremely important thing" in their lives. As we look toward the pivotal 2012 election, I note five signs that the issues that are important to social conservatives will be influential in terms of political victories. 1. In contrast to the mainstream media myths, social conservative values have a strong winning record. Most recently, in the NY-9 election to replace disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D), Republican Bob Turner won handily over the Democratic candidate in a district that no a Republican has won since 1923. His opponent's vote in favor of same-sex "marriage" in the New York legislature played an important role in the Republican's victory. Every significant GOP candidate for president is prolife; most are opposed to same-sex "marriage"; and most oppose taxpayer funding for abortion and its champion Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, which is currently receiving federal funding through Title X. Clearly, the legacy media's domination of the political debate has been broken, and social conservatives are finding ways to use

the Internet and talk radio to counter the false messages and myths of the liberal commentariat that, in the past, went unchallenged. 2. Being passionate for -- and willing to work and sacrifice for -- their values is characteristic of social conservative voters. Social conservatives make up a significant percentage of the Tea Party movement that has been at the forefront of the political process in recent months. Such a voting bloc cannot be ignored because of the certainty of our passionate get-out-thevote participation in primary and general elections, but also because we are willing to work and sacrifice for what we believe. With 33 Senate seats up for grabs in 2012, the Democrats will have to defend 23 while the Republicans must defend only 10, giving conservatives the hope that, come 2012, a Republican majority is possible. Such information is powerfully motivating when it means increased conservative power on Capitol Hill. 3. Social conservatives are important for our sheer numbers. The former pollster for ABC, Gary Langer, reported in 2008 that "self-identified evangelical Christians constituted 44 percent of all Republican presidential primary voters." Further, evangelicals were decisive in numerous states: we represented a majority of the primary voters in 11 out of 29 states that conducted exit polls; we were 60 percent of the vote in Iowa and South Carolina; and, in 10 other states, evangelicals were between 33 and 46 percent of the vote. Similar turnouts can be expected in 2012. 4. Social conservative issues are pivotal -- the hot-button issues -- in today's political debates. While everyone is talking about the depressed condition of the economy, and polls show social issues much lower on voters' hierarchy of issues, there is no question that abortion, so-called same-sex "marriage," and the potential for the next president to appoint at least one Supreme Court justice (four of the seven current justices are over 70) loom large in the news, in legislation, and in people's concerns. Dozens of states have pending legislation regarding abortion, with the Guttmacher Institute reporting that 49 states introduced close to 1,000 measures

related to reproduction during the first quarter of 2011. While the strong campaign to block same-sex "marriage" in New York failed, traditional marriage referendums have prevailed in 29 of the 31 states where laws now define marriage as a union between one man and one woman. 5. Republican politicians who advocate moving beyond "controversial" social issues have found their position to be a political "kiss of death." When Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) called on conservatives to declare a "truce" on social issues and "agree to disagree," he clearly "shot himself in the foot" and ended his presidential prospects. Daniels' early demise was a stern warning to GOP presidential hopefuls that they cannot thumb their noses at social conservatives' concerns. To summarize, Americans are deeply troubled by the financial crisis that affects each of us and threatens our nation's economic security. We are equally disturbed by the worsening moral climate under the radical left policies of President Obama and the liberal elites who both deny and seek to undermine the nation's Judeo-Christian foundation and heritage. The nation has rarely seen a voting public more motivated to bring back fiscal stability and sound moral principles to the public square. Liberals, especially liberal women, appear to be so strongly focused on the single issue of preserving the legal status of abortion that everything else is secondary to them, so much so that they stand behind misogynist politicians as long as those politicians sing the pro-choice song. And liberal politicians may worship at the altar of power to the point that they will take any position that they think will get them elected. Given the media's devotion to the moral relativism that is foundational to the liberal worldview, it is not surprising that they do not -- indeed, cannot -- understand social conservatives' thinking and peddle false messages to the effect that social issues have lost their significance. While economic concerns are at the forefront of social conservatives' thinking, that does not mean that we are about to abandon our deeply held moral beliefs regarding issues like the sanctity of life and marriage. We are fully capable of

balancing our immediate concern about the economy and out-of-control big government with our longer-term commitment to the moral and spiritual concerns that are foundational and give meaning to our lives. Political leaders who do not understand our devotion to principle will not receive our support, without which (as the data clearly show) they cannot be elected. _2012.html

Article of Travel A List of Must-Have Items When Traveling With Baby The process of packing what you use at home and the reality of dragging it around with you are poles apart. From car safety to feeding, you do not want to miss a beat. Read on to find out what you do not want to forget when traveling with baby.

After several long trips with my son in the first nine months of his life, I have learned a lot about what should and should not be brought along. Here is a list of what you do not want to forget when traveling with baby. Birth Certificate The only form of identification most parents have of their little ones is a birth certificate, which you need to travel. If you are traveling outside of the country, you should make sure you get your baby a passport.

Car Seat Most airlines check your car seat for free if you have your baby on your lap. Since there is a fee on each checked item, it can save you about twenty-five dollars each way. However, if you bought a ticket for your baby, then you have to take the car seat on board to seat them safely.

Stroller Airlines usually gate-check your stroller when you travel. That means you can push your child from plane to plane. You leave it at the cabin door when entering the plane for the airlines to put with the luggage for the duration of the flight. When you arrive at your destination, it will be waiting for you.

Portable Sleeper There are several different items you can bring for your baby to sleep in when they are very young like a co-sleeper or travel bed. However, when your baby

starts to move around and cannot sleep unattended, it is important to have a pack-and-play with you so they can sleep safely. You will have to check this item under the plane.

Self-Soothing Items Some babies use binkies or pacifiers and some use blankets. Whichever works best for your baby, make sure you pack it in your carry-on luggage. Grab a handful of binkies and put them in a clean zip lock bag so when one gets dirty on the flight, you can just grab another. There are also pacifier-wipes for sale at most big stores in case all the pacifiers make it onto the floor or you lose some while traveling.

Baby Carrier A baby carrier or sling work great for traveling with your baby, especially when you are traveling alone. They help when you need both hands for eating your own meal or going to the bathroom. It is also nice to have the carrier along if baby gets fussy and you need to walk the aisles so that you have your hands free in case of some turbulence.

Diapers, Wipes, and Toiletries Make sure to pack enough diapers, wipes, and toiletries (diaper cream, baby wash, baby lotion, gas drops, Infant Tylenol) for the day of travel and a couple of days after you arrive. This way, you have time to find your favorite brand of diapers, wipes, and products at the stores where you are visiting. However, if you are traveling out of the country, you might want to stock up in your suitcase so you do not have to worry about finding what you need abroad.

Clothing Pack clothes according to the weather report where you are traveling. However, make sure you pack long-sleeved clothes as well when traveling to a warmer

climate. While you might be wearing shorts and a tank top, your baby might need a long-sleeve top in the shade. On the other hand, if you are traveling to a cold climate, you probably only need cold weather clothing for your baby.

If you know there will be laundry facilities available, you can bring about half as many outfits. This way, you do not have to worry about running out or packing too many outfits. Plan to use about two outfits per day and a pair of pajamas.

Food and Drink Whether your baby is drinking formula or breast milk, you will want to pack accordingly. For formula feeding, pack three or four complete bottles, a bottlebrush, and formula, and buy bottled water once you pass security for the plane ride. Pack enough formula to last the whole trip so you do not have to worry about finding more.

For breastfeeding mothers, you will want to pack your nursing cover, nursing pads and a bottle to put some baby juice or water in for takeoff and landing so their ears pop when pressure builds up. In addition, the bottle of juice and water is great to help keep baby hydrated in between feedings.

If your baby is also eating purees and baby snacks, make sure you pack plenty for the trip. Bring enough jars, bibs, and spoons in your carry-on for the day of travel and the first day you arrive (in case they lose your suitcases). Make sure you put all the baby food in one large zip lock bag so you can pull it out when going through security. In addition, since you have to pack quite a bit of baby food for the trip, the room it takes up in your checked bag will be great for bringing home souvenirs and gifts.

Toys When babies are small, they are easily amused by a cup or ball, which you can

most likely find on the other end of your flight. Do not take too many toys - just a few favorite little ones. Plastic links are great because you can hook them onto the car seat or stroller and the baby can play with them and a few rattles, mirrors, or teething toys linked onto them while you are out sightseeing or visiting.

Safe Travels While traveling can seem like a huge ordeal, it can be lots of fun with baby when you pack right. Hopefully, you can use this list of items to help pack for your trip and not feel that you took too much or missed something important. Good luck with your vacation and have safe travels. eling_With_Baby-601.html

Article of Environment OZONE DEPLETION The ozone layer protects the Earth from the ultraviolet rays sent down by the sun. If the ozone layer is depleted by human action, the effects on the planet could be catastrophic. Ozone is present in the stratosphere. The stratosphere reaches 30 miles above the Earth, and at the very top it contains ozone. The suns rays are absorbed by the ozone in the stratosphere and thus do not reach the Earth. Ozone is a bluish gas that is formed by three atoms of oxygen . The form of oxygen that humans breathe in consists of two oxygen atoms, O2. When found on the surface of the planet, ozone is considered a dangerous pollutant and is one substance responsible for producing the greenhouse effect. The highest regions of the stratosphere contain about 90% of all ozone. In recent years, the ozone layer has been the subject of much discussion. And rightly so, because the ozone layer protects both plant and animal life on the planet. The fact that the ozone layer was being depleted was discovered in the mid1980s. The main cause of this is the release of CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons. Antarctica was an early victim of ozone destruction. A massive hole in the ozone layer right above Antarctica now threatens not only that continent, but many others that could be the victims of Antarctica's melting icecaps. In the future, the ozone problem will have to be solved so that the protective layer can be conserved.

Only a few factors combine to create the problem of ozone layer depletion . The production and emission of CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, is by far the leading cause. Many countries have called for the end of CFC production because only a few produce the chemical. However, those industries that do use CFCs do not want to discontinue usage of this highly valuable industrial chemical. CFCs are used in industry in a variety of ways and have been amazingly useful in many products. Discovered in the 1930s by American chemist Thomas Midgley, CFCs came to be used in refrigerators, home insulation, plastic foam, and throwaway food containers. Only later did people realize the disaster CFCs caused in the

stratosphere. There, the chlorine atom is removed from the CFC and attracts one of the three oxygen atoms in the ozone molecule. The process continues, and a single chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 molecules of ozone. In 1974, Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina followed the path of CFCs. Their research proved that CFCs were entering the atmosphere, and they concluded that 99% of all CFC molecules would end up in the stratosphere. Only in 1984, when the ozone layer hole was discovered over Antarctica, was the proof truly conclusive. At that point, it was hard to question the destructive capabilities of CFCs. Even if CFCs were banned, problems would remain. There would still be no way to remove the CFCs that are now present in the environment. Clearly though, something must be done to limit this international problem in the future. Even minor problems of ozone depletion can have major effects. Every time even a small amount of the ozone layer is lost, more ultraviolet light from the sun can reach the Earth.

Every time 1% of the ozone layer is depleted, 2% more UV-B is able to reach the surface of the planet. UV-B increase is one of the most harmful consequences of ozone depletion because it can cause skin cancer. The increased cancer levels caused by exposure to this ultraviolet light could be enormous. The EPA estimates that 60 million Americans born by the year 2075 will get skin cancer because of ozone depletion. About one million of these people will die. In addition to cancer, some research shows that a decreased ozone layer will increase rates of malaria and other infectious diseases. According to the EPA, 17 million more cases of cataracts can also be expected. The environment will also be negatively affected by ozone depletion. The life cycles of plants will change, disrupting the food chain. Effects on animals will also be severe, and are very difficult to foresee. Oceans will be hit hard as well. The most basic microscopic organisms such as plankton may not be able to survive. If that happened, it would mean that all of the other animals that are above plankton in the food chain would also die out. Other ecosystems such as forests and deserts will also be harmed. The planet's climate could also be affected by depletion of the ozone layer. Wind patterns could change, resulting in climatic changes

throughout the world The discovery of the ozone depletion problem came as a great surprise. Now, action must be taken to ensure that the ozone layer is not destroyed. Because CFCs are so widespread and used in such a great variety of products, limiting their use is hard. Also, since many products already contain components that use CFCs, it would be difficult if not impossible to eliminate those CFCs already in existence.

The CFC problem may be hard to solve because there are already great quantities of CFCs in the environment. CFCs would remain in the

stratosphere for another 100 years even if none were ever produced again. Despite the difficulties, international action has been taken to limit CFCs. In the Montreal Protocol, 30 nations worldwide agreed to reduce usage of CFCs and encouraged other countries to do so as well. However, many environmentalists felt the treaty did "too little, too late", as the Natural Resources Defense Council put it. The treaty asked for CFC makers to only eliminate half of their CFC production, making some people feel it was inadequate. By the year 2000, the US and twelve nations in Europe have agreed to ban all use and production of CFCs. This will be highly significant, because these countries produce three quarters of the CFCs in the world. Many other countries have signed treaties and written laws restricting the use of CFCs. Companies are finding substitutes for CFCs, and people in general are becoming more aware of the dangers of ozone depletion. ems_article.html

Component A: 2. Read and identify the topic sentences / main points and their supporting details of one of the selected articles. Social Issues Are Not Going Away in 2012 By Janice Shaw Crouse As America hurtles toward an economic cliff, concerned citizens are -understandably -- thinking about the financial crisis: the debt, deficit, lack of jobs, out-of-control spending, unsustainable government expansion, and outrageous new regulations choking business development. On a more personal level, we all have friends and relatives who are facing bankruptcy and/or home foreclosure; all of us have seen our retirement funds and investments diminish precipitously and our home values plummet. These are very uncertain economic times, and the future seems very bleak if things continue as they are. Frankly, how the government spends taxpayer money comes down to moral issues. Many Americans see Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other entitlements as essentially moral issues that revolve around the question of how best to address poverty and take care of the most vulnerable of the nation's citizens. Also, government waste and corruption are essentially matters involving the character and integrity of politicians, who conveniently forget that they're public servants shortly after being elected. Every poll that puts economic issues at the top of the nation's worries also notes that the vast majority (77 percent) of Americans believe that the nation is on the "wrong track." Most Americans are also deeply concerned about the moral disintegration and family breakdown that are equally threatening to the nation's well-being. As Allan Bloom and Gertrude Himmelfarb pithily summed up,

America's "sturdy virtues are being diluted into shallow values." In short, for many Americans, our values deficit is as troubling as our financial deficit. The liberal media and many politicians appear to have no comprehension of how passionately the general public feels about defending traditional morality and

understands that Judeo-Christian virtues nurtured American exceptionalism and are the foundation for Western civilization. Regardless of the surface issues that dominate the conversations of the chattering class, I doubt that the deeply held worldviews of the general public have changed significantly in the decade since the Washington Post reported that 88 percent of voters made their voting decisions based on their "moral values." At that time, the Post noted that most voters were "dissatisfied with the moral values" prevalent across the nation and that most of those voters (74 percent) viewed government policies as contributing to the problem. Further, many of those voters (64 percent) cited religion as "the most important thing" or an "extremely important thing" in their lives. As we look toward the pivotal 2012 election, I note five signs that the issues that are important to social conservatives will be influential in terms of political victories. 1. In contrast to the mainstream media myths, social conservative values have a strong winning record. Most recently, in the NY-9 election to replace disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D), Republican Bob Turner won handily over the Democratic candidate in a district that no a Republican has won since 1923. His opponent's vote in favor of same-sex "marriage" in the New York legislature played an important role in the Republican's victory. Every significant GOP candidate for president is prolife; most are opposed to same-sex "marriage"; and most oppose taxpayer funding for abortion and its champion Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, which is currently receiving federal funding through Title X. Clearly, the legacy media's domination of the political debate has been broken, and social conservatives are finding ways to use the Internet and talk radio to counter the false messages and myths of the liberal commentariat that, in the past, went unchallenged. 2. Being passionate for -- and willing to work and sacrifice for -- their values is characteristic of social conservative voters. Social conservatives make

up a significant percentage of the Tea Party movement that has been at the forefront of the political process in recent months. Such a voting bloc cannot be ignored because of the certainty of our passionate get-out-thevote participation in primary and general elections, but also because we are willing to work and sacrifice for what we believe. With 33 Senate seats up for grabs in 2012, the Democrats will have to defend 23 while the Republicans must defend only 10, giving conservatives the hope that, come 2012, a Republican majority is possible. Such information is powerfully motivating when it means increased conservative power on Capitol Hill. 3. Social conservatives are important for our sheer numbers. The former pollster for ABC, Gary Langer, reported in 2008 that "self-identified evangelical Christians constituted 44 percent of all Republican presidential primary voters." Further, evangelicals were decisive in numerous states: we represented a majority of the primary voters in 11 out of 29 states that conducted exit polls; we were 60 percent of the vote in Iowa and South Carolina; and, in 10 other states, evangelicals were between 33 and 46 percent of the vote. Similar turnouts can be expected in 2012. 4. Social conservative issues are pivotal -- the hot-button issues -- in today's political debates. While everyone is talking about the depressed condition of the economy, and polls show social issues much lower on voters' hierarchy of issues, there is no question that abortion, so-called same-sex "marriage," and the potential for the next president to appoint at least one Supreme Court justice (four of the seven current justices are over 70) loom large in the news, in legislation, and in people's concerns. Dozens of states have pending legislation regarding abortion, with the Guttmacher Institute reporting that 49 states introduced close to 1,000 measures related to reproduction during the first quarter of 2011. While the strong campaign to block same-sex "marriage" in New York failed, traditional marriage referendums have prevailed in 29 of the 31 states where laws now define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

5. Republican politicians who advocate moving beyond "controversial" social issues have found their position to be a political "kiss of death." When Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) called on conservatives to declare a "truce" on social issues and "agree to disagree," he clearly "shot himself in the foot" and ended his presidential prospects. Daniels' early demise was a stern warning to GOP presidential hopefuls that they cannot thumb their noses at social conservatives' concerns. To summarize, Americans are deeply troubled by the financial crisis that affects each of us and threatens our nation's economic security. We are equally disturbed by the worsening moral climate under the radical left policies of President Obama and the liberal elites who both deny and seek to undermine the nation's Judeo-Christian foundation and heritage. The nation has rarely seen a voting public more motivated to bring back fiscal stability and sound moral principles to the public square. Liberals, especially liberal women, appear to be so strongly focused on the single issue of preserving the legal status of abortion that everything else is secondary to them, so much so that they stand behind misogynist politicians as long as those politicians sing the pro-choice song. And liberal politicians may worship at the altar of power to the point that they will take any position that they think will get them elected. Given the media's devotion to the moral relativism that is foundational to the liberal worldview, it is not surprising that they do not -- indeed, cannot -- understand social conservatives' thinking and peddle false messages to the effect that social issues have lost their significance. While economic concerns are at the forefront of social conservatives' thinking, that does not mean that we are about to abandon our deeply held moral beliefs regarding issues like the sanctity of life and marriage. We are fully capable of balancing our immediate concern about the economy and out-of-control big government with our longer-term commitment to the moral and spiritual concerns that are foundational and give meaning to our lives. Political leaders who do not

understand our devotion to principle will not receive our support, without which (as the data clearly show) they cannot be elected. Topik Sentences / Main Points Supporting Details

Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 2: Topik Sentences: how the government spends taxpayer money comes down to moral issues. Supporting Details: (1) Many Americans see Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other entitlements as essentially moral issues that revolve around the question of how best to address poverty and take care of the most vulnerable of the nation's citizens. (2) government waste and corruption are essentially matters involving the character and integrity of politicians, who conveniently forget that they're public servants shortly after being elected. Paragraph 3: Topik Sentences: Most Americans are also deeply concerned about the moral disintegration and family breakdown that are equally threatening to the nation's well-being. Supporting Details: (1) our values deficit is as troubling as our financial deficit. (2) liberal media and many politicians appear to have no comprehension of how passionately the general public feels about defending traditional morality and understands that Judeo-Christian virtues nurtured American exceptionalism and are the foundation for Western civilization.

Paragraph 4: Topik Sentences: general public have changed significantly in the decade since the Washington Post reported that 88 percent of voters made their voting decisions based on their "moral values." Supporting Details: (1) Post noted that most voters were "dissatisfied with the moral values" prevalent across the nation and that most of those voters (74 percent) viewed government policies as contributing to the problem. (2) Further, many of those voters (64 percent) cited religion as "the most important thing" or an "extremely important thing" in their lives. Paragraph 5: Topik Sentences: In contrast to the mainstream media myths, social conservative values have a strong winning record. Supporting Details: (1) Every significant GOP candidate for president is pro-life; most are opposed to same-sex "marriage"; and most oppose taxpayer funding for abortion and its champion Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, which is currently receiving federal funding through Title X. (2) legacy media's domination of the political debate has been broken, and social conservatives are finding ways to use the Internet and talk radio to counter the false messages and myths of the liberal commentariat that, in the past, went unchallenged. Paragraph 6: Topik Sentences: Being passionate for -- and willing to work and sacrifice for -their values is characteristic of social conservative voters. Supporting Details: Social conservatives make up a significant percentage of the Tea Party movement that has been at the forefront of the political process in recent months. Such a voting bloc cannot be ignored because of the certainty of

our passionate get-out-the-vote participation in primary and general elections, but also because we are willing to work and sacrifice for what we believe. Paragraph 7: Topik Sentences: Social conservatives are important for our sheer numbers. Supporting Details: The former pollster for ABC, Gary Langer, reported in 2008 that "self-identified evangelical Christians constituted 44 percent of all Republican presidential primary voters." Paragraph 8: Topik Sentences: Social conservative issues are pivotal -- the hot-button issues - in today's political debates. Supporting Details: While everyone is talking about the depressed condition of the economy, and polls show social issues much lower on voters' hierarchy of issues, there is no question that abortion, so-called same-sex "marriage," Paragraph 9: Topik Sentences: Republican politicians who advocate moving beyond "controversial" social issues have found their position to be a political "kiss of death." Supporting Details: (1) When Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) called on conservatives to declare a "truce" on social issues and "agree to disagree," he clearly "shot himself in the foot" and ended his presidential prospects. (2) Daniels' early demise was a stern warning to GOP presidential hopefuls that they cannot thumb their noses at social conservatives' concerns. Paragraph 10: Topik Sentences: Americans are deeply troubled by the financial crisis that affects each of us and threatens our nation's economic security.

Supporting Details: We are equally disturbed by the worsening moral climate under the radical left policies of President Obama and the liberal elites who both deny and seek to undermine the nation's Judeo-Christian foundation and heritage. The nation has rarely seen a voting public more motivated to bring back fiscal stability and sound moral principles to the public square. Paragraph 11: Topik Sentences: understand social conservatives' thinking and peddle false messages to the effect that social issues have lost their significance. Supporting Details: liberal politicians may worship at the altar of power to the point that they will take any position that they think will get them elected. Paragraph 12: Topik Sentences: abandon our deeply held moral beliefs regarding issues like the sanctity of life and marriage. Supporting Details: We are fully capable of balancing our immediate concern about the economy and out-of-control big government with our longer-term commitment to the moral and spiritual concerns that are foundational and give meaning to our lives. Political leaders who do not understand our devotion to principle will not receive our support, without which (as the data clearly show) they cannot be elected.

Component B: 1. Read one of the selected articles and transform your comprehension into a graphic organizer. Article of Travel A List of Must-Have Items When Traveling With Baby

Birth Certificate Toys Car Seat

Food and drinks


Clothing Portable Sleeper

Diapers, Wipes and Toiletries

Baby Carrier

SelfSoothing Items

Birth Certificate
If you are traveling outside of the country, you should make sure you get your baby a passport.

Car Seat
if you bought a ticket for your baby, then you have to take the car seat on board to seat them safely.

Airlines usually gate-check your stroller when you travel which means you can push your child from plane to plane.

Portable Sleeper
when your baby starts to move around and cannot sleep unattended, it is important to have a pack-and-play with you so they can sleep safely.

Self-Soothing Items
Grab a handful of binkies and put them in a clean zip lock bag so when one gets dirty on the flight, you can just grab another.

Baby Carrier
It is nice to have the carrier along if baby gets fussy and you need to walk the aisles so that you have your hands free in case of some turbulence.

Diapers, Wipes and Toiletries

if you are traveling out of the country, you might want to stock up in your suitcase so you do not have to worry about finding what you need abroad.

While you might be wearing shorts and a tank top, your baby might need a long-sleeve top in the shade. If you are traveling to a cold climate, you probably only need cold weather clothing for your baby.

Food and drinks

Make sure you put all the baby food in one large zip lock bag so you can pull it out when going through security.

Do not take too many toys - just a few favorite little ones.

2. Read and summarize one of the articles selected in NOT more than 350 words. The ozone layer protects the Earth from the ultraviolet rays sent down by the sun. Ozone is present in the stratosphere. The suns rays are absorbed by the ozone in the stratosphere and thus do not reach the Earth. Ozone is a bluish gas that is formed by three atoms of oxygen. When found on the surface of the planet, ozone is considered a dangerous pollutant and is one substance responsible for producing the greenhouse effect. The ozone layer protects both plant and animal life on the planet. In the future, the ozone problem will have to be solved so that the protective layer can be conserved. The production and emission of CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons, is by far the leading cause. Many countries have called for the end of CFC production because only a few produce the chemical. In 1984, when the ozone layer hole was discovered over Antarctica, was the proof truly conclusive. At that point, it was hard to question the destructive capabilities of CFCs. Every time even a small amount of the ozone layer is lost, more ultraviolet light from the sun can reach the Earth. The environment will also be negatively affected by ozone depletion. The life cycles of plants will change, disrupting the food chain. Effects on animals will also be severe, and are very difficult to foresee. The most basic microscopic organisms such as plankton may not be able to survive. The planet's climate could also be affected by depletion of the ozone layer. Wind patterns could change, resulting in climatic changes throughout the world. The CFC problem may be hard to solve because there are already great quantities of CFCs in the environment. CFCs would remain in the

stratosphere for another 100 years even if none were ever produced again. Many other countries have signed treaties and written laws restricting the use of CFCs. Companies are finding substitutes for CFCs, and people in general are becoming more aware of the dangers of ozone depletion. (330 words)

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