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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Explain why an achromatic doublet can not be made of the same material. [1] 2.

Define resolving power of an optical instrument. [1] . ). *. !or a photosensitive surface wor" function is 3.3 10 #. $a"ing %lanc"&s constant to be 6.610 #s' find threshold fre(uency. [1] Draw a diagram to illustrate spherical aberration in a convex lens. Deduce the condition for two thin lenses in contact to be achromatic. [ ] + double convex lens has 1, cm and 1* cm as its two radii of curvatures. $he image of an ob-ect' placed , cm from the lens' is formed at 2, cm from the lens on the other side !ind the refractive index of the material of the lens .hat will be the focal length / .hat will be the focal length of the lens if it is immersed in water of refractive index 1. / [2] + flint glass lens has a focal length of *,., cm for yellow light. 1alculate the focal lengths for blue and red lights' given the refractive indices 234as follows for5 2a4 red 6 l.02' 2b4 yellow 6 1.0)' and 2c4 blue 6 1.00 [ ] Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate the action of a compound microscope in normal use. Define angular magnification and use it to find the magnification when the final image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision. 89 Draw a neat labelled ray diagram to show how the image of a distant ob-ect is formed by an astronomical refracting telescope in normal ad-ustment. 8btain an expression for its magnifying power. [ ] Describe $homson&s experiment for measuring the ratio of charge to mass of an electron and give the necessary theory. +n electron of mass m and charge e is accelerated through a potential difference ;. .hat is its maximum velocity' if it was initially at rest/ 89 +n ion' having a charge per unit mass of 4.4 10 1<"g' has a velocity 4.4 10 m<s' and moves in a circular orbit due to a magnetic field of flux density ,.) $. 2a4 .hat will be the radius. of this orbit/ 2b4.hat would be the electric field necessary to ma"e the ion pass undeviated/ [ ] Explain >stopping potential& and >threshold fre(uency& in photoelectric emission. ?ive an appropriate graph. @ow stopping potential is related to the "inetic energy of photoelectrons/ 89 An an experiment with a simple photocell it was found that red light 2f 6 maximum energy of about ,.2 e;' while violet light 2f 6 7.510 relationship to obtain a value for %lanc"&s constant' h. [ ]



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@B4 e-ected electrons with a

@B4 gave electrons of 1.) e;. Cse Einstein&s

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