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1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. 1. Refractive indices of water and glass are 4/3 and 3/2 respectively.

A light ray travelling in water is incident on water-glass interface at 45. What is angle of refraction !1" 2. A #ar is filled with water to a height of 12.5 c$. %he apparent depth of a needle placed at the &ot$ of the #ar is $eas'red &y a $icroscope to &e (.4) c$. What is the refractive inde* of water +f water is replaced &y a li,'id of refractive inde* 1.-3 'p to the sa$e height. &y what distance wo'ld the $icroscope have to &e $oved to foc's on the needle again !3" 3. A #ar has a s$all pin at its &otto$. A circ'lar glass disc - c$ thic/ is placed-fit on the pin in the #ar. %he space a&ove the disc contains a layer of water 4 c$ thic/. What is the apparent position of the pin viewed thro'gh water and glass %a/e ang 0 1.5. anw 0 4/3. !3" 4. An e,'ilateral pris$ of glass of refractive inde* 1.45 is i$$ersed in water of refractive inde* 1.33. A narrow &ea$ of light falls nor$ally on one face of the pris$. 1ind the angle of e$ergence of the &ea$. !3" 5. A -) glass pris$ has a refractive inde* of 1.5. 2alc'late3 4i5 the angle of incidence for $ini$'$ deviation. 4ii5 the angle of e$ergence of light at $a*i$'$ deviation. !3" -. 2alc'late the angle of pris$ of dispersion power ).)2 and refractive inde* 1.5 to for$ an achro$atic co$&ination 4net dispersion is 6ero or deviation witho't dispersion5 with a pris$ of angle 5) and dispersive power ).)5 having refractive inde* 1.-. Also find the net deviation. !3" 7. 8tate 9a'ss: theore$. 9ive its $athe$atical e*pression. Apply it to show that. for a 'nifor$ly-charged spherical shell. the electric field inside the shell vanishes. whereas o'tside it the field is as if all the charge were concentrated at the centre. !5" 1). ;R <. =efine capacitance of a capacitor. 9ive its 8+ 'nit. =erive an e*pression for the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor. >ow can its capacitance &e increased (. 4a5 %wo large $etal plates of area 1) $ 2 face each other. %hey are 5) c$ apart and have e,'al &'t opposite charges on their inner s'rfaces. +f the electric field &etween the plates. ignoring edge effects. is 55 ?/2 find the charges on the plates. !2" 1). 4&5 A point-charge prod'ces an electric fl'* of -75) ?$ 22-1 thro'gh a spherical 9a'ssian s'rface of 1) c$ radi's with centre at the charge. 4i5 +f the radi's of the 9a'ssian s'rface &e do'&led. how $'ch fl'* wo'ld pass thro'gh the s'rface 4ii5 What is the $agnit'de of the point-charge !2" 14. ;R 11. @rove that the total electrostatic energy stored in a parallel-plate capacitor is energy density is

1 C V2 2

. >ence show that the e*pression for !4"

1 2 E 2

. where A is the electric field.

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