Li+1 H 2 He+2 He+Energy

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Plutonium decays with a half-life of 24,000 years. If plutonium is stored for 72,000 years, what fraction of it remains?

[1 2. !raw the intensity pattern o"tained in a sin#le slit diffraction e$periment.% diffraction #ratin# has &000 lines per cm. 'hat is its #ratin# element ?[2 (. 'hat are coherent sources? If the separation "etween the two slits is decreased in )oun#*s dou"le slit e$periment, +eepin# the screen position fi$ed, what will happen to the frin#e width?[2 4. 'hat is atomic mass unit? ,$press 1 u in terms of +#.[2 &. 'hich of the followin# "elon# to the electroma#netic spectrum.. /-rays, 0-rays, 1-rays, cathode rays, 2-rays ultra-3iolet rays, microwa3es, ultrasonic wa3es, radio wa3es, infra-red rays. %rran#e them in order of increasin# fre4uency.[2 7. 5tate 6uy#en*s principle. 7sin# this principle, illustrate how a parallel "eam of li#ht is reflected from a plane mirror. Pro3e the law of reflection.[4 8. % diffraction #ratin# has 800 lines per mm and is illuminated normally "y parallel monochromatic li#hts of wa3elen#ths &.0 nm and &90 nm. :alculate the difference in an#ular position of the first order spectra due to the two li#hts on the same side of the normal.[( 9. !raw a schematic la"elled dia#ram for the e$perimental determination of the wa3elen#th of li#ht "y )oun#*s interfernce e$periment. !eri3e the formula used.[( 10. 11. 12. 1(. 14. 1&. 1.. !eri3e the radioacti3e decay law. !efine half-life ;< => of a radioacti3e su"stance and show that < =?

the decay constant.[( % narrow slit, illuminated "y a monochromatic source of wa3elen#th &89.. nm, is placed at a distance of & cm from a "i-prism <he 3irtual ima#es formed "y the "iprism are 1 mm apart @ind the frin#e width on a screen placed 9& cm in front of the "iprism.[4 'hat is a polaroid? ,$plain what is meant "y ;i> Plane polarised li#htA ;ii> Polarisin# an#le. 'ill ultrasonic wa3es show any polarisation. Bi3e reasons for your answer. [4 5tate Crewster*s law. 5how that when a ray of li#ht is incident on a refractin# surface at the polarisin# an#le, the reflected and the refracted rays are at ri#ht an#les to each other.[( !raw a cur3e to show the 3ariation of "indin# ener#y per nucleon with mass num"er. 5how the position of important nuclei on this cur3e. 6ow can one e$plain for the nuclear fision and nuclear fusion reactions from this cur3e. [4 Com"ardment of Dithium with protons #i3es rise to the followin# reaction-




<he atomic masses of Dithium, 6ydro#en and 6elium are 7.01. u, 1.008 u and 4.004 u respecti3ely. @ind the disinte#ration ener#y. [l u ? 9(1 EeF . [(

7 Li +1 H 2 He +2 He + Energy 3 1 2 2

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