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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A transformer of 100% efficiency has 500 turns in the primary and 10,000 turns in the secondary coil. If the primary is connected to 220 V mains supply, what is the volta e across the secondary coil!"1# $hat causes the core of a transformer to et heated up uiider operation!"1# $hat is electroma netic induction. &tate 'araday(s law of electroma netic induction."2# $hat is the purpose of concave pole pieces a movin coil alvanometer!"1# 2 A wire cuts across a flu* of 1.210 $+ in 0.12 seconds. $hat is the e.m.f. induced in the wire!"1# An electric current of 0.25 A flows in a loop of radius 2.0 cm. -alculate the ma nitude of the ma netic dipole moment of the dipole formed."1# A metallic wire 1 m in len th is movin normally across a field of 0.1 / with a speed of 5 m0s. 'ind the e.m.f +etween the ends of the wire."1# &tate 2en3(s law. $hat is the unit of ma netic flu*!"2# $hat is the &I unit of mutual inductance! 5efine it. Also state its dimensions."%# /he coil of a simple ac enerator is rotatin at the rate of 50 revolutions per second in a uniform ma netic field of 1 /esla. $hat is the pea6 value of the ac volta e enerated! /he num+er of turns in the coil is 100 and its face area is 1.0 cm 2."%# /he fi ure shows a conductin rod 78 in contact with metal rails 97 and &8 which are 25 cm apart in a uniform field of flu* density 0.) /, actin perpendicular to the plane of the paper. :nds 9 and & are connected throu h 5 ohms resistance. $hat is the e.m.f. when the rod moves to, the ri ht with a velocity of 5 m0s! $hat is the ma nitude and the direction of the current throu h the 5 ohms resistor! If the rod 78 moves towards the left with the same speed, what will +e the new current and its direction!")#

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