Anshul Mishra: B 131, St. 14, Smiriti Nagar, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, 9630042438

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B 131, St. 14, Smiriti Nagar, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, 9630042438

a sh!lsa g"gmail.#$m

A%a&ti g t$ th' #ha gi g ' (ir$ m' t a % #$&i g )ith th' ! #'rtai t*, a &' #ha t +$r l'ar i g a % th'r',* #$ sta tl* !&gra%i g s-ills ma-' a s!##'ss+!l &r$+'ssi$ al a % I as&ir' t$ ,'#$m' $ '. .'ali g )ith am,ig!it* a % #$mi g !& )ith i $(ati(' s$l!ti$ s +$r th'm has al)a*s a&&'ar'% #hall' gi g t$ m'. /0&'ri' #': 1S1 MAHANA.I 234/R C$. L5.. S' i$r / gi ''r A&ril 2010 t$ till %at' Review of schematics drawings, DBR and calculations. Monitoring of protection for 400KV 6 K! switch"ard for startup power. Monitoring of 600M# generator with different protection scheme up to $$%v voltage level. Monitoring of construction power LANC3 U.U2I 1ARNA51A BILAS2UR C.6.

S' i$r / gi ''r 7!l* 2009 t$ A&ril 2010 !ccomplished responsi&ilit" for 'lanning, monitoring and e(ecuting testing ) commissioning of 400*$$0KV +witch"ard of 600 ( $ M# ,oal &ased 'ower plant. Review of +chematic drawings, ,alculations of different protection for 400KV and $$0KV and there&" enhancing the sta&ilit" of s"stem. -andled .esting ) ,ommissioning of high voltage switchgears of B/' +ea water pump house, #ater treatment plant ) +witch "ard, 0lectrical 'anels ) Machines. 1nstallation and Maintenance of -igh Voltage motors 20.3 M.#. to 2.$ M# 22KV motors. Review of +chematic drawings of 4enerator rela" panel and 0lectronic control panels.
532 43R5H S5//LS 2RI8A5/ Lt%. BHILAI, CHHA55IS6ARH

/ gi ''r 2$)'r 2la t .'#. 2009 : ;',r!ar* 2009 ,ommissioning and Maintenance of -igh Voltage .ransformers, V,B ) +56 &rea%ers, /n 6oad .ap ,hangers.


,ommissioning and Maintenance of 4enerator with different protection. ,ommissioning of various t"pes of '.,.,., M.,.,. ) ,ircuit &rea%ers 7+56, !,B, and V,B8 and designing power distri&ution s"stem. Designing of control circuits for 6... !.,. motors ) commissioning of Varia&le voltage fre9uenc" drives. Designing of s"nchroni:ing scheme and implement the same in the re9uirement. ,ommissioning of Receptors t"pe ,ompressors. ,ommissioning of different t"pe of motori:ed valves and !sh handling s"stem as well &ag filter s"stem. Shi+t / gi ''r<2$)'r 2la t Maintaining and 1mproving 'ower factor, ,ompensation of reactive power ) active power. Manage Ma(imum Demand so as to ma%e the optimum use of the availa&le resources there&" managing the wor%ing voltage and fre9uenc". 5ault calculation and ma%ing the enhance program to trace and remove them.

Shi+t I #harg' 2$)'r &la t 7!l* 2004 t$ A&ril 2009 Monitored e9uipment utili:ation and machine downtime with responsi&ilit" for the implementation of corrective and preventative actions. 'erformed e9uipment installation chec%s and validations on new e9uipments. ,reated an effective filing s"stem to maintain e9uipment validation data and cali&ration data. Assista t / gi ''r 2$)'r &la t ,reated installation chec%lists for new production e9uipments. !ssisted with the validation and grading of e9uipments. Monitored machine utili:ation and providing detailed monthl" reports on machine downtime. .rou&le;shooting activities, which included regular performance chec%s of, "ield fallout to determine and rectif" errors.

6ra%!at' / gi ''r 5rai '' 1nspection of ',,, M,, and Rela" panels on the site at the time of commissioning. Maintaining 'ro<ect reports ma%ing commissioning reports and there&" enhancing the organi:ation. 'ower distri&ution and calculation to get the utmost &enefit from the availa&le resources.
/%!#ati$ = Ba#h'l$r $+ / gi ''ri g i /l'#tri#al Ma%h*a 2ra%'sh Christia C$ll'g' $+ / gi ''ri g a % 5'#h $l$g* ;! premier institute of e(cellence in the field of engineering and technolog". Bhilai, Chattisgarh !ttend training camp of ,hess organi:ed &" +port and Recreation ,ouncil, 1+, *Ra<hara in 2==3. Represent Ra<hara ,hess team on ,hattisgarh state chess championship in 2==3. -old +econd position in !thlete on state level championship held on >a&alpur in 2==6. 'articipated on 1ntegrated +cience ?ational Meet for ,ollege +tudents organi:ed &" #omen@s ,hristian ,ollege in colla&oration with science cit". Vacation training done in 0lectrical from Bhilai .echnical 1nstitute driven &" Bhilai +teel 'lant in $00 . Represent ,ric%et team of final "ear in $00 A $004 and hold first position in M.'.,.,.0.).. Done stud" pro<ect on B1mplementation of '6, in &oiler controlC from Bhilai +teel 'lant. 2'rs$ al 2r$+il': Nam'= A sh!l Mishra ;ath'r>s Nam'= Shri 8i%h*a .har Mishra M$th'r>s Nam'= Smt. Ar#ha a Mishra S'0= Mal' .at' $+ Birth= 22 3#t$,'r 1982 Nati$ alit*= I %ia La g!ag' 2r$+i#i' #*= / glish, Hi %i ?4riti g a % S&'a-i g@ 2'rma ' t A%%r'ss= B<131, St. 14, Smriti Nagar, Bhilai, C.6. /<Mail I%= a sh!lsa g"gmail.#$m 2h$ ' N$= 9630042438?H@


I h'r',* a++irm that th' i +$rmati$ i this %$#!m' t is a##!rat' a % tr!' t$ th' ,'st $+ m* - $)l'%g'. 2la#'= BHILAI


A sh!l Mishra

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