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Johari window

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the cogniti e psychology tool. For the Fringe episode, see Johari Window !Fringe".

Johari window

Johari window as #enn diagram depicting intersection between a+" $%nown to self$ and a-" $&ot known to self$ on one hand, and on the other hand, b+" $%nown to others$ and b-" $&ot known to others$, with c showing the intersection containing four windows !or rooms" The Johari window is a techni'ue created by Joseph (uft and )arrington *ngham in +,--.+/ in the 0nited 1tates, used to help people better understand their relationship with self and others. *t is used primarily in self2help groups and corporate settings as a heuristic e3ercise. When performing the e3ercise, sub4ects are gi en a list of -5 ad4ecti es and pick fi e or si3 that they feel describe their own personality. 6eers of the sub4ect are then gi en the same list, and each pick fi e or si3 ad4ecti es that describe the sub4ect. These ad4ecti es are then mapped onto a grid..7/ 8harles )andy calls this concept the Johari )ouse with four rooms. 9oom + is the part of oursel es that we see and others see. 9oom 7 is the aspects that others see but we are not aware of. 9oom : is the most mysterious room in that the unconscious or subconscious part of us is seen by neither oursel es nor others. 9oom ; is our pri ate space, which we know but keep from others. Open or Arena: <d4ecti es that are selected by both the participant and his or her peers are placed into the Open or Arena 'uadrant. This 'uadrant represents traits of the sub4ects that both they and their peers are aware of. Hidden or Faade: <d4ecti es selected only by sub4ects, but not by any of their peers, are placed into the Hidden or Faade 'uadrant, representing information about them their peers are unaware of. *t is then up to the sub4ect to disclose this information or not. Blind Spot: <d4ecti es that are not selected by sub4ects but only by their peers are placed into the Blind Spot 'uadrant. These represent information that the sub4ect is not aware of, but others are, and they can decide whether and how to inform the indi idual about these $blind spots$. Unknown: <d4ecti es that were not selected by either sub4ects or their peers remain in the Unknown 'uadrant, representing the participant=s beha iors or moti es that were not recogni>ed by anyone participating. This may be because they do not apply or because there is collecti e ignorance of the e3istence of these traits. ?ne facet of interest in this area is our human potential. ?ur potential is unknown to us, and others.


+ Johari ad4ecti es 7 @oti ational e'ui alent : Therapy ; 1ee also - 9eferences 5 A3ternal links

Johari adjectives
< Johari window consists of the following -, ad4ecti es used as possible descriptions of the participant.

able ambi ert accepting adaptable bold calm caring cheerful cle er congenial comple3 confident dependable dignified energetic

e3tro ert friendly gi ing happy helpful idealistic independent ingenious intelligent intro ert kind knowledgeable logical lo ing

mature modest ner ous obser ant optimistic organi>ed patient powerful proud aggressi e reflecti e rela3ed religious responsi e searching

self2 asserti e self2 conscious sensible sentimental shy silly smart spontaneous sympathetic tense trustworthy warm wise

otivational e!"ivalent
The concept of meta2emotions categori>ed by basic emotions offers the possibility of a meta2emotional window as a moti ational counterpart to the meta2cogniti e Johari window.

?ne therapeutic target may be the e3pansion of the ?pen !<rena" s'uare at the e3pense of the pri ate !Facade" s'uare, resulting in greater interpersonal intimacy. .:/

See also

<sserti eness 1hadow

+. J"'p "p ( (uft, J.B *ngham, ). !+,--". $The Johari window, a graphic model of interpersonal awareness$. Proceedings of the western training laboratory in group development !(os <ngeles: 08(<".

7. p. +CC. :.

J"'p "p ( (uft, Joseph !+,5,". Of Human Interaction. 6alo <lto, 8<: &ational 6ress. J"'p "p ( 6. 6erry, Couch Fiction !7D+D" p. +7:2; (uft, Joseph !+,C7". Einfuhrung in die Gruppendynamik. %lett. )ase, 1tewardB <lan Ea ies, Fob Eick !+,,,". he !ohari "indow and the #ark $ide of Organisations. 1outhern 8ross 0ni ersity. )andy, 8harles !7DDD". %& Ideas for 'anagers. 1an Francisco: Jossey2Fass. *1F& D2+;2D7C-+D2G.

)*ternal links

Johari Window : 6eeping into ?neself &oogenesis article on the Johari Window, A3amples of window2altering actionsB game theory aspects. ?nline Johari Window tool, by %e an Ea is*EI?*87+D+

8ategories: 6ersonality tests

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