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Mach Match Software

Introduction Introduction. Recently, there has been an increase in difficulty in finding employment. Yessim employment has realized that the major problem is that there is a major disconnect between those seeking employment and the employers. The goal at Mach Match Software is to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers in order to drastically simplify the process of finding employment for millions of mericans. Background. Mach Match Software was purchased in ugust !"#! by the job searching website company Yessiim $mployment and was tasked to create brand new software that would aid those seeking employment immediately and would ensure that they are employed within se%eral short days or weeks. This report will e&amine the function of the Mach Match Software and analyze its potential o%erall efficiency in the market. Feasibility Criteria Criteria. 'hen Yessiim $mployment purchased Mach Match software, they re(uested that they adhere to their company polices while making sure that their Mach Match applications follow se%eral guidelines) The source code for the base application cannot be shared with anyone outside of the range of Yessim $mployment authority, including other companies and non*employees of Yessim $mployment.

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The budget cannot e&ceed the proposed !,3"","""4 budget for the project unless a highly detailed proposal is created e&plaining why there is a need for additional capital, including information regarding ac(uiring the new capital from another source.

The system must be created with the latest %ersions of programming and markup languages and must be able to effecti%ely implement social networking while maintaining the pri%acy of company data.

The Study. The employees of Mach Match software sought out a research company for the creation of the report. This feasibility report was created by 1lorida Top 2rojections in 5une !"#0 in an effort to encourage e&ecuti%es of Yessim $mployment to pursue the creation of the Mach Match applications and6or multimedia website. Timeline. The official Mach Match software began in ugust !"#0 when se%eral prototypes where created for testing and e%aluation. Mach Match software plans to create marketing websites ad%ertising the imminent release of the beta %ersion of the client application in pril !"#.. There are currently se%eral project managers that are scheduling the deployment of the stages of Mach Match software and its applications. s of now se%eral phases are drafted for implementation) Research 2hase) The research and de%elopment department of Yessiim $mployment inter%iew many employers, employees, job seekers, and recruiters while collecting information regarding their staffing policies and procedures. 7e%elopment 2hase) Software de%elopers create the backend container for the

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Mach Match website while performing (uality assurance and ac(uiring the workforce of additional de%elopers for the front*end layer of the website. 8eta and 9aunch 2hase) Mach Match software releases a li%e %ersion online of the Mach Match software in order recei%e feedback from early users on how to impro%e the ser%ice and6or performance of the system. 1inal 9aunch) The Mach Match has a finalized launch that will supplemented with social media ad%erting and networking. Options Online Multimedia Website. Mach Match web de%elopers are creating a multimedia website where people will be able to communicate %ia technologies such as Skype and email. The website will function similarly to other job searching websites with a built in search engine but it will ha%e many limitations in order to for there to be a greater focus on direct communication. :nly short phrases and terms can be searched for that will lead to specific types of contacts within selected industries and geographic areas. $mployers with clearance will ha%e access to features of Mach Match that will allow them to find the suitable employees. The website itself will store and managed %ia an open source content management system. The Disad antages. The Mach Match website would e%entually run into issues like spyware, malware, and spam. There will be an effort put forth by Mach Match de%elopers to ensure that only legitimate employers are able to participate in Mach Match :nline communications; the online website may ha%e to be compromised in order to protect the company image. Mach Match and Yessim $mployment prioritize +. 'illiams , $-+ .!/" ssignment ! , 0 1eb !"#. 2age 0

that the ser%ice be free of any type of e&ternal non employer related content on the li%e site. Stand !lone So"t#are. :ne of the software applications that Mach Match Software is de%eloping is a standalone piece of software called Mach Match 7elu&e that is installed directly unto a client computer. The client computer uses the software to connect directly to a secure employer6employee <2 with higher security. The direct peer*to*peer communication between the client software applications can ensure that users are not e&posed to unwanted threats such as malware and spyware. Conclusion fter researching thirty competitors, the team has decided that the best choice would be to pursue the creation of the Mach Match software. Tampa=s Top 2rojections= final conclusion of whether or not to pursue the software creation is fa%orable, due to the high number of e&perienced, highly moti%ated, and talented software engineers who are tasked to create the software. Sources Consulted Swallow, $rica. >?ow :ne Startup @rew a 4#""M 8usiness 'ithout Spending Aenture +apital.> 1orbes. 1orbes Magazine, !B 7ec. !"#!. 'eb. "# 1eb. !"#..C http)66www.forbes.com6sites6ericaswallow6!"#!6#!6!B6bootstrapping*startup* %enture*capital6D Thursday, 8ram. >The 9ow +ost of <n%estment) 'hat Makes Starting a Software +ompany 7ifferent.> Bootstrappist. 8ootstrappist, !. 5une !"#0. 'eb. "0 1eb. !"#.C http)66www.bootstrappist.com6archi%es6the*low*cost*of*in%estment*what* makes*starting*a*software*company*different6D udio +odes) Aiable slide) 0 'eek ! Research slide) / 'eek ! 'eb slide E 'eek!

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