JMT Excel Utilities Addin Read Me File

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JMT Excel Utilities Addins JMT Excel Utilities is a collection of VBA Utilities designed for you, the user,

to make working with Excel a little easier. To use them, you must first add them to your Add !n list as "er the instructions #elow. $%ou can use other folders instead, the Addins folder is only recommended as a way to kee" all of your add ins together& Note: The default style of menu is the Main Menu. To change the menu style, go to '(ther Utilities), 'JMT Excel Utilities *ettings), '+hange the menu style) and make your selection. The utilities will #e sa,ed in this new style whene,er you use Excel from then on. $This feature is not a,aila#le with the -../ ,ersion& Contents 0lease note there are - addins and - 1el" files. Be sure to use the JMT Excel Utilities xla file for Excel 2/ 3 -..4 and the JMT Excel Utilities -../ -.5. xlam for Excel -../ -.5.. $6ead 'Also include the 1el" 7iles) #elow for details on the 1el" 7iles& Place JMT Excel Utilities in your AddIns folder. Excel -../ on 8indows Vista or 8indows / +9:Users:username:A""data:6oaming :Microsoft:Addins Excel XP or 2003 on Windows XP: +9:;ocuments and *ettings:User <ame:A""lication ;ata:Microsoft:Add!ns Excel 2000 on Windows 98: +9:8indows:A""lication ;ata:Microsoft:Add!ns Excel 97 on Windows 98: +9:0rogram 7iles:Microsoft (ffice:(ffice:=i#rary <ow follow the instructions #elow according to the Excel ,ersion > addin 97 2003 Version Instructions (nce this is done, click the Tools menu, then select Add !ns. !f not already ,isi#le in the list "ro,ided, na,igate to the Add!ns folder or folder of choice with the Browse #utton. 8hen ready, tick the check #ox and close the Add !ns dialog #ox. 2007 -20 0 Version Instructions (nce this is done, click the (ffice #utton $to" left corner with the logo&, then select Excel ("tions, Add !ns. At the #ottom you will see a dro" down list. Make sure Excel Add !ns is selected, then "ush ?o. !f not already ,isi#le in the list "ro,ided, na,igate to the Add!ns folder or folder of choice with the Browse #utton. 8hen ready, tick the check #ox and close the Add !ns dialog #ox. Then go #ack to Excel ("tions as a#o,e and "ush Trust +enter, Trust +enter *ettings. <a,igate to Trusted =ocations, then $if the addin folder is not already shown&, "ush Add new location and #rowse to the folder@s location to add it to the list. !f you do not wish to include the default addins folder as a trusted location, ! suggest that you use another folder. (therwise you may get a

message a#out ena#ling data connections. Although ena#ling data connections for this addin will allow them to work, this can #ecome rather tedious. Also include the Help iles These utilities ha,e 1el" 7iles that you will find at the #ottom of the (ther Utilities menu. 0lease make sure that #oth the 1el" 7iles are "laced in the same folder as the corres"onding utilities for them to work. Ne!: There is another file $6i##on !mages.xlsm& that should also #e included in the same folder as the -../ 3 -.5. utilities. This file is launched from the *how 6i##on !mages menu item on the ;e,elo"ers ta# in JMT Excel Utilities on the 6i##on. Pass!ord These utilities are "assword locked. This means the VBA code cannot #e seen unless you ha,e the "ro"er "assword. !f you would like to see the VBA code, send an email at the address shown #elow. "isclai#er 0lease note that ! take no res"onsi#ility for any loss or damage ex"erienced from use of my utilities. 0lease use them with all due caution and common sense, test them first to make sure they are com"ati#le with your files and sa,e first #efore undertaking any large scale "roAects. !f you do find a '#ug), "lease let me know #y email and ! will try to sol,e the "ro#lem. Best 6egards, Andrew Engwirda -5 7e#ruary, -.5.

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