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Nepal - Facts and Figures

Latitude Longitude : : 2622'North to 3027'North 8004'East to 8812'East

Area : 147181 Sq. Km. Length : 885 Km. [East to West] Width : Non-uniform, Mean width of 193 Km. [North to South] Altitude: 305 Meters to 8848 Meters Capital: Kathmandu Government: Parliamentary Democracy Language: Religion Secular State Currency: Nepalese Rupee Fiscal Year: Nepalese Fiscal Year starts from Mid July.

Administrative and Physical Division:

Administratively, the country is divided into five development regions, i.e., Eastern, Central, Western, Midwestern and Far Western. The regions are further divided into a total of 75 Districts with a total of 3,915 village development committees (VDCs) and 58 municipalities. A VDC is the smallest administrative unit, which is further divided into nine wards, each of which elects a representative to the VDC. VDCs are considered as grassroots political institutions, through which the people are expected to participate directly in the planning, programming, and implementation of development programs and projects at the local level. The municipalities are also divided into wards, which range from 9 - 35. The number of wards varies as per the size of the town. The next level in the administration is composed of the District Development Committees (DDCs). With the passing of the New Act on Local Self Governance (1998), the DDCs are supposed to undertake planning and programming exercises within districts and implement them. Only national level projects fall under the authority of the Central Government.

Nepal has huge variance in attitude and topography, hence diversity of weather and climate. The country experiences tropical, meso thermal, micro thermal, taiga and tundra type of climate. There are four climatic seasons in Nepal namely- spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring and Autumn are the most pleasant seasons. The Terai is hot and humid in summer with temperature going up to 40o C. The mid-mountain regions are pleasant all round the year. The Northern Himalayan region has an alpine climate. In Kathmandu the maximum temperature in winter is normally 18 C to 20C and in summer it goes to about 30C- 32C. Nepal receives most of its rains during the three summer months Mid June Mid September. The annual rainfall in Katmandu generally exceeds 1300 mm. The mean annual precipitation ranges from more than 6000 mm along the southern slopes of the Annapurna range in central Nepal to less than the 250 mm in the north central portion near the Tibetan plateau. Amounts varying between 1500 and 2500 mm predominate over most of the country. On an average, about 80% of the precipitation is confined to the monsoon period (June-September). The highest annual rainfall recorded so far is 4217 mm at Pokhara in 1993.

SP07/Nep facts & figure

Geographic Division:
Nepal is a land locked country, which is bordering between the two most populous countries in the world, India in the East, South, and West, and China in the North. Ecologically Nepal can be divided into three ecological regions: Mountain Region: The altitude of this region ranges between 4877 meters and 8848 meters with the snow line running around 8848 meters. It includes 8 of the existing 14 summits in the world, which exceed the altitude of 8000 meters. They are: (1) Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) - 8848 m (2) Kangchenjunga - 8586 m, (3) Lhotse - 8516 m, (4) Makalu - 8463 m, (5) Cho Oyo - 8201 m, (6) Dhaulagiri - 8167 m, (7) Manaslu - 8163 m, and (8) Annapurna - 8091 m. Hill Region: This region accounts for about 42 percent of total land area. The Mahabharat range that rises up to 4877 meters forms it. To its south lies the lower Churia range whose altitude varies from 610 meters to 1524 meters. Terai Region: The lowland Terai region, which has a width of about 26 to 32 kilometers and an altitude maximum of 305 meters, occupies about 17 percent of total land area of the country. Kechanakawal, the lowest point of the country with an altitude of 70 meters lies in Jhapa District of the eastern Terai.

Nepal's population was 23.15 million as per the 2001 Census and is growing at a rate of 2.25 percent per annum. The urban population is 14.2 percent of the total and is growing rapidly at 5.4 percent per annum, one of the fastest rates in South East Asia.

Vital Statistics
Male Female Total Average annual pop. growth rate Number of Households Population density per Sq. Km. Average No. Household size Crude Birth Rate Crude Death Rate Total Fertility Rate Infant Mortality Rate Child Mortality Rate Life Expectancy (yrs.) at Birth Male Life Expectancy at Birth Female Life Expectancy at Birth

1991 Census : 9220974 : 9270123 : 18491097 : 2.1% : 3328721 : 125.6 : 5.6

2001 Census 11563921 11587502 23151423 2.24% 4253220 157 5.44 33.1 9.6 4.1 64.4 91.2 60.4 60.1 60.7

2006(estimated) 12963722 12923014 25886736 2.17 %

30.00 8.7 3.5 --63.3 62.9 63.7

per 1000 population per 1000 population per woman per 1000 live birth Per 1000 live birth

Population Projection*:
In Number





Total 28584975 31327341 34172144 Male 14343343 15745554 17199235 Female 14241632 15581787 16972909 Dependency Ratio** 0.66 0.62 0.58 *Population projection was made on the assumption of zero net migration. It results in sex ratio more than 100 after 2001. ** Dependency ratio is a ratio of Population less than 15 and more than 65 years divided by Population 15-65 years. 2 SP07/Nep facts & figure

Literacy Rate (of total population):

Both Sex Male Female Both Sex Male Female : : : : : : 1991 Census 39.6 % 54.5 % 25.0 % 39.69 % 47.45 % 31.97 % 2001 Census 54.1 % 65.5 % 42.8 % 42.76 % 48.48 % 37.05 %

Economically Active Population (of total population):

Compiled by Research and Information Division of FNCCI from various publications of Central Bureau of Statistics.

Education: Number of Students in Higher Education

Educational Institutes 1. Technical i) Engineering ii) Agriculture & Animal Husbandry iii) Medicine iv) Forestry v) Science and Technology 2. General i) Law ii) Management iii) Education iv) Humanities and Social Sciences 3. Sanskrit @ Total 2002/03 23390 6732 564 1954 358 13782 126151 1509 39919 23027 61696 3001 152542 2003/04 24295 6734 570 2271 441 14279 102877 898 33525 18942 49512 3610 130782 2004/05 20913 4573 643 2175 437 13085 120114 830 37954 28125 53205 2958 143985 2005/06* 30431 668 2226 373 13441 13723 136850 1214 44215 34351 57070 2667 169948

In Number

2006/07** 31124 676 1719 489 14120 14120 108160 1052 33311 24165 49632 NA 139284

Note: ** Estimated and data includes only of Tribhuvan University. * Data includes only of Tribhuvan University and Eastern University. @ Data includes only of Mahendra Sanskrit University. NA implies not available. 1. Higher Education means education after 10 years of schooling. 2. Private Campuses are not included in some cases. 3. Includes students enrolled under Tribhuvan University, Mahendra Sanskrit University, Kathmandu University, Eastern University and Pokhara University.

Health: Extension of Health Services

In Number

Description Hospitals Hospital Beds Doctors Nurses

2002/03 83 5250 1259 9146

2003/04 83 5250 1259 10099

2004/05 87 6796 1257 11637

2005/06 87 6796 1259 11637

2006/07 87 6944 1361 11637

Note:Figures for 2006/2007 are estimated and first eight month only. The figures are for government sector only. Compiled by Research and Information Division of FNCCI from Economic Survey. 3 SP07/Nep facts & figure

Summery of Macro Economic Indicatiors

Percapita GDP (NRs.) Percapita GNDI (NRs.) Percapita GDP at Constant Price (NRs.) Percapita GNDI at Constant Price (NRs.) (NRs.) Annual Change in nominal percapita GDP (%) Annual Change in real percapita GDP (%) Percapita GDP in US Dollar($) Percapita GNDI in US Dollar ($) Gross Domestic saving as percentage of GDP Gross National saving as percentage of GDP Exports of goods and services as percentage of GDP Imports of goods and services as percentage of GDP Resource Gap as percentage of GDP(+/-) Gross Fixed Capital Formation as percentage of GDP Exchange rate (USD:NRs) Population (millions)

2000/01 2057/58
19071 21978 19071 21978 --259 298 11.66 26.91 22.56 33.24 4.56 19.20 73.70 23.15

2001/02 2058/59
19410 22265 18682 21431 1.78 -2.04 255 292 9.49 24.20 17.74 27.13 3.95 19.56 76.25 23.67

2002/03 2059/60
20340 23433 18990 21878 4.79 1.65 261 301 8.56 23.77 15.70 25.34 2.36 19.92 77.83 24.20

2003/04 2060/61
21694 25056 19467 22485 6.65 2.51 293 339 11.75 27.25 16.68 25.21 2.72 20.34 73.97 24.74

2004/05 2061/62
23300 27227 19683 23001 7.41 1.11 328 383 11.56 28.41 14.58 24.54 1.96 19.94 71.05 25.30

2005/06 2062/63
24996 30065 19833 23855 7.28 0.76 350 420 7.91 28.19 13.60 23.82 2.20 20.94 71.50 25.86

2006/07 2063/64
27209 32433 19938 23766 8.85 0.53 383 456 9.35 28.56 12.48 19.55 3.21 20.32 71.06 26.44

Figures for 2005/06 are revised estimate, figures for 2006/07 are preliminary estimate. Compiled by Research and Information Division of FNCCI from Central Bureau of Statistics.

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