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For train drivers at Stratford and North Greenwich depots

February 2014 Issue 10

very #ob Matters & )hat now7

This is why we went on strike and our action rocked the mayor's office. This is likely only a lull in the proceedings and unless the talks bear fruit there will be a need to take further action. ven whilst these talks begin! "oris #ohnson is talking yet again of plans for driverless trains. This $ght is the $ght for %obs on LUL & it is ' very #ob Matters' because all our %obs! systematically! will come into the $ring line. 'nd not %ust %obs( pay! conditions and pensions are at risk too.

Members from all grades are to be congratulated as RMT pressure has brought a deal that averted the need for further strikes at this stage.

This is a victory in the short term for union solidarity as LU have made concessions allowing proper talks to take place.

)hat better time to $ght than now. The RMT know it! T**' know it & and we welcome the debate to encourage all drivers and all workers on LUL to come to the same realisation.

RMT activist and train driver Mark +arding was arrested and held for ,hours by police for

e.ercising his right to free speech and fair comment on a picket line at +ammersmith during the strike by RMT and T**' members in the current dispute against LUL/TfL's planned service and %ob cuts. )e will be supporting Mark when he appears in court.

)e will meet outside +ammersmith +01 station at 23(22 on Tuesday 45th 6ebruary. #ubilee *outh branch has passed two motions in support of Mark and against his draconian treatment.

Strike success &e'end (ark )arding *orth +reenwich getting better Facilities watch

9orth :reenwich ?mprovements

remain clean. 'll ;T*Ms have been reminded to post duty sheets on time! and the night ;T*M is now tasked with ensuring that tea and co>ee facilities are are available for the ne.t day.

-oin the %(.

?t's easy to %oin the RMT & and with D2!222 members across the transport industry it's clearly a popular choice. To %oin go to and select 'member bene$ts' or ring 0/00 012 0102.

+elp us make sure that 9<: continues to improve by members. ' recent sickness L;? 8our 9orth :reenwich rep Mick informing your RMT rep of any resulted in no warning for a Mc;onnell has raised the issue drop in standards. member! whilst another had a of facilities at 9<: being in a reduced warning and was Facilities Watch poor state & speci$cally the satis$ed with the outcome. )e gave the T<M a long list following items were raised( =The sheets are not always of facilities and demanded a !oming "# being posted by ,4(22 on a line meeting. The meeting Make a note of these dates and Thursday was refused! but a few feedback to your reps any =The facilities are not being assurances were given. ?f relevant issues( cleaned Ma$a meeting = 4Cth 6eb! we are going to improve =Meal vouchers are running out Monthly meeting = 4Dth 6eb! facilities on the line! we and drivers are being owed "ranch meeting & ,3th March. need to take direct action. meal vouchers ' draft of timetable ,- should =Tea and co>ee often runs out ;rinks machine faulty7 Take be available in early March so a @9R and $nd facilities that on a regular basis. we be able to fully scrutinise it )e received assurances that these items would be dealt with. ;T*Ms can now print meal vouchers so there is no reason for them to run out. ' new cleaning regime is in place and we will monitor this to ensure that facilities at 9<:

are suitableA toilets dirty or and get your views before it is too cold to use7 Take a @9R implemented. and $nd facilities that are suitable. )e've pointed out the $#en to scrutiny
issues repeatedly to management! but it often seems to be somebody elseBs responsibility. )hen we stop 'making do'! and the service su>ers! we should see some real improvements.

+et in touch
Industrial re#s *tratford @eter 9orth 2C3DI 232DJ2 9orth :reenwich Mick Mc;onnell 2CD-C -DDJID

6ormal minutes of the Level , meeting Ethe Fuarterly meeting between reps and the T<MG! are now being displayed on the $rst Hoor at the top of the stairs.

)ealth , Sa'ety Success *tratford 'part from taking :raham *tanbridge industrial action 2CI52 --D43I which saw LUL 9orth :reenwich "aKKa #ones 2C3JC 3IJ3JJ
bosses turn on their heels! we have been busy defending

%ead all about it #ane :wynn! learner rep for #ubilee *outh asked that we get a book case for reading material for drivers. 8our RMT reps reFuested this at Level , and chased it up at the recent monthly meeting. )e hope to get it shortly.

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