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The Advanced Building System panels are lightweight and sufciently rigid at the same
time, even before their fnishing with spritz-beton, so that they turn out to be extremely
manageable and easy to handle and to assemble even in the most uncomfortable oper-
ating conditions.
Several laboratory tests carried out in diferent areas of the world as well as in Italy have
put into evidence the high load resistance of the Advanced Building System panels.
For example, compression tests with centred load carried out on a fnished single panel,
cm 270 high, have shown that the same panel can sustain a maximum load of 1530
The Advanced Building System building system favours absolute design fexibility, since
it is equipped with a full range of building elements: load-bearing walls, curtain walls,
foors and stairs.
Furthermore any kind of geometrical form, either plane or curve, is easily obtainable just
by simply cutting the elements at the site.
The Advanced Building System panels are lightweight and sufciently rigid at the same
time, even before their fnishing with spritz-beton, so that they turn out to be extremely
manageable and easy to handle and to assemble even in the most uncomfortable oper-
ating conditions.
Buildings realized with the Advanced Building System system in areas with high risk of
cyclones have proved, throughout the years, their capacity to withstand the passing of
the most destroying cyclones, thus confrming the high resistance of the Advanced
Building System buildings to the complex strains and thrusts of the force generated by
Load Bearing
energy savings
cyclone resistant
Several experiences carried out in various conditions, in many countries of the world
and using diferent labourers, have shown a remarkable shortening of the time of
realization as for the constructions carried out with the Advanced Building System
system if compared to those carried out with the traditional systems, thanks to the use
of an industrial product which optimizes the assembling sequences and reduces the
operations of the construction site personnel to a minimum.
The Advanced Building System panels represent a real advantage both for the fnal users
and the frms since they permit to obtain better performances than the traditional prod-
ucts and at more reduced costs
The soundproofng of the Advanced Building System panels represents one of the
advantages of the building system. The possible application of acoustic insulation mate-
rials onto the panel (such as cork, cocoa fbre, plasterboard, rock wool, etc) optimizes
the insulation of the walls in accordance with the hardest acoustic legislation.
The quality of the foam polystyrene used for our panels is of the self-extinguishing type;
moreover, the two concrete layers which coat the panel sides prevent its combustion.
The fre resistance has been also verifed in tests carried out at diferent laboratories,
complying in full with the minimum requirements of the most demanding regulations.
For example, a wall realized using the PSM80 panel has shown a fre resistance greater
than REI120.
Laboratory tests carried out on one of the Advanced Building System prototypes made
up of two stairs in true scale have shown that the structure withstands, with no dam-
ages, strains greater than those calculated for a First Class Earthquake, that is the maxi-
mum provided for by the Italian Earthquake regulation.
The results obtained during these tests represent the scientifc confrmation of what has
already been experimented in nature many times.
fire resistant
acoustic isolation
earthquake resistant
rapid installation
1he archlLecLural organlsm musL be evaluaLed over lLs compleLe llfe cycle. Advanced Building System
construcons, in fact, demonstrate all the evident eco-ecient and economic
advanLages lf evaluaLed over Lhelr compleLe llfe cycle.
1he polysLyrene lnslde Lhe Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem panels, in fact, must be evaluated over the
whole of its life cycle and it will then be noted that it aects the environment
less Lhan oLher more blologlcal lnsulaLors.
Expanded polystyrene (also known as EPS) is, in fact, a leader as regards
respecL for Lhe envlronmenL:
lL ls SAIL: lL does noL release Loxlc or harmful subsLances and lL ls LoLally lnerL. lL does noL conLaln
chlorouorocarbons (CFCs) or (HCFCs). Furthermore, as it contains no organic material, it inhibits the
growth of microorganisms and mould. The mechanical and thermal characteriscs are supplied for the
whole life of the building in which it is installed. It does not suer permanent damage if exposed to vapor
or humldlLy.
lL ls kLCCLA8LL: no waste materials are produced during producon and the producon
process for Lhe Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem panel aims to opmize its cut, reducing waste to a minimum.
Any leover EPS is recycled directly in the producon plant itself it is NCN-1CkIC: lL does noL creaLe
allergles and lL does noL damage Lhe healLh of Lhose produclng or lnsLalllng lL.
lL ls SLLI-Lk1INGUISnING: Lhe LS used for Lhe Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem panels is self-exnguishing so
once the ame, i.e. the trigger, has been eliminated, the material does not produce ames, nor does it
connue to burn.
1he Advanced 8u||d|ng System system ach|eves:
Reducon of heat exchange with the outside to a minimum energy saving
Reducon in CO2 emissions and environmental and atmospheric polluon
benets for the environment
Lconomlc savlngs
1he Advanced Building System bulldlng sysLem ls compleLely lnLegraLed: ln a
single phase, it is possible to obtain excellent thermal insulaon which conforms to the strictest energy
classes in addion to the load-bearing structure.
8ulldlng uslng Advanced Building System panels means creang homes which are less energy-hungry and
have a high level of energy eciency, thereby saving up to 80% of energy for as long as the building remains
sLandlng. By mulplying the annual energy saving achieved with a perfectly insulated house for the whole
llfe cycle of the building and comparing it with the cost of producon, the considerable economic savings
are also evldenL.
Advanced 8u||d|ng System : the future |s a|ready here.
towards sustainable design
1he chases ln Lhe polysLyrene are carrled ouL by means of a
hoL-alr generaLor and Lhe sysLem canallzaons are lald behlnd
Lhe meLal mesh.

1he Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem panel can be easlly hand LransporLed by
one/Lwo operaLors, even ln Lhe assembled way and when Lhe dlmenslons
exceed 4 m.

This facilitates and speeds up the installaon of the panels in any
situaon. These operaons do not demand any specialized
Aerwards, during the assembling phase, it can be worked and
manually posioned just by one operator without the use of liing
1he laylng of Lhe sysLems ls easy, fasL and clean, slnce lL does
noL requlre any masonry work.
ln case of rlgld or seml-rlgld plpes, Lhe meLal mesh ls cuL ln Lhe
requlred lengLh by uslng normal shears and Lhen resLored wlLh
porons of relnforcemenL plane meshes
Cnce Lhe panels have been jolned one anoLher, Lhe plumblng sysLem has
been compleLed, Lhe concreLe casng, ln Lhe case of double panels, has been
done and once Lhe plpes have been arranged, Lhe plasLer can be applled
dlrecLly onLo Lhe panel.
Pere agaln, lf compared Lo oLher sysLems, Lhe advanLages of Lhe Advanced
8ulldlng sysLem are evldenL. 1he galvanlzlng of Lhe supporL mesh does noL
prevenL Lhe use of dlerenL Lypes of plasLer. Moreover, Lhe plasLer, lf applled
on jolned walls and lf relnforced wlLh meLal meshes, wlll Lurn ouL Lo be mono-
excludlng any posslble phenomenon of aw due Lo mechanlcal and/or Lhermal
WhaL ls more, slnce Lhere are no paLches of Lhe sysLem chases - LhaL are,
lnsLead, always vlslble ln Lhe Lradlonal sysLems - Lhe plasLer wlll Lurn ouL Lo
be homogeneous and lmproved as for quallLy and even from an aesLhec polnL
of vlew.
Floor Panel:
ane| for the rea||zaon of oors and roong w|th r.c. [o|sts, g|v|ng great
advantages as to ||ghtness, |nsu|aon and rap|d|ty of assemb||ng.
uslng Lhe Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem oor panel composed of a foam polysLyrene
shaped plaLe lL ls posslble Lo reallze oors and roong of bulldlngs wlLh Lhe
addlon of supplemenLary sLeel lnslde sulLable [olsLs and subsequenL casL
on slLe of concreLe. ln Lhe phoLograph: panel equlpped wlLh
relnforcemenLs for Lhe lnsLallaon phase.
ane| for a ||ghtwe|ght, res|stant sta|rcase of rap|d rea||zaon.
lL ls made up of a foam polysLyrene block, shaped accordlng Lo deslgn
requlremenLs, coaLed wlLh Lwo layers of sLeel wlre mesh assembled wlLh
elecLro-welded sLeel wlres.
1hls panel, sulLably relnforced and nlshed wlLh casng on slLe ln Lhe
proper spaces, ls used for Lhe reallzaon of lghL of sLalrs Lo be
exLernally nlshed wlLh Lradlonal plasLer, les or whaLever maLerlal.
1he sLalrs panel ls characLerlzed by comforLable and rapld lnsLallaon
along wlLh a speclal llghLness and sLrucLural reslsLance.
Stair Panel:
Single Panel:
1h|s pane| |s perfect for wa||s, parons, c|add|ngs, oors and roong of
bu||d|ngs, both c|v|| and |ndustr|a|.
used as a load- bearlng sLrucLure, for four sLorey bulldlngs, wlLh appllcaon of
sLrucLural plasLer on boLh sldes, for parons and claddlngs ln bulldlngs, elLher
new or Lo be renovaLed, as a curLaln wall and paron ln large-slzed lndusLrlal
and commerclal bulldlngs, as an lnsulang dlsposable form for roong and
oors of reduced span, prepared wlLh or wlLhouL pre- lnsLalled rlbs.
Insu|ang doub|e pane|, exce||ent for re|nforced concrete wa||s such as
|oad - bear|ng wa||s and retenon wa||s.
1he double panel conslsLs of Lwo baslc panels, sulLably shaped and [olned one
anoLher by double horlzonLal connecLors creang lnLernally a space Lo be lled
wlLh concreLe havlng sulLable characLerlscs and sLrengLh. 1he Lhlckness of Lhe
concreLe casng lnslde Lhe double panel" as well as Lhe characLerlscs of Lhe
concreLe lLself wlll be dened accordlng Lo Lhe sLrucLural needs. llnally, Lhe panel
ls nlshed wlLh Lhe appllcaon of Lhe exLernal plasLer. 1he double panel, supplled
wlLh relnforcemenL cered by an Cclal LaboraLory ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe Law
3/11/1971 no.1086 - u.M. 9/1/1996, complles wlLh Lhe provlslons concernlng
relnforced concreLe sLrucLures accordlng Lo Lhe Lu8CCCuL 2 (LC2)
Double Panel:
Landing Panel:
ane| for the rea||zaon of |and|ngs, oors and b|-d|recona| re|nforcements.
It g|ves connuous |nsu|aon to the pane| |ntrados.
1he Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem landlng panel ls an excellenL soluon for Lhe
reallzaon of landlngs posloned nexL Lo Lhe sLalrs reallzed wlLh
Lhe Advanced 8ulldlng SysLem sLalrs panel.
1he landlng panel can also be used for any plaLe or slab of r.c. Lo be
relnforced ln Lwo dlrecons, wlLh Lhe advanLage of a welghL smaller
Lhan a full slab and Lhe presence of a connuous lnsulang maLerlal
used also as a form.
Double Panel
Insu|ang doub|e pane|, exce||ent for re|nforced concrete wa||s such as |oad-
bear|ng wa||s and retenon wa||s.
1he double panel conslsLs of Lwo baslc panels, sulLably shaped and [olned one
anoLher by double horlzonLal connecLors creang lnLernally a space Lo be
lled wlLh concreLe havlng sulLable characLerlscs and sLrengLh. 1he Lhlckness
of Lhe concreLe casng lnslde Lhe double panel" as well as Lhe characLerlscs
of Lhe concreLe lLself wlll be dened accordlng Lo Lhe sLrucLur al needs.
llnally, Lhe panel ls nlshed wlLh Lhe appllcaon of Lhe exLernal plasLer. 1he
double panel, supplled wlLh relnforcemenL cered by an Cclal LaboraLory
ln conformlLy wlLh Lhe Law 3/11/1971 no.1086 - u.M. 9/1/1996, complles
wlLh Lhe provlslons concernlng relnforced concreLe sLrucLures accordlng Lo
Lhe Lu8CCCuL 2 (LC2)
Floor Panel
ane| for the rea||zaon of oors and roong w|th r.c. [o|sts, g|v|ng great
advantages as to ||ghtness, |nsu|aon and rap|d|ty of assemb||ng.
uslng Lhe Advanced Building System oor panel composed of a foam polysLyrene
shaped plaLe lL ls posslble Lo reallze oors and roong of bulldlngs wlLh
Lhe addlon of supplemenLary sLeel lnslde sulLable [olsLs and subsequenL
casL on slLe of concreLe. ln Lhe phoLograph: panel equlpped wlLh
relnforcemenLs for Lhe lnsLallaon phase.

ane| to be used |n the comb|naon w|th the doub|e pane| for the rea||zaon of
the edges.
1he angular panel compleLes Lhe range of Lhe double panels, wlLh whlch load-
bearlng walls of relnforced concreLe are reallzed.
Double Panel:
Ritman House
14, Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Kolkata- 700 017, India
Phone: +91 33 4000 1899, Fax: +91 33 4000 1898
Ritman Infra Ltd
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