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Description of Corporation/Company Profiles PG Pakistan Profile Vision Mission Statement & Mission Values Functions? Corporation & CSR
What company has one in past an the on!oin! & future plans "some #rief #ullets re$uire %

&thics of 'r!ani(ation )n ication of *hat type of line+ staff an functional authority relationships are in e,i ence )n icate the types of epartmentation are applie an *hy
-Deparmentation #y .ime+ Function+ /um#er+ .erritory/Geo!raphy+ customer+ process+ &$uipment0

Whether authority is centrali(e or ecentrali(e an to *hat e1tent Chart of formal or!ani(ation Moti,ational .echni$ues applie Do they ,ary *ith or!ani(ational le,els? ) entification of lea ership theories an styles Control processes an proce ures a opte Communication links in,ol,e ) entification of mana!ement pro#lems an mana!ement success stories
"234 pro#lems an mana!ement success stories%

5re there any steps *hich are #ein! taken to sol,e them 6uman Resource acti,ities Strate!ic mana!ement Process )n ication of plannin! processes .ypes 'f plans Women in mana!ement

5 etaile past e1ample of a plan on *hich P&G *orke on -e7! launchin! a ne* pro uct0 "*e nee ,ery #rief o#8ecti,e ans*ers 9 may #e no more than fe* lines7 :ecause the purpose is to concentrate an e1emplify ho* plans are ma e an ho* they *ork at PG% 6o* strate!ic Plannin! "short & lon! term% takes place? "8ust a sketch% Plannin! Process )n ication 'f plannin! process an types of plans 6o* oes PG forms strate!ies an plans at ifferent le,els? What are PG;s Gran + Functional <e,el+ an :usiness Strate!ies What are M:'s & G:=s 7 What are their functions an ho* are they relate to local an !lo#al strate!ies? )s the plannin! process centrali(e or ecentrali(e 7 )n any case please mention its e1tents7 ANY PAST PLAN What *as/*ere >

&,aluations of the efficiency of the plan G'5</':?&C.)V& of plan PR'C&D=R&S of plan R=<&S of plan Pro!rams of plan :u !et of plan 'pportunities '#8ecti,es Premises 5lternati,e Courses &,aluation of 5lternati,e courses .he course selecte Deri,ati,e plans -Short term plans *hich contri#ute Final #u !etin!

to that lon! term plan0

What *as the plannin! perio > the appro1imate a!e pre

icte for the maturity of the plan

&1ample of a epartment that thorou!hly etails the or!ani(in! pattern follo*e in the or!ani(ation> 'r!ani(ational structure "or!ani(ational chart% > Sho*in! the span o*n to the lo*est le,els an also num#er of su#or inates un er each person informal or!ani(ations "fe* e1amples% are these informal channels in ee faster than the formal channels? )f yes then fe* e1amples please7 What are the pro#lems that these informal or!ani(ations ha,e cause ? 5ny reme ial actions taken to control these pro#lems? .he or!ani(ational structure of the firm/ epartment7 5re the staff linke to professional relationships throu!h hierarchy or are there any informal/casual relationships use in *orkin! en,ironment@ an *hat e!ree of strictness oes this relationships follo*7 e! some top le,el mana!ement meets almost re!ularly *ith some lo*er staff+ at cafeteria 7 ?ust 2 e1amples like this7 5re there any informal e,ents that the company hol s for the employees in the or!ani(ationA -:o*lin!+ informal inners+ !ames+ mo,ies etc0 an o the hi!her le,el professionals take part in those e,ents Does the or!ani(ation follo* a narro* or a *i e span of mana!ement e!+ the num#er of employees *orkin! un er a mana!er;s a ministration+ lar!er !roups or small ones7 6o* o you impro,e your communication #et*een the mana!er an the su#or inates trainin! of su#or inates communication techni$ues fre$uent personal contact rate of chan!e of the policy etc .he forces #ehin the or!ani(ational en,ironment present #et*een employees+ mana!ers+ an intrapreneur7 e!7 .he or!ani(ational culture that moti,ates a close *orkin! en,ironment or not7 6o* oes a epartment or the *hole or!ani(ation mana!e themsel,es *hen face *ith an e1ternal threat an /or any internal pro#lem7 6o* oes the information flo* from one hea to the other? 6o* are people in,ol,e or ma e to in,ol,e in the process? Meanin! ho* o they communicate most of the time7 &lectronically or personally? 6o* is one in i,i ual #oun *ith the other in i,i ualA77the or!ani(ational chain7 .he structure of your epartmentsA an e1ample for each *hich *ill #e fine77 Department #y> num#er+ time+ function+ territory or !eo!raphy+ customer+ process or e$uipment+ pro uct+ matri1 etc7 .o complete a pro8ect/plan+ o en!ineers - or 6i!her technical staff0 *ork un er or *ith the pro8ect mana!ers7 5n to *hat e1tent the en!ineers take part in the pro8ect esi!nin!7 S:=;s in the or!ani(ation

/ature of line an staff relationship Functional authority A& Splintere authority7 e1plaine throu!h an e1ample Di the or!ani(ation e,er follo* ecentrali(ation+ recentrali(ation of authority? *hen+ *hy+ ho*? 6o* are ele!ations prepare in or er to ne!otiate o,er issues7 What !ui e lines/pointers are they aske to follo* from the company7 What o#8ecti,es oes the ele!ation ha,e #efore an throu!h the ne!otiation process7 )s the art of ele!ation tau!ht to the personalsA-,ery !eneral approach0 .he o,erlook o,er the or!ani(ational pattern an ho* oes the authorities a,oi mistakes in or!ani(in! #y plannin!+ a,oi in! or!ani(ational infle1i#ility7 6o* oes the hi!her mana!ement make the staff *ork effecti,ely7

)s the plannin! process centrali(e or ecentrali(e 7 )n any case please mention its e1tents7 )s authority centrali(e or ecentrali(e What is the pre,ailin! or!ani(ational culture What are the moti,ational techni$ues? ?o# Security .rainin! & De,elopment Pro!rams 5ny link #et*een .rainin! & Performance? 5ny concept of thirteenth salary Do they ,ary *ith or!ani(ational le,els? Performance 5ppraisal 5ppraisal Policy Stan ar s for 5ppraisal Recruitment Process 5ssessment .echni$ues Recruitment Policies .rainin! Pro!rams Communication 'pen oor Policy &1ists or not? 5ny policies a#out Participation/Fee #ack What a#out employee fee #ack meetin!s =p*ar Communication What is the communication process concernin! Pro#lems & !rie,ances 5ppro1imate percenta!es of ifferent mo es in *hich the total communication *ithin an outsi e or!ani(ation takes place 5ny pro#lems in communication? 6o* Does Cross Departmental communication takes Place Do*n*ar Communication

Do employees !et performance fee #ack? Controlling >5ny policies/characteristics for esta#lishin! a ne* type of control system? What are the types of controls that e1ist in the or!ani(ation -Pro uction+ Buality+ SecurityA0 5ny measures for e,aluatin! an correctin! the performance -#ase on the or!ani(ation o#8ecti,es0 5re there any esta#lishe o#8ecti,es for measurin! the performance 6o* o you measure performance a!ainst these stan ar s? 5ny specific processes for correctin! ,ariations from these stan ar s an plans An overall description or la o!t re"!ired regarding partic!lar or general depart#ents $or an e%a#ple &ro# past' (ill )e )ene&icial* +otivation 'n *hat theory oes P& G #elie,e in re!ar in! Moti,ation of employees? an *hy? o .heory C o .heory D o .heory EA77-com#ination of theory C an theory DF 5re there any special moti,ational techni$ues that you use in or er to make your employees feel moti,ation/reinforcement o Money o Participation o Buality of Workin! <ife -BW<0 o ?o# #enefits o Psycholo!ical metho s 5re there any particular i eas+ !eneral frame*ork on *hich the ,o) Enric-#ent process is #ase i7e7 ho* oes the company try to make the *orkin! en,ironment more challen!in! an more encoura!in!? Leading 5s a !eneral opinion+ *hat is the lea ership in P&G likeG ifferent epartments may follo* ifferent proce ures or approaches7 Statin! each *ill #e #eneficial> o autocratic o emocratic o participati,e o free rein 5lthou!h lea er #eha,ior is epen ent on ,arious e1ternal en,ironmental factors like o characteristics of su#or inates.their nee + self confi ence an a#ilities o the *ork en,ironment tH taskGre*ar system

:ut ho* is the lea er #eha,ior cate!ori(e Gho* oes the lea er *ant to lea a !roup of people *ith a particular attitu e "a supporti,e e1ample for the e1planation *ill #e appreciate %> o Supporti,e lea ership G !i,es consi eration to its su#or inates o Participati,e lea ership G allo*s su#or inates to influence ecisions o )nstrumental lea ership G !i,es specific !ui ance an clarifies su#or inates o 5chie,ement oriente lea ership G settin! challen!in! !oals+ seekin! impro,ement an ha,in! confi ence in the su#or inates7

Co##ittee and Gro!p /ecision +a0ing 6o* oes P&G cate!ori(e any committees that e1ist in it? What are the reasons consi ere #efore makin! committees e7!7 "a ,ery !eneral approach *ithout any in epth information *ill #e enou!h% o Group eli#eration an ?u !ment o Far of too much authority in sin!le person o Representation of intereste !roups o Coor ination of epartments+ plans+ an policies o .ransmission an sharin! of information o Consoli ation of authority o Moti,ation throu!h participation o 5,oi ance of action Does the formation of committees ha,e any costs or isa ,anta!es e7!7 "a ,ery !eneral approach *ithout any in epth information *ill #e enou!h% o 6i!h cost in time an money o Compromise at least common enominator o )n ecision o .en ency to #e self estructi,e o Splittin! of responsi#ility o .yranny #y a fe* persons .o *hat e1tent oes the #oar of irectors ha,e authority in the company? 5re they in,ol,e in ,ery minor issues as *ell or they 8ust stick to their tra itional function "a ,ery ,ery !eneral statement or e1planation%?

Co##!nication What importance oes PIG !i,es to the communication process? What is the purpose? 6o* is the communication process follo*e in epartment e7!7 the sen er+ recei,er fee #ack+ channel of information? What communication processes are follo*e in the or!ani(ation an *here "an e1ample *ill #e re$uire % o Do*n*ar communication o =p*ar communication o Cross*ise communication .he approach to*ar s (ritten+ oral an non.ver)al communication7 What proce ures or compulsions are follo*e ? 5ny #arriers an #reak o*ns in communication that follo*+ e7!7> "it can #e one of them or any other% o <ack of plannin! o =nclarifie assumptions o Semantic Distortion o <oss #y transmission an poor retention o Poor listenin! an premature e,aluation o )mpersonal communication o Distrust+ threat an fear o )nsufficient perio for a 8ustment to chan!e o )nformation o,erloa an others 6o* is the communication process ma e effecti,e> o Communication au it o Gui elines for impro,in! communication o )mportance !i,en to listenin! o 5ny particulars re!ar in! *ritten communication o )mportance of oral communication .he use of electronic me ia in communication o .elecommunication o .eleconferencin! o =se of computers o 'thers

+iscellaneo!s 1!estions 6o* many #achelors+ masters an PhDs *ork in the or!ani(ation 6o* many employees are *orkin! on permanent an pro#ationary 8o#s What is the a,era!e num#er of years for *hich an employee *orks for the or!ani(ation 6a there #een any sur,eys re!ar in! any mana!ement Mana!ement Success Stories 234 in num#er S:=s & Pro ucts of S:=s " )nternational as *ell as in Pakistan % 5ny )S' Certifications that company has $ualifie

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