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Cultivate Mental Resilience

Facing difficult issues with optimism requires courage. Shifting focus engages different aspects of the brain, facilitating creative thinking. Cultivating mental resilience is about shutting out distractions, setting aside anxieties and preoccupations out of choice rather than compulsion and developing focus.

12 Techniques and Strategies to build your Mental Resilience

1. Take stock, reflect. hat triggered the stress incident! "ame the trigger. #. $elease an% fixed ideas, conflict or problem, %ou ma% have about the situation &to give %ourself some space'. (. Shift focus. Think of something that makes %ou feel good, that inspires %ou.

). *et +erspective , will what is stressing %ou toda% still be relevant # %ears from "- ! .. /ook for the 0gift1 in the situation. 2dopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one. 3. Check %our perception. 2re %our beliefs or moods controlling %our behaviour! 4. *et organi5ed. 6e s%stematic. +lan %our work and work %our plan. Take action. 7. 8nsure effective workplace design. 9. 6e realistic. :anage %our expectations. +rotect, organi5e ; prioriti5e %our time. 1<. S%mbols have power. =ou can achieve onl% what %ou believe ma% be possible. Surround %ourself with s%mbols or images of things that motivate and inspire %ou. &+hotographs, treasures, inspirational quotes etc' 11. 6e Creative. The best wa% to predict the future is to create it. hat>s the ver% next action %ou can take! 6uild positive mental habits. Cultivate awareness of what

%ou are doing and how %ou feel about it and focus %our attention on what matters. 1#. ?mprove %our business and personal performance and gain greater work,life satisfaction with professional support. 1(. *et professional support. Coaching during stressful situations reinforces the application of what %ou>ve learned to help %ou manage stress and make the most of %our situation.

Positive Thinking
Creating positive change requires mindfulness and training that helps %ou build and sustain a habit of positive thinking. +ositive thinking is a mental discipline that helps %ou shape %our beliefs and la%s the groundwork for %our success. To get there %ou will need to develop self awareness. 6eing aware of what %ou are thinking, feeling, how

%ou are standing, relating to others, responding or reacting. Stop and feel what %ou are experiencing and where in %our bod% %ou are having this felt experience. /isten to %ourself. hat words do %ou tend to use! 2re %ou aware of an% patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour! @ow productive are these habits! ill the% empower %ou to achieve %our goals!

Clear Your Mind Exercise

Clears %our mind and boosts %our confidence &(< seconds' 1. Stand tall. $elax %our arms and bring them together, fingertips touching, palms facing bod%. #. 6reathing in through the nose, bring %our hands, slowl% and deliberatel%, up the center

line of %our bod%, touching %our lower lip, continue upwards, Ao%ousl% extending %our arms above %our head.Circle %our arms back down extending outward on the wa% down and repeat ( B ) times.

The world we have created is a product of our thinkingC ?t cannot be changed without first changing our thinking. Albert Einstein

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