Paper Airplanes

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Title of Activity: Paper Airplanes

Number of Teams & Group Size: Any number of participants Variation: At least 2 teams for competition

Logistics Needed: For each person: 10 x pieces of A4 Paper

Time Allocated: 20 - 40 minutes

Goal: Successfully build and fly the 10 paper airplanes

Preparation & Set-Up: Prepare instructions for constructing each of the 10 paper airplanes Ensure sufficient paper for all participants Distribute the paper

Directions for Conducting the Activity: 1. Instruct participants to carefully follow the instructions for folding the paper airplanes. 2. Once all participants have completed their paper airplanes, gather them in one area. 3. Launch the paper airplanes and see which goes furthest. Ask participants to observe the flight characteristics of each of the 10 paper airplanes.

Specific Rules: 1. Participants have to follow instructions for constructing each of the 10 paper airplanes.

Variations: 1. Fly the paper airplanes through hoops / clothing hangers of different shapes.

Learning Points: Creativity Following Instructions Improves Motor / Tactile skills Encourages mutual co-operation Patience Problem Solving Visualization Observation

Facilitator Notes: Refrain from helping participants fold the paper airplanes if they are having trouble, instead, encourage the people around them to assist.

Alfa Glider

Harland Bomber

Silky Sierra

Conrad Shooter

Zed And Ned

Ishti Delta

Yuan-Shi Five-O

Spirit Of NASA


Cowling Fedosia


Nthanda Needle


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