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Vol. 3, Iss. 3 • October 2007
University Catholic Center

Ministry Team UCC’s 2007-

Director 2008 Student
Fr. Dave Farnum, CSP
Ready for the
ext. 14,

Associate Directors

Fr. Ed Koharchik, CSP
ext. 12,

Michelle Goodwin
ext. 18,
The entire ministry at the University
Pastoral Staff Catholic Center (UCC) is done by campus
Fr. Bob Scott, CSP
ministers, right? Wrong! The UCC is
chock full of student organizations ranging from the Lambda Omega Alpha fraternity to the
Deacon John De La Garza, Jr. Social Justice Team to Knitters for Christ—a group who knits blankets for newborn babies at
ext. 16, local hospitals. These organizations, led by students under campus minister guidance, are where
many of our students experience campus ministry. On August 20th-21st, twenty student leaders
Director of Development
Amber Fogarty from various UCC organizations met for the annual Student Leader Retreat. At the retreat,
ext. 13, the student leaders strengthened their bonds of friendship while learning leadership concepts
essential to being a strong Catholic leader—skills applicable now at UT and in the years to
Business Administrator
come. The majority of these student leaders were elected from their student organizations to
Ruben Garza
ext. 11, lead for the entire academic year. From the plans discussed at the retreat, expect to see some
amazing reports in upcoming newsletters—these leaders plan to exceed all expectations.
Receptionist For more information about our leadership development program, contact Campus Ministry Intern Brandon Kraft
Beth Boren at
ext. 10,

Campus Ministry Interns

Brandon Kraft
ext. 17,
UCC’s First Annual Raffle
2008 VW Beetle OR $15,000 Scholarship
Chris Babb
ext. 15, Ticket Prices: 1=$10, 3=$25, 15=$100, 40=$250,
85=$500, 185=$1,500
Phone: 512.476.7351
Drawing to be held on Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mass Schedule
at the UCC’s Christmas Party. Winner need not be
present to win.
Proceeds benefit the University Catholic Center. No limit on the number of tickets
sold. The winner of the Raffle will choose either a 2008 Volkwagen New Beetle or
Sunday Mass a $15,000 scholarship. If the winner chooses the vehicle, he or she is responsible
for tax, title, and license. The $15,000 scholarship can be applied to any post high
Visit to
9 &11:30AM, 5 & 8PM school educational endeavor. Employees of the University Catholic Center, or their
dependents, or their immediate family members dwelling in the same household are
buy your tickets online or return
Daily Mass
not eligible to win. For complete rules, visit
the enclosed envelope with your
Mon, Wed, Fri: 12:05PM
Tues, Thurs: 12:30PM
ticket order!
Longhorn Catholic
Welcome to our New Staff!
Join me in wel-
A MESSAGE coming Ruben
Garza as the
from the Director... Catholic Center’s
new business ad-
ministrator. Ru-
ben comes to us
The Mindset List is published by Beloit with a wealth of
College each year in an effort to identify a experience and
worldview of 18 year-olds. Here are a few personal commitment. For the past
Fr. Dave Farnum, CSP highlights describing the Class of 2011: Wal- four years, he has served as parish
Mart has always been a larger retailer than business administrator of St. Mary Ca-
Sears and has always employed more workers than GM; the World Wide thedral in Austin. Therefore, he knows
Web has been an online tool since they were born; they will encounter the ins and outs of diocesan financial
and personnel policies and has many
roughly equal numbers of female and male professors in the classroom;
valuable relationships throughout the
food packaging has always included nutritional labeling; and they never Catholic community of our Diocese.
“rolled down” a car window. In addition, Ruben is a Longhorn
(’96) who earned a degree in Biol-
This is a snapshot of the new student who walks through the UCC doors ogy. He was an active member of the
at the beginning of the semester. As Catholic campus ministers on one UCC faith community during his un-
of the largest secular university campuses in the country, we greet these dergraduate years. Our best wishes go
students with open arms, and introduce them to the vision for campus out to Deacon Tom Johnson, former
ministry held by our bishops and described in Empowered by the Spirit: business administrator, who leaves us
to serve as Director of Facilities Plan-
Campus Ministry Faces the Future. This inspiring and challenging document
ning for the Diocese of Austin. God-
describes the six aspects of campus ministry: speed, Deacon Tom!

1. Forming the Faith Community We are also hap-

2. Appropriating the Faith py to welcome
3. Forming the Christian Conscience Chris Babb as a
4. Educating for Justice Campus Ministry
5. Facilitating Personal Development Intern. A 2005
6. Developing Leaders for the Future graduate of UT,
Chris is joining
us after finishing
The University Catholic Center seeks to embody these principles in our a two-year term
worship, in our programs, in our retreats, in our mission trips, in our as a Jesuit Volunteer International in
sacramental preparation, and in our diverse assortment of student groups Belize City. During his student years,
and activities. In this issue of the Longhorn Catholic, you will learn about Chris was very active as a UCC stu-
our expanded mission trip program, meet two new first years and two dent leader: Lambda Omega Alpha
new staff members, receive an update on our development efforts, see the president, Longhorn Awakening #37
details of our vocation plan, and much more. I pray you get a flavor for the co-coordinator, Arteaga Mission Trip
breadth and depth of what the UCC has to offer, and how the Holy Spirit coordinator, and Before the Throne
musician. As a campus ministry in-
is moving in the Catholic faith community at UT.
tern, Chris will focus his talents on lit-
urgy and music and the UCC mission

University Catholic Center

 October 2007
Longhorn Catholic

2008 is a BIG year for the University Catholic Center and the Catholic
community at The University of Texas at Austin. We will celebrate our 100th
Year of ministry to the Catholic students, faculty, and staff at UT! Also in
2008, the UCC will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the founding of the
Paulist Fathers, along with Paulist parishes and campus ministries throughout
the United States. Mark your calendar today for two important events:

100th Anniversary Kickoff Celebration: Friday, January 25, 2008

We will welcome Sister Nancy Murray, O.P. (pictured at right) who
will delight and inspire us with her one-act play featuring the life of St.
Catherine of Siena. The Dominican nun, also the sister of comedian Bill
Murray, has performed this play hundreds of times all over the world.

100th Anniversary Gala: Saturday, November 1, 2008
The University Catholic Center’s 100th Anniversary Gala will be held at
UT’s brand-new Executive Education and Conference Center (currently
under construction). More details will follow as this historic event

Stewardship Corner ...offering gifts of time, talent & treasure

On June 30, 2007, the UCC completed its first fiscal year with Development Director Amber Fogarty travel throughout the
a comprehensive development program. Under the guidance state to meet with old friends and new in their offices and
of Petrus Development, a fundraising consulting firm, the homes to share the UCC vision and invite them to participate
University Catholic Center has been building a sustainable in the ministry.
development program that will provide funding for the UCC’s
mission and ministry for years to come. The goals of this The UCC launched two new initiatives to raise funds during the
program include: 2006-2007 fiscal year.We launched our first annual Phonathon
(which was a great success) and completed two Matching
• providing funding for the UCC’s many programs and Gift Collections, where generous benefactors matched the
activities that enrich UT’s Catholic students, faculty, and monies donated on specific Sundays. During this fall semester,
staff during their years on the 40 Acres, we will have a raffle to raise money for the UCC. The raffle
• growing an endowment for the future of campus ministry, prize will be the choice of a 2008 Volkswagen New
and Beetle or a $15,000 academic scholarship for any post
• eliminating debt. high school academic endeavor. Visit www.utcatholic.
org/raffle to buy your tickets online or return the enclosed
With your help, the UCC raised $316,374 through envelope with your raffle ticket order!
development efforts and $176,543 in Sunday
collections from the generosity of resident community Also, during 2008, many opportunities will be available to
and students. Combined with our other income sources, make special gifts to the UCC in honor of the Center’s 100th
including rents and interest from endowment, the UCC’s total Anniversary. It will be a year of sharing memories and giving
income equaled $692,856. With total fiscal year expenses of thanks for all that the University Catholic Center has been
$683,377, the University Catholic Center was right on and all that it will be in the future.
target and had a financially sound year!
A huge thank you to all of our benefactors—alumni, parents,
At the heart of our strategy for development is a friends, resident community, and students! Your generosity is
strong focus on engaging alumni, parents, and friends sincerely appreciated. As we embark on another year, we pray
by building relationships and connecting brothers and that your stewardship will continue, allowing the ministry of
sisters in Christ with the UCC’s ministry. Fr. Dave and the UCC to grow and flourish.
If you’re interested in learning about ways to support the University Catholic Center,
please contact Amber Fogarty, Director of Development, at 512-476-7351 x13 or

University Catholic Center

 October 2007
Longhorn Catholic
Matt Kleinek Lauren Pate

Matt and Lauren, as freshmen, what do you hope the University

Catholic Center will provide you during your years at UT?
I hope the UCC will provide me I feel The University of Texas will
with the means to carry my faith provide me with a sense of diversity
to a higher level. As I obtain new and will help open my mind to a
knowledge with the things learned multitude of ideas. UT holds so
from my college classes, I would many great opportunities and so
like to obtain a closer relationship many interesting people, there is
with the Lord. I hope the UCC can no way a person cannot grow from
help me with achieving this. their experience here.
What do you plan to get involved with at the UCC?
I plan on going to Sunday Mass at I am very interested in serving and
the UCC and joining a Bible getting to know the community.
study group or Catholic Giving back is my number one
Longhorns for Life. goal.

How do you expect your faith life to

change during your college years?
Hopefully with the Going from a
aid of the UCC, Catholic school to
I will be able to a public university
take my faith is a huge change
to new heights but one I feel will
and experience only strengthen my
a whole new faith.
outlook on my faith.

Learning to Listen for God’s Call

College can be a great time to learn how to listen for God’s Alumni Spotlight
voice in a young person’s life, but how does one do that?
Longhorn Catholics at the
The UCC, benefiting from a $3,000 grant from the Strake wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Foundation of Houston, Texas, presents a comprehensive and Kate (Devaney) Brown on
program each year. The UCC Vocation Plan first looks at September 8, 2007. Karl gradu-
the individual person and the need for that person to discern ated in 2007 with a BBA and
God’s call in his or her own life when faced with a myriad of Master in Professional Accounting,
life decisions. Our “Next Steps” Retreat equips students to while Kate graduated in 2006
hear God’s call in the everyday decisions of life—questions with a BA in History. Karl was a
such as “Where should I work?” or “Should I go to grad member of Lambda Omega Alpha
and Kate of Mu Epsilon Theta,
school?”—as well as the big questions about single or
and they met at the UCC.
married life or a religious vocation. For those discerning a
call to the priesthood or religious life, we have both men’s Longhorn Catholics at the wed-
and women’s programs that expose interested students ding of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and
to the possibilities that await them if they hear the Spirit Meghan (Murtha) Goertz on June
calling them in that direction. During monthly meetings, 23, 2007. Patrick graduated in
food, prayer, and fellowship are shared as students come 2006 with a BS in Biology, while
together to explore God’s call. Guest speakers, including Meghan graduated in 2007 with
a BA in Classics. Patrick was a
priests, sisters, deacons, married couples, and single people,
member of the Knights of Colum-
accompany the students on their faith journey, ensuring bus and Meghan of Mu Epsilon
there are no questions left unanswered. Theta. They were both active
For more information about our vocations program, Awakening Retreat staffers.
contact Brandon Kraft at

University Catholic Center

 October 2007
Longhorn Catholic


In 1999, students of the University Catholic Center (UCC) Alternative Spring Break
traveled to Arteaga, Mexico for our first international mis- Second, the annual alternative Spring Break Mission trip
sion trip. Those pioneers who made the journey came back is scheduled for March 2008. In past years, we have trav-
changed both in their attitudes and understanding of their eled to Arteaga, Mexico, but this year, the missionaries will
own lifestyles. When asked about lessons learned after that serve the poor in El Salvador. The group will work in Ciu-
inaugural trip, one student replied: dad Romero, a small rural community named for Archbish-
op Oscar Romero, staying with local host families.
“I learned about
my own poverty. “There are many reasons to Summer Mission Trip
We went to serve participate...the opportunity to serve; Third, our summer mis-
the poor but their sion trip has changed
hospitality and gen-
the possibility to see beyond one’s both in location and
erosity served us. own situation; the reality of living time. For several years
I realized all these the problems of other people; and the we traveled west to
things I have aren’t willingness to make a difference...” Bapchule, Arizona, in
necessary for what the hot days of June to
really matters [in serve the young people
life]. Before, I felt of the Gila River Native
I needed everything American reservation.
(e.g. my computer, After graduation in May
TV, cell phone and 2008, we will travel east
VCR). Being in to the Gulf Coast region, still devastated
Arteaga, all I need- by Hurricane Katrina. While on this mis-
ed was an open sion trip, students will help build homes
heart and a willing for families and experience the gap that
hand. The people in exists between the rich and poor in this
our rancho taught country.
us about family and
faith. I’ll always be Through these mission trips, the UCC
grateful.” provides UT students an opportunity to
understand poverty issues on a local, domestic and global
There are many reasons to participate in an immersion ex- level. By making one of these journeys, student missionar-
perience, such as the Arteaga mission trip: The opportunity ies will be challenged to critically think about their lives in
to serve; the possibility to see beyond one’s own situation; light of Catholic social teaching.
the reality of living the problems of other people; and the
willingness to make a difference within a community. STUDENTS: We invite you to take a journey to serve by
participating in one of these life-transforming trips.
Urban Plunge
The UCC invites students to participate in one of three im- ALUMNI, PARENTS AND FRIENDS: Support the efforts
mersion experiences. First, the UCC will sponsor an Urban of our student missionaries with your prayers and financial
Plunge called, “Who is my neighbor?” The Urban Plunge gifts.* Join our students on these journeys of service!
is a week-long immersion that examines poverty and chal-
lenges the presuppositions of the student missionary. It will —Michelle Goodwin, Campus Minister
take place in East Austin in January 2008, partnering with
existing urban care organizations. The students will give *To make a financial gift supporting these mission trips, please contact Amber
direct service to families and individuals, while studying Fogarty, Director of Development, at, or call her at 512-
policy issues and root causes of poverty. 476-7351 x13.

University Catholic Center

 October 2007
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 Hopefully, with the aid of UCC, I will be able to take my faith to new heights
and experience a whole new outlook on my faith during my college years.
 —Matt Kleinek
Incoming Freshman, Class of 2011

See what’s inside!University Catholic Center • Austin, Texas

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2007-2008 Student Leaders UT CATHOLIC

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