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STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference!

"lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US!

Department of Business BUSN603 Quantitative Analysis 3 Credit Hours 8- ee!s "rere#uisite$s%& None 'a(le of Contents Instructor Information Course Description Course Scope Course Objectives Course Delivery Method Course Materials )nstru*tor )nformation "able of Contents Course Des*ription $Catalo+% BUSN603 Quantitative Analysis #$ hours% "his course e&plores management problems and the role of decision'ma(ing models and tools in resolving these problems) "he application and use of information systems in decision'ma(ing is assessed) Students apply system and *uantitative analysis to an integrated case study) "able of Contents Course S*ope +uantitative analysis techni*ues and methods can be applied to problems in virtually all functional areas of business including accounting, finance, mar(eting, production and human resources) E&amples from these areas -ill be covered during the course) "his course is intended to enhance a student.s analytical and decision ma(ing ability through the use of available analysis tools and methods) "he course -ill investigate the uses of *uantitative and *ualitative methods in addressing business situations) /urthermore, students -ill critically revie- methods used by others) "his course is designed for students majoring in a business administration or management course of study) "he emphasis of the course -ill be on the proper use of techni*ues and their implementation rather than on mathematical proofs) 0o-ever, mathematics is necessary in order to understand the proper application of Evaluation Procedures Grading Scale Course Outline Policies cademic Services Selected !ibliography

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! some of the techni*ues and thus you should be familiar -ith basic mathematics "able of Contents ,earnin+ -(.e*tives ,--/ Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business) ,--0 Compare and contrast a variety of *uantitative methods used to address business problems) ,--3 E&plain and employ *ualitative analysis methods to solve business situations) ,--1 E&plain and employ *uantitative analysis methods to solve business situations) ,--2 ssess business problems and synthesi1e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems) "able of Contents Course Delivery 3et4od "his course -ill offer the student a highly interactive virtual classroom) Each -ee(.s lesson -ill have a course announcement, assigned readings and assignments based on either course readings or an internet' based project) "he course -ill provide the student -ith the necessary (no-ledge of the economics system to better appreciate and comprehend -orld events and motivations of the numerous (ey players involved -ith shifts in economic environments) Students are e&pected to research course concepts and be able to discuss current events in relationship to course concepts) Since the student is e&pected to fully participate in discussions and interact -ith the instructor and other students, reading assignments and assigned projects should be completed in a timely manner) "able of Contents Course 3aterials 2) 5) $) 9) +uantitative nalysis for Management, 3ender, Stair, and 0anna) 24th Edition, 5446, Prentice 0all) Comprehensive 7ecture 8otes Po-erPoint Presentations of Chapters Online 3esearch 7ibrary "able of Contents 5valuation "ro*edures Grades for this course -ill be based upon four grading instruments) "here are discussion *uestions that are provided in the Dis*ussion Board) "he student -ill respond to discussion topic and the posting of other students) "he assignments are used to revie- -hat you have learned from reading and independent research) "he grade scale for each of the evaluation are provided belo-:

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! Component ; <riting ssignments Discussion !oards 5'> > Problem Sets /our Case Studies /inal E&amination "oints 244 points each 244 points each 244 points each 244 points each 244 "er*enta+e 5= each #24 = total% 9= each #5>= total% 5= each #2?= total% ?);= each #5?= total% 54=

ee!ly Assi+nments) Please revie- the -ee(ly calendar posted in the first -ee( announcement) Dis*ussion Board Please join the discussion board during the class session) Students must post a reply to the -ee(ly discussion *uestion and at least one reply to other students) 3eplies must be posted in the -ee( due and replies after the end of the each -ee( will not be graded) "he discussion boards are for student interaction and submitting input after the -ee( ends serves no learning objectives) Students should demonstrate their o-n (no-ledge in the discussions boards and avoid copying and pasting from -eb sites) Students should N-' post their discussion replies as an assignment) @our grade earned for the discussion boards -ill be based on your total engagement during the -ee() /or e&ample, your initial reply might be lac(ing some content or detail but through engagement -ith other students your discussions might conclude -ith enough detail and e&planation to earn full points) @our discussion board grade -ill be based on your first reply #possible ;4=% and your further engagement -ith your classmates #;4=%) Aust replying does not guarantee full credit) @ou must provide meaningful input that -ill further the discussion in the boards) Please note that the discussion board is an important part of your grade in this class) Please do not decide you -ill submit your initial discussion reply as an assignment Bjust to be safeC) Instructors have a direct lin( to the grade boo( from the discussion board) I -ill grade directly from the discussion board) !e a-are: Instructors must grade all assignments submitted by students) If you decide to go against the class policy and submit your discussion reply as an assignment, I -ill grade that one input as you re*uest #;4=% and -ill not go bac( to the discussion board to grade) "here is no -ay students can earn full points for discussion board activity if they submit one note as an assignment) void ma(ing this mista(e) ) 6inal 57am "he final e&am is located under the e&am tab) "he final e&am must be submitted by the end of -ee( eight and prior to the class end date) Su(mission of assi+nments and +radin+ !e sure to turn in assignments and e&ams on time) I -ill grade assignments once a -ee() If your assignment is submitted after the -ee(ly grading, I -ill grade it during the ne&t grading period for our class) @our assignment -ill not be counted late if you submit it on time but not in time for the -ee(ly grading) It is preferred that students visit the class each -ee( and submit assignments during the -ee( they are due) 3efer to the Student 0andboo( for policies relevant to academic honesty and other procedures and policies related to this course) 3efer to Online 3esource Center for any research assistance) Plagiari1e papers or incidents of academic dishonesty -ill receive an /)

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! "able of Contents 8radin+ S*ale Please see the student handboo( to reference the Dniversity.s grading

"able of Contents

Course -utline Wee$ . Topic*s+ Intro uction to /uantitative Analysis ,earnin) #b-ective*s+ LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Assess business problems and synthesi e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO &. "ompare and contrast a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods used to address business problems. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO &. "ompare and contrast a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods used to address business problems. LO 5. Assess business problems and synthesi e Rea in)*s+ !ender et al. "hapter 1 Assi)nment*s+ "ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes &. 'o(er'oint )lides Submit: *iscussion 'ost 1 *iscussion 'ost & +ritin, Assi,nment 1 'roblem )et 1 !ender et al. "hapter & Appendices &.1 and &.& "ase )tudy 1$ +-./0 pa,e 15 "ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes &. 'o(er'oint slides Submit: *iscussion 'ost 3 "ase )tudy 1 'roblem )et &

"robability 1oncepts an Applications

Decision Analysis

!ender et al. "hapter 3 Appendices 3.10 3.&0 and 3.3 "ase )tudy &$ 2la3e Electronics0 pa,e 11&4

"ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes &. 'o(er'oint slides Submit: *iscussion 'ost 5 "ase )tudy & 'roblem )et 3

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. 3 4orecastin) an Inventory 1ontrol 5o els LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Explain and employ quantitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Assess business problems and synthesi e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO &. "ompare and contrast a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods used to address business problems. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Assess business problems and synthesi e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Explain and employ quantitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Assess business 113

!ender et al. "hapter 5 Appendix 5.1 "hapter 1 Appendix 1.1

"ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes &. 'o(er'oint slides Submit: *iscussion 'ost 5 'roblem )et 5 'roblem )et 5 +ritin, Assi,nment & +ritin, Assi,nment 3

/ueuin) Theory 5o els an /uality 1ontrol

!ender et al. "hapter 15 Appendix 15.1 "hapter 16 Appendix 16.1

"ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes &. 'o(er'oint slides Submit: *iscussion 'ost 1 'roblem )et 1 'roblem )et 6 +ritin, Assi,nment 5 +ritin, Assi,nment 5

,inear "ro)rammin) an ," 5o els usin) Graphical an 1omputer 5etho s

!ender et al. "hapter 6 "hapter 7 "ase )tudy 3$ #exicana +ire +or3s0 pa,e 3814 386

"ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes &. 'o(er'oint slides Submit: *iscussion 'ost 6 'roblem )et 7 "ase )tudy 3

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! problems and synthesi e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. 8 1ase Stu y Analysis *"ro-ect+ LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO &. "ompare and contrast a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods used to address business problems. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Explain and employ quantitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Assess business problems and synthesi e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. LO 1. Identify and describe the decisions necessary in business. LO &. "ompare and contrast a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods used to address business problems. LO 3. Explain and employ qualitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Explain and employ quantitative analysis methods to solve business situations. LO 5. Assess business problems and synthesi e information from multiple disciplines in order to solve these problems. +ee3 6 "ase )tudy 5$ "hase #anhattan 2an30 pa,e 3574359 "ourse #aterials$ 1. Lecture %otes Submit: *iscussion 'ost 7 "ase )tudy 5

1ourse Revie% an 4inal E'am

!evie( all course materials in preparation for the final examination

4inal E'am Submit: *iscussion 'ost 9

"able of Contents

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! "oli*es Please see the student handboo( to reference all Dniversity policies) +uic( lin(s to fre*uently as(ed about policies are listed belo-) DropE<ithdra-al Policy GradingE PDS Grading System E&tension Process and Policy Plagiarism Policy Disability Policy

9)')N8 5:"5C'A')-NS ll -ritten submissions should be submitted in a font and page set'up that is readable and neat) It is recommended that students try to adhere to a consistent format, -hich is described belo-) "ype-ritten in double'spaced format -ith a readable style and font and submitted inside the electronic classroom #unless classroom access is not possible and other arrangements have been approved by the professor%) rial 25'point font or "imes 8e- 3oman styles) Page margins "op, !ottom, 7eft Side and 3ight Side F 2 inch, -ith reasonable accommodation being made for special situations and online submission variances) C)'A')-N AND 956595NC5 S';,5 ssignments completed in a narrative essay or composition format must follo- P format) ,A'5 ASS)8N35N'S 7ate assignments are not automatically graded) Students having difficulties meeting class commitments must communicate -ith the instructor) Students are e&pected to complete assignments on time) 24= penalty may be applied for each -ee( assignments are late unless the student contacts the instructor ahead of time about an e&tenuating situation) N5')QU5''5 Online universities promote the advance of (no-ledge through positive and constructive debate''both inside and outside the classroom) Discussions on the Internet, ho-ever, can occasionally degenerate into needless insults and Bflaming)C Such activity and the loss of good manners are not acceptable in a university setting''basic academic rules of good behavior and proper B8eti*uetteC must persist) 3emember that you are in a place for the fun and e&citement of learning that does not include descent to personal attac(s, or student attempts to stifle the discussion of others) 'e*4nolo+y ,imitations& <hile you should feel free to e&plore the full'range of creative composition in your formal papers, (eep e'mail layouts simple) "he Educator classroom may not fully support MIME or 0"M7 encoded messages, -hich means that bold face, italics, underlining, and a variety of color'coding or other visual effects -ill not translate in your e'mail messages) Humor Note& Despite the best of intentions, jo(es and''especially''satire can easily get lost or ta(en seriously) If you feel the need for humor, you may -ish to add BemoticonsC to help alert your readers: G'%, : %, J

D)S,CA)359 S'A'535N'

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group) "able of Contents A*ademi* Servi*es -N,)N5 ,)B9A9; 95S5A9CH C5N'59 < ,5A9N)N8 95S-U9C5S "he Online 7ibrary 3esource Center is available to enrolled students and faculty from inside the electronic campus) "his is your starting point for access to online boo(s, subscription periodicals, and <eb resources that are designed to support your classes and generally not available through search engines on the open <eb) In addition, the Center provides access to special learning resources, -hich the Dniversity has contracted to assist -ith your studies) +uestions can be directed to orcHapus)edu) Charles Town Library and Inter Library Loan: "he Dniversity maintains a special library -ith a limited number of supporting volumes, collection of our professors. publication, and services to search and borro- research boo(s and articles from other libraries) Electronic Books: @ou can use the online library to uncover and do-nload over ;4,444 titles, -hich have been scanned and made available in electronic format) Electronic Journals: "he Dniversity provides access to over 25,444 journals, -hich are available in electronic form and only through limited subscription services) 'urnitin=*om is a tool to improve student research s(ills that also detect plagiarism) "urnitin)com provides resources on developing topics and assignments that encourage and guide students in producing papers that are intellectually honest, original in thought, and clear in e&pression) "his tool helps ensure a culture of adherence to the DniversityIs standards for intellectual honesty) "urnitin)com also revie-s studentsI papers for matches -ith Internet materials and -ith thousands of student papers in its database, and returns an Originality 3eport to instructors andEor students) Smarthinking: Students have access to 24 free hours of tutoring service per year through Smarthin(ing) "utoring is available in the follo-ing subjects: math #basic math through advanced calculus%, science #biology, chemistry, and physics%, accounting, statistics, economics, Spanish> -riting, grammar, and more) dditional information is located in the Online 3esearch Center) /rom the O3C home page, clic( on either the B<riting CenterC or B"utoring CenterC and then clic( BSmarthin(ing)C ll login information is available) "able of Contents

Sele*ted Bi(lio+rap4y http:EEnces)ed)govEnces(idsEgraphingE '' this is a simple site that lets you learn ho- to dra- a graph) http:EEucatlas)ucsc)eduEho-toEgraph)html '' this is a simple site that e&plains ho- to read a graph) http:EEecomomics)about)comEcsEstudentresourcesEfE-hatiseconomics)htm '' this is a basic site on economics) "he lin(s in this site offer a vast
amount of e&tra materials)

http:EEdir)yahoo)comESocialJScienceEEconomicsE<ebJDirectories '' this site offers numerous lin(s to resources on economics) http:EE---)dir)yahoo)comEGovernmentEDJSJGovernmentEStatistics ' this has numerous lin(s of data resources offered by the DS government) http:EE---)fedstats)govEprogramsEeconomic)html '' this is a federal site that offers number lin(s to data and information)

STUDENT WARNING: This course syllabus is from a previous semester archive an serves only as a preparatory reference! "lease use this syllabus as a reference only until the professor opens the classroom an you have access to the up ate course syllabus! "lease o N#T purchase any boo$s or start any %or$ base on this syllabus& this syllabus may N#T be the one that your in ivi ual instructor uses for a course that has not yet starte ! If you nee to verify course te'tboo$s( please refer to the online course escription throu)h your stu ent portal! This syllabus is proprietary material of A"US! http:EE---)asbpe)orgEresourcesElin(sJgov)htm '' this site offers information for government, economics, financial and math information) http:EEgsociology)icaap)orgEdata)htm '' this site is developed by a group focused on providing data to-ard a sociology focus) http:EE---)oecd)orgEdepartmentE4,5?>>,enJ5?96J$$K2;J2J2J2J2J2,44)html L this site is from the Organisation for Economic co'
operation and development)

"able of Contents

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