Sample Job Description

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ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF __________ GRANTS CHAIRMAN/COMMITTEE JOB DESCRIPTION Shall research and make application for foundation grants

and corporate contribution for the chapter/auxiliary (as directed/approved by the Board) RESPONSIBILITIES: CHAIRMAN: 1. Be familiar with chapter bylaws standing rules Board policies and !ational "ssistance #eague policies as appropriate to position $. %nclude the &resident 'ice &resident and 'ice &resident (esource )evelopment in each call for committee members *. "ppoint a 'ice +hairman and a Secretary to serve on the committee ,. %nclude auxiliary member as part of committee -. "s a leader encourage shared responsibility among committee members .. /versees the committee member0s work as defined under committee 1. &rovide a general orientation to the committee and the committee process to any new member 2. +omplete an annual evaluation of 3ob description and procedures 4. Submit all grant or corporate agreements negotiated by the 5rants +ommittee to the &resident as re6uired for signature and distributes same 17. 8eet with the 9reasurer as needed to ensure that all grants and contributions are booked properly: attends the Budget and ;inance +ommittee meetings 11. &repare and submit a monthly report to the 'ice<&resident of (esource )evelopment to be shared with the Board 1$. Submit an annual report to the 'ice &resident of (esource )evelopment one month prior to the annual meeting COMMITTEE: 'ice +hairman 1. %s knowledgeable about workings of the committee and is able to step in as necessary during an absence by the chairman. Secretary 1. 9ake minutes of meetings $. ;ile minutes in an online file management system i.e. )ropbox *. &rovide copies of minutes at meeting ,. Submit a list of funded grants and corporation contributions to 8arketing +ommittee twice a year to be used in chapter marketing activities -. &repare articles for chapter newsletter as needed .. (eview applications for accuracy of program information and grammatical and spelling issues (esearcher/%nformation 9echnology 1. 8aintain +hapter0s 5uideStar &rofile $. =ead the 5rant0s )evelopment Subcommittee>

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2. 4.

a. %dentify potential funders through review of newspaper announcements local nonprofit organi?ations and referrals from membership b. +onduct searches to identify potential funders on search databases such as 5rantStation and ;oundation )irectory /nline c. (eview funder profiles ;orm 447s and websites against criteria to determine appropriateness to complete a grant or a corporate contribution application d. 8ake recommendations to committee to complete applications e. 8aintain a list of potential grant and corporate applications for further research and application completion by grant writers f. )istribute list of potential grant and corporate applications to the 8aintain )ropbox folders and files 8aintain committee email address "ssist other members with computer issues i.e. importing documents to applications saving files to )ropbox folders learning how to develop answers in a @ord document and transfer by Acutting and pastingB into an application 8aintain the chapter grants list that identifies all completed applications made: their status C decision date and amount received: and date any reports are re6uired Dnsure that &resident 'ice<&resident of (esource )evelopment 9reasurer Budget and ;inance +hairman and 'ice &resident of &hilanthropic &rograms receive a monthly update to the chapter grants list &rovide ongoing training to grant committee members on the grant writing process and answers 6uestions related to doing online applications Dnsure that all grant deadlines are met

5rant @riter 1. Dvaluate potential grantor0s guidelines for applications ;orm 447 website and other material as available and ensures that there is a fit between funder and chapter for potential funding $. %dentify application deadline and completes application prior to deadline with enough time for a review by the Secretary or another member prior to submission *. 8ake appropriate contact with potential grant and corporate contribution staff to establish a rapport and offers to show the potential funder to visit chapter ,. 5ain any necessary signatures for application -. Dnsure the mailing or online submission of the application .. 8ake a copy of the application and sees that a copy is placed in the hard files and )ropbox "uditor 1. /ne month after an application is filed reviews file to ensure that a copy of application is present in both the hard files and )ropbox $. (eport any discrepancies to the committee members at the next meeting *. +omplete a complete audit of the files annually to ensure all appropriate documents are present

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