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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Designing for Mice and Men

Bill Scott Paypal

! too n me o dw n a * Designing for Mice & Men* Bill Scott! Net"ix

Current Experience Chaos #$%% SKUs&

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

Net"ix 'Owned( Experience Across Devices

Net"ix Across Devices #in)house products&



UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials



Net"ix Across Devices #in)house products&





Common Platform Across Devices

Web Browser

iOS Webkit

iOS Webkit
UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

QT Webkit & Skia Webkit



Why own the experience?

Known for valuing UX !! can"t do it if you don"t own it Love server!driven# testable# dynamic UIs Like agile Web better than rigid CE $rmware process Value %Learn Fast&Fail Quickly' The reality is any other path is chaos

Initial HTML* Experience: PS+ ) 'Special(

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

Alternate HTML* Experience: PS+ ) 'Plus(

Designing Across Platforms

Chose a portability layer (html)# css*# JS+ However# don"t use progressive enhancement since want the freedom to experiment with di,erent UX on di,erent platforms Design for user posture# input capabilities# navigation styles and display capabilities Embrace the constraints (design for mobile $rst!+

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

Designing for Mice & Men

Web TV .%/ UI Mobile Tablet

Input Indirect, Pointer-keyboard Navigation Controls & windows Posture Stationary Working

Input IndirectLRUD-OSK Navigation Panes Posture Lean Back Relaxing

Input DirectGesture-OSK Navigation Panes Posture On)the)go In Hand

Input DirectGesture-OSK Navigation Panes & Slideouts Posture On)the)go Lean back Shared Display Hi)Rez Medium! Near

Display Hi)Rez Large! Near

Display Hi)Rez Large Far)away

Display Hi)Rez Small Near

So what/s common?
design principles
fundamental# universal ideas that underpin good design across di,erent input methods# display capabilities and user posture but the application of principles varies across input posture navigation display

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

s e l p i c n i r P e e r Th
common design principles for multiple platform design

al 0. Get Physic

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

The Illusion of Physicality

Design for Physicality

alistic# ssible# add a re o p r e v e n tione h W to your applica n o si n e im d l physica ! Apple HIG

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

Use Metaphors to Embody Physicality

Physicality as Metaphor

Film Strip

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials

Physicality as Metaphor

Book 'Books have pages( 'Pages turn(

Anti)Pattern: Broken Metaphor

e metaphor Don"t break th ying for the underl n modelo implementati

ntal model is The user/s me cushion, the experience

'Books have pages(


UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Break the Metaphor with Magic

Tap to change page

Back to orig page

You are this far

You are here

You can go anywhere

Pages le. in chapter

lity Strict physica Use magic to world-

is hard work-

al simplify the re

To Flick or not to Flick

Page Binding

Page Depth

However# you can"t /ip or turn pages with your $nger

Page Choosing

Page"s animate a /ip via scrub bar

Page turning

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Use Directness to Simulate Physicality

in .12$! this was physicality ) the scrollbar

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials 12

Scrollbar Evolution
From Controller to Indicator Content is scrolled instead of scrollbar

Controller Indicator

Flick to scroll

Thumbwheel is an evolution as well

It must feel real

ent Make sure ev nsistent handling is co

ers are Remember $ng is limited te ta es al Re t fa

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Anti)Pattern: Mismatched Metaphor

anti #pattern: arti$cial construct

net! ix " rate an object- KISS-

cial visual tructing arti$ Beware of cons d drop an ag dr t or supp interfaces to

Anti)Pattern: Mismatched Metaphor

#Metaphors Gone Wild&

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials 14

How Fat is Your Input?

Targeting Size Web #Pointer& Mobile-Tablet #Finger& Remote #LRUD& Remote #Pointer& .3 pixels #but accurate as . pixel& $$ pixels* $$ pixels $$ pixels

* Josh Clark/s recommendation ) Tapworthy

Physicality Across Platforms

Pointer Indirect Fine)grained #pixel& Finger Direct Course)grained #4nger& Finger Direct Course)grained #4nger&

Stationary #can support sovereign apps&


Large size High resolution Near


Windows Menus! Tabs & Links


On)the)go #Single Purpose Apps&

Panes Buttons & Gestures

Medium size High resolution Near


On)the)go #Single Purpose Apps&

Panes & Buttons

Small size High resolution Near


Remote Control Indirect Course)grained #. object at a time&

Leisure #supports consumption! media apps&

Panes & Content

Large size High resolution Far away

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Flow n i a t n i a M 5 0

Exploratorium Exhibit

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Spot the di6erences

Now try again,,,

Change blindn


UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Change Blindness

nge not see a cha The brain can it has element that n a to g in n e p hap ! Wikipedia not yet stored xpect s# it doesn"t e In other word ousbe discontigu the world to

Reduce Page Switching to Maintain Flow

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials 18

'Special( Experience

Principles follo


t# Simple Focus 0 contex r Control se U # n tio ga navi

'Plus( Experience

Principles follo


/owContent is the Contextin n io at rm Info enc rie pe ex Only 1

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Which Won?

%Plus' experie

nce wonre

ls mo ansitions# fee tr e g a p s ce u d Re jarringcinematic# less Maintains Flo w

Twitter as iPad App

transitions Minimize page pattern e id Sl with Page

refresh Open# close & ipe gestures sw ith w ls pane

ent directly Scroll the cont

ntent & Open web co e ac pl in ia med

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Page Slide

estate and tend the real Page Slides ex ent' dow managem simplify %win

Twitter as Mac App

her areas Navigate to ot nsitions tra using smooth le+ sib vi ow / e (mak breaking the Anti!Pattern: us & /ow with men s ut popo

p apps to Rethink deskto more use real estate creatively

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Twitter as Web App

transitions Minimize page pattern e id Sl with Page

noyed with Find myself an ing in en op s ge web pa w do in another w

anting to Find myself w ag for a dr a e ut tit bs su swipe

Vs Hover & Cover

le replace Where possib r details with ve annoying ho il panes dedicated deta

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Keep Navigation Simple to Maintain Flow

Mobile Navigation
iPhone Three types of # Tab# Tree at Fl n: navigatio
! Josh Clark " Tapworthy#

Gowalla: Tab

0 Flat

worthy# Josh Clark " Tap

Source: Tapworthy by Josh Clark

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Pulse & Flipboard iPad Apps

Maintaining Flow Across Platforms

Navigation Paging Scrolling Content Slide Panel Slide
When page content changes or step by Better than paging Carousels for media step "ow Nice way to extend #easier on web than or short relevancy real estate on touch& lists Avoid too many page changes


Page! Tab! Back Button


Avoid #except as Flat! Tab & Tree, For content! steps in Question scrolling! Limit use of in)page transition to replace . level back, "ow prefer Flat sliding content page& Swiping through pages Avoid too many page changes When page content changes or step by step "ow


Flat! Tab! Master-Detail, . level)back

Short scrolling or for Sliding content

Nice way to bring in Nice way to extend more in)page real estate content


Flat! Tab! Tree! Master-Detail



Nice way to extend real estate

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


sive n o p s e R e B + 0

Use TransitionsAnimations to Create Responsiveness

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials 25

Animation Can,,,

ly Be really# real annoying

is done with less What can be e or m ith w done in vain

! Occam

as al distinctions Make all visu t still clear bu # le ib ss po subtle as and e,ective! Tu.e %Small est E,ective Di ,erence'

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Web Apps Seem Prone to This

: Blame Snarky answer it on Flash :!+

swer: Most likely an Input of ss ne ct Indire ces On touch devi put in d an n io at anim d ize on hr nc are sy

w However# slo ill be st n ca s on iti trans m le ob a pr

Animation Can,,,
Reveal relatio nships Improve s responsivenes

Show state ch


Focus attentio

Create delight

Simulate phys


UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Use Invitations to Create Responsiveness

Just in Time Invitations at Drag Moments

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Invitations at Reward Moments

of Major source gs obtaining ratin

Mobile Invitations at Touch)Hold Moments

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Content as an Invitation

Be Snappy to Be Responsive
UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials 30

Performance is Not Always a Given

rform magic We had to pe kit core to eb W to get our ition ! ns do this one tra positing' m co d te ra le %acce

Point For Entry Price ve to turn o, devices we ha ressively animation prog

Advances in HTML*

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Responsiveness Across platforms

Input Animation Invitations Performance


Pointer Indirect

Make Indirect Input Feel More Direct

On hover

Less of a consideration


Fingers Direct

Make Direct Input Feel Real

At touch-hold endpoints

Can be a consideration


Remote Indirect

Make Indirect Input Feel More Direct Reinforce the Cinematic

Static hints De4nitely an issue #usually once an on some low)end item is selected& devices

TV Experiences,,,

UI16 Conference Nov. 2011. @ 2011 all materials


Can In"uence Website Experience


Blogs http:&&looksgoodworkswell-com http:&&designingwebinterfaces-com Follow me on twitter! @billwscott Book



Picture Credits (Creative Commons+

http:&&www-/ickr-com&photos&rsms& http:&&www-/ickr-com&photos&lalegranegra&5622)64417& http:&&www-/ickr-com&photos&tim_d&28)28)75&sizes&l& http:&&www-/ickr-com&photos&miradesduna$cionat&5)182*4777&sizes&z& http:&&www-/ickr-com&photos&zetson& http:&&www-/ickr-com&photos&spencereholtaway&1511766*)1&in&photostream& http:&&creativecommons-org&ns

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