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ET Mir re SAE OLS 2nd" Editign (Révanced Dunseors@Dragors' The War Captain’s Guide War Captain’s Companion: Book 1 CREDITS. Design: Dale “Slade” Henson. Internal Art: Diesel, Jeff Easley, Editing: Jon Pickens Newton Ewell, Mark Nelson, Cover Painting: Erik Olson Erik Olson Cartography: Diesel ‘Typography: Angelika Lokotz ‘Thanks To: Anne Brown, Rich Baker, Timothy B. Brown, David “Zeb” Cook, Andria Hayday, Rob King, Colin McComb, Bruce Nesmith, John, Rateliff, Thomas Reid, Steven Schend, Dori Watry, Steve "Old Man” Winter, David Wise. Very Special Thanks: Jeff Grubb, James M. Ward ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, ADED, DRAGONLANCE, FORGOTTEN REALMS and WORLD OF GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. MAGE STONES, SPELLIAMMER and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc Rendom House and its affiliate companies have worldwide distribution rights in the book trade for English language products of TSR, nc. Distributed to the book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd Distributed to the ty and hobby trade by regional distributors, ‘This SPELLIAMMER game accessory Is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of ‘America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use ofthe material or ant work printed herein fs prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Ine Printed in the .S.A. Copyright °1992 TSR, Inc.All Rights Reserved, TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. P.O. Box 756 120 Chureh End Lake Geneva Cherry Hinton wis3147 Cambridge, CBI 3LB USA. = United Kingdom

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