A Poll About The American Dream Listening Comprehension

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BEFORE LISTENING TO THE RECORDING : GET READY ! Before listening to the poll for The Ne Yor! Ti"es# $o% ill he&r ' senten(es)

Decide which one could be said by the The New York Times *o%rn&list , by the photogr&pher in the Post cover or by one of the tr&"ps in the cartoon. N+ , : N+- : N+' :

De.%(e fro" the senten(e s&i. /$ the *o%rn&list :

a- What she wanted to know . . . b- If the ollsters !ave rather opti"isti(, rather pessi"isti(, or (ontr&.i(tor$ answers. . .
Before listening to the poll :

,0 Re&. the follo ing or.s $o% ill he&r# then %sing the .efinitions pro1i.e.# tr&nsl&te the" )

a- /tk/ t&nkin! 2 in & hopeless sit%&tion : b- /lsv/

el%sive " .iffi(%lt to sei3e :

c- /velbl/ av&ilable " o/t&in&/le : d- /pzl/ e- /ft/

%##lin! " .iffi(%lt to %n.erst&n. : shift " re&rr&nge :

-0Tr&nsp&rent or.s or 4f&%50&"is4 6 Tr&nsl&te these or.s )


/spt/ /tv/ /flnt/

s%pport : &(hie1e : &ffl%ent :

su orter achever nombreu%

entretenir consolider finir dubitatif r$ussir

a uyer envisa!er

secondaire ros &re


Listen to the report &n. ti(! the (orre(t &ns er )

a- This interview is about the .e&th e1ol%tion s%((ess of the 'merican dream. b- The inter1ie ees selected are ' o"en and ' "en)

Che(! hether $o%r pre.i(tions ere right)

8ART ,
Ti(! the or.s th&t $o% he&r in the re(or.ing )

a- the 'merican dream is &li1e &(hie1e. b- (usan )interviewee *+ , -or me the 'merican dream is to have a !reat f&"il$ f&nt&s$ "en) c- 'liyah )interviewee .+ , I want to become & l& $er &n e"plo$er opport%nit$

d- /ark )interviewee 0+ , It1s bein! able to have the opport%nis" 8ART Tr%e or f&lse 6 Cir(le the (orre(t &ns er &n. *%stif$ )

a- The ma2ority of the interviewees say they have reached the 'merican dream. T F ..... b- The 'merican dream may be difficult to reach even for eo le who live in /anhattan. T F . c- 3oe )interviewee 4+ says that in his youth, the 'merican dream was based on luck only . T F . d- 5ven in difficult times, eo le kee the same definition of the 'merican dream. T F . e- Nowadays, values seem to be more im ortant than material achievement . T F .


9sing the notes &/o1e# .e1elop the 1&rio%s .efinitions people gi1e of the A"eri(&n .re&") Dos the present perio. of re(ession "o.if$ their &ppre(i&tion of the .re&"6

Role pl&$ : t&l! &/o%t & tr&"p;s .iffi(%lt sit%&tion

6ne of the tram s in the cartoon e% lains to The new York Times 2ournalist how he tried to achieve his 'merican dream, what roblems he met and how they affected his life. 7e concludes by evokin! the new hiloso hy he has develo ed about the 'merican dream. Put yourself in the tram 1s shoes.


9sing the notes &/o1e# .e1elop the 1&rio%s .efinitions people gi1e of the A"eri(&n .re&") Dos the present perio. of re(ession "o.if$ their &ppre(i&tion of the .re&"6

Role pl&$ : t&l! &/o%t & tr&"p;s .iffi(%lt sit%&tion

6ne of the tram s in the cartoon e% lains to The new York Times 2ournalist how he tried to achieve his 'merican dream, what roblems he met and how they affected his life. 7e concludes by evokin! the new hiloso hy he has develo ed about the 'merican dream. Put yourself in the tram 1s shoes.


9sing the notes &/o1e# .e1elop the 1&rio%s .efinitions people gi1e of the A"eri(&n .re&") Dos the present perio. of re(ession "o.if$ their &ppre(i&tion of the .re&"6

Role pl&$ : t&l! &/o%t & tr&"p;s .iffi(%lt sit%&tion

6ne of the tram s in the cartoon e% lains to The new York Times 2ournalist how he tried to achieve his 'merican dream, what roblems he met and how they affected his life. 7e concludes by evokin! the new hiloso hy he has develo ed about the 'merican dream. Put yourself in the tram 1s shoes.

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