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A Project Report On STUDY OFCUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF JAMMU & KASHMIR BANK A CRITICAL AND COMPREHENSIVE APPRAISAL OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION For THE JAMMU & KASHMIR BANK LTD. IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SUBMITTED BY IMRAN MOHAMMAD RATHER ROLL NO.2010MBE09 SHRI MATA VAISHNO DEVI UNIVERSITY KATRA, JAMMU ACADEMIC YEAR: 2010-2012 2. PREFACE MBA is a stepping stone to management career in order to develop a healthy management andadministration skill among potential managers. Someone has rightly said that field research is farbetter than the classroom training. To achieve partial and concrete results, it is necessary thattheoretical knowledge must be supplemented with practical environment.This research project is a part of the Business Administration Course being taken up at School ofBusiness Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University.I was provided opportunity to undergo training at The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. at its MainBranch Pulwama. 3. The topic assigned to me was: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF J&K BANKA critical and comprehensive appraisal of attitude perception and satisfaction level of customersThis project has been of great help in providing me an insight in to the real life working of anorganization; it gave me a chance to apply, all I had learnt to practical situations, enhancing myunderstanding and image of the business world. This experience in decision making and practicalapplication of knowledge has contributed greatly to my growth both as a person and man. 4. STUDENT DECLERATIONI declare that project entitled CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF J&K BANKA critical and comprehensive apprising of customer attitude, perception and satisfaction levelcomplete as value added and as a part of curriculum studies, is my own work. I also undertake thatthe work is purely academic and no part has been copied or taken from anywhere. IMRAN MOHAMMAD RATHER M.B.A (BE) 5. ACKNOWLEDGMENTIt gives me immense pleasure to present the report of my project titled CUSTOMERSATISFACTION OF J&K BANK.This work would not have been possible without the assistance and guidance of a no. of people .Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them.At first I would like to thank the management of the Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. for providingme an opportunity to work as summer trainee with their Main Branch at Pulwama.I also express my sincere gratitude to my guide Mr. Ubaid Ashraf (Manager at Main BranchPulwama for taking keen interest in my training/project work and giving me valuable guidance atevery stage.I cant do justice with this project without thanking those entire customers whom I interviewed andinteracted during this period. IMRAN MOHAMMAD RATHER MBA(BE) 6. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION TOTHE JAMMU & KASHMIR BANK LTD. 7. CHAPER TWOBANK AT A GLANCE 8. CHAPTER THREE CUSTOMER SERVICES 9. CHAPTER FOURFUNCTIONS OF BANK 10. CHAPTER FIVE RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 11. CHAPTER SIX RESEARCHMETHODOLOGY 12. CHAPTER SEVENSUMMARY OF FINDINGS 13. CHAPTER EIGHTLIMITATIONS 14. CHAPTER NINECONCLUSIONS 15. CHAPTER TENWEAKNESSES 16. CHAPTER ELEVEN SUGGESTIONS 17. CHAPTER TWELVE ANNEXURE &BIBLIOGRAPHY 18. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 19. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYObjective of the research: 1. To know the customers perception of service provided by J&K Bank. 2. To identify the customer grievance if any. 3. To examine the

banker-customer relationship. 4. To seek suggestion for improvement of service for customer satisfaction.Source of information:Primary source: Through structured questions. Face to face interview.Secondary source: Records maintained by the bank. Websites. 20. Research Methodology:The study pertains to behavior aspects such as their perception, attitude and expectations towardsthe benefits and service of Jammu & Kashmir bank Ltd. An exploratory research design wasadopted to conduct the study. Field survey was carried out to collect necessary data.Data used:Both primary and secondary data was used .Bank broaches, diaries, books, other written materialand banks website were used to collect secondary data.Questionnaire:A structured type of schedule of questions was used with both closed-end questions to collect theresponse from respondents. 21. Data collection:-Field survey method was used to collect the data. The respondents were given a copy ofquestionnaire. They were given some instructions to ensure high response rate and eliminatewrong responses. The interview noted down the responses and a few descriptive interviews.Sample size and procedure:The total sample size was 200.The customers were approached mostly at their working places. Thecustomer with different profession were chooses, however the majority was those of businessmen.Random sampling was carried out.Summary of findings: 1. The J&K Bank is the leading bank in the surveyed area with the marked share of 93%. 2. 52.69% of the respondents ranked the bank good 3. 82.25% of the customers are satisfied with the bank. 4. Among the dissatisfied customers majority is of those who attributed it to the rude behavior of some of the employees. 5. Majority of the customers demand quick service in the bank. 22. Recommendations: 1. Marketing side of the bank needs improvement. 2. Much improvement is needed in HRD Department. The employees should be trained about new business trends and their motivation level should be improved. 3. The bank should come out with new and innovative financial and deposit products in order to satisfy customers. 4. There should be no delay in customer service. 5. The bank should provide easy and quick financial facilities to small scale industries, retailers. 23. COMPANY PROFLEMoneylenders have been part of Indian society since ancient times. Modern banking in India begansome 200 years ago. First Bank in India was established under the name and style of bank ofCalcutta in 1806(a presidency Bank).In 1840 Bombay presidency Bank and in 1843 Madraspresidency Bank came into existence. In 1921, these three presidency Banks were merged asimperial Bank of India. In 1955, imperial Bank was renamed as State Bank of India.Aimed this scenario, entire banking in the State of Jammu and Kashmir was performed bytraditional moneylenders and that too at exorbitant interest rates. At the same time some banks likePunjab National Bank, Grindalays Bank and imperial Bank of India functioned in the State to alimited extent. The role of these banks was reduced to the people of the State owing to thestatutory limitations. Under this Scenario banks could not ameliorate the financial social positionof the people of the State.To overcome this crisis, the then Maharaja of the State, His Highness Maharaja Hari Singh,conceived the idea to establish a bank to help people of the State to come out of the economicbackwardness. The scheme of forming the bank was formulated by an eminent banker sir SorabjiN.Pochkanwala, the then Managing Director of Central Bank of India. The outcome of the effortsof Sir Sorabji resulted in the establishment of the Jammu & Kashmir Bank Limited on October 1,1938.And the Bank formally commenced its business on July 4, 1939.The bank opened its first 24. branch at Residency Road, Srinagar. Encouraged by the support of public, it opened its anotherbranch at Jammu. By 1946, the number of branches of the bank went up to 12.Precisely, banking in the State of Jammu & Kashmir actually began in 1939, when Jammu &Kashmir Bank started its operation. Since then, with the continuous changes taking place in thefinancial

services scenario, the banking in Jammu & Kashmir went under tremendous. Besidesexhibiting its commercial character, the bank has been meeting the social obligation of the peopleof the State too.The Jammu & Kashmir Bank is the first of its nature and composition as a State owned bank in thecountry. The State government besides contributing half of the issued capital also appointed thebank as bankers for general banking and treasury business of the State government. In itsformative years, the bank had to coup up several serious problems, particularly around the time ofindependence, when two of its branches at Muzaffarabad and Mirpur fell to the other side in1947.However, the State government came with assistance of Rs 6.00 lacto meet the claims.Following the extension of Central laws to the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the Bank was definedas a government companies Act 1956.The real growth of its operations and business started after 1969, the area of nationalization ofmajor banks, when the union government announced control on banking. It began to emerge fromits regional shell, opening branches beyond the State boundaries and emerged as a leading bank. In 25. 1971, the bank was included in the second schedule of the RBI Act 1934.It had its first full timechairman following social control measures in banks in the country. Five years later (in 1976) itwas declared an A Class bank. By the end of 1980, its branches numbered 212 with aggregatedeposits of Rs. 191.67 corer and advance of Rs. 61.67crores.The bank became pioneer in the finance of road transport, horticulture and hostels to promotetourism and extended finance to the artisans to promote traditional handicrafts. In fact the bankwas the first commercial Indian bank to introduce schemes for financing fruit crops on standingtrees in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, a policy that was subsequently emulated by other bankselsewhere in the country.The bank expanded its area of operation and widened its credit base by financing schemes likeintegrated Rural Development Programmers (IRDP), SEEDY, PMRY, NRY and other self-employed programmers sponsored by the State and Central Governments. In 1976, Bank becamethe first and the only bank, which was permitted by the Reserve Bank of India to sponsor tworegional banks, namely, Kamraz Rural Bank and Jammu Rural bank. The bank has also beenentrusted with lead bank responsibility in eight of the fourteen districts and governorship of theState Level Bankers committee in J&K State.The bank has played a key role in the economic development of the State in particular and thecountry in general. In the last ten turbulent years, it was the only commercial bank to sustaineconomic and business activity as most of the nationalized banks in the State downed their 26. shutters. During this difficult period, it was the J&K Bank alone that supported various aimed atalleviating poverty and generating self-employment opportunities.With a substantial increase in its capital base, the bank is participating more extensively infinancing of infrastructure projects. A number of leading corporate and blue chip companies aswell as prominent public sector undertakings of the Indian government have become part of itsclientele. The financial of the bank are very strong. The banks debt instruments have been highlyrated by CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Service of India Limited), which has reaffirmed itsP1+rating of the banks certificate of deposits, including strong degree of safety with regards totimely payments. The bank is governed by the companies act and banking regulation act of India.It is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and Security and Exchange Board Of India (SEBI).Atthe end of May 2006,the bank had 517 branches spread from Kashmir to Kanyakumari with 98%ofits business computerized. The bank has been playing a vital role in the development of theeconomy of the state and bolstering industry, trade, commerce and agriculture in the state. Thebank has put a commendable performance in all aspects of banking .The performance of J&KBank, its growth, profitability, diversification of product portfolio, modernization of its operationsand its achievements in other areas have made it one of top most banks of the country.Sri Sohan Lal Kothari was the first manager of the bank and the then chief Minister major generalRoy Bahadur

Dewan Bishan Das was appointed as the foundation stone of the Residency roadSrinagar branch building. Since 1977 the bank has been responsible for payment of civil pensionand receipt of various states taxes. Findings overall performances of the bank good, the RBI issueda license to the J&K Bank to deal in all types of foreign exchange presence in 1980. The bank 27. installed first ATM in valley connected globally to all master card networks ATMs. All thebranches of the bank are connected through V-SAT.On 10-08-2001 the bank took over the Srinagar branch of standard chattered Grindlays bank. Thebank inaugurated its new corporate headquarter building at M.A road Srinagar-on 2september2001.J&K Bank is today one of the fastest growing bank of India with a network of 517 branches officesspread across the country offering world class banking products and service to its customers.Today the bank has the status of value driven organization and is always working towards buildingtrust with shareholders, employees, customers, borrowers etc. for which it has adopted strategydirected to developing a sound foundation of relationship and trust aimed at achieving excellencewhich of course comes from the womb of good corporate governance.The J&K Bank has recorded an outstanding achievement in the key areas of operations. The totaldeposits as on 3103-2006 were Rs 23484.64 crores against Rs21644.97 crores for the fiscal year2004-2005.Thus deposits have shown a growth of 8.50%.The reserves and surplus of the bank grove by8.28% from Rs 1616.9 cr. of the previous year to Rs 1750.9cr.on ending March 2006.otherborrowing of the bank decreased from Rs 319.48 cr. To Rs 263.9 cr. other liabilities for the fiscalyear 2005-2006 ending 31 March stood at Rs 900.9cr. against Rs 792.9 cr. for the previous year. 28. The Bank has made the total investment of Rs 900.34 cr. on 31 March 2006 the advances haveincreased from Rs 11517.14 cr. as on 31 March 2005 to Rs 14483.10 cr. as on 31 March 2006showing a growth of 25.75% over the previous year.The balance sheet has grown up to Rs 26449 cr. as on 31-03-2206 against Rs 24422 cr. as on 31-03-2005 recording an increase of 8.29%.The fixed assets of the bank amount for Rs 194.7 cr. andother assets are worth Rs 481.4 cr. The J&K Bank has the total cash and balance with RBI Rs937.88 cr. and balance with banks and money at C&S notice is Rs as on 31-03-2006.In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the J&K Bank has been the major contributor in providingcredit to poor artisans, retailers, small business, agriculture and other allied activities, small scaleindustries and technically qualified entrepreneurs. In these sectors with Rs 137.89 cr. in agriculturesector, Rs industries sector and Rs 241.09 cr. in service sector.J&K Bank having a strong network of 410 branches across the state has made total advances of Rs5941.02 cr. in J&K State as on ending March 2006 as against its total deposits of Rs 12236.98 cr.Thus achieving a current deposit ratio of 48.55%.Maintaining a progressive outlook, the J&K Bank is keeping pace with the changing technology.The bank continues to leverage information technology as strategic tool for its business operators. 29. The IT strategy emphasizes enhanced level of customer service through 24x7 hours availability,multi channel banking and cost efficient through optimal use of electronic channels, wider marketreach and opportunities for cross selling.Currently more than 90.5% of the banks business is computerized. The J&K Bank is the first bankto launch ATM cum debit card in Kashmir. The bank launched ATM cum Debit card J&K Bankglobal access card in collaboration with the master card international. The bank has grown thenumber of ATMs to 182 at the end of March 2006.The bank has launched the three variant types of credit cards with different limits with an interestfree credit facility for 20 to 50 days at accept at 125000 mercantile establishments across the globe.The customers have the access to their money for all the 365 days of a year and 24 hours per day.The credit and debit cards of the bank are accept of cash with draws at 7000 ATMs in India and 1million ATMs across the globe. To maximize value to its customers, the innovation in productsand improving the quality and speed of the services in the

Hall Mark of banks business strategy.The bank has launched several unique financial and deposit products like education loans, carloans, consumer loans, flexi deposit recurring plus and Mehandi deposits schemes to meet theneeds of customers. the bank has recently won the prestigious Asian banking awards 2004 forcustomer convenience programmmes. The award is given each to recognize and honor the bank inAsia pacific region for outstanding innovating and world-class products services, projects andprogrammers. 30. J&K Bank has embarked on brand strategy exercise and engaged removed consultants to work onbusiness development possibility and engaged over all processes that could be improved in thefuture to enhance the overall profitability of the bank.This would increase branding of the banks products in order to increase the value for its customers.And now with the right kind of leadership efforts of dedicated employees and State of arttechnology, the J&K Bank is on the path of growth and success building trust profit, peace andproperty. 31. BANK AT A GLANCEProfile:- Incorporated in 1938 as a limited liability company. Governed by companies Act and Banking regulation Act of India. Regulated by the Reserve bank of India and SEBI. Listed on National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock exchange (BSE). 53 per cent owned by the Govt. of J&K. Rated p1+by standard and poor-CRISIL connecting highest degree of safety. Four decades of uninterrupted profitability and dividends. 32. Share Holding pattern (as on 03-09-2005)S.NO Particulars as on 30-09-2005 Percentage of share holding 1 Govt.of Jammu & Kashmir 53.17 2 Foreign institutional investors 27.79 3 Resident individual 14.32 4 Indian Mutual Funds 1.71 5 Insurance companies 1.27 6 Bodies corporate 1.26 7 Non resident Indians 0.40 8 Banks 0.03 9 Transit/clearing members 0.03 10 Trusts 0.02 33. Unique characteristics: one of a kind Private sector Bank despite Government holding 53% of equity. Sole bankers and lender of last resort to the Govt.of J&K. Plan and non plan funds, taxes and non-taxes revenues, routed through the bank. Salaries of Govt. officials disbursed by the bank. Only Private sector designed as agent of RBI for banking business. Collect taxes pertaining to Central Board of Direct Taxes in J&K.Infrastructure. Global Standards The fastest growing Bank with 510 branches across the country. Over 98 per cent of the business computerized. Banking, Tele-banking and SWIFT facilities available. Internet Banking, SMS and Mobile Bank provided. ATMs connected globally to all Master card Networked ATMs. Mobile ATM Service available-first of its kind in Northern India. J&K bank Global Access Debit card cirrus and Maestro enabled own Credit card. Live on RTGS System of RBI. 34. Financial Services Portfolio: One stop for all financial needs. Insurance joint venture with MetLife international. Distributor of : Life Insurance products of MetLife (India) Pvt. Ltd. Nonlife insurance products of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd Providing depository Services. Offering Stocks Barking Service. Collection Agent for utility Services provided by State and private sector.New Business Initiatives: Shaping ourselves to serve better.To meet the growing needs of the economy, in tune with the competitive banking innovativefinancial products. Monetizing the Banks branch network. Third party products distribution. Investment Banking. Offshore Banking.. 35. Demand DepositsSaving Account Min. Initial Deposit: Rs50/-in non-computerized branches. Rs500/-in computerized branches. Min. Balance requirements: Rs50/-in non-computerized branches Rs500/-in computerized branches. Anywhere Banking Facility: Available at all computerized branches. Debit Card: Maestro & Cirrus enabled Debit Card which can be used on Master Enabled ATMs & POS machines both within & outside the country. Minimum balance requirements for debit card: Rs1000/- Debit Card Charges :Issuing charge:Rs50/-,Usage ChargesRs50/- Charged half-yearly. Standing Instruction: Rs15/instruction at computerized branches.

36. Rs10/-in non-computerized branches. Penalty: Computerized Branches:Rs1/-per day for the period the balance remains below Rs 200/- in accounts without cheques book Rs 1/-per day(min 5)for the period balance remains, Below Rs1000/-with a minimum of Rs 5/-for accounts with Cheque book facility. Non-computerized Branches:Rs 0.25/-per day for the period the balance remains below Rs 50/-in case of SB account without Cheque book facility Rs 0.50/-per day for the period balance remains below Rs500/-for account with cheque.Current Account. Min.intial Deposit & Min Balance Required: Computerized branches Rural Branches Rs 1000. Semi-urban branches Rs2000/- Urban Branches Rs3000/- Metropolitan branches Rs5000/37. Non-Computerized Branches Rural Branches Rs 500. Semi-urban branches Rs1000/- Urban Branches Rs1500/- Metropolitan branches Rs2500/- Anywhere Banking Facility: Available at all computerized branches. No incidental charges where average minimum balance is above Rs1.00 lac.Avg. minimum balance chargesRs 75.000 to below Rs 1, 00,000. Rs 750/-per quarter.Rs 50.000 to below Rs 75,000. Rs 1,000/-per quarterRs 25.000 to below Rs 50,000. Rs 1250/-per quarterBelow Rs 25.000. Rs 1500/-per quarter Debit Card: Master & Cirrus enabled debit card which can be used on Master Enabled ATMs & POS machines both within & outside the country. 38. Minimum balance requirements for debit card: Rural Branches Rs 1000. Semi-urban branches Rs2000/- Urban Branches Rs3000/- Metropolitan branches Rs5000/- Debit Card Charges: Issuing charges-Rs 50/- Usage Charges-Rs 50/-charged half-yearly. Standing Instructions: Rs 15/instruction at computerized branches. Rs 10 at non-computerized branches. 39. Free Remittances: Avg. Monthly balance/month Aggregate value of Remittances/month all as per Rs 1.00 lack to below 2.00 lack Rs 3.00 Lac Rs 2.00 lack to below 3.00 lack Rs 5.00 Lac Rs 3.00 lack to below 4.00 lack Rs 8.00 Lac Rs 4.00 lack to below 5.00 lack Rs 10.00 Lac Above 5 Lac Free up to Rs 10 lacks & 50% Concession above Rs 10 lacs Penalty:Computerized Branches: Rs 1/-per day is charged for the period the balance remains belowthe prescribed limits.NonComputerized Branches: Rs 2/-per day is charged for the period the balance remainsbelow the prescribed limits. 40. Term Deposits Single initial-deposit based term products.Fixed Deposit Target: Retail LIG short term investors. Minimum Deposit: Rs 100/-and above in multiple of Rs 1/- Maturity: 7 days to 10 years. Interest Rate: Fixed. Interest Calculation: Simple Interest. Interest payouts: Quarterly/on maturity Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount, deposited plus interest accrued Penalty: 0.5% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 41. Variants of Fixed DepositSuper Earner Deposit Target: Retail MIG short term investors. Minimum Deposit: Rs 10001/-and above in multiple of Rs 100/- Maturity: 1year to 10 years. Interest Rate: Floating Interest Calculation: Simple Interest. Interest payouts: Quarterly/On maturity Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount, deposited plus interest accrued. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 42. Cash Certificates Target: Retail LIG short term investors. Minimum Deposit: Rs 100/-and above in multiple of Rs 100/- Maturity: 6 months to 10 years Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis. Interest payouts: On maturity. Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount, deposited plus interest accrued. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal.Variants of Cash CertificateMillennium Deposit Target: Retail MIG/HIG long term investors seeking returns as well as liquidity. Minimum Deposit: Rs 1000/-and above in multiple of Rs 500/- Maturity: 6 months to 10 years

43. Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis. Interest payouts: On maturity. Add-ons: The deposit is kept in units of Rs 500/- Any number of units can be withdrawn anytime provided the total deposit balance does not fall below Rs 1000/- Penalty: Only on the premature withdrawal of the entire deposited amount.Flexi-Deposit Target: Retail LIG long term investors seeking easy access to credit. Minimum Deposit: Rs 1000/-and above in multiple of Rs 100/Maturity: 6 months to 10 years. Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis. Interest payouts: On maturity. Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount deposited plus interest accrued. No separate requisition, no execution of loan documents and no surrendering of the original Flexi Deposit Receipt. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. Maturity: 7,10,12 and 15 years. Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis. 44. Mehandi Deposit Target: Parents/Guarding of Girl child. However, the scheme can be availed for male child also. Minimum Deposits: Depends upon the maturity tenor and Maturity slabs. Interest payouts: On maturity Add-ons: Accidental Insurance Cover Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal.Super Reinvestment Deposit Target: Retail MIG long term investors seeking high returns. Minimum Deposit: Rs 1000/-and above in multiple of Rs 100/- Maturity: 1years to 10 years Interest rate: Floating Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis. Interest payouts: Quarterly/On maturity. Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount deposited plus interest accrued. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal. 45. Monthly Yield Deposit Target: Retail MIG long term investors seeking regular monthly returns. Minimum Deposit: Rs 1000/-and its multiples. Maturity: 1years to 10 years. Interest rate: Fixed. Interest Calculation: Monthly Interest payouts: Quarterly/On maturity. Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount deposited plus interest accrued. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacks premature withdrawal. 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacks premature withdrawal. 46. Term Deposits Monthly Deposit based term products.Recurring Deposit Target: Retail LIG investors having desiring regular monthly investments. Minimum Deposit: Rs 50/-and its multiples of Rs 5/- Maturity: 1years to 10 years Interest rate: Fixed Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis Interest payouts: at maturity. Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount deposited plus interest accrued. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal 47. Recurring plus Deposit Target: Retail LIG investors having with irregular investible income. Minimum Deposit: Rs 100/-and its multiples thereof with no upper limit. Maturity: 6 months to 10 years Interest rate: Fixed Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding interest. Interest payouts: at maturity. Add-ons: Loan facility up to 90% of amount deposited plus interest accrued. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawal 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacs premature withdrawalChildcare Deposit Scheme Target: Parents/Guardians investing long term with regular monthly savings for their child. Minimum Deposit: Rs 100/-and multiples thereof Maturity: 7,9 and 10 years as recurring plus 5,7 and 10 years respectively as term deposit 48. Interest Calculation: Quarterly Compounding basis Interest payouts: On maturity. Add-ons: Accidental insurance cover linked to the size of monthly deposit amount. Penalty: 0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacks premature withdrawal 0.50% penalty above Rs 5.00 Lacks premature withdrawalDeposit Pension Scheme Target: Person who do not enjoy pension benefits either from their present employees or their parent business. Minimum Deposit: Rs 50/-and multiples, thereof Maturity: 84,105 or 111 months. Payment Pattern: Monthly payouts from 86th ,101 th and 113th months respective to the maturity tenors. Interest Calculation: Quarterly

Compounding basis for the first term Simple interest on 2nd term. Interest payouts: Regular monthly payouts starting from commencement of 2nd term .Full amount paid at the end of second term. Penalty:0.25% penalty up to Rs 5.00 Lacks premature withdrawal. 49. SB UJALA Saving Deposit SchemeIn compliance to the direction of direction of Reserve Bank of India to have a basic banking No-frills account to ensure financial inclusion of vast sections of population and also to strive formaking our service liberally and easily accessible to all segments of society including the deprivedand underprivileged ones, our Bank is introducing a new variant of Saving Bank account underthe name of SB UJALA Account The main features of the scheme are: Eligibity: The scheme shall be open to all people who are eligible to open Savings Bank account with our Bank in ordinary course. Minimum Initial Deposit: The account can be opened with a minimum initial cash deposit of Rs 50/-.However, customer may also be allowed to open the account with banking instruments like Bankers cheques, etc. without being insisted upon to deposit the minimum prescribed amount in cash for opening the account. Minimum Balance: The minimum balance to be maintained for keeping the account operational shall be Rs 50/- Permissible withdrawals per month: The number of permissible withdrawals per half year shall be 24,with a maximum of 4 withdrawals per month. Cheque-Book facility: No Cheque book facility shall be ordinary provided on this account.However, Cheque-book may be issued to the account holders in case the average quarterly balancefor past 6 months is maintained at Rs 1000/- and above .All Branches/Extensions Counters are advised to transfer all those existing Saving Bank accountshaving average balance of Rs 50/-and above but less than the minimum balance prescribed 50. otherwise for Saving Bank Account having average balance of Saving Bank Account to thisnewly created separately portfolio, namely SB UJALA Saving Deposit Account. Entiresegregation should be completed before ensuring year ending, i.e, 31.03.2006.Information aboutthe number of accounts opened under this scheme may be submitted to this office on quarterlybasis for onwards submission to Reserve Bank of India. Branches are advised to popularize thisscheme by creating adequate awareness among the masses in their respective service areas with theobjective of financial inclusion of maximum number of people. 51. BANKER AND CUSTOMERIt is not easy to define bankers. However an attempt has been made by various people in order toformulate the definition of terms Bankers and Customer.The essential business of banker is to buy money and debt, by creating other.debts.A banker istherefore essentially dealer in debts or credits.A banker or a bank is a person or company carrying on the business of receiving money andcollecting drafts, for customer.No one can be a banker who does not take deposit accounts, take current accounts, issue and paycheques, crossed and uncrossed, or his customer.A customer is a person who has some sort of an account, either deposits or current accounts orsome similar relations with the banker. It implies that any person corporate body will become byopening a deposit or current account s, or by negotiating an advance on current or loan account. 52. The word customer signifies a relationship in which duration is not of essence. A person who hasbeen accepted by the bank on the footing that they undertake to honors Cheques up to the amountstanding to his connection is of long or short standing. The contrast is not between a person ahabitual and a new comer but between a persons for whom the bank performs a casual service e.g.cashing a cheque, for a person whom the bank performs a casual service e.g. cashing a Cheque, fora person introduced by one of their customer, and a person who has account of his own at thebankTo sum up, the mere opening of an account will constitute a person, a customer of a bank,irrespective of whether his connection is of long or short standing. 53. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A BANKER AND A CUSTOMERThe relation of a banker and a customer begins as soon as the first cheque paid and accepted forcollection. It is necessary that

the person should have drawn any money or even that he should bein a position to draw any money.The true relationship between a banker and his customer is that of debtor and a creditor.Money when paid in the bank ceases altogether to be the money of the principal, it is then themoney of the banker who is bound to return an equivalent by paying a similar sum to thatdeposited with him, when he is asked for it. The money paid to the bankers is money known by thebanker, it is then bankers money, he is known to deal with it at its own, he makes what profit hecan, that profit he retains for himself, paying back only the principal, according to the customer ofbanker in other placesthat being established to be relative situation and a customer, the bankeris not an agent or factor, but he is a debtor. 54. CHEQUESAccording to the section 6 of the Indian Negotiable Instrument Act-881. A bill is a bill ofexchange drawn from on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than ondemand. According to section 5 of the Act. A bill of exchange is an instrument in writingcontaining an unconditional order, signed by the maker directing certain to pay sum of money,only to, or to the order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument. From the abovedefinition it follows that an instrument to be called a Cheque must fulfill certain conditions. Theyare: 1. The instrument must be in writing. Legally speaking the writing may be done by a pen or a pencil, unless confirmed by the drawer. This is easy to make authorized alternation when a Cheque in pencil. 2. The instrument must contain an un-conditional order. For instance, if the banker is ordered to pay a certain sum provided the payee fulfill certain conditions, it cannot be considered a Cheque as the order is a condition one .However, if such instructions are addressed to the payee and not to the banker, the order to pay may be regarded unconditional. 55. 3. The maker must sign the instrument. In order to be a valid Cheque, the instrument must contain the signature of the drawer. In the case of an illiterate person, his thumb impression will suffice. Though legally permissible, pencil signatures are discouraged by bankers. So also signatures impressed on the Cheque by means of a rubber stamp is not permitted generally.4. The order to pay must be addressed to a banker, and that banker must be a specified one. In other words, the instruments should not be drawn on a banker but a banker on a specified banker.5. The order must be for a certain sum of money only. The term money means legal tender currency. Thus if the order is for something other than legal currency, the instrument cannot be considered a Cheque. Further the sum of money must be considered as certain. 56. LOANS AND ADVANCESAdvance, apart from contributing to main share of banks profiles, enable trade, commerce,industry and agriculture to meet their short coming requirements for funds. Banks, financeindustries to meet their day to day requirements for funds. Banks, finance industries to meet theirfixed assets.Similarly banks grant advances to farmers for raising crops, for purchasing implement, tractors,seeds and pesticides and for irrigational facilities etc.During the last few years, the part played by banks in granting advances has undergone a markedchange. The scheme of social control introduced in 1967 by the Govt. of India laud emphasis ondiversification of advances portfolios in favor of priority sector such as exports agriculture, andsmall scale industries. This change has been adopted by fourteen major banks in 1969 the advancegranted by commercial banks are expected to develop all sectors of national economy. 57. Policy Document on Grievance RedressalIn the present scenario of competitive banking, excellence in customer service is the mostimportant tool for sustained business growth. Customer complaints are part of the business life ofany corporate entity. This is more so for banks because banks are service organizations. As aservice organization, customer service and customer satisfaction should be the prime concern ofany bank. The bank believes that providing prompt and efficient service is essential not only toattract new customers, but also to retain

existing ones. This policy document aims at minimizinginstances of customer complaints and grievances through proper service delivery and reviewmechanism and to ensure prompt redressal of customer complaints and grievances. The reviewmechanism should help in identifyingshortcomings in product features and service delivery. Customer dissatisfaction would spoil banksname and image. The banks policy on grievance redressal follows Customers be treated fairly at all timesthe under noted principles. Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and on time Customers are fully informed of avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within theorganization and their rights to alternative remedy, if they are not fully satisfied with the responseof Bank will treat all complaintsthe bank to their complaints. efficiently and fairly as they can damage the banks reputationand The bank employees must work in goodbusiness if handled otherwise. faith and without prejudice to the interests of thecustomer.The policy document will be made available at all branches and shall also be displayed on theBanks website. The Bank shall also ensure that all employees concerned are informed about thecomplaint handling process and its subsequent updates.The customer complaint arises due to: 58. a. The attitudinal aspects in dealing with customersb. Inadequacy of the functions/arrangements made available to the customers or gaps in standardsof services expected and actual services rendered.The customer is having full right to register his complaint if he is not satisfied with the servicesprovided by the bank. He can give his complaint in writing, orally or over telephone. If customerscomplaint is not resolved within given time or if he is not satisfied with the solution provided bythe bank, he can approach Banking Ombudsman with his complaint or other legal avenuesavailable for grievance redressal.Internal Machinery to handle Customer complaints/ grievancesInternal procedures: -i. If you want to make a compliant, we will tell you how to do this and what to do if you are notsatisfied with the outcome. Our staff will help you to the best of your satisfaction with any queriesyou have.ii. We have installed complaint boxes at every branch where you can drop yourcomplaints/feedback.iii. The customers can use our website for sending theircomplaints/feedback to the grievance redressal cell.iv. The customers can contact our customer care cell through phone for redressal of issues.v. Customers can also use our Internet banking facility for sending their complaints/suggestionsto the concerned branches/ Within one week of receiving your complaint, we will send you a written acknowledgement. Ifyour complaint is relayed over phone at our customer care helpdesk number, we shall provide youa complaint reference number and keep you informed of the progress within a reasonable period oftime. 59. vii. After examining the matter, we will send you our final response within six weeks and will tellyou how to take your complaint further if you are not satisfied with the response of the Bank.Banking Ombudsman Service and other avenues for redressalWithin 30 days of lodging a complaint with us, if you do not get a satisfactory response from usand you wish to pursue other avenues for redressal of grievances, you may approach BankingOmbudsman appointed by Reserve Bank of India under Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2002.Details of Banking Ombudsman are displayed in the branch notice boards. Our staff would explainyou the procedure in this regard.Customer Service Committee of the BoardThe Bank has constituted a sub-committee of the Board known as Customer Service Committeewith the objective of bringing improvements in the quality of customer service and to examine anyotherissues having a bearing on the quality of customer service rendered. The sub committee isresponsible for supervising and reviewing the grievance redressal mechanism of the Bank. The subCommittee would also be supervising and reviewing the functioning of Standing Committee onCustomer Service.Standing Committee

on Customer ServiceThe Bank has also constituted a Standing Committee on Customer Service , which is responsiblefor implementation and compliance of the code of banks commitment to customers. Thecommittee is chaired by the Chairman and CEO of the Bank and consists of official andnonofficial members. The non-official members have been included in the standing committee soas enable an independent feedback on the quality of customer service rendered by the Bank. Thecommittee is entrusted with the following Evaluate feedback on quality of customer service receivedfunctions. from various quarters and alsoreview comments/feedback on customer service and implementation of commitments in the Codeof Banks Commitments to Customers received from BCSBI. The60. Committee is responsible to ensure that the bank follows all regulatory instructionsregarding customer service. Towards this, the committee would obtain necessary feedback fromzonal/regional managers/ functional The committee also considers unresolved complaints/grievancesheads. referred to it by functionalheads responsible for redressal and offers The committee submits report on its performance to thetheir advice. customer service committee of theboard at quarterly intervals.Nodal Officer and other designated officials to handle complaints andgrievances *The Bank has designated President Customer Care Division as the Chief Nodal Officer who willbe responsible for the implementation of customer service and complaint handling for the entirebank. Besides the Chief Nodal Officer, the Bank has also designated Vice Presidents of therespective Zonal Offices as Nodal officers who will be handling complaints/grievances in respectof branches falling under their control.Resolution of GrievancesBranch Manager is responsible for the resolution of complaints/grievances in respect of customerservice rendered by the branch. He would be responsible for ensuring closure of all complaintsreceived at the branches. It is his foremost duty to see that the complaint is resolved to theheshould be provided with alternate avenues to escalate the issue. If thebranch manager feels that it is not possible at his level to solve the problem he/she can refer thecase to the Nodal officer at the Zonal Office for guidance. Similarly, if the Nodal Officer at Zonaloffice finds that they are not able to solve the problem such cases may be referred to the ChiefNodal Officer at the corporate office. Branches and zonal offices must send action taken report oncomplaints received to the head office at the end of every month.Interaction with customers 61. The bank recognizes that customers expectation/requirement/grievances can be better appreciatedthrough personal interaction with customers by banks staff. In this regard the Bank has constitutedcustomer advisory forums at each branch, which are holding regular customer meets to apprisethe customers about the new products and services of the Bank andalso seek feedback/suggestions from them for improving the customer services. Many of thecomplaints arise on account of lack of awareness among customers about bank services and suchinteractions will help the customers appreciate Banks services better. As for the Bank the feedback from customers would be valuable input for revising its product and services to meetcustomer requirements.Sensitizing operating staff on handling complaintsStaff shall be properly trained for handling complaints. The Bank deals with people and hencedifference of opinion and areas of friction can arise. With an open mind and a smile on the face weshould be able to win the customers confidence. It shall be the responsibility of the Nodal Officerto ensure that internal machinery for handling complaints/grievancesoperates smoothly and efficiently at all levels. He shall give feed back on training needs of staff atvarious levels to the HR Dept. 62. Research ObjectiveThe primary objective of the research is Customer Service/Satisfaction of J&K Bank, otherobjectives of the research are: 1. To know the customer perception of service provided by J&K Bank. 2. To examine the banker customer relationship. 3. To identify the

customer grievances if any. 4. To seek the suggestion for improvement of service for customer satisfaction.Achievement of the major objective that would lead to accomplishment of this project was basedon minor objective which were systematically streamlined to yield the former objective. 63. Research MethodologyThe study is an exercise involving estimation of parameters as regard to organizationalrequirements. Research was designed so as to get the relevant information that can be used forvarious organizational purposes. The information is to be collected from the different sources ofdata. Sample size for the research was 200 customers. Data for research was collected through pre-structured questionnaire method. The research is exploratory in nature. Data collection: the data collection method used was none other than survey method which is usually incorporated for collection the raw information. The survey method is advantageous because it helps to collect a great deal of information about an individual respondent. Survey: The type of survey undertaken was that of sample type keeping in consideration the time constraint and paraphemalic, besides the viability of census survey, the sample survey thus being taken to the right path to reach the desired destination was carefully planed to convert of the operation by using selected samples. 64. Statistical Tool:The tool for obtaining the information was questionnaire. A structured questionnaire wasadministered. The questionnaire was designed in the view both major and minor objective ofstudy.Sampling: with the customer being unknown and given the time and resource constraintsrandom sample was obtained from different people.Sample size: The sample size was taken to be 200 in the cluster population of customeruniverse. 65. Age of customers dealing with J&K BankThe customers were divided into four categories on the basis of age. These categories were<25years, 25-40 years and lastly >60 years.The results were as follows:Customer group <25 = 17.5% 25-40 = 55.5% 40-60 = 24% >60 = 3% 3% 24% 17% <25 25-40 56% 40-60 >60The group having 25-40 constitute lightest radio i.e, 56%of the customer. 66. Monthly income of customerThe customer were also divided into four groups on the basis of their monthly income.These groups were<5000, 5000-10000, 10000-15000,>15000.The results were as follows:Customers groups <5000 = 8.5% 5000-10000 = 40.5% 10000-15000 = 36% >15000 = 15% percent 15% 9% <5000 5000-10000 36% 41% 10000-15000 >15000 67. Customers dealing with J&K BankTo ascertain the market share of J&K Bank, I approached 200 respondents and asked them withwhich bank they deal at present. The answer provided the following information. Dealing with J&K Bank = 93% Not dealing with J&K Bank = 7% percent 7% Dealing with J&K Bank 93% Not dealing with J&K BankThe above figure depicts that J&K Bank is the major player in the valley of Jammu & Kashmir. 68. Distribution of various customer servicesSaving Account holders = 42.7%Fixed Account holders = 6.6%Current Account holders = 27.79%Loan holders = 3.12%A.T.M/Debit card holders = 7.99%Credit Card holders = 5.9%Insurance Policies = 2.78%Cash Credit = 3.12% percent Saving Account holders Fixed Account holders 6% 3% 3% 8% Current Account holders 3% 43% Loan holders 28% A.T.M/Debit card holders Credit Card holders 6% Insurance Policies Cash CreditThe above figure shows that majority of customers are using saving account and current accountservices. 69. Satisfaction Level of customersTo know the percentage of satisfied and dissatisfied customer and the level of satisfaction anddissatisfaction among them. The responses were as follows:- 1. satisfied = 82.25% 2. Dissatisfied = 17.75% percent 18% satisfied 82% dissatisfiedObservation: The majority of the respondents are satisfied, but service delivery should be donecustomers friendly the remaining 17.75%.

70. Customers opinion about the cooperation and help by employees in giving information about services of the BankIn order to see customer about the cooperation and help of employees, I have consultedrespondents and their response were as following.Cooperative and helping = 73.65%Non cooperative & Rude = 26.35% percent 26% Cooperative and helping 74% Non cooperative & RudeThe above chart shows that majority of customer are satisfied with the cooperation and helpprovided by the employees of the J&K Bank. 71. Rating by customers for the BankTo find out how customers evaluate the Bank, I met respondents of the concerned areas. Thereresponses were as:Excellent = 13.98%Good = 52.69%Average = 24.73%Poor = 8.06%Very poor = 0.54% percent 0% Excellent 8% 14% 25% Good Average 53% Poor Very poorMany of the respondents were of the opinion that the services is good,13.98% views it as excellent,24.73% describes it average, while as 8.06% describes as poor and only 0.54% describes as verypoor. 72. Reasons for availing J&K Bank ServicesMore flexibility = 11.92%Simplistic Procedure = 37.30%More number of branches = 46.11%Easy access = 4.67% percent More flexibility 5% 12% Simplistic Procedure 46% 37% More number of branches Easy accessThe figure depicts that many of the respondents are availing J&K Bank Services because of morenumber of branches and simplistic procedure. 73. Customers feel that the following are bottlenecks in gathering the information of banking servicesIndifferences of bank officials = 34.22%Difficult access to bank officials = 16.45%Lack of proper advertisement = 49.33% percent Indifferences of bank officials 49% 34% Difficult access to bank 17% officials Lack of proper advertisementThe above data shows that majority of respondents is, e 49.33% feel that the bottlenecks ingathering the information of the Banking Services is because of lack of proper advertisement,34.22% felt it is because of indifference of bank officials and only 16.45% is because of difficultaccess to the bank officials. 74. According to customers the bank should choose the following media to inform the customersT.V = 40%Radio = 24.45%Print Media = 21.33%Through local branches = 8%Internet = 4.45%Any other = 1.77% percent T.V 8% 4% 2% Radio 40% 21% Print Media 25% Through local branches Internet Any otherThe above data shows that 40% customers prefers that the bank should choose T.V to inform thecustomers about the services, 24.45% prefer radio,21.33% prefer print media,8% prefer throughlocal branches, 4.45% prefer internet and 1.77% want any other media. 75. Limitations Faced While Doing this ResearchWhile doing this research I face certain problems which are mentioned as below:- 1. Respondents were not ready to answer my questionnaire due to fear of interfering into the internal bank matters. 2. Respondents that were complaining about services were not ready to give their identity. 3. Operational on part of sample units to respond properly to all the question of questionnaire. 4. Reluctance on part of sample units to respond properly to all the question of questionnaire. 5. Respondents were giving answer to the questions that were written on the questionnaire, but efforts were made to get more and more information about bank service from them. 76. ConclusionsIt is good to see that the J&K Bank has introduce giving all its major service to the customer andhas captured a marked share of around 93% in the town which is very high in spite of its toughcompetitors like SBI, State cooperative Bank etc. The J&K Bank has succeeded in satisfying itsmajority of customers, however there are some areas of Improvement, but the staff is trying all thecustomers.The J&K Bank should introduce a grievance cell for the redressal of customers complaints andstaff should be customer friendly. The J&K Bank should use a promotional mix prepared andpresented. There should be no delay in service and withdrawal of money should be available till4pm.

77. WeaknessesThe finding of this study reveals the following weaknesses of Jammu & Kashmir Bank. 1. Delay in servicing. 2. Sometimes loans were not given to suitable and eligible persons. 3. When an illiterate customer comes to bank. The banker doesnt pay any attention towards him. He is not said what he has to do, and how he can get the cheque cashed & how he has to deposit his deposits. 4. Some influential persons while coming to the bank to get their cheques cashed or to deposit some money in the bank dont remain in queue but instead go directly in the concerned officers. 78. SuggestionsIn the light of the findings of the study the following are made for improvement of the customerservice in J&K Bank. 1. Staff of the bank should be customer friendly. Moreover there should be a grievance cell at bank for the redressal of customer complains. 2. Staff should be increased at most of the branches. 3. There should be more number of receipt and payment counter so that the customers need not to wait for long time. 4 There should be no delay in servicing. 5 Money should be available after 4pm as well on working days. 6 Loans should be given after proper verification. 7 Promotional mix i.e. the best combination of advertising, personal selling, sales Promotion, electronic as well as print media should be prepared and presented to sell the different services at very important branch. 79. Questionnaire1. Name:2. Age: a. <25Yrs. b. 25-40Yrs. c. 40-60Yrs. d. >60Yrs.3. Occupation:4. Address:5. Monthly Income a. <5000 b. 5000-10,000 c. 10000-15000 d. >150006. Education a. Under Graduate b. Graduate c. Post Graduate d. Any other, please specify7. Do you have any account in J&K Bank? a. Yes b. No8. If yes which service? a. Saving Account. 80. b. Fixed Deposit Account. c. Various loan Accounts. d. Current Account. e. ATM/Debit cards. f. Credit Cards. g. Insurance Policies. h. Any other please specify9. If no please specify the reason. a. Accounts in any other Bank b. Poor service then the other Bank Banks c. Staff Not cooperative. d. Takes more time in settlement of transaction e. Inefficient management. f. Any other reason, Please Specify10. Are you satisfied with the service of the J&K Bank? a. Yes b. No11. If no, specify the reason12. Are the employees of J&K Bank cooperative and helpful in giving information about service of the Bank? 81. a. Yes b. No13. How do you rank J&K Bank service? a. Good. b. Excellent. c. Average. d. Poor. e. Very Poor.14. You choose the avail service of the Bank because of its: a. More Flexibility b. Simplistic Procedure. c. More number of branches. d. Any other reason please specify15. What do you feel are the bottlenecks in gathering the information of bankingservice? a. Indifference of Bank officials. b. Difficult access to bank officials. c. Lack of proper advertisement. e. All of these.16. Which media would you like the bank to choose to inform the customers? a. T.V b. Radio c. Print Media. d. Through Local branches. e. Internet. 82. f. Any other please specify17. Comment on the bank18. Any suggestion for improvement Thank you 83. Bibliography and ReferenceDuring the completion of this project work I have taken reference from various sources. They are mentioned as below: Annual report of Jammu & and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Magazines such as business India and Harvard Business Review (Dec.2005) News paper such as Economic Times, times of India and Greater Kashmir. Yearly Journals of Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd. Websites of J&K Bank www.j& www.j& 84. Various Management Books 1. Service Marketing By Zeithmal. 2. Marketing Management of Philip Kotler. 3. Marketing Research by Naresh Malhotra.

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