Systems Programming

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CMPE 230 Systems Programming 2011-2012-II

Contact ! Can Kavaklol e"osta#cankavakliogl $name$tr

What is Linux? What is Free Software / Open Source? What is Ubuntu? What can we do with all this?

W%at is &in '(

Linus Torvalds 25 u!ust "##" Linux $ernel

Linus Torvalds in front of $ernel 2%& poster '2((")

Kernel o) a com" ter(

User interface Shell $ernel *ardware User

&in ' Kerneli 2011

+ost of re,writin! Linux $ernel toda&%. billion TL 'old currenc- &%. billiard) "##" / "( ((( lines of code 2("" / "& ((( ((( lines of code " "((0 developers "5(0 co1panies


2ower of voluntar- wor3 4ichard Stall1an 5 Free Software Foundation Open Source Software 5 Open Source 6nitiative 72L Support of co1panies re8uirin! hi!h 8ualitsoftware

,ree So)t+are

Free Software idea was proposed b- 4ichard Stall1an in "#9: Stall1an sets up Free Software Foundation in "#95 FSF is still !uidin! and protectin! Free Software toda-

Some ,ree So)t+are

sourcefor!e%co1 /

2%. 1illion developers 2;(0 thousand pro<ects

Linux $ernel =o>illa? pache Wi3ipedia '=ediaWi3i) 2ost!res8l Openssl @etbeans

,ree So)t+are vs -"en So rce

2roposed b- Aruce 2erens and Bric S% 4a-1ond in"##9% +ontar- to 4% Stall1an? no philosophical e1phasis Fro1 practical point of view prett- 1uch the sa1e results usin! different ideas

.e)inition o) ,ree So)t+are

() The freedo1 to run the pro!ra1? for an- purpose ") The freedo1 to stud- how the pro!ra1 wor3s? and chan!e it so it does -our co1putin! as -ou wish 2) The freedo1 to redistribute copies so -ou can help -our nei!hbor :) The freedo1 to distribute copies of -our 1odified versions to others http///www%!nu%or!/philosoph-/free,sw%ht1l


6f one re,distributes a wor3 licenced under 72L? he can not use 1ore strict license ter1s than the ones defined in 72L 6f one re,distributes a wor3 licenced under 72L without satisf-in! the licence 'ie/ 3eep source code secret) he can be sued for violation of cop-ri!ht laws

W%at is /0 nt (

n frican philosophC6 a1 what 6 a1 because of who we all areD%

W%at is /0 nt &in '(

Linux distribution What is a Linux distribution? Bver-thin! other than the 3ernel/

$ernel confi!uration Aoot s-ste1 2ac3et 1ana!er software 2ac3et ad1inistration 7raphical user interface desi!n +o11unit- support

W%at is /0 nt &in '(

Eebian based distribution 6nitiated b- =ar3 Shuttleworth 'second space tourist) in 2((& @ew version is released ever- ; 1onths Ubuntu is not perfect in ter1s of freedo1

W%at can +e 1o +it% all t%is(

free operatin! s-ste1 allows us to use co1puter hardware satisfactoril


System 2oot

$ernel is loaded to the 1e1or$ernel boots up EistributionFs bootin! s-ste1 starts services

Install /0 nt

Eownload iso i1a!e fro1 ubuntu%co1 Girtual installation/ virtualbox / v1ware @ative installation/

=a3e sure -ou bac3up first Swap space

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