Eastern Catholic Church Re Uss

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Proclamations of the Office of the Metropolitan See

This letter was originally submitted to the Mindanao Gold Daly Star, the largest daily newspaper in the State of Mindanao, the Philippines. t was printed on the !"th March !##" $$$ %n &pen 'etter to their E(cellencies, %rchbishop %ntonio 'edesma, S.)., the *oman Catholic %rchbishop of Cagayan de &ro and +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C. of the -.atican/ Congregation for Christian 0nity. Date1 " March !##" To1 2is E(cellency, %rchbishop %ntonio 'edesma, S.). of Cagayan de &ro 2is E(cellency, +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C., Secretary -.atican/ Congregation of Christian 0nity The *e3. Monsignors, Priests, +rothers, Mon4s, 5uns, and the 'aity of the *oman Catholic %rchdiocese of Cagayan de &ro, the Philippines1 ,rom1 2is +eatitude, Metropolitan Dr. Mar Mi4hael of Edessa, &.S.). +y the grace of God, Primate -Chief 2ierarch/ The Eastern Catholic Metropolia -Chaldean6Syrian/, the Pro3ince of the %mericas and ,ar East To 2is E(cellency, %rchbishop 'edesma, we greet him1 7God grant you many years89 and to the Clergy and 'aity -our *oman Catholic brothers and sisters/, we e(tend our %postolic +lessings and our fraternal blessings. ntroduction1 Since our Synod of +ishops, our clergy, and we an our ecclesiastical :urisdiction of !." million souls ha3e been :udged, condemned without a trial, without being sent a copy of the 7infamous letters9 of ; &ctober !##< and the 05D%TED letter of Msgr. *ey Manual Monsantos, the .icar6General and Chancellor, issued at the command of %rchbishop 'edesma, S.).= the sole e3idence being the personal opinions -falsehoods/ of the ;th &ctober !##< letter of +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C. ,urther, we were not gi3en the opportunity to pro3ide any comments, nor our e3idence to counter act these libelous pronouncements, letters, and allegations. Therefore, we are forced to bring our case to the Courts of Public &pinion.

&ur Policy This :urisdiction with its Metropolitan and Primate for o3er >>? years ha3e ne3er sought 7official recognition9 from any *oman Catholic Pope, Cardinal, %rchbishop, or +ishop of any archdiocese or diocese. @e are Eastern Catholics and do not need *oman Catholic permission to e(ist and minister to the spiritual needs of ChristAs poor, sic4, needy, suffering and dying. @e are an historical and sacramental Church , a part of the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church of &ur 'ord and Sa3iour )esus Christ. @hat is e(communicationB The word actually and canonically means 7out of communion with.9 To be e(communicated by the *oman Catholic Pope -Church/ means you are no longer in communion with the Pope nor able to recei3e the sacraments or sacramentals of the *oman Catholic Church. E(communication D&ES 5&T ME%5 that you are no longer a member of the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church which is the Mystical +ody of Christ, with Christ as its head. The &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church is composed of the many branches of the historical and sacramental churches, e.g.1 The Eastern &rthodo( Churches composed of the *ussian &rthodo(, Gree4 &rthodo(, 04rainian &rthodo(, %ntiochian &rthodo(, Coptic &rthodo( Church and many other &rthodo( Churches, the Eastern Catholic Churches -Patriarchal/ e.g.1 the %ssyrian Churches of the East and the Chaldean6Syrian Churches, the Syrian &rthodo( Churches, and the *oman Catholic Church. 5& S 5G'E +*%5C2 of any of these churches can claim to be the &5'C &ne 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church in the world. @e all together comprise the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church founded by the same Twel3e 2oly %postles. E(communication D&ES 5&T ME%5 you cannot go to the Eastern &rthodo( or Eastern Catholic Churches to recei3e the 2oly Sacraments of &ur 'ord and Sa3iour )esus Christ. Cou can go to these churches, tal4 to the married -Duite often/ parish priest -E;6EFG of the clergy are married/, counsel with him %5D begin to recei3e the Sacraments once again. @hat is a canonical churchB ,irst of all, the issue of canonicity, is essentially, a 'atin *ite -*oman Catholic/ idea imported into Eastern &rthodo(y and Eastern Catholicism and is incompatible with its ecclesiological principle. %rchbishop Chrysostomos of the Gree4 &rthodo( Church has stated1 7There is no such thing, of course, as a HcanonicalA &rthodo( :urisdiction, despite the fact that this 4ind of terminology has crept into or ecclesiological 3ocabulary from the @est.9 ,ather %le(ander Schmemann, noted *ussian &rthodo( theologian and Seminary Professor, 7 f a formal a definition is reDuired, it would be1 Hcanonical is that which complies with the canons of the Church.9 To be canonical, then simply stated, the :urisdiction -church/ is reDuired1

I/ To be harmony with the ancient creeds of the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church and to be in compliance with the Canon 'aws of the church !/ to be in proper ecclesiastical relationship with the recognised leadership of the church.

This :urisdiction -church/ was made autocephalous -self go3erning/ in IE#! by the proper authorities of the Mother Church in ndia. Metropolitan Mar +asilius -consecrated on the !Jth )uly IFEE/ was the head of the Chaldean6Syrian Church, founded by St. Thomas the %postle in ;! %.D. 2ence, the Chaldean6Syrian Church in ndia was and is an %postolic Church ha3ing been founded by one of the Twel3e 2oly %postles. &ur %postolic Succession comes from the 2oly %postles Saints Peter, Thomas, and )ude Thaddeus. Metropolitan -Metran/ Mar +asilius consecrated Metropolitan Mar )acobus on the >#th 5o3ember IE#! as his Coad:utor with *ight of Succession. Metran Mar +asilius also issued a mandate to Metran Mar )acobus to establish the Chaldean6Syrian Church and Metropolia -%rchdiocese/ in Europe1 to start parishes, seminaries, etc. Metran Mar +asilius established this daughter church in Europe to be autocephalous -self6go3erning/. Metran Mar +asilius shared the 3ision of his predecessor Metropolitan Mar %bdisho -%bd6 shu/ -The Most *e3erend %nthony Thondanatta/ to bring the Chaldean6Syrian Church into Europe. Metran %bdisho had been consecrated by Patriarch Mar *uwil -*euben/ Shimun KK, the Catholicos6Patriarch of the Church of the East on the I"th December IF<!. %ll of this information was a3ailable to all parties in3ol3ed= this information is in the public domain in the boo4s published by 2is Grace, Metropolitan Dr. Mar %prem of ndia, from Mar 5arsai Press1 7The IE"! Special Edition of 7The .oice of the East9 -The Chaldean6Syrian Church of the East in ndiaAs official publication/ and the IE"" edition of the boo41 7The Chaldean6Syrian Church in ndia -see the Duotations in the footnotes of this letter. Metran Mar )acobus recei3ed the Canon 'aws of the Chaldean6Syrian Church of ndia -%ncient Synodus/ and established two ma:or centres of the Chaldean6Syrian Church in Europe1 the Swiss6German branch and the +ritish +ranch. The Swiss6German :urisdiction was under the Coad:utor Metropolitan -with the *ight of Succession/ Mar )ohann= Metran Mar )ohann consecrated Metran Dr. Mar Da3id in IE!! as a bishop and consecrated him as a Metropolitan in IE>J. Metran Dr. Mar Da3id of Edessa, &.2.S. was issued a Mandate by the Synod of +ishops and assigned to bring the Chaldean6 Syrian Church to 5orth and South %merica. Metran Dr. Mar Da3id brought the historic Canon 'aws of our Mother Church with him to the 0nited States in IE>J and we ha3e been operating under these historic Canon 'aws e3er since. 2ence, by definition -de facto/, we are a canonical, historic, sacramental and %postolic Church. These are the facts which clearly demonstrate that we do not need the appro3al or recognition of any *oman Catholic bishop, archbishop, cardinal, diocese, archdiocese, or Congregation. @e grant our priests and deacons their faculties to administer the 2oly Sacraments.

The *oman Catholic labelling another church as 7canonical9 or 7uncanonical9 is an old ecclesiastical -church/ head game of semantics, intended to create instant insecurity in the intended 3ictim. 0nli4e, +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C., we do not pretend1 to 4now personally e3ery single Eastern &rthodo( :urisdiction in the entire world, nor ma4e any rash :udgements upon them, without e(amining the documentation of their %postolic Succession -Tables/ and their mandates which e3ery &rthodo( Church operates under. 2ence, we would not presume to outright declare any :urisdiction as uncanonical. +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C. failed to document which &rthodo( churches he had contacted. 2e has utilised a 3ery wide brush of innuendos and belie3es that his personal title and the title of his office is enough to intimidate anyone who recei3es his arrogant pronouncements nor e(amine his statements further andLor demand legal proof for his innuendos and statements. @e do dare to demand the legal basis for his pronouncements. @e Duestion his sweeping pronouncements o3er our Synod of +ishops who care for !." million souls and demand he substantiate his 7pronouncements.9 There are not enough hours in a day to ha3e contacted %'' the &rthodo( Churches all o3er the world in all of the 3arious time Mones. @hy this all out attac4 on this disabled Metropolitan who needs ! 4nee braces, ! canes, and a bac4 brace in order to wal4 -due to beatings recei3ed in a Communist prison camp, resulting in < 4nee surgeries and II N hours of unsuccessful spinal surgery with ; wee4s of traction/, one chor6episcopa, ! priests, and J sub6deacons -a total of I#6I; married clergymen/B This is not the first persecution by *ome upon this historic church. n I;EE, the *oman Catholic Portuguese empire and Dominican and )esuit priests came to ndia 4illing our Chaldean +ishops, priests, mon4s, nuns, and laity, destroying our churches, seminaries, and libraries to dri3e our church into e(tinction. @ith the introduction of the nDuisition, the *oman Catholic Church became the new State *eligion in occupied ndia. +ut these *oman Catholics ne3er dealt with the po3erty of ndia= they preached on1 7+lessed are the poor in spirit9 -Mt. ;1>/666e3entually you shall see God. Cou ha3e to suffer a lot in this life to get a better place in hea3en, ha3e a lot of children because the *oman Catholic priests says so6to 4eep you poor666or it is a mortal sin to disobey the priest. There ha3e always been differences between *oman Catholic and Eastern Catholic theologies of marriage, family planning. %ccording to an old Eastern Catholic pro3erb, 7The bishop stays out of the bedroom666unless it is his own9. Celibate priests attempting to tell married people how to li3e their married li3es 3s. the married Eastern Catholic priests who ha3e children, 4now how to earn a li3ing in the *E%' @&*'D, pay bills= you come to counselling to a priest who has first hand 4nowledge of marriage for he is li3ing the Sacrament of 2oly Matrimony daily -an on6going Sacrament or 2oly Mystery -as do all Eastern &rthodo( priests/. @ith all of the graduates from all of the prestigious *oman Catholic uni3ersities and colleges, such as in the Department of ,inance666why is there such po3erty as well as corruption in the Philippines with all of these good practising *oman Catholics in the go3ernmentB

n our >>? years as a Metropolitan and Primate, there ne3er has been any need for us to contact the *omanian &rthodo( Church -! :urisdictions/, the &rthodo( Church in Georgia -*ussia/, the &rthodo( Church in ,inland, all > branches of the 04rainian Churches in the 04raine, etc. @e do not ha3e parishes in their countries6it is not part of our :urisdictional pro3ince. 'ogically, we do not 4now them nor do they 4now us. The definition of 7Catholic19 The word 7Catholic9 means uni3ersal6666not *oman Catholic e(clusi3ely. %ll the Eastern &rthodo( Churches carry the name of Catholic in their formal names1 The *ussian &rthodo( Gree4 Catholic Church of Moscow and all the *ussias, the Gree4 &rthodo( Catholic Churches, the 04rainian &rthodo( Catholic Church, etc. %fter the Great Schism of I#;J %.D., the Eastern Christians added the term 7&rthodo(9 which means 7right or true belief/ to their name, to identify themsel3es as maintaining the unchangeable historic faith, nothing added to or ta4en away from when the Church was united. @e all recite the 5icene Creed on Sundays together6the original 5icene Creed, un6tampered with by *ome. n the original 5icene Creed, it stated1 7The 2oly Spirit proceeds from the ,ather9 not the *oman inno3ation of the ,ilioDue 7the 2oly Spirit proceeds from the ,ather and the Son.9 n spite of the theological inno3ations by the *oman Catholic Church, all Eastern Christians of the &rthodo( and Eastern Catholic Churches are apart of the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church. @e are all Catholics together in Christ. 5o one church has the e(clusi3e hold on the title of 7Catholic.9 @e ha3e attended countless hierarchal -episcopal/ consecrations, enthronements, and funerals of our Eastern &rthodo(, Eastern Catholic, and *oman Catholic brethren. This Cagayan de &ro enthronement in3itation -escapade/1 we did not come to Cagayan de &ro to attend the enthronement of %rchbishop -%bp/ 'edesma, S.)., we were scheduled to lea3e on the !Eth May !##<. %t the reDuest of 2is Eminence, Gauden +. Cardinal *osales, the Cardinal6%rchbishop of Manila and the Primate of the Philippines, through his secretary, the *e3. ,ather *eginald *. Malic reDuested that we two primates could and should meet after the enthronement ceremonies in Cagayan de &ro. @e were grateful for 2is EminenceAs consideration of our physical disabilities that we did not ha3e to tra3el to Manila to meet with the Cardinal6Primate. +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C. purposely failed to state1 there were on6going dialogues between the 3arious branches of the Eastern &rthodo( Churches and with those &rthodo( Churches -Coptic &rthodo(, Syrian &rthodo( Churches/ and the Church of the East who were not in3ited to the >rd to the "th Ecumenical Councils -total of " Ecumenical Councils/ before the Great Schism of I#;J %.D. when *ome left the J other ma:or patriarchates. &ur church was not informed of the Council of Ephesus of >;J %.D. for nearly >##? years, since we were in the Persian Empire666not the *oman Empire. Today, these &rthodo( dialogues ha3e re6e(amined the erroneous labels of 7Monophysite9 and 75estorian9 gi3en to 3arious eastern churches and has publicly stated these labels were applied in error, due to semantics. n IEEJ, Pope )ohn Paul stated in his public decree of I! 5o3ember IEEJ that the Church of the EastAs theology was always &rthodo(, ne3er in error. % )oint Declaration on the Theology of the Church of the East and the *oman Church was orthodo( and that both churches would wor4 closer together for 0nity.

&3er3iew of the letters -documents/ of %rchbishop 'edesma and +ishop +rian ,arrell, '.C.1 @e are forced to 3iew these letters as the on6going persecution of us Eastern Catholics -Chaldean6Syrian/ and the Church of the East. The undated letter of Msgr. *ey Manuel Monsanto, ).C.D., the .icar General and Chancellor, at the personal direction of %bp. 'edesma, S.). was read throughout all of the *oman parishes of the Cagayan de &ro %rchdiocese beginning in late 5o3ember !##;. n our church history, we ha3e gi3en more martyrs to the 2oly ,aith then all of the *oman Catholic and Eastern &rthodo( Churches combined1 o3er <E million martyrs in Persia, ndia, China, +urma, Tibet, Oorea, and )apan. 'ong before the *oman Catholic missionaries came into these countries, the Chaldean missionaries had already been there. %ll the persecutions in %sia Minor from the I!th Century onwards were carried out by *oman Catholic Church through its missionaries. &3er <#G of the persecutions of our church ha3e been committed by *oman Catholics attempting to dri3e our church into e(tinction or forcing the remaining members to become *oman Catholics -in ndia, they created such *ites as the Malabar, Syro6 Malabar, Malan4arese and other 0niate *ites under *ome/, in order to control all the Christians in ndia. n the >>? years we ha3e e(ercised the office of a bishop and metropolitan6primate, there ha3e been numerous attac4s against our person and :urisdiction by the imperial and arrogant *oman Catholic clergy1 -a/ in the late IE"#s, it was because we were and are Charismatic -our :urisdiction entered into what is called the Charismatic *enewal in IEJ" under our first Metropolitan/. The %merican *oman Catholic clergy were ignorant of and afraid of the Charismatic Christians in their congregations63ery few priests and nuns were charismatic or in3ol3ed in the charismatic renewal. They feared what they did not 4now or understand. @hen Pope Paul . welcomed the Charismatics into St. PeterAs +asilica in *ome, the attac4s began to subside. Still the *oman clergy were afraid their charismatic *oman Catholics might lea3e them for our :urisdiction and our charismatic married priests. n reality they were afraid of loosing money6666where their people go, they ta4e their money -tithes and offerings/ with them. -b/ Then when the statistics came out concerning how many *oman Catholic priests had left the priesthood in order to marry6666we were attac4ed again, since we as do the Eastern &rthodo( Churches ha3e a married priesthood. The *oman Catholic hierarchy were afraid that we might organise all these former *oman Catholic priests into our church and sending them out as canonical priests with new priestly faculties. There fears were again unfounded. The arrogant *oman hierarchy chose not to ma4e inDuiries of our policies and protocols concerning former *oman Catholic priests to enter our church as laity and the reDuired Seminary retraining reDuired to apply for priestly office. 5ow our South %merican married priests are e(periencing a new persecution1 ha3ing their F of their young children martyred -4illed/ due to the instigation of the local *oman Clergy.

5ow in Cagayan de &ro, we witness e3en more egregious attac4s upon our person and our clergy, more than e3er before, of our missionary diocese to the Philippines. The dialogue between the then ,ather, now Chor6episcopa Elias and our office, we agreed to establish our :urisdiction within our designated boundaries of our %merican Pro3ince established in IE>J. @e warned our clergy that they would not be welcomed by the arrogant *oman Catholic hierarchy and clergy who would consider the presence of a married priesthood a direct threat to their 7celibate9 church leadership, in spite of their 3alid 2oly &rders, Sacraments, being charismatic and e3angelical. &n the I<th )anuary !##<, to +ishop-+p./ +rian ,arrell , '.C. and on Ist March !##< to the *oman Catholic %rchbishop -%postolic %dministrator/ of Cagayan de &ro the identical information pac4ets were sent to these hierarchs, by 3ia nternational Mail, with certified return receipt documentation reDuired. @e ha3e the red postcards and the signatures of their staff who signed for these informational pac4ets. These pac4ets contained documentation on our :urisdiction, our history pamphlet, our position papers on such topics as the ! Patriarchs in the Church of the East, our autocephalous status, etc. @e e(tended to these two hierarchs the normal courtesy to respond personally to their inDuiries for further information or clarification. @hene3er our :urisdiction enters a new State or territory, we send a letter of introduction to the *oman Catholic and Eastern &rthodo( chancery offices. @e did so in Cagayan de &ro as well as with the Cardinal6Primate of the Philippines in Manila. @e e3en sent a letter of congratulations to 2is Eminence, Cardinal *osales upon his admission to the College of Cardinals in *ome. n these 0nited States, we ha3e sent similar letters to the *oman Catholic +ishops. ,or e(ample1 &n !! May IE"F, we sent a letter to the *oman Catholic %rchdiocese of Den3er referencing our priest, ,ather Paul, Prince 3on 'ob4owitM, &.S.). the fonder of the 2ospice of St. )ohn in Den3er. This priest was a recognised leader in the early hospice mo3ement for the spiritual approach to death and dying 3s. the %merican medical model. - f you 4now your Church history, the Prince 2ouse of 3on 'ob4owitM, the Prince of +ohemia in modern day CMechoslo3a4ia, ga3e the nfant of Prague de3otion to the *oman Catholic Church. ,ather Edward T. Madden, the .icar of Priests for this %rchdiocese responded on "th )une IE"F. @hen numerous *oman Catholic priests were slandering ,ather Paul, on >#th March IEFI this same .icar of Priests sent a Chancery 5otice to o3er J## *oman Catholic priests of the %rchdiocese of Den3er that ,ather Paul was a canonical priest of this :urisdiction. &n !Jth ,ebruary IEF!, ,ather *ichard ,. Duncanson, S.T.D., the Co6chairman of the Commission for Ecumenical P nter6religious %ffairs of the *oman Catholic Diocese of San Diego -California/ than4ing us for our introduction of our new priest and parish in &ceanside, California. 2e met our charismatic married priest and offered his assistance to our priest. &n Jth &ctober IEF;, we introduced our priest of St. Eli:ah the Prophet parish to the %rchdiocese of @ashington, D.C. The *oman Catholic %rchbishop, later Cardinal6 %rchbishop, )ames % 2ic4ey personally sent us a 3ery cordial letter of appreciation and assistance. &ur correspondence with the Gree4 &rthodo( Church and +ishop of San ,rancisco began on I May IE"J and onwards. 2is Eminence, Metropolitan %nthony personally ga3e us his permission to ordain our second priest in 2onolulu in the Gree4 &rthodo( honourary Cathedral of Saints 2elen and Constantine. The ordination occurred

on the !>rd %pril IEE;. @hy is the arrogant +p. +rian ,arrell, '.C. in his palatial .atican office unaware of all of these e3entsB s he aware that we ha3e, as the Metropolitan, personally bailed out of :ail o3er I!I drun4en *oman Catholic priests from the drun4en tan4 -:ail/, because we belie3e priests should not be in a :ail cellB Supposedly, the mighty *oman Catholic %rchdiocese of Cagayan de &ro had to conduct a formal in3estigation on us and our :urisdiction, at the reDuest of %bp. 'edesma, S.). in order to in3ite us to his ># May !##; enthronement. %ll these details were included in our formal -cut and paste/ in3itation to his enthronement ceremonies and according to the E6mails we recei3ed, we were official appro3ed of.. &nce again, our purpose was to meet the Cardinal6Primate of the Philippines666not attend an installation ceremony. &ut of respect for the &ffice of a *oman Catholic %rchbishop, we accepted this outrageous and insulting in3itation we recei3ed and attended this installation ceremony in St. %ugustine Cathedral @e remember well %bp. 'edesmaAs parting words to us1 7@e shall loo4 forwarding to cooperating with you in the future.9 Some Co6operation8888 During this process from I March through I; May !##;, we had to educate the *oman Catholic chancellery staff on the Decrees of .atican for Separated +rethren, including why we could not concelebrate this installation Mass., per ,ather 'yndon C. 7+utch9 Qayan. @e must in all good conscience as4 why ha3e there been no similar attac4s upon the Protestant Clergy and Churches, whose churches grow by con3erting *oman CatholicsB @hy only we Eastern Catholics with the newest parishes in town -e3en though our church is ># years older than the Church of *ome, our church was founded in >; %.D. the Church of *ome was started sometime between <;6"I %.D/B @hy only usB &ur Sacraments are 3alid, our 2oly &rders are 3alid, we are e3angelical -preaching and sharing the 2oly Scriptures/ and charismatic as on the Day of Pentecost666e3erything the Early Church was, we are8 @hy these attac4sB The reason is simple1 we ha3e dared to accept into the ran4s of our clergy, men who were once trained in the *oman Catholic seminaries, recei3ed the M.%. degrees in Theology who left the seminary to get married6666they ne3er were priests, we retrained them. Men who disco3ered the truth about the other branches of the historic sacramental church, of the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church. %fter these ! letters were read in all the *oman churches in the %rchdiocese of Cagayan de &ro, our priests and deacons did not come on their hands and 4nees begging the *oman %bp. to be accepted bac4 into the *oman Church. n fact, in May !##< we had Ipriest, ! Deacons, J *eaders. &n !Jth of ,ebruary !##<, we now ha3e > priests, > Sub6 deacons and J *eaders, with more married candidates discerning their 3ocation -some of whom ne3er attended any Seminary/. Do these elitist *oman bishops not 4now that when you 7touch GodAs anointed and intend to do harm9 -Psalm I#;1I;/B Do they not 4now that &ur 'ord shall protect usB Do they not realise whate3er they do in the dar4 shall be e(posed by the 2oly Spirit in the light of day and that you cannot gossip or libel indi3iduals without their sordid affairs not be made 4nown to the innocent parties -their intended 3ictims/B

The mighty *oman %rchdiocese can not control these married as the *oman Chancery attempts to control, or attempts to control, their own *oman priests. ,rom their lofty palatial offices, mighty *ome and the *oman %rchdiocese now feel threatened and afraid of married sacramental historically 3alid priests. nstead the Philippines -it is common 4nowledge/ ha3e 7celibate9 priests preaching how to endure suffering in order to get into hea3en e3entually, li3ing is lu(ury compared to their people %5D after 2oly Mass is o3er, many of these priests shac4 up with their mistresses -honeys/ and some with illegitimate children. snAt about time to stop li3ing in open scandal and li3e an honest lifeB n a recent meeting with the Mayor of Cagayan de &ro, .icente C. Emano, on the !<th of ,ebruary !##", the Mayor stated1 7he was baptised *oman Catholic and he wished his *oman Catholic Church was not so hypocritical666the priests teach purity, leading a 3irtuous life and then after Mass, they go to their mistresses. 2a3ing a married priesthood is far better to reach the people.9 These two *oman letters are all based upon lies that come from only ! sources1 -%/ a boo4 by Dr. Gordon Melton who publicly apologised for his poor scholarship in confusing us with another bishop, utilising the same spelling as our name. 2is retraction has been published consistently in e3ery edition of his boo4 since IEFJ 7The Encyclopedia of %merican *eligions.9 %nd -+/ from a deposed e(communicated %ssyrian bishop, Dr. +awa Soro, formerly of the %ssyrian Church of the East. 2e was e(communicated for starting a Schism in his own church, illegally attempting to update the 2oly 'iturgy, and for accusing and condemning the public immorality of ! bishops in his own Synod of +ishops. This %ssyrian Church of the East gained recognition for their Schismatic Patriarch only from the .atican -the *oman Church/. This e(communicated bishop Duoted Dr. Melton GordonAs boo4666but ne3er Duoted the errata or apology of Dr. Melton Gordon. @e attempt, as 2oly Scripture commands1 7if at possible lea3e in peace with all men.9 -*om I!1IF/ @e attempted to communicate with their bishops and Metropolitan in IE"E, IEF#, and IEFI, while they were attempting to force us to surrender our autocephalous status and come under the rule of their schismatic patriarch. @e had offered to assist them with understanding and compassion, in how not to loose their %merican born parishioners, utilising an English 'iturgy. This same e(communicated %ssyrian +ishop led > of the ; ma:or campaigns to slander and libel us and our :urisdiction with two -!/ assaination attempts6666some bishop6667see how we Christians lo3e one another91 an e(communicated bishop who organises two assaination attempts of a metropolitan. The same scenario occurred to the *t. *e3. Msgr 5a:or of the Chaldean Catholic -0niate/ priest in Turloc4, California6a shotgun through the MonsignorAs bedroom window while he was sleeping. t failed but the Monsignor returned to ran Duite hastily. This e(communicated %ssyrian +ishop recei3ed his Master of %rtAs Degree in Theology -F years after his consecration as a bishop666most *oman Catholic seminarians recei3e the M.%. prior to ordination as a priest/ and his Doctorate in Sacred Theology from the %ngelicum in *ome. 2e is a sacred cow to the .atican. E3en after being e(communicated by his own -schismatic/ Patriarch Mar Din4ha . -who signed the Christology statement in IEEJ with Pope )ohn Paul and the )uly !##I open communion between the Chaldean Catholics and the Churches of the East worldwide 66with the personal prior appro3al of Pope )ohn Paul in )anuary !##I/, this

e(communicated bishop was formally recei3ed in the .atican by Pope +enedict K. , after attending the %ustrian *oman Catholic Dialogue group, held in *ome between *ome and the 3arious Syrian Churches. *ome really honoured the decree of e(communication from another Patriarch with whom they are in nter6communion with6666their 7Sister Church9666the only church *ome has formal nter6communion status in the entire world. t would ta4e an additional ! newspaper pages to describe all the particulars of these attac4s upon our person and :urisdiction by this e(communicated bishop sending his priests into our residence to threaten and attempt to intimate us, and ma4e 4now the future death threats. The original IE"E %merican priests who were sent to us to intimidate and threaten us are no longer members of their clergy. So are the clergy in3ol3ed in the IEEI, IEE> attac4s as well. n IEE;, the 7infallible .atican Curia were already courting this schismatic patriarch rather then deal with the historic and 3alid patriarch elected in IE<E. @hy did *ome choose the Schismatic Patriarch Mar Din4ha instead of the canonically elected Patriarch Mar %ddai of +aghdadB Patriarch Mar %ddai cannot be controlled by *ome= schismatic Patriarch Mar Din4ha is easily controlled by the *oman .atican, e3en to changing the historically 3alid 'iturgy of Mar Mari and Mar %dhai, which is the oldest 'iturgy -Mass/ formula in continual usages since I<E %.D. This deposed and e(communicated %ssyrian bishop who did the bidding of his schismatic patriarch still cannot accept the fact that our first Coad:utor Metropolitan with the *ight of Succession died in IE"E. 2e purposely chooses to confuse this deceased bishop with us, since he was gi3en the same religious name as ourself 7Mi4hael.9 &ur first coad:utor metropolitan was 4nown as 2is Eminence, Coad:utor Metropolitan Dr. Mar Mi4hael of Eritrea. This e(communicated bishop continues to cause confusion in the minds of others by stating our deceased bishop -IE"E/ and we are the same person. Does this %ssyrian bishop desire to con:ure up a dead bishop to fit his slanderous attac4sB @e ha3e ne3er heard of an ecclesiastical :urisdiction ha3ing a deceased bishop still running the church= ha3e youB &n the !"th )anuary !##", the seminary rector of the Cagayan de &ro ma:or seminary, if memory ser3es us correctly, stated to one of our priests that since we are not recognised by the schismatic Patriarch Mar Din4ha6we must be a self appointed archbishop. *eally, the Synod of +ishops elected us as the Coad:utor Metropolitan with the *ight of Succession on the !Jth )une IE"J and consecrated us on the ,east of the I! 2oly %postles on the >#th )une IE"J. @e assumed the &ffice of the Metropolitan on the !Eth December IE"J. &ur Synod of +ishops did not need to nor did it see4 *omeAs prior appro3al for our consecration. ,urther, the *oman Catholic rector that the *oman chancellery is loo4ing for our %postolic Succession. *eally, if you desire to re3iew our %postolic Tables -Succession/ then why not as4 us. @e usually tra3el with an official copy in our possession. %dditionally, the rector stated1 7 ts no good that the Eastern Catholic enter the Philippines without an Eastern Community6666according to the rector666 our presence can di3ide the church.

f there is a di3ision in the Church, the *oman bishops ha3e caused it by their libellous statement and falsehoods. The option of bringing these matters into the ci3ilLcriminal courts is still an option. +ut &ur 'ord will inter3ene for those who are persecuted for 2im, 2is 5ame. 5ow you 4now why in DanteAs 7 nferno,9 so many and 3ast numbers of *oman Popes, Cardinals, bishops and priests were seen going into the pits of hell. &ur priest responded to the *oman Seminary *ector, 7@hen the imperialistic Spaniards came into the Philippines in the I<th Century, was there a *oman Catholic community e(isting in the PhilippinesB9 @e would ha3e as4ed1 7@as there e3en one church or cathedral to welcome the SpaniardsB9 The seminary rector cannot accept that there wereLare historical and sacramental churches outside of *ome. The *oman Catholic Church 7claims9 o3er one billion members -based upon the +aptismal registries/ is intimidated by our new parishesB f the monolithic *oman Catholic %rchdiocese of Cagayan de &ro wanted to really disco3er the truth, in e3ery communiDuR we ha3e sent, we ha3e stated repeatedly, to please feel free to contact us for any clarification they might desire. &ur chancellery officeAs address, telephone and telefa( numbers as well as our E6 mail address is located at the bottom of our church stationary. @e would ha3e sent these hostile chancery priests additional information from our mother church in ndia, documenting our 3alidity which would ha3e answered all of their Duestions. nstead, one monsignor and two priests sent their spies into our parish, while the 2oly 'iturgy is being celebrated to disco3er who is attending our liturgies and threaten them with the effects of e(communication. &ur 'ord )esus Christ stated1 7% new commandment gi3e unto you that you lo3e one another, e3en as ha3e lo3ed you -)ohn I>1</S. f you lo3e Me you will 4eep My Commandments -)ohn I>1IJ1I;/S.'o3e your enemies, do good to them. -'u4e <1 !"6>;/ %re these letters by these arrogant *oman bishops doing good for the +ody of ChristB ,urthermore, in 2oly Scriptures, the %postles informed )esus that another person -other than the %postles/ were casting our demons and the %postles wanted )esus to stop him. nstead, )esus said, 7Do not stop them666if they are not against 0s, they are for 0s -Mar4 E1>F/S.in My ,atherAs 2ouse there are many mansions9 -)ohn IJ1!/ 5o where in 2oly Scriptures does it state1 %ll entry into hea3en is controlled by the *oman Catholic Church. 2owe3er, the *oman Catholic hierarchy act as though they control all access to GodAs grace and Sacraments. 2oly Scriptures teaches us1 7+y their fruits, ye shall 4now them9 -Mt. "1!#/. @hat do the actions of the delusional *oman chanceries belie3ing themsel3es to be 7%ll powerful9 telling us allBBB They ignore the teachings of Pope )ohn Paul concerning their separated Eastern Christian +rethren6the right lung and left lung paradigm and the Decrees of .atican Council on Separated +rethren. Since the close of .atican Council nearly J; years ago, Council , not one Eastern Christian -Eastern &rthodo( or Eastern Catholic/ Church as :oined *ome. Cou can claim one billion members from your baptismal registries666but how many teenagers, adults in their !#As, >#As and J#As etc. ha3e stopped going to their *oman Catholic ChurchLparishesB &nly I!G of the *oman Catholics in taly attend Sunday Mass6666but the other FFG are still 4ept on the parish roosters as 7acti3e members.9 @e usually ha3e F# to E#G turn out for our 2oly 'iturgy e3ery Sunday, world wide. @hy the differenceBBB

Dear Seminary *ector, you are attempting to put the 2oly Spirit in your little *oman Catholic bo( and you want to be able to gi3e orders to the 2oly Spirit @hom 2e can consecrate as a bishop or ordain to the 2oly Priesthood in the Eastern &rthodo( and Eastern Catholic Churches6666only those who are fa3ourable to *ome. The *oman soldiers could not 4eep )esus Christ in the tomb for o3er > days666what ma4es you thin4 you can control the 2oly SpiritB &b3iously, the *oman Clergy -hierarchy/ is :ealous and afraid of their own priests lea3ing the priesthood= in IEE", ;### ,ilipino priests left the *oman priesthood. %re they afraid of our married priesthood 3s. *oman priests who li3e in open sin and scandal, sha4ing up with their honeys, ma4ing illegitimate babiesB @e Eastern Catholics ha3e the 2oly Sacraments, are an historic church, are charismatic, and we are e3angelical= e3erything the early church was, we are today. )ealousy and now hatred because our Eastern Catholic priests ha3e not disappeared into the woodwor4, 4noc4ing at the *oman %rchbishopAs door -'edesma, S.)./ begging to be allowed to come bac4. Dream on. 5ow Duite suddenly, for the first time e3er, the *oman Chancery has called a conference for all their e(6seminarians and e(6priests666 suddenly the aloof chancery is worried about these menAs spiritual health, well being and loyalty to the *oman Church6666JJ? years after .atican Council . @hyB Cou ne3er cared for them before !##<. The mighty, all powerful, and arrogant *oman prelates in their palatial offices and residences want our priests to return to the rest of their 7P and P crowd 6the laity9 The P and P stand for Pray and Pay, 4eep silent otherwise, become dumb sheep who ha3e to rely on the *oman %bp. and clergy to tell you how to li3e your e3eryday li3es. They belie3e that they are far enough away from *ome to ignore Pope )ohn Paul As desire to reunite as eDuals with the Eastern Christian Churches. 'et us now e(amine more closely and carefully these ! infamous and libellous letters of the %rchbishop 'edesma and +ishop ,arrell. The history of these letters1 they were sent to all the *oman Catholic parishes, institutions, etc. concerning our :urisdiction and our person as the Metropolitan6Primate and our newest missionary -3icar/ diocese of the Philippines. The Chancellor of this %rchdiocese, Msgr. *ey Manuel Monsantos sent out an undated letter -which any a3erage canon lawyer would not ha3e made this mista4e of not dating such a legal document in order to stipulate when this document goes into effect666if e3er -B/ 6perhaps a lawyerAs tric4 or loop holeB n reality, this letter should ha3e been issued under the %bpAs seal and signature. Msgr Monsantos Duotes the ;th &ctober !##< letter of +p. +rian ,arrell of the Congregation for Christian 0nity. This letter also is filled with numerous errors1 since on the I<th )anuary !##<, at the reDuest of three *oman Cardinals who ha3e 4nown us for o3er !#? years, they desired us send information concerning our :urisdiction and our 3arious theological and canonical pronouncements to *ome to assist them and us cooperating together more fully. @e sent to +p. +rian, once again, the pac4et of information concerning our :urisdiction, the official position in regards to the ! patriarchs, the apology of Dr. Gordon Melton and other documents. This .atican politicianLbishop chose to ignore our documentation in fa3our of Duoting an e(communicated and defroc4ed %ssyrian bishop. 2is 2oliness, Patriarch Mar Eshai Shimun KK was the last hereditary patriarch of the %ssyrian Church of the East= the

office of patriarch had passed from uncle to nephew in the *oyal Shimun family for o3er ;##? years. %s the patriarch and the head of this royal family, there was no nephew to replace him as patriarch. Mar Shimun resigned as patriarch and married= he had three sons and was assassinated in IE"< by his wifeAs cousin in San )ose, California. This patriarchal resignation caused temporary confusion within the Church of the East lac4ing a hereditary patriarch. %n election was held in +aghdad and Metropolitan Mar Thoma Darmo, an %ssyrian, of the Chaldean6Syrian Church in ndia was elected, consecrated, and enthroned as the new Patriarch in IE<F. n IE<E, Patriarch Mar Thoma died. 2is successor was elected, Patriarch Mar %ddai . &ur first Metropolitan 4new Metropolitan Mar Darmo and sent to him a communiDuR that the Chaldean6Syrian Church within the 0nited State would remember him in our 2oy 'iturgies as our Titular Patriarch. Patriarch Mar Thoma sent a letter of appreciation to Metran Mar Da3id. @hen Patriarch Mar %ddai was elected, Metran Mar Da3id again sent a letter of support to the new patriarch. n IE";, after the assassination of Mar Eshai Shimun, Metran Mar Din4ha of Tehran created a schism by holding an election in England and ha3ing himself elected as the Patriarch. The raDi go3ernment recognised both Patriarchs to cause further confusion. Patriarch Mar %ddai is for the 2oly Traditions of the Church and for the &ld Church Calendar= schismatic Mar Din4ha . is for the new @estern Calendar and was successful in splitting all of the %merican churches -with their monies and properties/ off from Patriarch Mar %ddai. @e continue to recognise Mar %ddai as our titular patriarch, since the precedent was established by Metran Dr. Mar Da3id of Edessa, &.2.S., of blessed memory. Since we are autocephalous -self6go3erning/, we sent funds to the Patriarch to assist in the rebuilding of the destroyed churches after the Gulf @ar and the current war in raDi and ha3e tried to maintain communication with his office through the most difficult of circumstances. The Patriarch is now 3isiting the 0nited States and when we return, he has reDuested we 3isit with him. @e informed our titular patriarch in IE"< that is was our desire to cooperate with him, not manipulate recognition from him. 2e is out titular -in name only/ patriarch. @ith this beginning sal3o attac4 from the lofty %rchiepiscopal Palace in Cagayan de &ro and from the palatial .atican &fficeL%partments in *ome, we wonder what shall be the ne(t steps in this *oman Soap &pera. Cour E(cellency allowed your priests to send spies into our 2oly 'iturgies, had a Msgr and ! priests attempt to intimidate those attending by threatening the effects of e(communication, -in direct 3iolation of Decrees of .atican that allow *oman Catholic laity to come to the Separated Eastern +rethren churches and attend ser3ices in order to become better informed about the other branches of the &ne 2oly, Catholic and %postolic Church. The *oman Catholic laity can come, e3en out of curiosity. &nly a bishop or %rchbishop can begin the process of e(communication6not priests. @ith close .atican scrutiny and prior6appro3al. n the 0nited States, J of the ; recent e(communications attempts by the aloof *oman bishops ha3e been o3erturned by the .atican. @hat ne(t, E(cellencyB9

@e are not going away= we are here to stay8 God wills it. &nce again, we ha3e ne3er sought your recognition or appro3al for our actions. @e do not need it for our e(istence. People always fear what they do not understand and are afraid to as4 Duestions for fear they might appear ignorant. @e are always a3ailable to respond to inDuiries. @e were e3en in3ited by +rother Edgar of the *oman Chancery staff in the name of ,ather +utch to attend your pre6installation dinner with the Cardinal Primate of the Philippines in attendance as well. @e sat directly opposite both the Cardinal *osales and %rchbishop 'edesma. %t the post6installation luncheon in the %rchbishopAs palace, we met with the Cardinal6Primate *osales and presented him with a consecrated con. See the pictures. @hat nowB &ur policy is always based upon 2oly Scriptures to forgi3e666but to be wise and on guard to protect the +ody of Christ. Do we need .aticanAs or this %rchbishopAs appro3al to e(istB 5o8 Do we need their appro3al to minister to the needs of the peopleB 5o8 Do we need their recognitionB Most definitely 5&. @e ha3e been in the episcopate for o3er >>? years. @e grant our priests and deacons their faculties to function in their offices6not these arrogant *oman bishops. Since they do not desire to act li4e +rothers in Christ, then we shall obey the command of the 'ord )esus Christ and sha4e the dust off of our shoes and continue on. They ha3e chosen to act li4e heathen6not us. @here do these gross errors and libellous accusations come fromB ,rom the e(communicated and deposed %ssyrian +ishop +awai Soro, who was the bishop6general secretary of the Mar Din4haAs schismatic churchAs nter6church *elations and Educational De3elopment Commission. , later the bishop of San )ose -California. 2e was the principle bishop who interacted with *ome and the Communist Patriarch of Moscow, and other Syrian )acobite churches. 0nfortunately for this e(communicated bishop, he began to belie3e he was more important than his own patriarch -a serious delusion for a church diplomat/. 2e attempted to modernise the %ssyrian 'iturgy without patriarchal appro3al and began to e(pose in public the immorality of his brother bishops. Schismatic Patriarch Mar Din4ha e(communicated and deposed him in 5o3ember !##;= in spite of his e(communication, he did not go away, but continued to carry on in his self delusions and self aggrandisement by attending meetings with .atican bishops in early !##< and is now attempting to start his own :urisdiction. So much for the respect towards another patriarch in honouring his e(communications6he e3en had an audience with the new Pope. 2e personally led the slander and libellous campaigns against us and our :urisdiction in the IEF#s and in IEE;. n the later IEF#s we reduced our e(posure to the *oman bishops within the 0nited States and concentrated on our e3er e(panding missionary and 3icar6dioceses in 'atin and South %merica. @e conducted international ecclesiastical relations with the Eastern &rthodo( and *oman bishops in these countries. t would appear, if +ishop ,arrell, '.C., in his lofty .atican &ffices and apartments, has listened only to second hand gossip from this e(communicated %ssyrian +ishop who misused Dr. Gordon MeltonAs original erroneous wor4 and ne3er Duoted the professorAs errata and apology. &b3iously, he has no other hierarch to Duote to in order to e(pound his personal opinions upon a Metran and a :urisdiction he has ne3er met.

'et us now re3iew the %rchbishopAs appro3ed letter1 I/ paragraph I is a brief history statement concerning our accepting and attending his in3itation to his installation666is true. @e originally communicated with the %rchbishop Emeritus, not 4nowing he had submitted his resignation= we sent the identical information to the %rchbishop6elect. !/ paragraph !1 @e attended this installation after recei3ing a 7formal9 in3itation from the *e3. 'yndon G. 7+utch9 Qayas, the Chairman of the &3er6all Committee on the installation of the %rchbishop elect. @e pre3iously had ne3er recei3ed a formal in3itation which consisted of cut and pasting parts of our stationary and parts of our communiDuRs , which was telefa(ed to us on the IIth May !##<. @e did not reDuest this in3itation6only the time frames after the ceremonies so we could meet with the Cardinal Primate *osales at the CardinalAs reDuest. @e were attended by our newly ordained Chor6episcopa Elias which is traditional for any Metropolitan. >/ Paragraph >1 facts are the *oman clergy concerning their own %bp.

J/ Paragraph J1 the details under this sentence are erroneous1 @e had sent per the reDuest of three *oman Cardinals who reside in *ome, who desired that we should become apart of the *oman Catholic church structure -Eastern *ites/. @e contacted this 3ery same +p. ,arrell, '.C. in )anuary and sent an identical pac4et to the *oman %rchbishop of Cagayan de &ro in March !##<. 3ia registered international mail= we ha3e the signed international return receipt postcards that these pac4ets were formally recei3ed. @e pro3ided this arrogant bishop with our position papers on 3arious topics, including why we support Patriarch Mar %ddai666not Mar Din4ha. 2a3ing ! patriarchs is similar to the *oman Church ha3ing > Popes at the same time, se3eral times in their medie3al history. @e seriously doubt that this .atican +p. telephoned e3ery single &rthodo( :urisdiction in the entire world. ;/ The remaining paragraphs demonstrated through the falsehood presented that the %bp. is afraid of loosing people to our local churches, that there is indeed and organisation of e(6seminarians and e(6*oman priests, most of our clergy already ha3e their M.%. degrees in Theology, these former *oman Seminarians 4now where all the *oman clergy s4eletons are hidden and that he fears the e(6*oman priests might be coming to us to reacti3ate their priestly ministries666many of the e(6priests were Duite popular among the laity and perhaps their former parishioners might follow after them.. 2ence, in their palatial arrogance, they are trying to undermine our credibility and hope to pre3ent an e(odus from their church to our parishes6666a re3olt of belie3ers. &b3iously there is no concern for the souls of their laity= these *oman priests 4now1 where the people go, they ta4e their money -donations/ with them. They fear our married priests, the Eastern Christian 3iew of marriage, family planning, and our desire to ha3e all of our parishioners grow spiritually, mentally, financially666all according to historic biblical principles, our married priests who can identify with the laity6they are wor4ing priests,

paying bills, raising their children, etc. :ust li4e them. @here3er our missionaries go, they bring education and medicine with them -South %merica/ &ur married priests do not ha3e 7office hours9 as do *oman priests, %fter the 2oly 'iturgy, our priests go home to their wi3es and children6not pretending to be chaste and pure, leading a celibate life while they shac4 up with their honeys, or on the golf course with societyAs elite. </ Paragraph <, the Msgr. Monsantos calls us 7phoney clerics9666this is clear cut legal slander and libel, for which he, the %rchbishop, and the %rchdiocese are sub:ect to ci3ilLcriminal secular courts. The %bp. Could ha3e independently 3erified the information recei3ed, by contacting us666which he ne3er did. "/ Paragraph "1 it is not upto a mere Monsignor, .icar6General, or Chancellor to interpret -mis6interpret/ the Decrees of .atican Council concerning Separated +rethren of the historical sacramental churches. F/ Paragraph F= 2ow much arrogance can one chancellery official ha3e6to forbid e3eryone in Cagayan de &ro from 3isiting our parishesBBBB Does he belie3e that all ,ilipinos are not dumb sheep and naT3e that they would blindly obey this palatial 7fiatB9 %re the ,ilipino laity supposed to be so dumb sheep who cannot read, thin4, or act for themsel3esB @e ha3e had to deal with these irrational *oman fears for o3er >>? years as a Metran. Most peopleAs irrational fears ne3er come true. f these palatial ecclesiastical bureaucrats would ha3e made inDuiry, they would be surprised at our answers and our policy concerning e(6*oman priests. 0nfortunately most arrogant *oman bishops are glorified bureaucrats6entrenched in their system to maintain the status Duo6not meeting the needs of ChristAs poor, sic4, needy and dying. @e are recognised as canonical. @e 4now of I# &rthodo( :urisdictions who want nothing to do with *ome= they still consider the *oman Church in Schism since brea4ing the 0nity of the Church in I#;J %.D.666the Great Schism. They also ha3e declared the *oman sacraments are without grace. n +ishop ,arrellAs letter1 I/ Paragraph !1 his staff signed for our I< )anuary !#< pac4et. %bp. 'edesma was in *ome the end of )une666it too4 this .atican bureaucrat all of ,ebruary to September666 does eight months really eDual 7for many yearsB9 @e can only presume that this o3erly imperial bishop has so impressed himself of his own self worth and abilities which now has blinded his :udgements. 2is self aggrandisement of his ego allows him to o3er loo4 the truth to the detriment of his own soul. The @ords of Saint Paul are :udgement for bishops, priests, and the laity1 7@ho are you to :udge another manAs ser3antB9 -*om IJ1J/ The @ords of )esus1 7@hat so e3er you do to the least of the brethren, ye do it unto Me89 Mt. !;1J#6J;/ !/ %ll he Duotes are the ramblings and gossip of an e(communicated and deposed %ssyrian bishop. @hy did not this .atican bishop Duote the retractions of Professor Dr. Gordon Melton which he had in his own hands -we sent it to him/B ,urther, this palatial

bureaucrat ne3er reDuested a copy of our %postolic Tables of succession -from the 2oly %postles1 Peter, Thomas, and )ude Thaddeus. >/ Paragraph J1 @e ha3e ne3er published any letter we recei3e from any *oman Catholic Cardinal, %rchbishop, or +ishop6666if we were to do so, we would as4 for their permission to do so6666standard operating procedures for the historical and sacramental churches. J/ Paragraph ;. Then this +p. attempts to associate us -guilt by innuendo/ with the other independent &ld Catholic churches who split from *ome o3er Papal nfallibility -.atican Council /. &nce again, it has been and is our policy that we do not see4 recognition for our ministry or :urisdiction. @e 4now who we are and the 3alidity documented by our Mother Church in ndia, in their official publications which are in the public domain. %ccording to our sources in *ome, this bishop is 4nown to be Duite pompous and li4e any curia member 7would not spea4 the truth for fear of getting caught89 %s a member of the 'egionaries of Christ, he is supposed to place the '.C. after his name to designate his religious order or congregation to which he belongs to. @hy did this +p. fail to do soB s his order not supposed to be 7super spiritual, super *oman to uphold the Papacy as well as be super traditionalist, pro6'atin Mass, etc. &r is it now an embarrassment that a politically acti3e member of the Curia, see4ing promotion -%rchbishop or Cardinal/ that the founder of his order, ,r. Marcial Maciel Degollado had his public faculties remo3ed by the Pope +enedict K. on numerous and serious allegations of decades of pedophiliaB @hat is the truth these self righteous bureaucrats failed to obtain and pro3ide you with in order for you to ma4e your own decisions or failed to inform you of the information which we pro3ided, or is in the realm of the public domainB The 7.oice of the East9 is the official publication of the Chaldean6Syrian Church of the East -the 2oly %postolic6Catholic Church of the East -Chaldean6Syrian/, the original church founded by Saint Thomas the %postle and is apart of the Churches of the East. 2is Grace, Metropolitan Dr. Mar %prem of ndia printed a Special Edition in IE"! of the 7.oice of the East.9 n this magaMine, the Metran documented the 3alidity of the %postolic Succession of Metran Mar )acobus line -or branch of the Mother Church/ who was sent into Europe by Metropolitan Mar +asilius -consecrated the Metropolitan by Metran Mar %bdisho -Thondanatt/ as his successor. n IFEE. Metran Mar +asilius -Soares/ as the successor to Metran Mar %bdisho consecrated Metran Mar )acobus on the >#th 5o3ember IE#!. 0pon his being sent into Europe and England and the death of Metran Mar +asilius, Metran Mar )acobus attempted to go3ern the Church in ndia from England, in IE#<. %ll during this time the *oman Catholics were attempting to ta4e o3er all the local Chaldean6Syrian Churches and property, since there was no resident Metran in ndia.

This IE"! special edition also documents the ordinations and consecrations performed by Metran Mar )acobus to 7e(tend the influence of the Chaldean6Syrian Church of Trichur.9 t further lists his %postolic Succession. 2is +eatitude, Mar Shimun K. *euben, the Patriarch and Catholicos of the Church of the East documented that Metran Mar %bdisho %ntonio -Thondanatt/ was consecrated a Metropolitan on the I" December IF<! in the Church of Mar Saba, 0pper Tiari, Ourdistan, for the Chaldean6Syrian. Church in ndia. Metran Mar %bdisho consecrated Metran Mar +asilius on the !Jth )uly IFEE in the Chaldean6Syrian Cathedral, Trichur, Cochin, ndia. Metran Mar +asilius consecrated Metran Mar )acobus on >#th 5o3ember IE#! in the Church of the Epiphany, Pallithanam, Madina District, South ndia. Metran Mar )acobus is listed as the successor to Metran Mar +asilius. n his boo4, The Chaldean6Syrian Church in ndia by Metran Dr. Mar %prem published in IE"" by Mar 5arsai Press in Trichur, the Metran documents the 2istory of the Church of the East6Chaldean6Syrian before the *oman Catholic Portuguese occupation of ndia. The Metran documents the founding of the Church by St. Thomas the %postle in ;! %.D. n Chapter . , The Transition and *estoration IFF!6IE#F, Metran Dr. Mar %prem documents the reign of Metran Mar %bdisho, and how on his way to ndia he was continually harassed by the *oman Catholics. The Chaldean Catholic -0niate/ bishop when he saw the Metran666too4 off his own pectoral cross and ga3e it to Metran Mar %bdisho. %gain, on page I!", Metran Dr. Mar %prem documents the MetropolitanAs desire to consecrate a bishop for outside Malabar and ndia to 7e(tend the influence of the Chaldean6Syrian Church in Trichur to regions beyond Cochin into the entire world. Metran Mar %bdisho was too old to underta4e such a missionary wor4. 2e consecrated Metran Mar +asilius 6the first nati3e ndian to be consecrated in Trichur or anywhere in ndia in the Church of the East. &n page IJ#, Metran Dr. Mar %prem documents that Metran Mar +asilius was consecrated by Metran Mar %bdisho a Metran in IFEE. Metran Mar +asilius consecrated Metran Mar )acobus to create a new line or branch666a daughter church of ndia to go into the @est. &n " May IEIJ, Patriarch Mar +en:amin Shimun KK had his letter printed in the &(ford Times documenting the 3alidity of the consecration of Metropolitan Mar %bdisho by his late uncle, Patriarch Mar *uwil -*euban/ Shimun KK the Catholicos6Patriarch of the Churches of the East. Metran Mar %bdisho was granted full powers and authority as a Metropolitan. The same original letter was sent to Metropolitan Mar )acobus in England to confirm and 3alidate the historic episcopate with the %postolic Succession possessed by Metran Mar )acobus from the consecration of Metran Mar %bdisho of ndia. Metropolitan Mar )acobus consecrated as his Coad:utor Metropolitan with the right of Succession Metran Mar )ohann of SwitMerland. Metran Mar )ohann consecrated Metran Mar Da3id in IE>J to bring the Chaldean6Syrian Church to the 0nited States and issued the territories to be included in this new Pro3ince. Photocopies of these te(tboo4s would ha3e been made a3ailable to )esuit %bp. 'edesma and Msgr. Monsantos and 'egionnaire of Christ +p. ,arrell upon a simple reDuest.

Metran Dr. Mar %prem also documents in the 7.oice of the East9 with pictures, the 5o3ember IEFF formal reception of 2is 2oliness, Patriarch Mar %ddai by Pope )ohn Paul and again in the May6)une edition IEEI, 2is 2oliness, Patriarch Mar %ddai was recei3ed again by Pope )ohn Paul in the .atican along with the Chaldean Catholic -0nite/ Patriarch Mar *aphael +idawrd. n the !>rd of May IEF>, in the May6)une edition, Metran Dr. Mar +asilius was also recei3e by Pope )ohn Paul in the .atican. t would appear as though the imperial arrogance of the .atican desires to still be HOing Ma4ers9 as they were in the medie3al ages has now turned into 7Patriarch Ma4ers.9 This authority was ne3er gi3en by the undi3ided Church to any Patriarch or Pope. n the IJth %pril IE"E personal letter to us, Metran Dr. Mar %prem e(plained the dual patriarchs and why he is supporting Patriarch Mar %ddai Metan Dr. Mar %prem was forced to switch patriarchs in IEE;1 due to not being able any longer to pay o3er one million 0s dollars in legal fees to fight for his own churches and properties in the law suits brought against him by Patriarch Mar Din4ha. 2e was forced to surrender his autocephalous status as well. See how we Christians lo3e one another. The .atican curia ob3iously found it easier to deal with a schismatic Patriarch who li3es in lu(ury in the 0nited States then to deal the historic Patriarch who resides in war torn +aghdad. Summary1 @e truly feel great pity towards the )esuit %bp. of Cagayan de &ro and this 'egionnaire of Christ +p. who resides also in lu(ury in the .atican. )esus said, H,ather, forgi3e them, for they 4now not what they do.9 -'u4e !>1>J/ n attac4ing us and this :urisdiction, they demonstrate to the entire world1 they ha3e no self respect, nor honour towards themsel3es or other Christians. They wanted to play their usual arrogant condensing disrupti3e and di3isi3e church politics from their lofty palatial residences and offices6666to pro3e they ha3e 7power.9 @hat they tried to hide in secret has been re3ealed by the 2oly Spirit. Their hidden agenda against Christian 0nity which the 'ord 2imself prayed for during the last day of 2is life. These bishops hold a sham approach to Christian 0nity, e3en though they conduct their annual Prayer @ee4 for Christian 0nity, e3ery )anuary. They lac4 a real desire for Christian 0nity than the 7man in the moon.9 They could care less for all the souls our priests can reach, heal, and restore bac4 to the 2oly Sacraments to become members of the &ne, 2oly, Catholic, and %postolic Church, the Mystical +ody of Christ. They readily condemn !." million souls of our :urisdiction in > continents without a blin4 of an eye. @hat an obno(ious arrogance666they ha3e forgotten why they were called to the 2oly Priesthood, if they e3er were. More importantly, this shows what a few good married priests can do.

They are now fighting against the 2oly Spirit and blaspheming against the 2oly Spirit. There are crac4s in their monolithic facades= their walls show signs of crumbling. They ha3e had too much power for far too long, 4eeping their lay members down, utilising fear, guilt, and shame. They ha3e gi3en us first hand e3idence of how they shall treat the smaller branches of the Eastern &rthodo( Churches. %ll we ha3e to do is send photocopies of their now infamous letters and our response to all the :urisdictions. They ha3e set bac4 Ecumenism another J#6;# years. Do they careB Probably not. They li3e in their palaces and palatial *oman apartments rent free, all their meals paid for, their laundry being done for them, their beds changed by maids, etc. %5D belie3e their own lies about how spiritual they are and how they are doing the 7'ordAs @or4.9 Cet we remember well that in the Philippines, the people rose up against a dictator6president and toppled his go3ernment. This could happen again to those bishops and priests who forgot how to be simple God fearing and God belie3ing Christians. n this information age, you can only 4eep the members of your dioceses ignorant for a 3ery short period of time. These churchmen lac4 the guts to be open and honest666only deceitful , as most bullies tend to act. &therwise, they would ha3e ta4en the time to contact us and recei3e further documentation. @e go daily among the people, to rich to raise funds for our hospices, homes for the discarded new born % DS infants, to wal4ing the streets, e3en in Cagayan de &ro in our cassoc4 where the poorest of the poor li3e and ha3e congregated. God is not moc4ed -Gal <1"/ what an %bp. or +p. sow, so shall they reap, now and in their eternal li3es. Scriptures apply eDually to the clergy as well as to the laity. )esus said1 @hate3er ye do to the least of the brethren, ye ha3e done it unto Me. -Mt. !;1J#6J;/ Their callousness is beyond belief1 they sit in the palaces ma4ing their own :udgements on the souls of other8 They 3iew our married priests and this Metropolitan as a threat. @e all shall continue to do the *E%' wor4 of the 'ord. 2ow can this old disabled bishop be a threat or our married priests be a threat for caring for the disenfranchised souls in needB May God ha3e mercy upon them8 $$$This was the original letter submitted for publications. 0nfortunately, one of our 0nder6deacon -Sub6deacon/ chose to modify our formal letter adding his own inflammatory references to the *oman Clergy as well as added paragraphs @ T2&0T &0* P* &* O5&@'EDGE or PE*M SS &5.

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